I've looked at the link and quoted it for the convenience of readers here:
Is the Brain Really Necessary?
This was the question asked by British neurologist John Lorber when he addressed a conference of pædiatricians in 1980. Such a frivolous sounding question was sparked by case studies Lorber had been involved in since the mid-60s. The case studies involve victims of an ailment known as hydrocephalus, more commonly known as water on the brain. The condition results from an abnormal build up of cerebrospinal fluid and can cause severe retardation and death if not treated.
Two young children with hydrocephalus referred to Lorber presented with normal mental development for their age. In both children, there was no evidence of a cerebral cortex. One of the children died at age 3 months, the second at 12 months. He was still following a normal development profile with the exception of the apparent lack of cerebral tissue shown by repeated medical testing. An account of the children was published in Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology.
Later, a colleague at Sheffield University became aware of a young man with a larger than normal head. He was referred to Lorber even though it had not caused him any difficulty. Although the boy had an IQ of 126 and had a first class honours degree in mathematics, he had "virtually no brain". A noninvasive measurement of radio density known as CAT scan showed the boy's skull was lined with a thin layer of brain cells to a millimeter in thickness. The rest of his skull was filled with cerebrospinal fluid. The young man continues a normal life with the exception of his knowledge that he has no brain.
Although anecdotal accounts may be found in medical literature, Lorber is the first to provide a systematic study of such cases. He has documented over 600 scans of people with hydrocephalus and has broken them into four groups:
- those with nearly normal brains
- those with 50-70% of the cranium filled with cerebrospinal fluid
- those with 70-90% of the cranium filled with cerebrospinal fluid
- and the most severe group with 95% of the cranial cavity filled with cerebrospinal fluid.
Of the last group, which comprised less than 10% of the study, half were profoundly retarded. The remaining half had IQs greater than 100. Skeptics have claimed that it was an error of interpretation of the scans themselves. Lorber himself admits that reading a CAT scan can be tricky. He also has said that he would not make such a claim without evidence. In answer to attacks that he has not precisely quantified the amount of brain tissue missing, he added, "I can't say whether the mathematics student has a brain weighing 50 grams or 150 grams, but it is clear that it is nowhere near the normal 1.5 kilograms."
Many neurologists feel that this is a tribute to the brain's redundancy and its ability to reassign functions. Others, however, are not so sure. Patrick Wall, professor of anatomy at University College, London states "To talk of redundancy is a cop-out to get around something you don't understand."
Norman Geschwind, a neurologist at Boston's Beth Israel Hospital agrees: "Certainly the brain has a remarkable capacity for reassigning functions following trauma, but you can usually pick up some kind of deficit with the right tests, even after apparently full recovery."
How Well Did I Love?
It is so easy to take for granted that tomorrow will come, that another opportunity will be given to witness a sunrise, take a walk, gaze in awe at the crystals in newly fallen snow, share a moment of attuned connection with the one in front of us. But another part of us knows it is so fragile here, so tenuous, and that this opening into life will not be here for much longer.
Recognizing this, let us surrender the dream of postponement by doing whatever we can to help others, by taking a risk to fully show up here, never forgetting what is most important, no longer apologizing for our uniqueness, our sensitivity, and the gifts of our vulnerability. By being willing to dissolve the shadow of our unlived lives, one holy moment at a time, and step into the crucible with one another, where we’re never really sure what is going to unfold.
At the end of this life—which is sure to come much sooner than we’d like—it is unlikely we’ll be all that concerned with whether or not we accomplished all the tasks on our to-do lists, completed some mythical spiritual journey, perfected ourselves, healed our past, called in one or more magical soul mates to complete us, played it safe, got all of our needs met, made it big, or manifested all the outer objects and internal states we wanted and dreamed would fulfill us. Inside these hearts there may be only one burning question: how well did I love?
Did I pause each day to behold the wonder of just one unfolding here-and-now moment? Was I willing to take a risk, to feel more, to care deeply about this life, to let another matter, and to honor this very experience, exactly as it has been given? Was I willing to behold the sacred offering of the natural world—the sky, the snowflakes, the mountains, the sun, the mud, the deer, and the offering of the moon above as she floods my heart with her secrets?
Was I willing to stay close to the mysterious movement of sweet and fierce grace as it took form as the others in my life, and as the wisdom flow of feeling, emotion, and sensation in this body? As my dreams, as vision, and as the way I am attempting to make meaning of this precious, excruciating, unbelievable, astonishing, and heartbreaking human opportunity?
