Do some French people see what's going on? Yellow Vest Protests

... about Bonneville (74)

The bridge is an element of the city's birth, built from 1225 onwards. It was initially made of wood, supported by the Arve Islands to connect the two shores. In 1661, the Regent Marie-Jeanne-Baptiste de Savoie-Nemours built a five-arch stone bridge.
Between 1862 and 1866, it was replaced by the current bridge, built by engineers Deglin and Vivenot.

It was named "Europe Bridge" when Valérie Giscard d'Estaing visited Bonneville in 1989, during the campaign for the European elections. Downstream, it is doubled in 2010 by a second asymmetrical cable-stayed bridge whose elegant silhouette is already part of Bonneville's architectural heritage.

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Lies and disinfo:

Yellow vests. Violence and damage at the Bessan tollbooth, a video undermines the prefect's version

17/12/2018 - 14h15 Bessan ( - Did the Prefect of Hérault intentionally lie in the press release issued by the prefecture this Sunday following the action of the police against the yellow vests at the Bessan tollbooth? Indeed, a live video filmed during the intervention of the gendarmes seems to undermine the official version of the events that took place during the night from Saturday to Sunday in Bessan.

In Bessan, the police fired while the yellow vests were peaceful.

This Sunday, the Hérault prefecture issued a press release about the gendarmes' operation on the Bessan tollbooth, which was then occupied by dozens of Yellow Vests. In this statement, Pierre Pouëssel condemned "with the utmost firmness the violence that took place" that evening and added that the "Bessan tollbooth in particular was the scene of abuses that led the police to intervene and to carry out a dozen arrests".

Problem for the State representative, a video filmed live by a Yellow Vest shows that the police fired several tear gas cartridges at the occupied tollbooth even though they were still several dozen metres from it and the demonstrators present seemed peaceful. It is therefore not the "violence" committed by the latter that "led the police to intervene" as indicated by the Hérault prefecture.

The same video broadcast on social networks seems to indicate that the damage caused by certain troublemakers on the tollbooth occurred after the first tear gas shots. Indeed, when the person who is filming leaves the tollbooth then under the gases, there is no sign of a fire. It is only after a few minutes that these will take place.

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Jacline Mouraud: from Bohal to Brussels?

Wheeling and dealing among the "spokespersons" of the Yellow Vests? Some of them quickly learned the trade and, it appears, are preparing a list for the European elections. Will we see Jacline Mouraud in Brussels?

What's up with Jacline Mouraud? We knew her as a revolutionary woman. Shouting to the President of the Republic: "What are you doing with the money? Apart from replacing the dishes in the Elysée or building swimming pools", (Challenges, November 8, 2018). Very inflamed, she said before the first major demonstration of the Yellow Vests on November 17: "Yes, let's block the country". Her motto: "When will the harasment of the drivers end? "In two weeks, she had 5.5 million views for her video published on Twitter. Here is this 51-year-old hypno-therapist-accordionist who has become a media star (radio, TV, newspapers). In Bohal (near Ploërmel), people are amazed.

In a second phase, she becomes "reasonable" but always determined: "The mobilization continues. Everything will depend on what the President of the Republic says on Tuesday. We will not stop the movement until we are satisfied. There are people in great pain who are waiting for concrete action right now, particularly in terms of lowering taxes. Of course, I deplore all the violence we saw on Saturday in Paris. This must not hide the essence of our approach, which is peaceful. "(Le Figaro, Monday 26 November 2018). "Emmanuel Macron has just signed the next phase of the movement. It will get tougher, of course.... He can hear us from afar. It seems like the echo doesn't reach him. The result is that the movement will get tougher, it's bound to be," she continues (C News, Tuesday, November 27, 2018).

But quickly, a typically political speech took over. In an appeal signed with nine other "spokespersons of the Free Yellow Vests" who present themselves as "committed and free citizens", she called for "respect for the institutions of the Fifth Republic, public order, property and people".

As for her demands, they concern taxation, "territorial and mobility foundations", the organisation of referendums on major social and societal orientations, the adoption of proportional representation for legislative elections (Journal du dimanche, 2 December 2018). All this smells like normalization.

