Donald Trump wins 2016 US presidential election

Took awhile to catch up on the thread, so thanks for all the posts, very interesting as always.

Turgon said:
One thing I'd like to make mention of. I was listening to CBC Radio and they were discussing the election results, and it's pathetic how they are trying to spin things around. They started out with a segment where they exhaustively repeat and discuss all of trumps sexcapades and how he is a misogynistic womanizer, his disrespect of women, etc. And the way the segment was set up was to make this portion have an impacting impression on the psyche. Because immediately afterwards, they quickly bring up, in a dismissive way, Hillary's email and Clinton foundation scandals, which I almost missed, considering how much time was spent on Trump. The kicker being, after discussing how Trump would bring both scandals up throughout the campaign, that it was compared to yet another form of sexism! Basically alluding that the reason those scandals have been brought up, is not because Hillary is a criminal involved in shady dealings, but because she's a woman! Thank DCM I don't listen to mainstream media very often. They seem to be in overdrive, fomenting a lot of race and gender division, trying harder then ever to split and pigeonhole people into pockets using a level of emotional manipulation and programming that, even though has been going on for decades and longer, seems more in-your-face, and bordering on insane right now.

I think we were likely tuned to the same CBC things; pathetic indeed. I tuned in to see where the media would go; and here in Canada it is all pretty much the same - they went mad, runaway shock, hysterical callers who might as well been saying we are all going to die (well that's true at some point). Following all this, took some time trying to gently calm some of my friends down with contrary evidence, tried to get them to stop and see something they had not seen before; no thanks to the media, and to help dissolve a little of their cognitive dissonance which is a powerful influence. Slowly, and not just with friends, I see people starting to calm, to share articles that are not of the main. For most people it took time to really start to gawk the truer situation after 9/11, if at all, yet many did and do now, so I suspect this will be the same; time is needed. That being said, the media has everyone so locked down, and they always have reinforcements to drill it down even further, yet even those authorities are not making any sense, they are scared, their false narratives are dissolving and they are clinging to its pieces. Very sad.

I've no idea how this big White House transition will go, who will sit in his inner circle and who will be outed. What the generals will do, the intelligence operatives and their directives - false flags and all the rest of the possibilities that may be spun up to help derail him and so much more. However, the antithesis of him was her, and her path was the full of lies and deceit, pure STS statuesque that eats people up.

PS. some of the videos offered above were great!

PPS. really good balanced articles on SoTT today, Joe and Harrison!
Donald Trump has been interviewed by the WSJ, here is the NYT's take on it:

President-elect Donald J. Trump said Friday that he was likely to abandon the American effort to support “moderate” opposition groups in Syria who are battling the government of President Bashar al-Assad, saying “we have no idea who these people are.”

In an interview with The Wall Street Journal that dealt largely with economic issues, including his willingness to retain parts of the Affordable Care Act, he repeated a position he took often during his campaign: that the United States should focus on defeating the Islamic State, and find common ground with the Syrians and their Russian backers.

I’ve had an opposite view of many people regarding Syria,” Mr. Trump told The Journal. “My attitude was you’re fighting Syria, Syria is fighting ISIS, and you have to get rid of ISIS. Russia is now totally aligned with Syria, and now you have Iran, which is becoming powerful, because of us, is aligned with Syria.”

His comments suggest that once Mr. Trump begins overseeing both the public support for the opposition groups, and a far larger covert effort run by the Central Intelligence Agency, he may wind down or abandon the effort. But there are in fact two wars going on simultaneously in Syria.

One is against the Islamic State, in which the United States is supporting 30,000 Syrian-Kurdish and Syrian-Arab fighters, who last weekend announced they were opening a new phase of the battle, beginning to encircle the ISIS capital in Raqqa. There are roughly 300 United States Special Operations forces on the ground assisting these militia.

The second effort is in support of rebels fighting Mr. Assad. The C.I.A. covert program is by far the largest conduit of support, providing antitank missiles to rebels fighting the government. That is the program that Mr. Trump seems most intent on ending. If the United States pursues that line, “We end up fighting Russia, fighting Syria,” Mr. Trump told The Journal.