Was I willing to fall in love, to truly fall in love with this life, exactly as it is? Was I willing to provide a home, a sanctuary, and safe passage for all of me, an environment of wholeness and integration to dance, rest, and play in? Was I willing to set aside the unending need to make this moment different?
What is it that remains unlived … for you? How have you been holding back? What are you waiting for? What is your heart asking of you? What is most important? What are you unwilling to compromise any longer? In what ways are you not living your own life but someone else’s? Or living out the fantasies of a society or culture that has forgotten about love and what matters most … for you? The bounty and harvest of this world are upon you. They are always already here, erupting in each moment. They are not waiting.
One day we will no longer be able to look at, touch, or share a simple moment with those we love. When we turn to them, they will be gone. One moment will be our last to witness the immensity of just one more breath, to truly see and travel inside a color, to enter into union with the vastness of the ocean. It will be our last chance to feel the presence of a tree, to have a moment of communion with a friend, or to weep as the light yields to the night sky. One last moment to have a thought, to feel an emotion, to fall in love, to smell a flower, to taste something sweet, and to know heartbreak, joy, and peace: to behold the awe of what it really means to be a sensitive, alive, tender human being.
What if today is that last day? Or tomorrow? Or later this week? Knowing that death will come to complete the cycle of the beloved in the world of time and space, how will you respond to the breath that is moving within you right now, to the feelings washing through you, and to the opportunity to know and to be the activity of love here? What would it be like to fully allow in the reality that today may be your last? Will you open your heart to the gift of life before it is too late?
Perhaps your “life’s purpose” has nothing to do with what job you find or what new cool thing you manifest or what awesome soul mate you attract or what mythical awakening journey you complete. But that the purpose of your life is to fully live, finally, to touch each here-and-now moment with your presence and the gift of your one, wild heart. And to do whatever you can to help others remember this and know how precious and unique they are. Perhaps this is the most radical gift that we can all give.
Please don’t forget how rare and precious it is here. And please don’t forget what really matters to you.
The Last Hour of Life
Imagine, that you have only a few minutes, maybe an hour left to live; somehow you have discovered exactly when you will die. What would you do with this precious hour of your stay on Earth? Would you be able to complete all your things in this last hour? Do you have a conscious idea about how to do it?
And letting go your last breath, would you feel satisfaction from knowing that you have done everything possible in this life to fulfill that you are constantly present, always vibrating, always waiting, like the son is waiting for the seafaring father? In the manifested world, everything has its beginning and its end. In the Real World everything is always present, and one beautiful day you will be allowed to forget everything and leave the world "forever."
Freedom is worth a million times more than [political] liberation. The free man, even in slavery, remains a master of himself. For example, if I give you something, let's say, a car, in which there is no fuel, the car cannot move. Your car needs a special fuel, but it is only you who is able to define what kind of fuel is needed and where to get it.
You have to define yourself [?] how to digest my ideas to make them yours, so that they belong only to you. Your car cannot work on the same fuel my car is working on. I suggest to you only the primary material. You have to get from it what you can use. So, more bravely, sit down at the steering wheel.
The organic life is very fragile. The planetary body can die at any moment. It is always one step from death. And if you could manage to live one more day, it is only a chance, accidentally given to you by nature. If you will be able to live even one more hour, you can consider yourself to be a lucky person. From the moment of conception we are living on borrowed time.
Living in this world you have to feel death each second, so settle all your life affairs, even in your last hour. But how can anyone know exactly his last hour? For the sense of security make up your things with nature and yourself in every hour given to you, then you will never be met unprepared. The man has to be taught this starting from the [esoteric] school: how to breath, to eat, to move and to die right. This has to become a part of an educational programme. In this programme it is necessary to include the teaching about how to realize the presence of "I" and also how to establish consciousness.
Question: How to act, if you do not feel that there is something unfinished?
Gurdjieff answered after a pause. He took a deep breath and replied:
Ask yourself who will be in difficulty if you die like a dog. At the moment of death, you have to be wholly aware of yourself and feel that you have done everything possible to use all, within your abilities, in this life which was given to you.
Now you do not know much about yourself. But with each day you dig deeper and deeper into this bag of bones and start knowing more and more details. Day by day you will be finding out what you should have done and what you have to re-do, among the things you have done. A real man is one who could take from life everything that was valuable in it, and say: "And now I can die." We have to try to live your lives so that we could say any day: "Today I can die and not be sorry about anything."
