Creating a New World

From my little bit of knowledge of history and monarchies, I can only see ponerological ruling classes. Just look at the Egyption, French and the British kings for example.

Also I think there is a romanticism of Native Americans where people think that they had peaceful and spiritual lives. Maybe a very few bands of "the people" did, but for the most part they did have wars with each other and at times wiped complete bands of people out. The Iroquois of New York State had a kinda mafia way to their processes. Join our group, pay us for protection or we kill you. But if you did belong to their confederate, and payed up, there was peace to be had. In north eastern Ohio, a band of people called The Cat People, was massacred by another group. And then there was the Pawnee, who were scouts for the American army and flushed out other tribes. Before that they were marauders.

I don't know anything about the aboriginal tribes of the South Pacific, but my thinking is that there were warrior nations as well. Liking councils and the whole council process the best with constant voting in of members of this council to prevent power struggles and the like.

I think this is a very important point. There were no perfect people, or perfect society. So this whole idea/ideal must be somewhat built from scratch..or maybe remembered in some way.
I do think that hunter and gatherer people were somewhat more resistant to ponerization and psychopathy which may explain why it was necessary to exterminate then wherever they were found. So that might bear careful consideration as to why. Was it genetic? Was it cultural? Was it environmental constraints? These things are so intertwined it is very difficult to tease apart.

One group that might be worth examining is the !Kung, who at first contact were dubbed 'The Gentle People'. But it is impossible to make blanket statements about hunter and gatherer or tribal cultures. Each is very unique to it's own time and circumstances and all are flawed.
I imagined all members had to be awake and aligned to the STO principle. But to get there, I don't know how to handle those aligned toward entropy.

An STO world is almost impossible to comprehend because of our limited way of thinking. But can you imagine a world where everyone is capable of truly SEEING? Where would that leave individuals prone to entropy? There would be no darkness for them to manipulate others, and with society's increased compassion, they may be looked upon and cared for as if mentally deficient, away from the possibility of negative influencies, and directed towards needed activities within their capabilities to aid the society.
I just finished reading the book "Codependency The Dance of Wounded Souls" By Robert Burner. He says that the best way to create a better world, world peace is to "Heal your inner child" I believe this rings true. It is very hard to know what others need in order to better themselves. To try and interfere with someone's path when they don't ask for change or help is STS. The best way to create a new world is to focus on YOU. Figure out your own programing and how to break free or mitigate it. I believe focusing on yourself is one of the many ways to create a new world.
This makes me wonder, if there were a way to encourage all to heal their wounded child, what would the effect be on those who are aligned with entropy? Depending on how far one is along the line of entropy to creativity, how many of those close to the entropic extreme would move toward the creative side and become less STS, more STO?

I must admit I haven't read through the entire 34 pages of posts for this thread, so what I add may have been mentioned by others. I've been a little nervous about writing down something too simplistic, or even stupid, because I find this a very difficult subject to address, especially now that I am more aware of just how screwed up our society really is. The number of areas that need to be "cleansed" of STS control and/or influence is, well, pretty much everything, isn't it? So where to begin? After giving it a lot of thought, I think I would start in two specific areas.

The first is education. The entire process of education should be based on the idea of teaching people to think. One of the most important things I learned from reading Laura's books is the fact that our society teaches us to do quite the opposite. We are taught what to think, feel, accept and above all, what is possible and impossible. Thinking outside the box should be something people are taught to value, not ridicule. Our children need to be taught to think for themselves, and not to be afraid of having a different opinion or point of view from others, even their parents. They need to be taught the value of open mindedness and discernment. I believe that if that could be achieved it would facilitate changes in many other areas.

The second is the media. Laws need to be reinstated that prevent the possibility of any single entity from (for example) owning more than one major news source. Journalism must remain free of political control and agendas. The people have a right to know what is going on in the world, and journalists have a right to tell them, without being afraid of losing their jobs. No one should have the power to deny these rights.

Imagine people being able to open their newspaper in the morning and read the facts reported as accurately as possible. And the people reading them having been brought up and taught to interpret them in a discerning way. The effects would be far reaching, in my opinion.
A social collective conscious of themselves can generate changes in the world and not a president as the voice of the world. The world monetary system is created to keep the world in chaos. The money are only Dijit, ve can live without money, We must live without money. Because this world is moving for the money, without money we can do nothing. To remove the money would have to have a full awareness of natural resources to exploit. There is too much consumerism and the private services create inequality. Why pay the world we are born? the world is one, we do not have to live with borders. possession of lands, continents, a country.

Taking back the family values, to existential equality, respect for the life.
But to create those values, what would be the way of society? How to create a world without worrying about leaving the sidelines?