Third step: Jacline Mouraud is concerned about the radicalisation of the movement. Because "it attracts moderates, including myself, but also extremists and anarchists". Indeed, "with the government that allowed the situation to deteriorate, moderates finally turned to more determined yellow vests and groups that want chaos in France".

But the yellow vests have proved useful: "This movement, which was born out of people's distress, has given them a voice. Until then, everyone was exhausted hiding their lack of money. Since then, it has been no longer a shame to say that you can't make ends meet. This movement has made it possible to reveal what millions of French people are going through. "However, one reality must be taken into account: "This movement is nowadays beyond the control of the Yellow Vests themselves. There are people who don't want to hear anything anymore. Raise their mimimum wage, they'd still be angry. We can't stop them now. " (Le Figaro, Friday 7 December 2018)

So "Jacline" no longer knows where to turn in order to organize a way out of the crisis. Some of her comrades in the "Free Yellow Vests" have found a way. This is the case of Christophe Chalençon, spokesman for Provence region, who is "part of the Yellow Vests that are working behind the scenes to create a list for the European elections." Without delay, LREM (Macron's party) commissioned a survey from the Ipsos Institute on the possible score of a list of Yellow Vests in the European elections. The result goes beyond the expectations of the macronists. A list LREM/MoDem would get 21%, Rassemblement national 14%, EELV (environmentalists) 13%, Yellow Vests 12%, Republicans 11% and Les Insoumis (Mélenchon's party) 9%. Conclusion: the presence of a list of yellow vests could drain the votes for Le Pen and Mélenchon. Already, two "yellow" lists are reportedly being organized (Le Canard enchaîné, 12 December 2018).

For the financing of the campaign, Chalençon and his friends will not have to worry about anything. Thanks to the "special" funds, the Elysée and Matignon will provide for this. When he was President of the Republic, Jacques Chirac had set up a similar operation with "Chasse-pêche-nature-tradition".

The technique used by the government in 1998 to weaken the National Front could very well reappear in 2019. The objective this time being to prevent the RN-FN from winning... and coming out a winner in these European elections. According to the latest Ipsos survey published by L'Opinion, it is the RN list that would come out on top with 24% compared to 18% for the macronist list. Some food for thought.

It is perhaps on this side that we must look for the reason for Jacline Mouraud's current "moderation". Well placed on a Yellow Vests list, she could be elected as a European MP... What a pride for Bohal!

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... about Bonneville (14)
The village, dominated by the majestic Priory, is divided into two parts: "The New World" and "The Town".

Off-centre of the Cormeilles-Pont-l'Évêque road, the "bourg" is proudly built around its remarkable 13th century Romanesque church (listed site), bordered by the river (La Calonne). You can admire the imposing tower, thirty-two metres high, and its feudal narthex. Inside, the choir contains an impressive canopyed altar master.

The architectural ensemble is guarded by Notre-Dame de Bonneville (16th century Polychrome). This church is recognized as one of the most beautiful in the region.
Many services are still celebrated there, in particular a mass every Saturday at 7 pm.
The origins
Since time immemorial, a ford, allowing to cross the Calonne, must have existed at the site of the current village of Bonneville, where several paths crossed, including the one that was connected to the Roman road of Cormeilles. The name Bonneville means "Beau Domaine".
bow do main ?
A little history....

Cormeilles has certainly existed for a very long time, its name Curmiliaca indicates a Roman presence, probably in the form of an observation tower probably located on the side of Mount Mirel (mirel: miraculous origin: admire, watch).

This type of observation tower was common on Roman roads. The one we are concerned with (Rue de Pont-Audemer) connected LISIEUX (Noviomagus Lexoviorum) to LILLEBONNE (Juliobona) which was at that time an important embarkation port for the Roman legions to Great Britain.

At that time, our village was mainly a large marsh.

Cormeilles became very important in the 11th century, in fact, the Lord of Cormeilles, Guillaume Fitz Osbern, (Guillaume Fitz Osbern — Wikipédia), Son of Osbern de Crepon, himself an important figure in Normandy and descendant of Viking, took part alongside William the Bastard (later William the Conqueror) in the conquest of England. 60 boats were provided by the city, which is far from negligible.
The Lord of Cormeilles played an important role in this conquest, particularly in taking the decision to invade England at a time when many Norman barons were reluctant to follow the Conqueror in this dangerous adventure.
As a reward, Fitz Osbern will receive a part of Wales (where he will build a stone castle, considered by many historians as the first stone castle on the European continent). This year we are celebrating the 950th anniversary of its existence, this Welsh city is Cheptow, a town twinned with Cormeilles for more than 40 years.