Never spend fruitlessly the last hour of your life because it can become the most important hour for you. If you use it wrongly, you may be sorry about it later. This sincere excitement that you feel now can become for you a powerful source of the force that can prepare you for perfect death. Knowing that the next hour can become the last one for you, absorb the impressions which it will bring to you as a real gourmet. When lady death will call you, be prepared, always. The master knows how to take from each tasty piece the last bit of the most valuable. Learn to be the master of your life.
When I was young I learned to prepare fragrances. I learned to extract from life it's essence, it's most subtle qualities. Search in everything the most valuable, learn to separate the fine from the coarse. One who has learned how to extract the essence, the most important from each moment of life, has reached a sense on quality.
He is able to do with the world something that can not be done by an aboriginal.
It could be that in the last moments of your life you will not have the choice where and with whom to be, but you will have a choice to decide how fully you will live them. The ability to take the valuable from life, is the same as to take from the food, air and the impressions the substances needed to build up your higher bodies.
If you want to take from your life the most valuable for yourself, it has to be for the good of the higher; for yourself it is enough to leave just a little. To work on yourself for the good of others is a smart way to receive the best from life for yourself. If you will not be satisfied with the last hour of your life, you will not be happy about the whole of your life. To die means to come through something which is impossible to repeat again. To spend your precious time in nothing means to deprive yourself the opportunity to extract from life the most valuable.
In this world, to live life through, from the beginning to the end – means another aspect of the Absolute. All greatest philosophers were carefully preparing for the last hour of their life.
And now I will give exercise to prepare for the last hour on the Earth. Try not to misinterpret any word from the given exercise.
The Exercise
Look back at the hour that has passed, as if it was the last hour for you on the earth and that you have just acknowledged that you have died. Ask yourself, were you satisfied at that hour?
And now reanimate yourself again and set up the aim for yourself. In the next hour (if you are lucky to live one more) try to extract from life a little more than you did in the last hour. Define, where and when you should have been more aware, and where you should have put more inner fire.
And now open your eyes wider, and by this I mean – open more possibilities for yourself, be a little more brave than you were in the previous hour. Since you know that this is your last hour and you have nothing to loose, try to gain some bravery – at least now. Of course, you don't have to be silly about it.
Get to know yourself better, look at your machine as if from the outside. Now, when you are dying, there is no sense to keep your reputation and your prestige.
And now onwards, until the real last hour, aspire with persistence to receive the most you can from life that is of value; develop your intuition. Take just a few moments each hour to watch at the hour that passed, without judgment, and then tune yourself to extracting more from the following hour.
If we look at each hour like at a separate life unit, you can try to do as much as you can to use every unit totally. Force yourself and find the way to make the next hour much more than the one before, but also be aware that you have taken care of the debts you collected till now. Increase the self-sensing and self-knowledge of yourself, and also increase the ability to master yourself; this will change the work of your machine, which is always out of your control. And these abilities can become the indication of the real changes. And it is absolutely unimportant what the machine is thinking about this.
... To live the rest of your life rehearsing your death hour by hour – is not at all pathological. None can receive more from life than the cancer patient, who knows approximately when he will die. And since he already recognized how he wishes to spend the rest of his life, he will not have to make the total change in it, but he will be able to go somewhere, where he always wished to go, but would not do it in other circumstances.
The man who knows that he will die soon, will try to use to the maximum every hour of the rest of his life. This is exactly what Christ meant when he said that the last days will come soon – the days before the Last Judgment. We are all standing in front of the Judge, but it is not the others who are judging us, but we ourselves do the last estimation of our life. We do not have to fail the most important examination, where the most serious judge is ourself.
Each moment, taken alone, represents the particle of the eternal Creation. Therefore each moment we can extract the most subtle substances, that we can call "the essence of life."
Imagine yourself the substance "air" or the substance "impressions." Finally, draw in your mind the substance "moment." Yes, even the moments of time are the substances.
If we will be able to extract the finest substances from the coarser, sooner or later we will have to pay for it. This law is called The Law of Balance. That is why we will learn how to pay immediately for those that we receive from life. Only then we will not have any debts. To pay immediately – this is what is called "real doing." "To do" – is to think, to feel, to act; but "real doing" – is to pay immediately.
To do – may mean only one thing: to extract the essence from each moment of life and at the same moment to pay all the debts to the nature and yourself; but only when you have "I", can you pay immediately.
Real life is not a change of activity, but a change of the quality of the activity. Destiny – is destiny. Each one of us has to find himself in the whole order of things. It is not too late yet to start doing it now, although you have spent the greater part of your life in sleep. Starting from today you can begin to prepare yourself for death and, at the same time, to increase the quality of your living. But do not delay with the start – maybe you really only have just one more hour of life.
