Q: (L) Okay, we're looking at it as a flat representation. As a flat surface.
A: Well, what happens to a flat surface if you extend it infinitely outward?
Q: (L) Well, I don't know. What, what... (SV) It goes on and on.
A: It goes on and on?
Q: (L) Yes, bigger and flatter!
A: Does it? What happens to a line if you extend it forever?
Q: (L and S) It goes on and on.
A: Does it? Where does it go?
Q: (SV) Forever. (J) Back to itself. (L) We don't know that.
A: Oh, somebody said, "Back to herself." And why don't we know
Q: (L) Because we don't know. It is conjectured that space is curved?
A: "Because we don't know." Now, why don't we know that?
Q: (L) Because we haven't been there.
A: Had Columbus been outside of Italy and Spain?