A conscious being, can not be manipulated. As conscious beings not have to worry about removing evil from the world because creating more laws, lead to create a special force to keep the people away from those bad things. In trying to keep them out, can created chaos and the division begins, pleasure, possession.

Those who have the desición, must be "Council of Masters" no doubt in the beginning, but these "Masters" should be "one" with the world, not "one" with only between "Masters".

Just as beings of high level of consciousness, we may could form a "all"

How to interact with STS without rejecting the creation? Under extreme vigilance and be careful of a rebellion, but this time we create the contract with letters veeeery smaller. jaja XD
Hi Alma.Innovadora,

Create a contract with letters veeeery smaller - ah, the extra, extra fine print, eh? LOL

Interesting post. I do wonder though, how we can get rid of money. People have to be rewarded for their contributions in a way that is commensurate to the level of effort or energy they invested. Money is merely a symbolic system that represents one's effort, although its value has been corrupted.

Did you envision a better way to compensate one's effort?

I didn't read this entire topic, but did a quick search for the word 'venus', this didn't come up: The Venus Project.

If you haven't heard of this, I think it relates well with the topic at hand:


The project is headed by Jacque Fresco.

The Venus Project presents a bold, new direction for humanity that entails nothing less than the total redesign of our culture. There are many people today who are concerned with the serious problems that face our modern society: unemployment, violent crime, replacement of humans by technology, over-population and a decline in the Earth's ecosystems.

As you will see, The Venus Project is dedicated to confronting all of these problems by actively engaging in the research, development, and application of workable solutions. Through the use of innovative approaches to social awareness, educational incentives, and the consistent application of the best that science and technology can offer directly to the social system, The Venus Project offers a comprehensive plan for social reclamation in which human beings, technology, and nature will be able to coexist in a long-term, sustainable state of dynamic equilibrium.
XPreNN said:
I didn't read this entire topic, but did a quick search for the word 'venus', this didn't come up: The Venus Project.

If you haven't heard of this, I think it relates well with the topic at hand:

The project is headed by Jacque Fresco.

The Venus Project presents a bold, new direction for humanity that entails nothing less than the total redesign of our culture. There are many people today who are concerned with the serious problems that face our modern society: unemployment, violent crime, replacement of humans by technology, over-population and a decline in the Earth's ecosystems.

As you will see, The Venus Project is dedicated to confronting all of these problems by actively engaging in the research, development, and application of workable solutions. Through the use of innovative approaches to social awareness, educational incentives, and the consistent application of the best that science and technology can offer directly to the social system, The Venus Project offers a comprehensive plan for social reclamation in which human beings, technology, and nature will be able to coexist in a long-term, sustainable state of dynamic equilibrium.

Hi XPreNN, you can find some discussions and opinions about Zeitgeist and Venus project here
un chien anadolu said:
XPreNN said:
I didn't read this entire topic, but did a quick search for the word 'venus', this didn't come up: The Venus Project.

If you haven't heard of this, I think it relates well with the topic at hand:

The project is headed by Jacque Fresco.

The Venus Project presents a bold, new direction for humanity that entails nothing less than the total redesign of our culture. There are many people today who are concerned with the serious problems that face our modern society: unemployment, violent crime, replacement of humans by technology, over-population and a decline in the Earth's ecosystems.

As you will see, The Venus Project is dedicated to confronting all of these problems by actively engaging in the research, development, and application of workable solutions. Through the use of innovative approaches to social awareness, educational incentives, and the consistent application of the best that science and technology can offer directly to the social system, The Venus Project offers a comprehensive plan for social reclamation in which human beings, technology, and nature will be able to coexist in a long-term, sustainable state of dynamic equilibrium.

Hi XPreNN, you can find some discussions and opinions about Zeitgeist and Venus project here

The topic or board you are looking for appears to be either missing or off limits to you.

I'm not able to access that area it seems...
Hi Alma.Innovadora,

From some of your posts, it appears that you don't quite have a clear understanding of the material in regards to the Wave series and Adventures with Cassiopaea. Many of your questions may be answered if you were to read through it. I would also like to encourage you to check out the diet and health section of the forum if you haven't already.
truth seeker said:
Hi Alma.Innovadora,

From some of your posts, it appears that you don't quite have a clear understanding of the material in regards to the Wave series and Adventures with Cassiopaea. Many of your questions may be answered if you were to read through it. I would also like to encourage you to check out the diet and health section of the forum if you haven't already.

Yes, I am taking 5HTP and Melatonin, slowly, I have been controlling fear and regain my normal schedule, i have very lucid dreams, I am well aware of the dream, and every time I wake up.

Maybe i forget some things about the Wave, i not have finished to read and others books.

I think should show a list of what I eat in home. Is not very wide, but not bad, we are "careful". Ofcourse we have no knowledge about those products that we believe are beneficial, and are the most harmful and i have the UltraSimple BASIC DIET but I have not bought anything by "domestic obstacles".