Question: Can we share this with others? I think it is very important what we have heard about this evening.
– You can retell it word by word, but until you will [can?] do this [exercise] yourself, it would mean nothing for others. Existence is the means, or the instrument, for action. Think about this and you will find out why it is so.
Question: Therefore, we cannot pay the debts, if we do not exist, or if our "I" is absent?
– Why do you have such a need to pay? Pay for what? If life is only a coincidence, then there is no sense to go on. This does not mean that you have to end your life with a suicide. Opposite, you have to put all your effort into 'to live'. Ordinary man always lives, just going with the flow. He is not just sleeping, he is absolutely dead. To really live, it is necessary to support the efforts of nature, to take actively from life, and not to act passively – wherever it flows.
Extracting from life the most precious, you have to be able to operate your emotions. See how fairly you can estimate yourself. Look attentively at yourself and you will see many remarkable ways to be fair. Each time notice for yourself different moments when the desires appear. Act as before, but always be aware of their presence. Transport to the world the part of your blood, but one of the higher level.
At the end of each hour after you have estimated its usefulness, imagine that you just woke up in the absolutely unknown in comparison to the previous one gone by. It is important to note that the apparent continuation of the last hour is in reality changing with every hour, although things and people seem the same as before. With the time you will learn to see yourself as a spirit of a special substance, who is coming from one world to another, as an uninvited guest of nature.
Looking from this point of view, evaluate everything you do in your life. Looking at the results of all your efforts of the past and think what sense they all have now, in the last hour of your life. Those who are engaged in the Work are dead to this world, and at the same time they are more alive in this world than anyone else. Work – something strange, imperceptible, but for many it is impossible to live without it.
The ordinary way of understanding life is vanity of vanities. However big the result is according to earthly measures, sooner or later it will fail. Even the sand is being rubbed into dust by time. Even the most significant people of history are being forgotten. To understand the real possibilities of this world, it is necessary to find what we can reach in this world that will be very useful in the Real World.
Attentively look at the lives of all the greatest people, those who were commanding armies, who had power over others. What is the benefit for them from all their great actions now, when they are dead? Even when they were alive, all these great actions were no more than empty dreams. We are not here to praise ourselves and to prove ourselves; the most disgusting in the ordinary man is the ability to quickly satisfy his flesh.
The majority of people find many excuses not to work on themselves. They are in a complete prison of their weaknesses. But right now we do not speak about them, but about you.
Understand me right, I do not need followers; I am rather interested in finding the good organizers, the real warriors of the new world. I understand the weakness of the organization, because right now we do not speak about the usual organisation which would consist of initiates.
I remind you once again, learn to live each of your hours with a bigger benefit. Create a detailed plan of the last hour of your life. To understand how one should die, you should grow deep roots into life; only then you will be able to die like a human being, not like a dog. Although, it is not given to everyone – to die. You can become manure for our planet, but it does not really mean to die. To die to this world forever – is an honour. For this honour you have to pay with Conscious Labour and Intentional Suffering. You have to earn this right.
Try to imagine yourself relatively clearly the last hour of your life on earth. Write a kind of a script of this last hour, as if you were writing the script for a film. Ask yourself: "Is this how I want to dispose my life?" If you are not satisfied with the answer, rewrite the script until you like it.
Look at life like at business. Time is your money for life. When you came into this world, a definite amount of money was given to you and this you cannot exceed. Time is the only currency with which you pay for your life. Now you see how you used the biggest part of it in a stupid way. You have not even reached the main goal of life – to have rest. You failed as a businessman, and as a user of life – you deceived yourself. All your life you thought that everything is given to you for free, and now suddenly you discovered that – it is not free. You pay for using the time; that is why each moment of your stay here costs something.
So how would it be possible for you to reimburse [recover] at least somehow these losses? Check if the deficit on your bank account is only temporary, or is it perhaps constant? Did you loose the time or could you invest it successfully? If you have spent all your money on vacations, then there is nothing to do but to be sorry about the past.
For many years you have been spending you life as if your parents gave you a bank account with unlimited credit. But now the amount is used and you see that you are all alone and that there is none to rely on. There is no more time on your bank account. Now you are forced to earn each hour of your life. All your life you behaved like a child and spent time just like a newly married couple on their honeymoon.
Our main enemy, which is hindering us from applying the necessary efforts – is hopelessness. I know, you will have many excuses not to prepare yourself for the last hour of your life. The habit is a big force, but starting once, you can learn to do each time more and more.
