C's sense of humor.

(Ryan) In a previous session [July 17th, 2022], you described "chi" as being "mainly the organizing of molecules within the information field." Does the geometry of movement within practises such as Tai Chi and Chi Gong activate a 'flow' of this 'organising principle' in a similar way to the symbols in Reiki?

A: Yes.

Q: (Ryan) If so, could certain 'Tantric' sexual positions [laughter] serve as 'geometric activators of chi' in the same way?

A: No.

Q: (Ryan) Could sufficient chi flow organise not just the geometry of molecules, but also the subatomic structure of individual atoms, effectively transmuting elements?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) As long as you're not doing the tantric sexual geometric activation of chi. [laughter] Ryan, what have you been thinking about?

(Joe) What have you been doing, Ryan?

(L) Geez! [laughter]
Q: (L) Okay. Let's move right along here. Bill also says that what he thinks is part of the preparation for 4th density is an extensive effort toward the methods of creating our own reality in the sense of using visualizations toward a desired end with enough consistent emotional intensity as to manifest the phenomenon in the physical.'

A: Also, three cups of sugar, mixed with quinine and eye of gnute. Be sure to shake it three times over your head in a burlap sack while wearing an amulet depicting King George backwards over your left nipple. Say 14 oooms while shaking your left ankle 5 times, throw in some monoatomic gold... [at this point we are becoming aware of what is being said and laughing so hard that it is difficult to call out the letters.]

Q: (L) I think I get the point. You are saying that all of this stuff that people are doing is, where they think they are doing something to get them somewhere, is simply a waste of time?

A: Oh no, not at all, we have forgotten to mention the sage, salt and the unleavened bread!

Q: (L) The bottom line that I have on the subject is that anybody who does this or that WITH THE INTENT of achieving 4th density, is following the STS mode because they EXPECT SOME RESULT or reward, and that is Servicing Self...

A: Yes, and they are missing the point. By the way, when does the next flight leave for North Carolina?

Q: (L) So, wanting to DO anything other than to just BE as fully as you can be in the here and now constitutes...

A: STS and... 3rd density thought.

Q: (L) Alright. I think that covers that! Now, let's move onto Falun Dafa. He says: 'Falun are intelligent Entities. They are cultivated by practicing Buddha law and by the movement exercises which look like Tai Chi. The emphasis is on the practice of Zhen Shan Reng, or Truthfulness, Benevolence, and Tolerance, the supreme characteristics of the universe. You gather a Falun and place it in the Dan Tien, the navel, and it revolves there, and continues your cultivation for you. [...] What I am most interested in is the idea of Falun as intelligent entities. What or who are they?'

A: This is still not germane.

Q: (L) Well, the most important issue to him is, do they exist as described by this Master Li.

A: Okay, so they do.

Q: (L) Can you gather them and cultivate them and achieve 10,000 supernormal powers?

A: Yes, we suppose. But first, contact your broker, secure the credit cards, remember to turn off the computer and unplug the microwave. Also, the Maple dining room set should get a fresh dose of Lemon Pledge, so as to give the authentic maple that "see your reflection shine!"

Q: (L) What?! Why are you being so sarcastic? All of these people know about as much as we did when we started!

A: Because you already know how to counsel them on such issues.
This is incredibly cool.
A: Casein is a receiver/ transmitter like all proteins. You might say that persons with strong bovine affinity can do better with milk than others.

Q: (Gaby) Organic portals?

(L) So, the same would be true for other milks, like if you have goat affinities, or…?

(Andromeda) ...or camel affinities, or yak, or moose [laughter]?

(Joe) What about coconut?

(L) What does … coconut has nothing to do with...

(Andromeda) It's not milk! It's water.

(Joe) I like coconut. Do I have a strong affinity for a coconut? [Laughter]
So if there's anything that we should have asked, that is crucial to our survival or the survival of our group, that we didn't ask, please consider it asked from deep within our hearts, and give us some guidance.

A: You are doing well. Help is on the way! Goodbye.

Q: (L) Oh yeah. Well, you've been telling us help is on the way for so many years, I don't believe you anymore! [laughter]

(Andromeda) Are they trying to be funny? [laughter
I am read again the trancrips and I found this:

(T) You guys are cool! (L) What was it you said, "Love a 6th density dude with a sense of humor!"

