Dental Health

Re: Chordal Surgery in April


i had the exact same surgery a couple of years ago.
a wisdom tooth was lodged in pretty close to my jaw line and a bundle of nerves that go from the jaw area into the face, and they still managed to get it out quite easily.

aside from a swollen face for a few days, you should be fine. the local anesthetic knocks out any pain whatsoever, so you won't feel anything.

i took the antibiotics as prescribed as well as pain killers whenever i felt the pain was too much. my doc did not prescribe an anti-inflammatory at the time, you might want to consider looking into using something herbal such as Oregano by-products.

local anesthesia is pretty safe. i don't think that it is a cause for concern. it is general anesthesia that can cause problems in some cases.
Re: Chordal Surgery in April

I had it done -- all 4 at once -- 20 years ago under local anesthetic and without complications. Having them out stopped various pain problems.
Re: Chordal Surgery in April

Laura said:
I have no idea what you are talking about... can you maybe explain it better?

Jajajaj sorry I used the Google translator to give a english name to my teeth and it was the most clear name I used !!!

Ask_a_debtor said:
"Cordal" is "wisdom tooth" in spanish. Zim is talking about getting his/her wisdom tooth/teeth removed and is concerned about the prescribed drugs, local anesthesia for the surgery, and the pain after the surgery.

Ok right "Wisdom tooth". Thank you Ask_a_debtor for your explanation.

Laura said:
Ask_a_debtor said:
"Cordal" is "wisdom tooth" in spanish. Zim is talking about getting his/her wisdom tooth/teeth removed and is concerned about the prescribed drugs, local anesthesia for the surgery, and the pain after the surgery.

Oh. Well, now it makes sense! I was imagining some kind of rope tying Zim's mouth to her teeth!

If you've seen the X-rays and it is clear that the teeth are in a bad configuration, you'll need to do this. I had mine done 40 years ago under general anaesthesia because they were so bad. They had to break my jaw to get the left lower one out. I suffered a lot. But several of my kids have had them removed with minimal problems. So, for some people, it's not so bad.

I would take probiotics after taking any antibiotics.

Yes I have removed three of them (wisdom teeth ) in 2005 and in that time I suffered much pain, my face got swollen several days I can´t even talk, but now I think that maybe the anaesthesia and the antibiotics could make some damage to my intestine and thus cause damage to my immune system, I have change my diet completely since then!!!

I think I can find probiotic in the Drugstore, there are some especific name that I can look for?

truth seeker said:
I also had my wisdom teeth removed (maybe 10 years ago?) and didn't have much trouble. The dentist said they had to come out because they (all 4) were impacted. They wanted to do 2 at a time but because I really don't like going to the dentist, I had all removed the same day. That went pretty smoothly with a general anesthetic and was told to just keep an eye out for any complications. Unfortunately, a nerve was accidentally nicked and I had to go back later at night to get that straightened out. In my opinion, the pain was minimal (with the exception of the repair of the nerve) but I may have a fairly high pain threshold so I'm not sure if that's the case for everyone. After that, everything was fine.

I agree with taking probiotics after the antibiotics. Let us know how it goes.

Im a little nervous because of the last time that a dentist removed my wisdom teeth, it wasnt good, hope this one get better !!! thanks!!!!

SeekinTruth said:
I hope you're one of the ones for whom it goes smoothly, Zim. :) Please, keep us updated.

Thank you Seekintruth I hope so this time too!!!

Al Today said:
Good luck to you Zim. Hope you feel better after a speedy recovery.!.!.!
:flowers: :flowers: :flowers:

Thank you Al Today :)

Paragon said:
I know what its like going to the dentist, I hated the jags more than anything, so painful! Also didn't like the idea of something puncturing my skin and going inside of me, pretty strange actually, felt like it was violating my sense of self.

Anyway, speedy recovery zim! :D

Jajajaj I dont like go to the dentist either!!! But my jaw is giving me pain lately, so its better to take out this wisdom teeth.

transientP said:

i had the exact same surgery a couple of years ago.
a wisdom tooth was lodged in pretty close to my jaw line and a bundle of nerves that go from the jaw area into the face, and they still managed to get it out quite easily.

aside from a swollen face for a few days, you should be fine. the local anesthetic knocks out any pain whatsoever, so you won't feel anything.

i took the antibiotics as prescribed as well as pain killers whenever i felt the pain was too much. my doc did not prescribe an anti-inflammatory at the time, you might want to consider looking into using something herbal such as Oregano by-products.

local anesthesia is pretty safe. i don't think that it is a cause for concern. it is general anesthesia that can cause problems in some cases.