And my mother just says, "I can not eat this, I can not eat anything, all go die to something. Sometimes we care so much and kills us something more absurd. Many procupación for nothing, all die equally. I'll give me my taste, at least in what I like to eat, not enough that one not be a bad person? so many bad people out there and nothing ever happens to them, but i go to sleep and i die by swallowing my own saliva, PLEASE MY GOD!". :rotfl:

Really Thank you.
Gonzo said:
Hi Alma.Innovadora,

Create a contract with letters veeeery smaller - ah, the extra, extra fine print, eh? LOL

Interesting post. I do wonder though, how we can get rid of money. People have to be rewarded for their contributions in a way that is commensurate to the level of effort or energy they invested. Money is merely a symbolic system that represents one's effort, although its value has been corrupted.

Did you envision a better way to compensate one's effort?


I wish I could express myself better.

I not have an extensive language to discuss politics or economic movement. But I can see some faults and present possible solutions (Easily, classified to disbelief) just think, I have faith that everything can have a balance.

First is foremost a psychological attack, to give more importance to money. The money is no effort, is dependence. Represents life and death, you have money you can live, if not you have money you die. the "social status" has become an "level of important human".

I will think one way, I have faith that there is another way to do. I'm thinking in based on natural resources exploited, there are many natural resources that are exploited only by consumerism, for monetary benefit and not for reward. Some people do not know that all your furniture, carpets, dishes, etc. That same building or home, are resources extracted from nature. The aesthetics of a product is first, that the need to buying.

Is how companies with a major product. A few days ago I went to buy pure cocoa and the person tells me "this chocolate is the same as this, but of different brands" and i delay minutes thinking, searching for a word, company, location, country, state to identify which one was better. Different names, the same cocoa. Cocoa was not the same? well... why thinking so much? I wanted the best.

Sometimes are extracted the best minerals to create a better product and eliminate competition, more sales more capital inflows. May have jobs without competition? they create the same product for domestic consumption.

Is more the technological advancement destructive that the constructive for humanity (even in the medicine) Created to destroy. Eliminate the free energy to create a nuclear bomb wow! and today there is an energy crisis.

Each country creates its currency, is just a paper with numbers, symbolizing a value. The dollar and euro, is practically are universal coins right?
Creating a world currency, Not would create chaos and every country, every person could survive in life and would not have inflation problems. An underdeveloped country should raise the cost domestic consumption to buy merchandise a developed country, this creates inflation and creates problems in the society. A world currency could balance things.

Ofcourse requires a thorough study, but not is impossible. If you study the bases that have been corrupted, it would be a good start to create new bases and more solid.

If they created the money to create chaos or corrupted their use correct, we can create something to generate equilibrium or create the same money (something similar, much better) and give the proper use for which it was created before be corrupt, as was the true function of the church and so many things that have been corrupted. The other work, is the corrupted mentality of the people.

Those living in the lie, believe live the truth, the bases of lies is more lies. this circle of "life".

What can not be created and fixed with consciousness?

Work to prevent manipulation STS is still the concern of perspective 3D, we are working here, for that too. But if it solidifies A balance in which to coexist in quality and total education? sounds good, not is only for "protection".
Alma.Innovadora said:
I think should show a list of what I eat in home. Is not very wide, but not bad, we are "careful". Ofcourse we have no knowledge about those products that we believe are beneficial, and are the most harmful and i have the UltraSimple BASIC DIET but I have not bought anything by "domestic obstacles".

And my mother just says, "I can not eat this, I can not eat anything, all go die to something. Sometimes we care so much and kills us something more absurd. Many procupación for nothing, all die equally. I'll give me my taste, at least in what I like to eat, not enough that one not be a bad person? so many bad people out there and nothing ever happens to them, but i go to sleep and i die by swallowing my own saliva, PLEASE MY GOD!". :rotfl:

Really Thank you.

Hmmm... it sounds like your mother is not very supportive to the idea of diet changes because we are all going to die from something eventually. Well, my mother was like that. She too was thinking that i was too much preoccupied with what i am eating and thought it was pointless. But i continued buying my foods and eating only what i knew was healthy for me, and you know what? Slowly slowly, she started eating like i did and stopped bothering me. I guess she saw that eating healthier made me feel and look better, and to tell you the truth, what i cooked was so very delicious that she couldn't resist my healthy cuisine :lol:

I don't know your situation, but are you able to buy your own foods? Or is your mother making most of the shopping? Do you cook? Perhaps you can surprise her with some tasty healthy foods once in a while? She might like it if somebody else cooks in the house for a change, if she is the one responsible for it all the time.

Like i said, i don't know your situation, so i don't know if what i suggest can be applied in your house, there are just suggestions, for what they are worth.
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