The argument for ending the support may be bolstered by the fact that, as a matter of survival, those opposition groups have entered into battlefield alliances with the affiliate of Al Qaeda in Syria, formerly known as Al Nusra. This has had the effect of allowing Mr. Assad and Russia to argue that they are attacking Al Qaeda, and the United States should aid them in that effort. Secretary of State John Kerry acknowledged that argument during his ultimately failed effort to reach a deal for a cease-fire and an ultimate settlement.

Mr. Trump’s the-enemy-of-my-enemy-is-my-friend logic is consistent with what he said during the campaign. “I’m not saying Assad is a good man, ‘cause he’s not,” he told The New York Times in an interview in March, “but our far greater problem is not Assad, it’s ISIS.”

But it also takes a position that will gratify President Vladimir V. Putin, because it suggests that rather than pressure Russia to end its support of Mr. Assad, a Trump administration will get out of Mr. Putin’s way.

In another hint of a major change in policy, one of Mr. Trump’s primary national security advisers, Lt. General Michael T. Flynn, the retired head of the Defense Intelligence Agency, wrote in The Hill newspaper this week that the United States should extradite Fethullah Gulen who Turkey has demanded should be sent back from his exile in Pennsylvania. The Turkish government of Recep Tayyip Erdogan has blamed him for a coup attempt over the summer.

The Justice Department has not yet concluded that there is any convincing evidence that Mr. Gulen should be sent back to almost certain confinement or execution under an extradition treaty with the United States. They see the request as part of Mr. Erdogan’s effort to eliminate all opposition.

Mr. Flynn adopted many of Turkey’s arguments about Mr. Gulen, arguing that “American taxpayers are helping finance Gulen’s 160 charter schools” in the United States, and that it is more important to support Turkey than be “hoodwinked by this masked source of terror and instability nestled comfortably in our own backyard.”

Some glimpses of light at the end of the tunnel? Hopefully so.
Siberia said:
Donald Trump has been interviewed by the WSJ, here is the NYT's take on it:

And, Russia's Sergei Glazyev said:

Says Clinton Was a 'Symbol of War' Rejected by America

Top Kremlin adviser Sergei Glazyev today told Russia’s news service that the election of Donald Trump by the United States may ultimately avert World War III between NATO and the Russian Federation, saying that Trump might symbolize a change in course for the US.

Glazyev said many within the Russian government saw Hillary Clinton as a “symbol of war,” and that the American voters’ rejection of Clinton in favor of Trump showed a rejection of that level of hostility. Russian officials have also praised Trump, saying he appears to have the same foreign policy mindset as Vladimir Putin.


Imagine, these two people with the same foreign policy mindsets....what a good idea.
Tempo said:
Was listening to some Leonard Cohen today, due to his passing, and considering some of the ideas presented in this thread, when some ideas about the potential symbolic connections between these recent events jumped into my mind.

It seemed a little strange that due to the news about Leonard Cohen, Hallelujah was trending on social media, in conjunction with Trump getting elected.
Then, I remembered the story about bald eagles being rescued, which pushed my thinking into symbolism.

Realized, I didn't exactly know what hallelujah meant, so I looked it up.
Apparently, it means “praise to God,” or more specifically “to sing in praise of God.” Interesting.

Then, in the Wikipedia article I was taking a look at, this caught my eye:

[quote author=]
“In the great song of praise to God for his triumph over the -jezebel- of Babylon...”

I didn't really know much about the -jezebel- of Babylon, so I looked that up.
These passages stood out to me:

[quote author=]

17:2 With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication. (connected to the current hysteria being displayed from those in Killary's thrall?)

17:4 And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication... "
(the mention of purple struck me as interesting from the articles angelburst29 posted previously)

17:6 And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus..."
(we came, we saw, he died. *witchy cackle* )

So, I thought there were some interesting connections, with all these events in mind.

Good connections!

The thought DID cross my mind very briefly that it was interesting the Leonard died exactly when he did considering his influence on Western culture. I've been pretty busy observing and trying to collect other data AND trying to sort out what my various psychic/subconscious feelings and impulses might actually be telling me. Interestingly, today, my thinking intersects with what you wrote above.