Do not fiddle all day; force yourself at least one hour a day to make an effort, otherwise you will loose everything. Think about the rehearsal of your last hour as if it was ballet exercises – you have to do it all your life.
I dedicate four hours a day for this exercise, but when I was young, I spent on it two times longer.
decided to post Gurdjieff's last hour life here as well, since it is in a similar vein:
(L) {Addressing Cs} You have already said that all souls exist from the beginning, and that souls are not created as we go along through time. We asked about that some time ago when we were asking about Messages from Michael and so forth. And you've also talked about instances of large soul groups such as organic portals or whatever - group souls, souls of animals, and so on and so forth. So basically, we already have kind of a system here that you have given that is quite different from what Gurdjieff proposed, which was that people had to GROW a soul. It was like something that if you didn't have it, when you died, you died. And if you were only partly crystallized, well then a certain number of days after you died, that you would be kind of like floating in some atmospheric area and then even that part of you would die. That's kind of what I got from reading this book. And I think that was partly from some of the ancient traditions, actually.
(Joe) That's what the Cs have said about kind of a "pool".
(L) Well, going into a pool is one thing – there is still soul involved even if it is a fragment of a larger soul - but here Gurdjieff had the idea that there is no such thing as soul as we conceive it; a soul had to be “grown” or crystallized in a given lifetime and even then, it was material.
(Mikey) Which parts of Gurdjieff's teachings are still most useful to read?
A: Psychology, up to a point.
Q: (Joe) Maybe we should cut Gurdjieff some slack, ya know? Because the way he described the mechanical nature of man is a very good basis on which to build like what you and the Cs have done. What they've added to that is certainly very compatible. He fleshed it all out very well, and it fits with a lot of the stuff the Cs have said. It's the first installment, and Gurdjieff could only go so far. I suppose you can't expect someone to have the whole banana, right?
(L) Right.
(Chu) What was Gurdjieff trying to achieve?
A: His own salvation and immortal life.
Q: (Joe) And was he successful?
A: Not by his terms. He was actually rather surprised!
Q: (Pierre) Was the surprise that after dying, he...
(Joe) That he got a lot wrong, yeah.
A: Yes
Q: (Ark) He was a really tragic figure for me because he was smart. He was observing things. He was so above all these people that he had NO HELP from anyone because...
(L) No one was equal to him.
(Ark) Yes. But on the other hand, he was not looking for help I don't think... He thought he was above everybody.
(L) He WAS above everybody, but because he knew he was, he cut himself off from the help that he could possibly have gotten. A network of others to give feedback is invaluable. That is one thing the Cs have taught us.
(Joe) I wonder... His own fixation on materialism and seeing the material universe as the be-all and end-all ... I mean, it kinda reflected in his approach to life. You talked about Idiots in Paris and the way he ate and how he abused himself with food and alcohol and bad living habits basically and probably caused himself an early death. The descriptions of the feasts he used to have were extreme, just eat and eat and eat...
(L) And that was contradictory to his whole thing: that you've got to learn about your machine in order to take care of it properly in order to preserve your life long enough in order to be able to have time enough to figure things out and to work on yourself.
(Joe) But how did he not see the negative health effects that he had from how he was eating?
(Pierre) In his mind, he was above it. (He thought he was crystallized and could do what he pleased.)
(L) I think he thought that he... Well, it was kind of like Edgar Cayce. He, too, died fairly young, and he was doing all these health readings for all these people, but he wasn't applying it to himself.
(Artemis) So was Gurdjieff depressed?
(L) I don't think he was depressed.
(Artemis) Or unhappy?
(L) No, but he just ate sugar like it was the only thing in existence.
(Pierre) And drank alcohol.
(L) Wine, Armagnac!
(Pierre) Driving like a maniac.
(L) Keeping late hours, never sleeping... Oh, and that was another thing! He thought that sleeping was a complete waste of time, and we know that sleeping is when your soul recharges itself. He thought that dreams were a sign of something wrong, and we know that dreams are important. Yes, dreams can be used to program negatively like via 4D STS or whatever; but we also know that they are big clues or cues. They can be prophetic, they can be profoundly revealing. Jungian analysis demonstrates the value of dreams.
(Niall) Dreams can tell you that something's wrong, and it's not that they, in themselves, are wrong.
(L) Yeah, these wonderful Jungian explorations. That's when you come into contact with the greater part of your soul or soul group. So Gurdjieff got a LOT of things really mixed up because...
(Joe) He defined the human problem really well, but he didn't have a proper context in which to put it. A spiritual context.