Ok Im clear now more about the local anesthesia, so there Oregano by-products using like anti-inflamatory !!! I will look for that!!! maybe I can find something that I can take before the surgery?

Megan said:
I had it done -- all 4 at once -- 20 years ago under local anesthetic and without complications. Having them out stopped various pain problems.

Good !!! thanks for sharing !!!

Vulcan59 said:
Hi zim,

There is also some great info here. :)

Thanks Vulcan I´ll look for that information, :D

Foxx said:
Wishing you a speedy recovery zim! :)

Thank you Foxx I hope so too!! :D
Re: Chordal Surgery in April

Me too my wisdom tooth were put outside without problems, some 20 yeas ago.

I don't understand why in Spain dentists prescribe antibiotics some days before taking out the teeth. Why before? And why antibiotics? It is particular in Spain. Because in Canada dentists don't prescribe antibiotics before an extraction.

Good luck with your extraction.

Re: Chordal Surgery in April

zim, ask your dentist about nitrous oxide sedation. You breath it in before the procedure, and it relaxes you and makes you happy without actually putting you down. I had all four of my impacted wisdom teeth removed on nitrous + local, and it was very easy. No antibiotic was necessary either.
Re: Chordal Surgery in April

I had mine taken out like a year and a half ago. It went well for me. I'm sure it will go better being on the paleo diet. The best probiotic is with a high count in billions of bacteria, along with a high amount of different strains. So 50 or 25 billion is really good, and 10 strands is good. The more the better. Good luck!

loreta said:
I don't understand why in Spain dentists prescribe antibiotics some days before taking out the teeth. Why before? And why antibiotics? It is particular in Spain. Because in Canada dentists don't prescribe antibiotics before an extraction.

In the US they prescribed me antibiotics before the surgery as well. I recall this being done because it takes time for the antibiotic to work, so you're already "defended" against infection when you go in for surgery.
Re: Chordal Surgery in April

I also had four wisdom teeth out at once in my early twenties ( two days before Thanksgiving :() under general anesthesia. On thing I did beforehand was a lot of visualization of my body handling it well, and a quick recovery. Don't know if it made a difference, but I had no pain and no swelling, and was able to enjoy dinner with my family just fine. I had to go back to LA after the holiday, with the promise to see a dentist there to have the stitches taken out. Didn't even have to do that as they came out by themselves. So maybe along with all the good things you've done to strengthen your system, you can add some encouraging messages to your body about how capable and efficient it is at healing itself. Good luck!
Re: Chordal Surgery in April

loreta said:
Me too my wisdom tooth were put outside without problems, some 20 yeas ago.

I don't understand why in Spain dentists prescribe antibiotics some days before taking out the teeth. Why before? And why antibiotics? It is particular in Spain. Because in Canada dentists don't prescribe antibiotics before an extraction.

Good luck with your extraction.


3D Student said:
I had mine taken out like a year and a half ago. It went well for me. I'm sure it will go better being on the paleo diet. The best probiotic is with a high count in billions of bacteria, along with a high amount of different strains. So 50 or 25 billion is really good, and 10 strands is good. The more the better. Good luck!

loreta said:
I don't understand why in Spain dentists prescribe antibiotics some days before taking out the teeth. Why before? And why antibiotics? It is particular in Spain. Because in Canada dentists don't prescribe antibiotics before an extraction.

In the US they prescribed me antibiotics before the surgery as well. I recall this being done because it takes time for the antibiotic to work, so you're already "defended" against infection when you go in for surgery.

Yes it suppouse to defend against an infection but I really want to take precautions about taking too much antibiotics!!!

herondancer said:
I also had four wisdom teeth out at once in my early twenties ( two days before Thanksgiving :() under general anesthesia. On thing I did beforehand was a lot of visualization of my body handling it well, and a quick recovery. Don't know if it made a difference, but I had no pain and no swelling, and was able to enjoy dinner with my family just fine. I had to go back to LA after the holiday, with the promise to see a dentist there to have the stitches taken out. Didn't even have to do that as they came out by themselves. So maybe along with all the good things you've done to strengthen your system, you can add some encouraging messages to your body about how capable and efficient it is at healing itself. Good luck!