Since I know perfectly well - and documented it in this thread - that Donald Trump is more or less following a template of Hitler's rise to power, and I don't kid myself that he is in any way going to be able to do a whole lot - and even if he was able, would we want him to? - so WHY was the most overwhelming feeling I had on learning that he had actually won RELIEF?

I've been chewing on this for a bit, reading, watching, gathering data, and today I finally think I have it sorted: the relief is due to the fact that the slow, incremental death by a thousand cuts inflicted on humanity since the assassination of JFK now ends. Donald Trump may very well accelerate processes that have been going on slowly and incrementally, and it will be that process that shows the face of the Man Behind the Curtain. It may also be that Trump and his coming administration and the results of same will act as an attractor for what the Cs also mentioned: Cosmic events.

I collected a few things that may be relevant. Remember, back in 2003 while Bush was starting things up with Iraq in exactly the same way that things have been ramping up vis a vis Russia there was the remark about the "Man Behind the Curtain".

18 Jan 2003
Q: (L) And then meanwhile, there is the North Korean guy - the mirror image of George Bush; everything he says and does is modeled from George Bush. It is actually comical to watch them. "I'm going to blow up the world!" "No you're not, I'm going to blow it up first! I'm going to turn America into a sea of fire." And Bush is saying "I'm going to bomb Iraq back to the stone age." "No you're not! We're going to bomb YOU back to before the Stone Age!" They are like two identical characters! Crazy! We are in a hell of a mess. Any comments?

A: The situation looks bleak indeed. But remember the Achilles heel of STS: Wishful Thinking.

Q: In this case, how is wishful thinking going to help?

A: There will be a big miscalculation made. It will reveal the "Man behind the curtain."

Now, keep in mind that the context was about the global hegemony agenda of regime change and "exporting democracy". That's pretty much been behind everything since WW II, accelerating seriously with Bill Clinton's presidency. I think he only made it to the White House and survived his scandals because of the Bush family support.

In any event, that's the context: the drive for global hegemony by the US, and it is in this arena that there will be a "big miscalculation" that will reveal "the Man behind the curtain". So, again I suggest that this big miscalculation was the election of Trump and Hillary's loss of the election. They were SO SURE that she would win that they didn't do enough to engineer the win. PLUS, another miscalculation was how much Hillary is hated and, on a small scale, an insider in her camp decided to leak to Wikileaks and thus that was a revealing of "the Man behind the curtain" or, in this case, the woman and her connections.

In a later session, relevant today because of the current riots

23 Aug 2014
Q: ... (Menrva) I wanted to ask about Ferguson, Missouri. We wanted to know if the events there were a marker?

A: Not a marker per se, it was an opportunity.

Q: (Perceval) It was an opportunity for people to wake up, see what's going on, and take action. But they didn't. It was a missed opportunity by the people.

(L) Yeah.

A: The killing will continue until even the "silent majority" find their voice. They were silent at the exposure of Ferguson and many previous incidents. But notice that the anger is still building and psychopaths always miscalculate.

Q: (Pierre) That's a message of hope. There will be a reaction eventually.

(Perceval) They'll miscalculate in that they'll allow the killing to continue, and they don't realize that there's a breaking point where there's a string of murders, just killing people gratuitously in the street, and that will trigger large percentage of people...

(Andromeda) Something will break...

(Perceval) And that's what they can't budget for because they're psychopaths. All of these shootings by cops are the result of the ponerization of America and the influx of psychopaths into society and into positions of power; more ordinary psychopaths, the only place they can get power is the police force; so, they flood the police forces because they're not smart enough to be politicians. Then they get guns and start shooting people. That's not part of their plan. I mean, I don't think they're trying to incite revolution by killing people. It's just a function of psychopaths in the police force doing what they do. It's going to be a war between them and ordinary people.

(Andromeda) It'll be like in V for Vendetta.

A: Psychopaths see these events as reasons to impose more controls, but that only results in more pressure and more anger which will reach a global tipping point.

Q: (Pierre) Doesn't it mean national or international revolt?

A: "Tipping points" can be other than human initiated actions.

Q: (Pierre) Cosmic reactions.