(L) Well, let's face it: neither did we. When we started talking to the Cs, the kind of stupid, ignorant, New Agey, Madame Blavatskyite kinds of things I would ask...
(Artemis) They were endearing.
(L) They embarrass me now that I was so stupid!
(Artemis) Oh, don't judge yourself so harshly. I ask banana questions all the time.
(Pierre) You know, if you put it back in the context of the 1930s... Gurdjieff's alone, doing all what he did, writing those ideas he had, by himself... In this context, it's an amazing achievement. This guy is a genius.
(Joe) Yeah.
(Pierre) But maybe he fell for the main threat that looms over the heads of geniuses: ego.
(Niall) At the same time, Collingwood was his contemporary, and had he come across Collingwood, he might have been more informed...
(Chu) But notice the Cs said he was trying to achieve his own salvation and immortal life. With the stuff about hypnotizing others and other things, there doesn't seem to be any altruistic motive. Your own salvation at what price to others?
(L) He made it clear that he was experimenting, but that the people he was experimenting on would benefit as a side effect of his objectives. And he said that clearly in his book Herald of the Coming Good.
(Pierre) And you're right, but when you embrace a materialistic paradigm, each individual is just a piece of meat. There's nothing that links us. There's no soul, there's no spirit, there's no community.
(Joe) But maybe he was a victim of his own analysis of the very mechanical nature of human beings. He saw very clearly that people were just machines. So he just thought well, these people are lost, so at least if I do something with them, they might benefit. But he didn't see the whole reason for 3D existing for learning lessons. He didn't have a rational cosmology, basically.
(Pierre) He threw out the baby with the bathwater.
(Andromeda) It seems to me like he didn't have a heart because he was kind of lonely.
(L) Yeah, and of course he had experiences as a child that probably scarred him. That’s what Tamdgidi suggests.
A: Enneagram is useful for understanding machine.
Q: (L) So that helps you to really understand mechanical programs. It IS very useful for that. And what about his tables of hydrogens?
A: He was onto something though again it was materialized. But you might have more success interpreting the "foods" as stimuli to the nervous system and its consequent release of neurochemicals and hormones. It was actually a quite clever description of same!
Q: (L) I think what they're saying is that Gurdjieff was trying to explain how external events and stimuli and impressions and so forth and interactions like physical or sexual or food or whatever come in and interact with the body and cause the body to produce neurochemicals and hormones which then change the state of the body. This can be at different levels. It can be physical, it can be emotional, it can be mental, and it can change the emotional state or mental state so that these hydrogens or so-called "foods" were basically just him trying to describe the dynamic interaction of the physical system with its environment.
(Joe) And with the non-physical environment.
(L) Yes. Very often what impinges on the person is non-material. There are thoughts and ideas and spiritual or non-material things, but they produce very definite physical effects in the body.
(Andromeda) Physical or emotional.
(L) Well, emotional is largely physical; it's hormones and neurochemicals.
(Ark) I don't think he could invent it all by himself. I think he learned something from the yogis somewhere.
(L) Well, they said eighty-some percent was him making stuff up and using mediums, so that leaves a certain percentage to come from yogis and monks. Okay, I guess that's enough on Gurdjieff right now. I guess it's time for Joe to have his heyday since he called the meeting tonight.
(Artemis) Joe, can you hold off for a minute?
(Joe) Mm-hmm.
(Artemis) Since you spoke of dreams, I wanted to ask: I had a dream about somebody trying to break into our house. Was that a vision, or just symbolic, or what was that dream about?
A: Reflective of attempts of agents to direct negative energies of chaos.
Q: (L) Yeah. So we should always be alert and aware and pay attention to these dreams. And when we have such dreams, to tighten up our awareness and be awake and alert.
A: Yes yes yes!
Q: (Artemis) Can the same be said about the dreams I've been having - and I don't want to creep anybody out - about the devil coming?
A: Yes
Q: (L) Well things are CRAZY out there, sweetie! It's like so unbelievably crazy right now, we must really be passing through a realm border. There is no other way to explain what... I mean, it's like the whole... I can't even... I don't even want to talk about it right now.
(Andromeda) It's gone past Insane Asylum...
(L) Yeah, it's past that. It's... Yeah.
(Artemis) Should we leave the devil comment out? I'm afraid that'll freak people out.
(L) No.
(Joe) People might be having similar dreams.
