Creating a New World

Sorry if I made this hard for you guys. I do struggle with all this new technology - not getting any younger! I notice that the young generation handle it with ease.
Thanks for your tips, I'll have a go and see if I can make it work.
I'm so used to using cut and paste..
Liv:I always said that if I was rich the first thing I would do is putting warming centers in cold regions and a low maintenance garden in as many spots as I could for homeless or less fortunate people. I would also start a fund for those to pay their high heating bill in the winter. I think that's one place to start.

I would also start a program for high functioning disabled children to learn how to live on their own.
MusicMan said:
Sorry if I made this hard for you guys. I do struggle with all this new technology - not getting any younger!

You did not make it hard at all, don't worry.
I, too, struggled with the quotes at first. :)
awesome topic everyone. I think the biggest thing i would suggest would be equality and education. but i guess you can't have one with out the other :)
Mrs. Tigersoap said:
Hi Musicman,

If you wish to quote someone, here is one of the procedures:

1. Click on the text bubble/balloon icon just above the smiley with sunglasses.
2. You will get two 'quote' tags between square parentheses:
3. Insert the text you want to quote between these two 'quote' signs:
4. Name the person you quoted by adding "=" followed by the name of the person
5. Click on 'Preview' (next to the 'Post' button) to see what your quote looks like.
6. Click 'Post' as usual.

Hope this helps! :)

Hey, it works!
Mind you, I had to take out all of the references within the quotation to 'quote', to make it work.
Thank you, Mrs T.
Vulcan59 said:
The first big thing that comes to mind to me is to make sure essential psychopaths are identified as early as possible and are prevented from seeking or gaining positions of power or influence. :cool2:
Psychopaths have proved, someone has signed a complaint against Laura and teams.
What remains, what does the law say?
I apologize if this has already been discussed. I used the search for this thread and didn't find much on it but also didn't have time to read this entire thread.

The idea I wish to propose is anarchy.

This word, anarchy, has been tainted with thoughts of violence and chaos for generations but simply means "without rulers". The idea that external controls and governments are needed for human freedom is contradictory to what freedom truly is. If you accept that no being has the moral right to rule another, then how can a group of individuals claim this right? The answer to a New World does not lie in creating new laws, new governments or new institutions. These are all just more means of control, and control (of others) is the antithesis of what freedom truly is. What is needed is responsibility of the self. Mastery of the individual spirit.

I realize this is not a very popular point of view today, but if you truly examine the state we are are, the state of this reality, and what the true essence of humanity is -- it makes a lot of sense. I admit that currently it would be impossible, if not disastrous, to dissolve all of the ruling classes. There needs to be a shift in consciousness and a true understanding of what morality is before individuals will take responsibility for themselves. With true understanding of morality and an acceptance of personal responsibility there would be no need for rulers. I am not convinced this can be done without suffering as suffering is part of being human, but minimizing that suffering is the goal.

I hope I didn't ramble too much there. It is hard topic to be concise with.
I personally think that in order for a 'new' world to emerge the 'old' world will need to be reconfigured.

This would mean that there would need to be an event which forces the surviving population to change their way of thinking.

This event would be a crisis, war, environmental disaster, new alien race being publicized, technology etc.

I think we can only work on ourselves on a personal level and transcend the loving energy outwards. That would be the new world and everything would come from that.
mk1154 said:
The answer to a New World does not lie in creating new laws, new governments or new institutions. These are all just more means of control, and control (of others) is the antithesis of what freedom truly is. What is needed is responsibility of the self. Mastery of the individual spirit.

I understand where you are coming from mk1154, yet if we are talking about all of humanity, we do need to remember that a large segment of the population does need some kind of authority to look up to and follow. What if not all of us are able to be responsible for ourselves and achieve self-mastery based on an inner morality? And what about those of us who have the possibility, yet our values have been "tainted" by living in a pathological world?

I don't have the answers obviously, but I think that these two articles present an objective picture of the reality of our society at this point in time, that needs to be taken into account:

Moral Endo-skeletons and Exo-skeletons: A Perspective on America's Cultural Divide and Current Crisis

Global Pathocracy, Authoritarian Followers and the Hope of the World
An event to publicise Cassiopaeans worldwide, which would encompass all the things we hold dear.

A day to memorialise Caesar's death.
We could purify ourselves with a cold shower.
We could celebrate with a Feast of bone broth and fat 'bombes'.
We could chant the Prayer of the Soul.
We could spin. 33 times.
We could give thanks that we are part of Caesar's Soul Group.