(L) Yeah.

(Perceval) Earth changes.

(Pierre) It would have been better that humans react. {Note: if humans don’t take care of their problems, the cosmos will.}

(Chu) But that makes sense like with dictatorships where people were oppressed and killed in front of other people, and still the people submitted. If it's not a cosmic type of reaction, people won't react now. They just don't have it in them.

(L) Yeah, I think the big key to what's going on here is the global nature of the repression, the killing, the suppression, you know?

(Perceval) It's linked because they say, okay, the effect of psychopaths can cause people to rise up and have a revolution. But other than that, it would be nature. It reminds me of that 2004 tsunami when they said...

(L) “If you can't create within, you create without”. When people's creativity is suppressed...

(Perceval) …it manifests externally. It was a wave of creativity that was being suppressed, and it was a wave that came in and destroyed everything, you know what I mean?

(L) Yeah.

(Pierre) There's a circle, or negative feedback loop described with the dynastic cycle {in “Earth Changes and the Human-Cosmic Connection}...

(L) That's a positive feedback loop of negative events.

(Pierre) Yeah, you're right. More earth events, more desperation, more control, more anger, and it keeps feeding itself.

(L) Okay, next question?

(KJN) Will Israel get its comeuppance and the Gaza atrocities abate?

A: Israel will certainly "pay the piper", but perhaps not soon enough.

Q: (L) I just keep wanting a comet to just come down on Tel Aviv. There was a session years ago where the C's warned us not to go to Tel Aviv. We were invited to a conference, and they suggested that we not go because they could see something really big coming for Tel Aviv at some point in the future. Now, that was years ago, but you know how time is for the Cs; it's irrelevant. So, I suspect that there IS something really big coming for Tel Aviv.

(Pierre) Something of cosmic origin?

(L) Possibly, we don't know.

(Perceval) One of the depressing things I was thinking about was that the world needs - in a strange way - Israel and the Zionists to do what they're doing, i.e. massacring civilians, to provide an opportunity for the people of the world to wake up and make a choice; a last opportunity to make a choice between yes and no, good and evil, etc. In that sense, they serve a purpose. So that kind of stuff will continue on until the very last.

(L) So it's like in the Book of Revelation: the Palestinians are the saints.

(Perceval) By dying for humanity, in a certain sense...

(Pierre) What is the nature of the big event coming to Tel Aviv?

(L) You know they're not gonna tell you that! They would have told me that way back then. Wait and see!

A: Yes.

Q: (Kniall) Read Pierre's book. [laughter]

(L) Alright, next?

(KJN) They kind of gave some timetables in previous sessions regarding money collapse, martial lockdowns, the Ebola virus becoming pertinent for the United States, etc. Do we have any updates on these time tables, and have things shifted to create a different time table scenario?

A: You are presently in the process described. It is only a matter of acceleration and the addition of the energy information of more dramatic upcoming events.

Q: (L) More dramatic upcoming events... What kind of more dramatic upcoming events?

A: Earth change variety. That should get the system going in a big way!!

This is the point I'm getting at: what if Trump is the catalyst for a LOT of misery and thereby jumpstarts the BIG CHANGES. Because, let's face it, it was going on as death by a thousand small cuts for years and years and people are just worn out. They would rather face the amputation than the constant fight against slow moving gangrene. And that is basically the choice that has been made, perhaps.

Next, the one I posted a few pages back:

14 Mar 2015

Q: (L) The US is a powder keg. It just needs the right spark.

(Perceval) It's got all the right ingredients right now. You've got so many people in big cities dependent on supermarkets and stuff. And then you have the police state well-trained to deal with uprisings. In other countries, they don't have quite so well-organized police state to put down social unrest.

(Andromeda) And the people aren't quite as helpless either, at least in areas like this one.

(Perceval) In urban centers in the US, there are a lot of people who are just completely dependent on supermarkets and the system in general from one day to the next.

A: Notice that the USA is exhibiting all the symptoms of a "Color Revolution".

Q: (Perceval) So, someone in a position of power somewhere in the US is planning to sort of stage-manage the social unrest or revolution after an economic collapse?