I was thinking that maybe using EE and think that Im happy becuase the surgery got well can help me, I have three days that I have pain in my jaw is like Im forcing lately my mouth!!! I dont know if it is because the wisdom teeth since I didnt have discomfort before, but lately is like I've been chewing gum all day :huh:
Re: Wisdom teeth. To pull or not to pull. That is a question...

Merging Zim's thread here.
Re: Wisdom teeth. To pull or not to pull. That is a question...

I'll be joining the club soon, too. I have been experiencing a lot of jaw pain, with slight swelling & inflammation. I went to the dentist yesterday and I have a dentigerous cyst growing around my upper left wisdom tooth. He suggested I have both upper wisdom teeth removed. Ugh!! I thought I was going to escape this surgery. Luckily, I only have the uppers.

I do have to add, the 50% topical DMSO has kept the inflammation totally under control. I applied it before bed night before last, an hour later, the cat woke me up to go out and my entire jaw/neck area was ringing wet with sweat. I've used DMSO quite a bit, but never had that type of reaction. By morning, my jaw was back to "nornal". Powerful stuff.
Re: Teeth pain mystery

Hi All !

Just would like to give an update, in case if it helps someone with similar issue. I think the whole tooth pain issue was related to possibly poor blood flow / circulation in the area. After looking further on the web, some sources point out that if one gets pain while laying down vs upward, it might indicated change of blood flow to affected area (and possible symptom of tmj, abscess, infection, sinusitis).

To make story short, I remember dentist saying I should be using electrical tooth brush, since she thought that smoking affects circulation of blood to gums, and these type of brushes massage gums which is suppose to help with that (it is probably possible to get same results with regular brush with enough effort ). So, I gave it a try. I have especially concentrated on brushing around scarred sockets left from pulling wisdom teeth (can't imagine scar tissue having the best blood flow), and affected upper right side of teeth/gums, followed by saline rinse. It was kind of unpleasant for a day or so, because such brushing irritates gum line. But after that, in 2 days pain has finally disappeared. What a relief ! Could be a virtue of circumstance & co-incidence though, but I thought I would share.

Cheers !
Re: alternative to amalgams

Bluestar said:
Maybe someone else has more info on the product they used to replace the fillings in their mouth. Thanks for the input.

Its the long time since you last posted but I only noticed this thread now.

Doing some dental work myself and I have been researching into this. It looks like the best solution indeed is to pull out the teeth. And possibly put implants, although this is not an option for many because of the costs.
I have found pretty open minded dentist who has been researching this for years, according to him amalgam is not more toxic then composite fillings, even porcelain because of high content of aluminum. Also, according to him we can get more mercury by ingesting the blue fish then from amalgams in our mouth and he says the biggest risk from amalgam comes during its removal. He thinks that the amalgam toxicity has been blown out of proportions by dental pharmaceutical industry in order to create bigger market for white fillings.
It is indeed very frustrating.
One thing is certain. Only one day after I had big amalgam filling removed I got a cold and this is after literally not being sick for last two years ( every since I went gluten and casein free).
Re: alternative to amalgams

Herr Eisenheim said:
Its the long time since you last posted but I only noticed this thread now.

Doing some dental work myself and I have been researching into this. It looks like the best solution indeed is to pull out the teeth. And possibly put implants, although this is not an option for many because of the costs.
I have found pretty open minded dentist who has been researching this for years, according to him amalgam is not more toxic then composite fillings, even porcelain because of high content of aluminum. Also, according to him we can get more mercury by ingesting the blue fish then from amalgams in our mouth and he says the biggest risk from amalgam comes during its removal. He thinks that the amalgam toxicity has been blown out of proportions by dental pharmaceutical industry in order to create bigger market for white fillings.
It is indeed very frustrating.
One thing is certain. Only one day after I had big amalgam filling removed I got a cold and this is after literally not being sick for last two years ( every since I went gluten and casein free).

Hmmm. I was at the dentist last week. I've got a cracked tooth and he drilled it down for a crown. I said I didn't want the amalgam so I think I'm getting porcelain or somesuch. I go back for it in about two weeks. They put this nasty stuff in your mouth to bite down on to take an impression for the crown, gah, I couldn't hold it in my mouth very long without gagging. Wonder what was in that? :(
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