Actually, Bog da prosti, means: may god forgive. God give mercy is: Boze pomiluj, or Gospodi pomiluj, but that's when you cross yourself. The meal on the funeral is always called the diner (vecera). No mater if it is held on midday or in the evening. The one empty seat with the diner is always left for the deceased one.Part of the funeral is bringing food packets wine and a special funeral cake to be blessed by the priest during the service held in the church or chapel near or at the cemetery. These items are then taken to the grave site and are given to poor people with a lit candle. The people receiving the packet say Bogdaproste (the Romanian saying from the slavic Bog davai prastiti, May God give mercy) or Sa fie primit (let it be received).
Also part of the funeral is a gathering where the family and friends eat and drink mainly foods favoured by the deceased and funeral cake. The food and drinks are blessed by the prist as well.
That is the tradition. I will ask our priest when more or less it started.
Thanks for sharing, great read! I've always been a little curious about Organic Portals and how they fit into the evolutionary cycle of 3D. Bernhard Guenther has a very good essay on the subject Link
Also has me thinking about the Allegory of the Cave. I believe we are in a technological version due to the "covid" restrictions placed on society and the 24/7 fakenews cycle. Since OPs only mimic the upper chakras, I wonder if they are helplessly captive to this control mechanism
(L) You have to so completely widen your field of knowledge and understanding that it’s amazing to me now. Back then I was pretty well up on things in many fields, but only now do I realize how much I didn’t know. Your range and depth of knowledge has to get bigger and bigger and bigger, because then when you finally come to something, a crucial clue, and you come to it in the natural way, it's like a zillion pieces of the puzzle that you've been loading into your brain for years all of a sudden clicks into place. You just feel completely different about it. But anyhow, that kind of leads us into our next topic, which is Eve Lorgen and her Love Bite Scenario, which has apparently been taken up by Bernhard and Humberto. They are... well, maybe you can give a little background on this, Perceval.
(Perceval) Well, I think Bernhard's been into it for quite a while. He's been into the alien abduction influence in people's lives for a long time… {Cs interrupt…}
A: Notice that Bernhard does no original work of his own, but rather attempts to ride on the coat tails of others!!!
Q: (L) Okay, hang on. I need to put my glasses on. Okay...
A: [answer comes super fast, pointer nearly flying off the board] The love bite scenario is more a government disinformation program for the weak minded and susceptible than anything else. Notice that all the effects can be easily produced with microwave manipulation of consciousness and emotions along with the normal interactions of social programming and psychopathology.
Q: (L) Uuh... WHAT was that? I think they were REALLY wanting to get that said! [laughter + review of answer]
(Perceval) Facebook.
(Pierre) So, there's not much "alien" in the Alien Love Bite.
(Perceval) Well, there's not. Whenever you talk about Carlos Castaneda and his expression: "They give us their mind," well there ya go! Until you decide to be something else, you ARE them! All the things that you project onto aliens, and all their evil intentions, it's all in you unless you choose to do something about it. But, like we were saying the other day, people who jump on the alien thing, and alien love bites, and alien ear tickles or whatever... [laughter] Whatever else they do, they jump on all of that to blame it for something that is part of themselves. And they project it out onto aliens, and they're done!
(Pierre) Which is an easy way out. It's easier to see the evil outside than in yourself.
(Perceval) Yeah. So, instead of projecting it onto another person, it's projected onto aliens. With Eve Lorgen and all these other people, it's, "Aliens are doing this stuff to me!" It absolves them completely of any responsibility. And that's what Bernhard did recently: he absolved himself of responsibility, apart from the odd, "Oh yes, I was to blame, and I have issues... BUT, it was aliens and hot chicks on Facebook who came after me because I'm a spiritual guru and they want to take me down. I have NO carnal thoughts whatsoever!" Ya know? "Somehow aliens manipulated me into contacting that girl on Facebook and getting her to come to my house, where I had sex with her on the first night. And I was struggling all the way..."
(Chu) For a week!
(Perceval) "For a week, and then weird things happened, and it's those damn aliens!" [laughter] That's what he said.
(Pierre) How convenient.
(Perceval) And then he delivered it in a sneaky and manipulative way to get other people to agree with him and follow along and ignore completely their own responsibility.
A: Notice also how many times Bernhard has "gotten himself" into similar situations.
Q: (L) Well, his thing is that since he is a spiritual worker, and he is doing work to expose the truth, that he is being targeted, and...
A: What did we first say?
Q: (Chu) "Notice that Bernhard does no original work of his own, but rather attempts to ride on the coat tails of others!!!" That's what they said first.
(Alana) So, he's not the one doing the research, or...
(Pierre) He's not the spiritual one.
(L) Well, okay, he gives this list of characteristics for people who are susceptible to love bites. Do you remember what the list was that Eve Lorgen put in her book? They are...