A: More or less. However all may not go as planned.

Q: (Perceval) Well, the whole Ferguson, Missouri shooting last year...

A: Outside influences may intervene.

Q: (L) What do you mean "outside"?

A: Cosmic.

Q: (L) And this is what you're talking about in the next few months?

A: Takes time.

And then, finally:
26 Oct 2015
(Joe) I have a question about Israel. Is the Israeli government/Zionists/people in control of Israel planning some kind of imminent "final solution" for Palestinians?

A: Wishful thinking exposes the man behind the curtain.

Notice again that "wishful thinking", i.e. "big miscalculation", is related to the exposure of the "man behind the curtain".

Trump is a narcissist; narcissists sort of live on wishful thinking in many ways. He may be a good businessman - at least good at self-promotion - but he can't escape wishful thinking.

So, bottom line is: for good or ill, I think Trump is a catalyst, an accelerator of events and the relief I have been feeling is related to that more than anything else. Because, obviously, practically speaking, it's pretty much "Meet the new boss, same as the old boss".

Coming back to the "sign" of the death of Leonard Cohen and "hallelujah" ... well, as you noted, it was related to the destruction of Babylon.... and that was described in Revelation as cosmic.
Neil said:
I don't quite see Trump as an "anti-establishment" candidate. I see Hillary as more of the "establishment majority" candidate while Trump is an "establishment minority" candidate. One advantage that Trump may have in this era is that the PTB aren't quite as monolithic as they were in Kennedy's time, there are cracks in the edifice. Some of them see that the imperial project is failing and are jumping ship and trying to build a more sustainable empire. They have been waiting in the wings for a weakness in the dominant paradigm to make their move. The globalists' hubris in setting Trump up as a "fall guy" for Hillary provided them the opening they were looking for. I just have a hard time believing Trump would be where he is without some deep state support; clandestine types making well-timed power plays to create an environment in the national security apparatus where Trump's more nationalistic ideas can be accommodated.

Other than Assange and some of the FBI being in the "establishment minority", I think that the timing of the healthcare insurance price hikes was quite suspicious. Maybe the "establishment minority" you are talking about planned that as well to help Trump getting elected.
Very interesting post above, Laura; all of it.

Notice again that "wishful thinking", i.e. "big miscalculation", is related to the exposure of the "man behind the curtain".

Trump is a narcissist; narcissists sort of live on wishful thinking in many ways. He may be a good businessman - at least good at self-promotion - but he can't escape wishful thinking.

So, bottom line is: for good or ill, I think Trump is a catalyst, an accelerator of events and the relief I have been feeling is related to that more than anything else. Because, obviously, practically speaking, it's pretty much "Meet the new boss, same as the old boss".

Coming back to the "sign" of the death of Leonard Cohen and "hallelujah" ... well, as you noted, it was related to the destruction of Babylon.... and that was described in Revelation as cosmic.

Was thinking that in terms of the rest of the world, not only from what is there to see (good and bad), for a a good half century or more America, its ideals, its power and control perhaps follows being linked with people across the globe on an information/psychic way - even a Karmic way or magnetic way, and as things accelerate and as people being so interconnected and linked to the accelerations, tectonic shifts follow; windows open. Maybe there will be this calm for awhile and maybe not, however, people would be well advised that one man may change little and may ultimately cause the PTB to light a fuse out of sequence, to get the timing all wrong - exposure.

If Ukraine's reaction is anything like other countries (some favorable), leaders are on edge as the system that protected them (gave them their corrupt mechanisms) are now in question (arms, trade deals - all of it) and they will be looking to solve the questions one way or another.

See here how the 'miscalculation' is affecting people like these in Kiev. This will be true of Israel, Egypt, China et all. These people do not now know where they stand at the moment all because of an election gone sideways and one man. Interesting dynamics going on.