It was at this time that the oldest part of the church in our village (11th century) was built.
Guillaume Fitz Osbern also had an important abbey built and demolished shortly before the French Revolution. Today, it remains the pigeon house, the abbots' manor house and part of the surrounding wall (located on the territory of Saint-Pierre-de-Cormeilles).

This proximity between the Duke of Normandy and the Lord of Cormeilles will grant many privileges to the city. The title of "High Barony of Justice" and the privilege of setting the taxes you wish to pay yourself (a privilege that has disappeared to this day...).
As a result, a court of justice and a prison were prominent on the side of the current town hall. These numerous privileges will not really please the revolutionaries of 1789 and when the future communes are redistributed, Cormeilles will be reduced to its simplest expression, which explains that practically by all the exits of Cormeilles, you are immediately on the territory of our neighbours.
Bonneville, bonetown...

The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) was released by Republic Records

1. "Into the Lair"
2. "Almost is Never Enough"
3. "17 Crimes"
4. "Heart by Heart"
5. "Bring Me Home"
6. "When the Darkness Comes"
7. "Strangers" Seven Lions
8. "Magnetic"
9. "Bear" Pacific Air
10. "All About Us" (featuring Owl City) He is We
11. "Calling from Above" (Edit) Bassnectar
12. "Start a Riot" Jetta
13. "Strange Days"
"We have not sufficiently explained what we are doing. And a second mistake was made: the fact that they were probably too intelligent, too subtle, too technical in measuring purchasing power. We salamied all the measurements.
Isparnid, it's not about measuring / measurements, but about measures (taken to increase the purchasing power) which here means, according to the Wiktionary :
French : « Et une 2e erreur a été faite : le fait d'avoir probablement été trop intelligents, trop subtils, trop techniques dans les mesures de pouvoir d'achat. Nous avons saucissonné toutes les mesures. »

English : "(...) too technical in the measures (in favor) of purchasing power. We sliced all the measures."
The Heremit.....a free man does not march
Die heremit steht auf dem Berg, unter ihm der Welt. Der Riss zeigt die Entwicklung teile und herrsche. Die Laterne leuchtet in der Finsternis und bezeichnet den „Erleuchteten“, die einen Abstand zu der heutigen Welt hat.
Ich sehe die Verbindungen zu dem gelben Westen für mich.
economist 2017.jpg
This cover of the economist is a misappropriation of tarot symbols. This is what allows you to conclude that the free man does not walk, whereas originally and on the contrary, the hermit is precisly a walker (he leans on his pilgrim's staff). The fact is that he does move forward using his own light, that is, according to what his mind and heart tell him. In fact, he walks at his own pace towards his destination, which does not prevent any companionship, but he is no longer very young either, so he will certainly not start running... and it is not just a matter of wisdom : -)

In any case, I recognize that the image itself is intriguing because it corresponds so much to today's reality, if only by the choice of colours .It can also be a coincidence...... one more!
Marine Le Pen, le fin du plafond de verre ? - Les Terriens du Samedi
Marine Le Pen, the end of the glass ceiling?

Published on Dec 15, 2018 / 25:40

Translated from French by Microsoft
Tax evasion: "We found that 1.8 million of social Security numbers were allocated in France on the basis of false documents", says @CharlesPrats. @MA2TBE2L #Europe1

Les Gilets jaunes prévoient déjà un acte VI à Lyon
Translated from French by Microsoft
The yellow vests are already planning an act VI in Lyon Les Gilets jaunes prévoient déjà un acte VI à Lyon

de faisceau gaussien.

The Bertrand family, allied to the Hermite family, gave French personalities in the 19th and 20th centuries, mainly in the scientific field, and including about fifteen members of the Academy of Sciences, two members of the Académie française, two members of the Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres, one member of the Academy of Medicine, two women of letters including one winner of the Femina Prize, four painters including one winner of the Prix de Rome, several deputies, a minister, a secretary of state, several mayors, general councillors and a president of the General Council.


"After a three-year mission to Babylon, he is a professor of rhetoric..." (rire)
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