A: Yes.

Q: (T) Are there dudes and dudesses up there?

A: Yes, cool dudes and dudesses! [laughter]

Q: (L) Now, come on, stop it, I am trying to get a question in here!

A: Stop what?

Q: (L) Stop fooling around, I want to get these questions done.

A: But we are having fun, is there anything wrong with that?

Q: (L) No, but I want to get through my questions. (T) Lighten up, a fun session is something we need.

A: Uptight. {laughter}

Q: (T) We got a live one tonight.

A: Yes.

Q: (L) It's because of you, Terry. (T) Thank you. (L) You got all this practical joke business going...

A: No, Andrea.

Q: (T) Andrea! My goodness. {laughter} Why Andrea?

A: She is fun loving.

Q: (T) Okay, we're having fun tonight. Go on, ask the next question. (L) Can I ask my question now?

A: Oh, what the hell, go for it!

Q: (T) I didn't know W.C. Fields had made it to 6th level. {laughter} (L) Seriously now...

A: Seriously now, folks!
Q: (L) Now, I want to ask about these KRLL documents that Sally has told me about and is sending. Tell us what is the background and validity of the KRLL papers. Terry knows more about them than I do. Supposedly it is some kind of exposition written by an alien being revealing the government conspiracy. Were the KRLL papers valid? (T) KRLL was supposedly a prisoner of the United States. (L) Was there really such a being as KRLL?

A: Semi.

Q: (T) Is there any validity to the KRLL papers?

A: Semi.

Q: (T) Was it dictated by this alien being?

A: Maybe.

Q: (T) Was it put together by a human?

A: Semi.

Q: (T) Is this in the same area of UFO lore as the Cooper and Lear and Lazar and Bennewitz stuff?

A: We have told you many times... Laura, pay attention... Listen!

Q: (L) Well, you say semi. Semi means half-way. Is it half true or half-way true?

A: Whoa! Calm down! Patience, my love!
Q: (J) Ask if I should give "Childhood's End" to Laura to read. I think there is some very important information in there.

A: Up to you.

Q: (J) Never mind! (L) Of course you should lend :-D it to me. You know I read everything in sight!

A: Jan, are you going to ask us what socks to wear tomorrow?

Q: (L) Do you wear socks, Jan? (J) No. (T) What socks should she wear tomorrow? (L) Terry!

A: Red with white stripes.
Q: (T) Hi, Sorra! (L) And where are you from?

A: Hi, Terry! Cassiopaea.

Q: (T) We have provided a new board. Works great.

A: Please make a habit of this!

Q: (T) We all like the new board, yes indeed!

A: Smooth, have called others to observe in amazement!

Q: {Laughter.}

A: Next demonstration please use this or a similar board.

Q: (L) We are sorry that we had to use the old board for the demonstration. (T) We were all winging it! Did we do okay today?

A: Okay today, we are actually having fun with this board. Love it!!!!!!!

Q: {Laughter.}
Q: (T) Do you guys want some coffee? Let me ask, could it be that you guys are hooked on caffeine and you can only get it through us?

A: Open. How does a 6th density light being go about being "hooked" on anything from 3rd density?

Q: (S) Okay, Terry, you'd better explain it to them! (T) It is coming through on the frequency we are transmitting. (L) Are you guys getting the caffeine when I drink it?

A: No.

Q: (T) Are you getting the shot of frequency change it provides?

A: If so, oh well! {Laughter}

Q: (L) I think what it does is make us able to stay up with them.

A: Yes.

Q: (T) Oh, come on! You get a little out of it! Yeah, you do! (J) Do you like flavored or non-flavored coffee?

A: Terry, what have you been smoking?

Q: (T) Oh! They want some of that too! Ho-ho-ho, mirth, mirth. (S) It's those cigars you smoke, Terry!

Session 14 July 1996
Q: (L) So, the events and circumstances of our lives, individually and collectively, can indicate where we are on this learning cycle? And we are asking to have things told to us, or revealed to us about things which are, in themselves, the necessary lessons? And it would be virtually useless to be told about them since they must be experienced?

A: Partly correct. If you want hints, then hints shall we give. But, if you are looking for a "road map?," forgetitski!!
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