Crystal Requests!

I could be wrong, but somewhere I read that it was not advisable to publish the prayers, so I suggested to Lyndi Lama to send them to her mail when she decides. I could have read something that was from another thread, anyway, I hope in this one there are no inconveniences and all is well.
I did not know this! Is this in fact accurate?.... Imagine, we live in a world where we have to be careful about posting PRAYERS. :scared:
I did not know this! Is this in fact accurate?.... Imagine, we live in a world where we have to be careful about posting PRAYERS. :scared:
It definitely is that kind of world, nidO, to my observation. I've found that any entry point can be used by 'them' to attempt a corruption. I wasn't going to go into details as they're related only to my unverified dowsing in this case, but my crystals more than a year ago became negative. I was alarmed, felt I was probably way off, but I put them away in a Faraday box for some months. I may have put them under running water. I debated what to do and not trusting myself, not knowing how I could tell someone in real life about this, I left it, other than sending a kind of 'visual message' to Chu. The Crystals, when I checked some time later, were reoriented, repaired. That was many months ago and they were stronger than ever.

Then I couldn't find the booklet. I did my best with the song and with intent and my visual memory of the texts. Now I really want to use the readings again accurately.

I feel the Crystals all in a ring around me all the time now, which I didn't sense before.

I do agree the prayers as Mrs. Peel sent them so kindly ! 'should' be deleted. Abundance of caution, protection, and all that.

With crystals if they become dark my understanding use running water over them, with ordinary crystals; that's been my little bit of experience with crystals. These are not ordinary Crystals, given the connection, the work to chose them, charge them, send them wrapped in silk with little notes.

I wasn't sure even now if sharing this experience with you here would be helpful or useful or even based on right understanding, but I decided it might be. FWIW.
About year ago my water chrystal dissapeared.
Usually, if it wasn't in water sometimes it remained in my bedroom on little cupboard with other chrystals righ after prayer/reading.
But that's it. I never carried it anywhere else because it's pretty small, to prevent loosing it.
A year I turned over all kitchen and bedroom, thought it must fell of cupboard, behind or in bed but it was nowhere to find.
Few days ago my doughter accidentaly found it in her double pillow case. So the chrystal somehow went upstairs in her room and I have no idea how it end up in her pillow.
I never wash our bed clothing together so it could transfer itself in washing machine during proces
and always check at the end if it's empty.
Really don't see any other possible way how it end up upstairs.
It is water chrystal 100%. All others are where they should be and in order.
Should I leave it be with her ? I must be crazy but, could the chrystal change it's mind where it want's to be and why..?
:huh: :-D Tnx !
It definitely is that kind of world, nidO, to my observation. I've found that any entry point can be used by 'them' to attempt a corruption. I wasn't going to go into details as they're related only to my unverified dowsing in this case, but my crystals more than a year ago became negative. I was alarmed, felt I was probably way off, but I put them away in a Faraday box for some months. I may have put them under running water. I debated what to do and not trusting myself, not knowing how I could tell someone in real life about this, I left it, other than sending a kind of 'visual message' to Chu. The Crystals, when I checked some time later, were reoriented, repaired. That was many months ago and they were stronger than ever.

Then I couldn't find the booklet. I did my best with the song and with intent and my visual memory of the texts. Now I really want to use the readings again accurately.

I feel the Crystals all in a ring around me all the time now, which I didn't sense before.

I do agree the prayers as Mrs. Peel sent them so kindly ! 'should' be deleted. Abundance of caution, protection, and all that.

With crystals if they become dark my understanding use running water over them, with ordinary crystals; that's been my little bit of experience with crystals. These are not ordinary Crystals, given the connection, the work to chose them, charge them, send them wrapped in silk with little notes.

I wasn't sure even now if sharing this experience with you here would be helpful or useful or even based on right understanding, but I decided it might be. FWIW.
Actually, sharing your experience at this moment with me is very timely and helpful! I've been experiencing this attempt by "them or something" to corrupt and disrupt my life in the most bizarre ways. I am also seeing visions of light every once in a while when awake in the middle of the night that are wonderful to "see", but I do not understand what I'm "seeing". I am not the type of person who should have these experiences, or so I thought! It is my Crystals and Prayers that keep me very much grounded and aware through all of this. I definitely do not understand my/our Crystals the way you and many in the forum do. But I love them wholeheartedly nonetheless. I too, just like you (but in my own way), feel my Crystals around me.

Whichever part of you that thought about sharing with me today, I feel, was spot on! Thank you. I will keep in mind your post, experiences, and solutions about corrupted Crystals (even if, for now, I can barely grasp the concepts). :love:
About year ago my water chrystal dissapeared.
Usually, if it wasn't in water sometimes it remained in my bedroom on little cupboard with other chrystals righ after prayer/reading.
But that's it. I never carried it anywhere else because it's pretty small, to prevent loosing it.
A year I turned over all kitchen and bedroom, thought it must fell of cupboard, behind or in bed but it was nowhere to find.
Few days ago my doughter accidentaly found it in her double pillow case. So the chrystal somehow went upstairs in her room and I have no idea how it end up in her pillow.
I never wash our bed clothing together so it could transfer itself in washing machine during proces
and always check at the end if it's empty.
Really don't see any other possible way how it end up upstairs.
It is water chrystal 100%. All others are where they should be and in order.
Should I leave it be with her ? I must be crazy but, could the chrystal change it's mind where it want's to be and why..?
:huh: :-D Tnx !
I've wondered something similar Maya, do they have properties that they can teleport somewhere!

