Do some French people see what's going on? Yellow Vest Protests

Masks are dropping:

Amazing how all these guys openly call for a violent crackdown and for blood to flow, rather than engage in dialogue. But then again, they probably have orders from the top of the globalist order to crack down hard, so that the whole project wont fail. The EU in its current form would be severely challenged if YV demands of more democracy, more sovereignty and more say on vital issues are met.

Reminds me of this bit from the chancellor's speech (go to 2:04 if you have little time) :
"Philosopher" Luc Ferry wants the police to shoot at the protesters:

Had to see what this dude was saying today.


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Let our policemen defend the Republic get beaten every Saturday and in three years Marine le Pen will appear as the Savior of the Republic. The heart of the mvt of yellow waistcoats is legitimate, but the overflows saw fascism.

Le pouvoir d'achat est devenu la première préoccupation des Français
Purchasing power has become the first concern of the French
Présentée par Florence Gault RCF, RADIO 4-5 minute Read

The kickoff of winter sales has just been given. For six weeks, the French will be able to try to find the best possible deals. An interesting period when we know that 70% of the French believe that their purchasing power has dropped in recent months. In full mobilization of "yellow vests", it has even become the first concern of citizens.

The main concern of the French

Increasing their purchasing power is indeed the main wish of the French at the beginning of the year. At least that was revealed by an Odoxa-Dentsu Consulting survey released last week. In the same question in 2015, respondents put the fall in unemployment at the top of their agenda. Security monitoring with the fight against terrorism.

It must be said that the yellow vests crisis has put purchasing power back on the headlines. And yet, according to INSEE, purchasing power has increased by 1.4% in 2018 and is expected to increase further in 2019. It is in fact what households can consume with their income.

In France, INSEE, the national institute of statistics and economic studies, is responsible for calculating it. For this, it is necessary to measure and compare the evolution of revenues and prices, as recalled Guillaume Houriez, head of the national accounts department at INSEE.

A discrepancy between the figures of INSEE and the reality

Yet in reality, there is a gap between the figures of INSEE and the feeling of households. This is explained by Sandra Hoibian, director of the Credoc Evaluation and Society, the research center for the study and observation of living conditions. For the latter, today, it is the young people who have the greatest difficulty in terms of purchasing power.

It should be noted that the French are also more sensitive to the rise in prices of their daily purchases, such as bread or gasoline, than to the price of occasional purchases of durable goods, such as a washing machine. Although they represent a larger part of their budget.

We now know the household expenditure items where prices have risen. It's fuel, tobacco, and food. And INSEE data also show a soaring butter price of 9.6% over one year and 13.8% for potatoes.

Losing money by saving

Moreover, and this is not a French exception, the inflation rate of the Euro Zone reached 1.8% in 2018. Inflation forces, the real basic monthly salary has slightly decreased in 2018, the order 0.1% according to INSEE. As for the average wage per head, it only increases by 0.4%. Difficult, under these conditions, to grow its savings.

And Livret A is a good example. The Livret A rate of pay, like that of the booklet for sustainable development and solidarity, is set at 0.75% by the government, well below the inflation observed last year. The National Association for the Defense of Consumers and Users, CLCV, estimates that the shortfall, in terms of purchasing power, would be around 3.6 billion euros. For François Carlier, the general delegate of the CLCV, it is necessary to review the calculation of the interest of the livret A but also of the life insurance.

For the CLCV one thus loses money by saving. The association is now inviting consumers to find out about the popular savings booklet, which is accessible under certain conditions to low-income households. An unrecognized booklet and little presented by banks.

Translated from French by Microsoft
In spite of everything, the yellow vests remain largely the majority in the opinion

Masks are dropping:

"Philosopher" Luc Ferry wants the police to shoot at the protesters:
"They should use their weapons at last. Look, enough is enough! We're the 4th military power in the world, it should be able to put an end to that filthy business!"

After calling the police to shoot at the protesters by the 'Philosopher', US embassy in Paris alerts foreigners to avoid riots across France. Interesting developments!

US Embassy Warns France Visitors to Avoid Yellow Vests Riots
US Embassy Warns France Visitors to Avoid Yellow Vests Riots

The wave of the so-called Yellow Vests rallies — named after the obligatory attribute of French cars — started in mid-November. While the French government has scrapped its planned hike in diesel taxes, which is what initially sparked the protests, the yellow vests have evolved into a broader movement against government policies and rising living costs. The rallies have been marked by violent clashes between protesters and the police.

Interesting description I thought "The wave".

Sorry for the double post.

Just to add something less redundant:

In addition the the yellow vests problem Macron is probably very busy with a few other items such as:

France Reveals Terms of Its Withdrawal From Syria
In separate development, advisers to French President Emmanuel Macron reportedly met with Kurdish militants representing the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and assured them of future support from Paris.
Not to mention the fact that some of these yellow vests are biting and given the hygiene at the roundabouts, we can expect to catch a whole lot of diseases. Some of the symptoms are: you may talk with people who have not been introduced to you, you may do things for free, and sometimes even, not even for yourself alone, you may say things that you have kept secret for years, you may want to sing, to move, to shout, and even to fight (which hadn't happened to you since your last playground), in short, be careful, you might feel alive and that's very dangerous, we know when it starts, but nobody knows how far it can take you.
Translated from French by Microsoft
⚡️ PARIS/Drivers 🚙 #VTC and #GiletsJaunes facing the forces of the order currently at Boulevard St Germain

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🔴 Serris (77): #SeineetMarne Several dozens of #GiletsJaunes block since this evening access to the industrial zone. #Serris #10Janvier #GIletsJaunesIDF

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Uh, @BrunoLeMaire I think I know where to start to cut public spending.