Ukraine reacts to Trump’s election as US president - _

“Congratulations to the president of the United States with a victory in the election. I hope that the new administration (of Donald Trump) will continue to support the course of Ukraine.”
– Ukrainian Prime Minister Volodymyr Groysman

“Ukraine’s (President Petro) Poroshenko (and Foreign Minister) Pavlo Klimkin must now demand (of) Trump full clarity, explanation of his stance on Ukraine’s sovereignty!”
– Serhiy Kiral, lawmaker from the pro-European Samopomich Party

“The good news in all of this is that (Hillary) Clinton will never be able to disappoint us.”
– Razumkov Center Foreign Relations Director Oleksiy Melnyk

“The Kremlin must be spending so much money on champagne. The party must be rolling. It’s a bad day for America and a bad day for the world.”
– Reno Domenico, president of Democrats Abroad in Ukraine.

“Tell me I’m sleeping and this is a terrible nightmare!”
– Daria Kaleniuk, executive director of the Kyiv-based NGO Anticorruption Action Center

“Many questions will be asked by the new administration. The Ukrainian government will really have to show that progress is being made in reforms.”
– Andy Hunder, president of the American Chamber of Commerce in Ukraine

“(Trump has) a strong personality with unpredictable policy…we must be careful.”
– Mikheil Saakashvili, former governor of Odesa Oblast

“It’s 5 a.m. in Kyiv, but I am scared to go to bed now. With Trump in office, Putin can easily turn Syria, Ukraine into his new Chechnyas.”
– Ukrainian journalist Myroslava Petsa.

“Life goes on. Everything will be fine.”
– former Ukrainian Economy Minister Aivaras Abromavicius
Since I was looking through transcripts, I thought I would collect every mention of the Clintons.

8 Aug 1998

Q: (L) Next question: we printed some information from Val's
pages that someone said that the Clinton situation would
snowball and that there is a possibility of impeachment.

A: Impeachment means to formally accuse of commission of a
crime. Much depends on public reaction, which would be
highly negative.

Q: (L) Are you saying that the public reaction to the idea of
impeaching Clinton for fooling around would be negative?

A: All that happens in the arena of your political
undertakings is merely window dressing for purposes of
preoccupying the body politic.

Q: (L) The sentiment of the public at the present time is
that this Kenneth Starr is on a witch hunt. I don't think
that people really care. HAS Clinton been doodling around
as Starr is claiming, and is he as immoral as Starr is
Does he therefore...

A: Yes, but so what?!? None of this has anything to do with
the control of your realm. That is all undertaken in
hidden circles.

Q: (L) What would be the objective of bringing Clinton down?

A: Decoy.

Q: (L) Decoy for what?

A: All that really matters.

Q: (L) So this is to attract attention away from issues that
really matter?

A: Close.

Q: (L) Again, what is the probability that he will leave the
office before the term is up?

A: Low, but again, it means nothing.

Q: (L) What is motivating this gal Lewinsky to cooperate in
this investigation?

A: Your inquiries are not well-advised.

Q: (L) So, the powers that be behind this are playing this
game for their own reasons and I ought to drop it. Okay.

19 Sept 1998
Q: I have several things from the little mail list that I
would like to get to first because I think they may go
fairly quick. The first is this book called "Trance
Formation of America; The true life story of a CIA slave"
by Cathy O'Brien with Mark Phillips. There is a rather
lengthy quote from this book here that we have all read.
I certainly am not going to read it out loud because I
don't want to have to type such a thing myself, so I won't
read it, but I am sure you are aware of what it says.
What I would like to know is: what is the motivation
behind the authors of this book?

A: Disruption.

Q: Disruption of what?

A: Anyone disruptable.

Q: It specifically seems to be aimed at the Clintons or the
power structure. Are any of these descriptions of the
behaviors of Hillary and Bill Clinton as explicated in
this extract anywhere near close to reality?

A: Anywhere near? Well maybe, but not as described.

Q: Is there such a thing as this girl describes? These CIA
slaves that are sexually mutilated and programmed with
this mind control programming that she has described?

A: Any such experiment would be handled by the cellular
structure of pseudogovernmental satellite, not normally by

Q: So, what you seem to be implying is that what is described
here IS taking place?

A: To an extent, but the story as related is fictional.

Q: Are the Clintons as depraved as she presents them?

A: No, but recreational drug use may have occurred. However,
we suggest you not share that!