At the moment all but my necklace crystal, the water and house crystal I left at a friend's place by mistake. If anybody needed support, this friend who is grieving the death of a young son is that person. She is a longish drive away but I'm going to go get them back but in the meantime, I imagine they are of help in her environment. It still feels like they are around me, all of them, and I sing and read (esp now that I have the text!) to them wherever they are.

My sense, if I am not too bold to pass this on, is that the water crystal belongs with you now, it was found, but maybe it was supporting your daughter. That may all be too fanciful but it is what I think at this point. Materialistic concepts only go so far, not that far, really, to consider the topics under consideration here. There are probably ways of verifying this theory but I don't know what they are. And maybe unconsciously we know somebody could use our presence in some way and the crystal assists so we manoever our conscious minds to act on this feeling. Just a thought.
but my crystals more than a year ago became negative.
How do you know this? I was unaware they "became" anything other than what they are except if you do something to discharge them like leaving them in moonlight, or have the intent to reprogram them.

The Crystals, when I checked some time later, were reoriented, repaired
How do you know this also? Did one break and did it fuse itself back together?
How do you know this? I was unaware they "became" anything other than what they are except if you do something to discharge them like leaving them in moonlight, or have the intent to reprogram them.

How do you know this also? Did one break and did it fuse itself back together?
I used dowsing to check the Crystals. It was an energetic change when I checked the Crystals as an intuition suggested that I check them and also an energetic change when they were what I called 'repaired'. I could have been wrong, or it could have been me who was energetically affected.

In terms of the Crystals, this was a whole new experience, to check something as complex and alive as the Crystals are. I don't think I checked anything quite like that before. In hindsight it does makes sense that the corruption of frequencies would be possible for the hyperdimensionals and the Crystals would be a great target. At the time I lacked the courage to contact anyone directly about it. I drafted posts in my mind and it seemed hopeless. I prayed and as I said, asked that Chu would take note. I also thought that with the people administering the program it couldn't go long without being noticed if it was real .... I don't get that I 'should have' contacted someone at the time but I don't feel good about not doing so.

I hope that answers your questions, Mrs. Peel. I've edited out quite a few paragraphs I typed in here that were just describing how I did the dowsing per se, but came to my senses and tried to just answer your questions. 😁
I used dowsing to check the Crystals. It was an energetic change when I checked the Crystals as an intuition suggested that I check them and also an energetic change when they were what I called 'repaired'. I could have been wrong, or it could have been me who was energetically affected.
Why did you feel they needed to be checked at all? Did you doubt something about them? I've never felt the need to question my crystals, it was enough that they were selected specifically for me and charged by the Chateau.

Just curious.:-)
Why did I feel the need to check them? I hadn't felt the need since I got them. I was so excited. I'd realized 'hey, I need to get these crystals' after not feeling drawn for the first year or so after I came to the Forum and books. To check, I must have felt something was amiss with them but I don't remember what. I think I just had the feeling I should check them. I remember some kind of prompt, intuitive or sensory. It came out of the blue, in any case. A problem with the Crystals was last thing I expected and it shocked me as I said. And scared me.

I had a different experience but maybe a parallel to the Crystals problem earlier after I joined the Forum. It was with joining an E.E. online group for one session in the early days. I had such intense physical/emotional attacks during and after that practice that I backed off for months. I do now go back to the online E.E. program and I bought the C.D. It occurs to me now that the change in the Crystals could have been similar. I'm stronger now and know more what to do when I'm hit. It probably wasn't the whole Crystals project that was off, it was just me, stymied at what to do about a stumbling block put in my way. Now maybe I would have known how to deal with the energy.

Boy, your questions were valuable. At this point, I can see it could have been another warning shot from 'wherever' to me not to go deeper; or just my own psychological resistance, though that doesn't ring right. No previous evidence of stress or reluctance, just really enjoying having them. So likely nobody else's Crystals were affected.
A problem with the Crystals was last thing I expected and it shocked me as I said. And scared me.
What did you think was the "problem"? You said the crystals "became negative." You based this on your dousing. Do you believe you have the ability to connect to something high enough (and STO enough) to tell you that?

So likely nobody else's Crystals were affected.
Again, how would that happen, and what is it they would be affected by?

If you have a reaction or if things seemed like "attacks" after doing EE and receiving the crystals, maybe it was because of a change they brought up within yourself? Do you think you could be projecting your negative experiences onto the crystals and doing EE? Like blaming them, when all they did was facilitate a change in you which in turn, brought on the experiences? 🤔
What did you think was the "problem"? You said the crystals "became negative." You based this on your dousing. Do you believe you have the ability to connect to something high enough (and STO enough) to tell you that?

