Laura said:I have some pharmaceutical grade DMSO and I pour about two teaspoons in a glass in the evening, put my 20 mg of doxycycline in it, add about 2 teaspoons of distilled water, and then take it in my mouth and swish it around for about 2 or 3 minutes and then swallow it. So I guess it is about 50% solution. It's REALLY working on my mouth. That inflamed area of my jaw has calmed down about 70% in just a couple of days. Or more, actually. I expect it to be completely soothed by tomorrow after tonight's dose of DMSO.
After reading all presented here about DMSO and the success others have had using it to heal wounds, I have ordered a pharmaceutical grade DMSO from
I had Bell's Palsy over 20 years ago and still suffer from facial nerve inflammation between times, when I'm run down. From all I understand about Bell's Palsy, it is likely caused by a strain of the Herpes virus. I can usually quiet the nerve with castor oil packs and boosting my immune system. But I also take acyclovir if I experience facial tics. This occurs rarely, but a month long regimen of acyclovir relieved this. Scared the crap outta me many who suffer Bell's Palsy, later develop Multiple Sclerosis. My heart dropped to the pit of my stomach when I attended a lecture in med school, and heard this.
So, my question is, would it be advisable to add my acyclovir to DMSO/distilled water as Laura did with the doxycycline? I was always weary of DMSO, because it crosses the blood/brain barrier, however, when dealing with a virus in the Central Nervous System, this would be a plus! Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.