(Andromeda) Um, that they're generally involved in alternative news, or spiritual circles, or...
(L) But wasn't there something about "caring professions"?
(Andromeda) Yeah, caring professions like nursing, or...
A: Notice also how many predators are also involved in "alternative" topics and especially "caring professions"?!?
Q: (Chu) That's the fertile ground for them. It's actually interesting because part of his story... There is no way there could have been any alien thing, because the girl told him way before they met what she did, what her life was, blah blah blah. He admits that much. And then he's like, "Oh, but I invited her to my house even though I knew anyway!" Skipping that part, there was a part where he talks about the sleep paralysis. She had it, but he didn't. That struck me as a bit of a clue, like, who's the predator here??
A: Exactly! A big clue!
Q: (Chu) She had sleep paralysis, and he woke up, and suddenly he felt a strong sexual desire for her, and had sex again with her right after.
(L) Right after she's suffered this traumatic event?
(Chu) But he says it was something that came through her, and she saw a creature on her, and on him, or whatever. But he was awake.
(L) The creature was coming through HIM and attacking HER if you ask me!
A: Yes.
Q: (Perceval) It's like the joke about the hunter and bear. [laughter] I'll not tell it, but...
A: Better to say that he was the transmitter of the frequency.
Q: (L) So, he was transmitting a frequency that didn't affect him, but it affected her, because she was not locally from that area. She was in a new area, he was from the area, and he was used to the transmission of these frequencies.
A: More or less.
Q: (Chu) And then he uses it to accuse her.
(Pierre) Blame the victim. I didn't read the blurb about Bernhard, but from what you describe, this girl is in a very vulnerable position. She's kind of paralyzed in the bed, and that's when he feels this sexual urge... That's the definition of a predator!
A: That was the object of the event. Note that there were a number of similar events between equally susceptible individuals at the same time, which is always the case when such signals are emitted.
Q: (L) So, it was like something we have noticed on many occasions: When one person has a bad dream, and several people have bad dreams, we kinda figure that something is being emitted and everyone is picking it up and unpacking it in their head according to their own makeup or their own psychology. Anything else on that?
(Perceval) No, I would just say that if he keeps having these alien love bite situations, I think eventually we'll have to conclude that he doesn't come here for the hunting, ya know? Like the bear said to the hunter. If someone keeps having these experiences of alien love bites, then he must to some extent be enjoying it some way, or getting something from it. You can't continue to complain about it when you do it over and over again...
(Pierre) ...if he doesn't stop the situation. Stop seeing girls at all like that.
(Perceval) If he continues in that, then...
(Pierre) Then he's the love biter.
_The Dark Side of Cupid – Hyperdimensional Interferences in Love Relationships for details}
So passing to the other side is proces that provides ultimate understanding and compassion for oneself and others.Interesting comment made by psychic medium Matt Fraser: "When your loved ones pass on to the other side, they can see every single thing that you did, all the things you told them or said or that happens within your life [...] When you die, and you leave to the other side, you will go through a life review, and you're able to see the people who were helping you silently that you had no idea were helping you, the people that were behind you, the things you missed out on... all of that is revealed to you". He speaks to a girl whose ex-boyfriend passed away, which made her feel guilty as the last time they spoke they had an argument, and Matt is picking up information on the things she did for him which the ex-boyfriend wasn't aware of until he passed away, and Matt tells her how appreciative he is. The life review may not just be about going through the things you did, but could also include being able to see what others were doing and how your actions affected them. FWIW.
Hello, Perlou!J'ai perdu ma Maman le 7 mars 2015, je l'aimais plus que tout et je l'aime tout autant aujourd'hui, Elle est dans mes prières plusieurs fois par jour, j'ai son portrait en face de mon lit et dans mon salon, je lui dit bonjour chaque matin et bonsoir chaque soir, je sais qu'Elle n'est plus de ce monde mais je sais aussi qu'Elle n'est pas loin, je lui parle, parfois même je plaisante avec Elle, je lui fait remarquer aussi certains comportements de sa Chatonne que qu'ai adoptée et nous nous en amusons (enfin je l'espère) mais je le crois...
I lost my Mom on March 7, 2015, I loved her more than anything and I love her just as much today, She is in my prayers several times a day, I have her portrait in front of my bed and in my living room, I say good morning to her every morning and good evening to her every evening, I know that She is no longer of this world but I also know that She is not far away, I talk to her, sometimes I even joke with her, I also point out certain behaviors of her kitten that I adopted and we have fun with it (well I hope so) but I believe it. ..
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