Again, how would that happen, and what is it they would be affected by?

If you have a reaction or if things seemed like "attacks" after doing EE and receiving the crystals, maybe it was because of a change they brought up within yourself? 🤔
"Do you believe you have the ability to connect to something high enough (and STO enough) to tell you that? " Dowsing does work. It is a technique to access information. There's a declassified CIA report on the CIA website on paranormal research in the previous Soviet Union. One part of the assessment the CIA made Soviet researchers made was that with dowsing we could find water, metals and dowse our own health accurately. If you like, go to page 21 in this link to CIA 'reading room' and read what was going on in the Warsaw Pact countries in paranormal research, including dowsing, which they called 'the biophysical effect'. (I remember a recent transcript where the C's were asked if Putin and Russia still used paranormal abilities in the SMO, and the reply from the C's was that they didn't.)

So it's an extremely interesting and usually helpful tool, I've found. It's not connecting to STO or higher beings. It's our own human apparatus. It's fascinating and exciting.

An example I experienced last summer: an elderly friend of mine had never learned to read. He had some brain condition. I dowsed when it happened, found that his brain was clear until he was seven years old. I blurted out, 'what happened when you were seven?' and he answered, 'hit in the head with a baseball bat - I used to sit on the steps and read with my mother up till then, but after the baseball bat I never could read again', or words to that effect. Now if I were psychic, I might have seen the baseball hit to the head. I'm not clairvoyant.

"What did you think was the "problem"? You said the crystals "became negative." How would that happen with the Crystals, what would they be affected by? The Crystals network could be hacked by the same forces the C's warn us to be vigilant about. They can and do manipulate our emotions and state of mind, the energetics and weaponry are way far ahead of what we humans are aware of, we're told in the transcripts. I have seen it happen in other organizations that I've been close to. Somebody is vulnerable at some point and takes things in a more STS direction. Groups recover. Not all groups. This is not the same as the way the Crystals work as connection for us, but kind of a parallel and those experiences informed my approach. It was like just because I don't need Vitamin C and it doesn't work for me at that time, is not saying Vitamin C is bad. It just isn't working at that time and it probably will in future. However, I was so scared to find something so protected, important, well-managed could be changed and I panicked in the moment of getting that the Crystals were negative for me. I did then calm down and put them away safely for some months. It was a mystery and I didn't know what to do about it other than back off for awhile.

I didn't 'blame' the Crystals, I was worried. I didn't think the Crytals were bad, I thought they'd been hacked somehow. Advice here from the C's, from the books here and from other research with other dowser friends has taught me over these last years ways to clear the energies. Back when this happened, I did not have as much experience with clearing 'negative' energies. I had been doing all the songs and recitations as directed, keeping them wrapped in silk and out of the moonlight and so on.

"Do you think you could be projecting your negative experiences onto the crystals and doing EE? Like blaming them, when all they did was facilitate a change in you which in turn, brought on the experiences? " A question I asked myself about it being my own reaction to EE and the Crystals shaking up patterns. I don't think so based on some years of experience, but I don't rule it out. If that's the case, it's changed and I tolerate - more than tolerate - EE and the Crystals well now! Meanwhile, various manifestations of sensing different negative energies continues. All very interesting. Sometimes scarey, too, but not like it used to be. Again, I apply what I've read here, as well as some other training and it clears up the situation till it crops up again.
The Crystals network could be hacked by the same forces the C's warn us to be vigilant about

"What did you think was the "problem"? You said the crystals "became negative." How would that happen with the Crystals, what would they be affected by? The Crystals network could be hacked by the same forces the C's warn us to be vigilant about. They can and do manipulate our emotions and state of mind, the energetics and weaponry are way far ahead of what we humans are aware of, we're told in the transcripts. I have seen it happen in other organizations that I've been close to. Somebody is vulnerable at some point and takes things in a more STS direction. Groups recover. Not all groups. This is not the same as the way the Crystals work as connection for us, but kind of a parallel and those experiences informed my approach. It was like just because I don't need Vitamin C and it doesn't work for me at that time, is not saying Vitamin C is bad. It just isn't working at that time and it probably will in future. However, I was so scared to find something so protected, important, well-managed could be changed and I panicked in the moment of getting that the Crystals were negative for me. I did then calm down and put them away safely for some months. It was a mystery and I didn't know what to do about it other than back off for awhile.
I think maybe somebody from the Chateau could better comment on the crystal network possibly being "hacked" and crystals going "negative." @Chu ?
I think maybe somebody from the Chateau could better comment on the crystal network possibly being "hacked" and crystals going "negative." @Chu ?

I don't know, others will have a better answer. I have never heard of any crystal going "negative". What we DID hear about was a few people becoming incompatible with their crystals because of their belief systems, activities they were engaging in, etc. I'm not saying that that is Lyndi Lama's case, since that is very difficult to know. But if I understood correctly, after a "break", the issue was resolved?
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