Yes. I put them away in a lovely tin box in their silk wraps for some months. It is a year or more since that happened. It is feasible that for some reason I had to put them aside for some time, which was what happened. It just shocked and alarmed me as it was so unexpected when I checked that energy. The issue is very much resolved and the crystals and I have been back in the 'program' together for a number of months now,I don't know, others will have a better answer. I have never heard of any crystal going "negative". What we DID hear about was a few people becoming incompatible with their crystals because of their belief systems, activities they were engaging in, etc. I'm not saying that that is Lyndi Lama's case, since that is very difficult to know. But if I understood correctly, after a "break", the issue was resolved?
And Mrs. Peel, it is great to have the texts printed out to read again! Thank you and thank you for your questions.