All people could be invited to celebrate having a soul.

I suggest March 15th, The Ides of March.
I'm guessing the psychopaths won't like it one bit.

Any more suggestions?
Alana said:
I understand where you are coming from mk1154, yet if we are talking about all of humanity, we do need to remember that a large segment of the population does need some kind of authority to look up to and follow. What if not all of us are able to be responsible for ourselves and achieve self-mastery based on an inner morality? And what about those of us who have the possibility, yet our values have been "tainted" by living in a pathological world?

I don't have the answers obviously, but I think that these two articles present an objective picture of the reality of our society at this point in time, that needs to be taken into account:

Moral Endo-skeletons and Exo-skeletons: A Perspective on America's Cultural Divide and Current Crisis

Global Pathocracy, Authoritarian Followers and the Hope of the World

Does a large segment of the population need some kind of authority or some kind of leader? They are very different things. An authority claims the right to rule another via the threat of violence whereas a leader does not require this. They lead, but only those who wish to be lead.

For those that do NOT take responsibility for themselves and so require some kind of authority be forced upon them; I do wonder if this is helping them or hurting them. The abdication of responsibility from one person to another can easily create the expectation and dependence on that act. They don't learn any valuable lesson that way. They might be safe and well fed, but they have not learned what they would have learned had they had the choice before them. Before I say anything else I will read the articles you posted -- thanks for the links, they look really interesting.
I'm afraid that word "authority" has negative connotations in modern world. If we replace it with something else, it would make more sense in this context. I think that what communities really need is just well defined, developed and maintained comprehension of "respect" towards older, more experienced or just better educated members of the community. When people know and understand they place within a group, and at the same time "trust" those above them (above in relation to what "respect" would naturally draw on an abstract canvas of such hierarchy), then "authority" becomes redundant.

What you speak of are natural leaders and those who have wisdom to help others. I believe these people and social structures arise quite naturally and do not require any laws to institute them.


I did get a chance to read those articles and I had some more thoughts.

Regarding endo-exo skeletons as a way of looking at morality. The author suggests that the "exo" types look to an external authority to guide their morality and without this chaos would ensue. This is a very old idea -- that without controllers the essence of humanity is chaos and destruction, that without laws and controls on our behaviour we would be in the streets killing each other. I disagree with this. In fact I think that it is possible that the very belief in authority may further the darker tendencies of humanity. This is also suggested in the article by noting that by depending on someone else to determine what is moral and what is not it can create a "wolf" in society that encourages participation in immoral behaviour.

It is unfortunate that the word "anarchy" was used in its typical negative connotation throughout, but the text itself is advocating for some very anarchistic things.

I'm not sure that the author is even advocating for external authority. In the closing section he mentions what is needed is a rebuilding of morality. I agree with this: an internal morality calibration. And isn't an authority (as we are discussing it here) a violation of free will? Whether WE think someone needs it or not (an exo), do we have any right to force compliance to any rule or law?

I agree we can't rip off the band aid. The current state of consciousness would not even allow it to happen that way, but we do need to move away from this idea that some have the right to rule others.

The 2nd article about global pathocracy and authoritarian followers. I agree with almost everything there, except the suggested solution -- which seems to be more rulers like Putin. Even if we were able to somehow select only the "right" rulers to be in office, the structure will still be in place for the next psychopath to come along in the next cycle. Yes, one solution to this is to spread the word about psychopathy and detection methods for those types of people. Another is simply the absolution of the belief in authority. If psychopathic individuals had no pathway to rise up the position of controlling others, they could not inflict anywhere near the amount of death and destruction that they are able to now. In my mind both approaches are needed.
mk1154, have you ever wondered why there are not very many anarchists out there, but there are a whole lot of people who go out to vote every term? And why most folk would probably be opposed to choosing anarchy but instead choose CNN news, reality TV and their doctor's vaccination prescriptions?
Alana said:
mk1154, have you ever wondered why there are not very many anarchists out there, but there are a whole lot of people who go out to vote every term? And why most folk would probably be opposed to choosing anarchy but instead choose CNN news, reality TV and their doctor's vaccination prescriptions?

Often! My best guess is mass mind control which programs an overwhelming desire to transfer responsibility off of oneself. Of course, the adoption of a belief by a large number of people does not make it true (or right). What are your thoughts?
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