Pont-à-Mousson, 6 am: the RAID smashes the door of a yellow vest
Pont-à-Mousson, 6 h du matin : le RAID défonce la porte d’un gilet jaune
The 10/01/2019 at 18:20
The RAID arrested, this Thursday morning, in Pont-à-Mousson, one of the yellow vests suspected of having participated in the violence against the police committed during the last demonstration in Epinal

What is happening ! Asks, stunned this resident of downtown Pont-à-Mousson. A bar boss who has just opened his business, replies, equally flabbergasted: "I do not know" ... "But it's not for you that they are there," he adds with a tip humor.

It is 5:58 on Thursday and the trader and his interlocutor have just seen an impressive column of police.

They are about ten, hooded, helmeted and dressed all in black. Shadows in the night. They are armed to the teeth, wear impressive protections worthy of Robocop and some are equipped with heavy shields.

They walk one behind the other, along the walls of a residential street in the city center. Without making the slightest noise. They join a sniper who is already in position, at a street corner, facing a two-story house with white shutters. This is where their goal lies.

All belong to the antenna of the RAID of Nancy whose specialty is the fight against terrorism and the arrests at high risk.

Their presence in Pont-à-Mousson is linked to the investigation into the abuses committed during the last demonstration of yellow vests in Epinal. In particular, a police car was returned.

A spectacular image that justice has decided to respond with another spectacular image, the men of the RAID arresting one of the alleged breakers whose home was located in Pont-à-Mousson.

The suspect lives on the ground floor. The superflics silently install a jack in front of his door. Some crunches. Then two big cracs. The door is smashed. Everything is then played in a handful of seconds and some cries of surprise.

The suspect is arrested and handcuffed while he is still in bed with his girlfriend. He did not have time to do anything. The RAID men leave the scene and leave the yellow vest in the hands of the investigators of the SRPJ Nancy and BSU Epinal.

His home is raided. The suspect is then taken to the police station in Epinal and placed in police custody.

He will be presented to the prosecution on Friday, which will request his detention.

Fall of Empires: London, Washington & Paris on brink of collapse (by George Galloway)

Snip: 5-6 minute Read
Despite the thrashing around of the NATO disinformation apparat, the imperial heartland has entered 2019 in a state of complete chaos.
Washington, London, and Paris – the three capitals of the Empire – are today effectively ungoverned, shutdown, tottering on the brink of collapse or under siege by their own people.

Their self-chosen Nemeses – Moscow and Beijing – meanwhile toast the New Year in a state of considerable optimism and self-confidence. These are the facts, this is the news.

We should start at the top of the Empire. The United States government has closed down amid stasis and a barrage of inter-governmental howitzers.

The defense secretary, 'Mad Dog' Mattis, has resigned as have other uniformed subalterns angry at the president's re-found determination to withdraw from costly and losing foreign wars. The actual "mad dog" – John Bolton – openly defies President Trump over Syria, Mueller closes in, and the new Democratic majority in the House gears up to "impeach the mother***er."

Skipping Down

In France, the Elysee has become Macron's Bastille and it is not at all inconceivable that it will be stormed.
Last weekend his own spokesman had to be smuggled out of a back-door after a truck hijacked by protestors smashed through the door of his government building. The very conditions Macron strove so very hard to bring about in Damascus and that France DID help bring about in Kiev are now rocking the very foundations of the French Republic.

No amount of turning the 'Nelson's Eye' (when famously England's Admiral Lord Nelson at the Battle of Trafalgar was told that the French Navy were advancing on him, he put his telescope to the black patch covering his missing eye and said "I see no ships" – will alter the fact that for eight weeks and counting, hundreds of thousands of French people of all political stripes have been – increasingly violently – on the streets of cities throughout the country demanding that their president resign. And that Macron showering Euros down the Champs Elysees in concessions – in absolute defiance of the EU's fiscal rules – has merely encouraged 'les autres' to keep on demonstrating.

This is a very long read (13-16 minutes) by Unz news.

French Democracy Dead or Alive?
January 11, 2019 • 2,300 Words Video's and Comments
Paris, France, 9 January 2019
French Democracy Dead or Alive? Or perhaps one should say, buried or revived? Because for the mass of ordinary people, far from the political, financial, media centers of power in Paris, democracy is already moribund, and their movement is an effort to save it. Ever since Margaret Thatcher decreed that “there is no alternative”, Western economic policy is made by technocrats for the benefit of financial markets, claiming that such benefits will trickle down to the populace. The trickle has largely dried up, and people are tired of having their needs and wishes totally ignored by an elite who “know best”.

President Emmanuel Macron’s New Year’s Eve address to the nation made it perfectly clear that after one unconvincing stab at throwing a few crumbs to the Gilets Jaunes (Yellow Vests) protest movement, he has determined to get tough

France is entering a period of turmoil. The situation is very complex, but here are a few points to help grasp what this is all about.



To be continued…

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