19 June 1999
Q: Next: I'm not going to read this whole thing here; it's a statement by Arizona Wilder who claims that she conducted human sacrifice rituals for the Illuminati Elite for decades. These included the British Royal Family, George Bush, Henry Kissinger, and a stream of world famous names revealed in "The Biggest Secret" and the video "Revelations of a Mother Goddess," available through this web site, which is David Icke's. Since she escaped from her mind-controlled confinement she has dedicated herself to exposing what is happening. First question: did Arizona Wilder conduct human sacrifice rituals for the Illuminati Elite for decades?

A: Is Henry Kissinger a royal bloodline?

Q: I don't think so. George Bush is distantly related to the Queen of England. I think that what she means is "for" the royal family, AND George Bush AND Henry Kissinger. Is this woman what she claims to be and did she do what she claimed to do?

A: Better "hold the mustard" on that one.

Q: What does 'hold the mustard' mean?

A: Be careful before swallowing whole.

Q: I see. Well, she also says the Illuminati, the clique which controls the world, are genetic hybrids, a result of interbreeding between human beings and the reptilian aliens many thousands of years ago. The center of power is not even in this dimension, it is in the 4th dimension, the lower astral as many people call it, the realm of demons of folklore. She obviously doesn't have a CLUE!

A: Either that or all humans have some reptilian genes...

Q: She says that every presidential election has been won by the candidate with the most European Royal Genes. Of the 42 presidents up to Bill Clinton, 32 have been related to Alfred the Great ...

A: John Kennedy???

Q: Well....

A: No, answer please.

Q: Did Kennedy have royal blood? I think Nixon had more than Kennedy.

A: So then, need we say more???

7 Sept 2013
Q: ...Did the president of Syria and his forces use any kind of chemical weapons, sarin nerve gas or any of that sort of thing, in his battles against the rebels?

A: No!

Q: (L) He's not that stupid.

A: Exactly, nor that heartless!

Q: (L) Next question? (Andromeda) Is the whole show to cover up the oncoming comets?

A: Partly, though even the higher level players may not be totally aware.

Q: (Atriedes) Why is there this big show with the British House of Lords or Commons or whatever, and suddenly there are all these speeches in Congress about taking back the power to declare war, and suddenly Obama changed from just going to war to, "Oh, I'm gonna go talk to Congress!" Why is there this whole big show about that aspect?

A: Drama to keep the masses off their backs about what really matters.

Q: (Ark) What really matters I think is that once in awhile you have to get rid of the old missiles, because they're costly. It's much better to get new ones so you have to get rid of the old ones. For the French and for the US; you have to get rid of them.

A: What really matters to the people is the coming Earth events for which they are entirely unprepared.

Q: (L) I guess what matters to them in the short term is jobs and the economy, all of which is related to climate change?

A: Yes

Q: (L) So they're not doing anything about climate change - and I don't mean global warming, either. I mean what's going on here on the planet right now in a big way. They're not doing anything about that, they're not doing anything to straighten out the vast inequity between the rich and poor... (Perceval)Are we talking about this Syria business at some level having been decided upon...

A: Yes, of course! Who do you think sent in the people to stir up that mess??!?

Q: (Perceval)Well, there's all sorts of talk about strategic colonial agendas: pipelines and blah blah blah...

A: Have any of their plans worked thus far except to put billions in their pockets?

Q: (Perceval) So it is just a racket!

A: Yes

Q: (Perceval) For making money and distracting people. (L) And distracting the people from kicking them out of power by keeping the people afraid.

A: Yes yes yes yes yes yes.

Q: (Perceval)See, that's just unthinkable to me, that they'd have a war just to have a war for no other good reason than to make money.

A: That is psychopathy for you!

Q: (Atriedes) Right before Hillary Clinton went all evil with the Libya thing, I noticed that she suddenly swelled and became very inflamed looking. And then John Kerry right before this Syria thing, he got a lot more puffy and now he has this weird lazy eye, his eyes swelled, and his face, and he's starting to puff out, too. Is that kind of like the sign that they've turned evil when they become mega-inflamed?

A: Evil takes its toll on the body.

Q: (Atriedes) So, cutting out the evil is more important than cutting out the calories. (L) Pretty much! (Andromeda) So, there's no intent of pushing people to a revolution with some of this revolution hype and drama...?

A: Sure! It will make billions for some people and others plan to come in and set up shop on the ashes. But as we just asked: When have their plans for results actually worked as they present them?

Q: (Ark) I think there is another reason. You start the war, and then you let some kinds of these rebels to have access to nuclear weapons. Can you imagine how much more Homeland Security you will be able to have then if you let all these "Islamist rebels" get these weapons? Give your enemy advanced weapons, pretend you are helping them to get rid of Assad, and then later, "Oh, we didn't know they are terrorists, but now they have access to these weapons! We have to close our borders! We have to control everything!" (Andromeda) It's creepy, some of these reports of Homeland Security making these huge orders of hollow point bullets, and building these compounds with fences... It looks like they're kind of getting ready for some revolution or something. (Perceval)I wondered if those reports are just...

A: The real war, as you know, is on normal people via proxies.

Q: (Kniall) Are the Russians really trying to stop this?

A: At the moment.

Q: (Perceval)So...

A: Putin is also not so heartless.

Q: (Perceval)What are the chances that if the Americans and French bomb Syria, that Putin and the Russian military would respond?

A: Very good unless things change.

14 Aug 2016
Q: ... (Pierre) Talking about reanimated people, I wanted to ask about the Hillary Clinton episode where she did that weird thing in front of the reporters. (L) Was she having a mini-stroke of some sort? (Pierre) What happened? What was the cause?

A: Brain glitch.

Q: (L) Cause?

A: Brain damage. Lying takes its toll.

Q: (Arielle) So basically, lying can... (L) Destroy your brain.

A: Yes

Q: (Niall) She took sick leave and supposedly had surgery on her brain. (Arielle) Of course, I'm sure she lies a lot more than the normal person. (L) I don't think she's capable of telling the truth. Is that true, even for like psychopathic individuals? If somebody is pathological and lying is their nature, does lying take a toll on them, too?

A: Indeed. It is entropic and chaotic.

Q: (Chu) That explains changes in some leaders like Obama and stuff. (Iza) Soros is doing well. All the Rockefellers are doing well. (Pierre) Kissinger. (Scottie) I wouldn't call Kissinger, "doing well"... (L) No. They're alive, but what's the quality of life? What is their quality of life?

A: Robotic and inability to experience true joy.

Q: (L) Okay, you say they can't experience true joy, but I'm sure they experience plenty of pleasure. Is there a difference?

A: Indeed. Pleasure is rooted in physiology and joy is of the soul.

Q: (Joe) So, would people who tell lies that they know to be lies have a worse effect than people who believe what they're saying even though it's not true? (L) In other words, is conscious lying worse than unconscious lying?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) That's what I figured. Hillary Clinton has probably told tons of conscious lies. Other people are convinced... Like Niall was saying earlier on that Alan Foster Dulles' last words on his death bed were, "Watch out for Russia!" [laughter] (Pierre) The boundary is not so clear, because I imagine some people might start out believing some lies, but then they get so engrossed in it that it becomes the truth for them. (Joe) And people are programmed with lies from a very young age...

A: Delusions.

15 Oct 2016
(Beau) I have a question that will kind of change direction a little. I just want to know who's behind the Podesta e-mail leaks that are making Hillary Clinton look very bad?

A: Clinton insider.

Q: (Pierre) An insider who doesn't agree with Clinton and wants to bring her down?

(Galatea) Like a spy?

(Beau) Not Russia?

A: No

Q: (Niall) There's trouble in paradise.

(L) Definitely.

(Pierre) You see the way she behaves with her staff, so I'm not surprised someone's trying to bring her down. She drove one to suicide and another almost to suicide.

(Niall) It might be... Is it revenge for the way in which she got the Democratic nomination?

A: Revenge for personal slights.

Q: (L) Who in her insider group DOESN'T hate her?

A: Few.

Q: (L) Well.

(Beau) What's wrong with her? What is her illness?

A: Dementia.

Q: (Joe) We're assuming that her people know that she has dementia. Insiders know, people running her campaign, the Democratic party, etc. They're assuming that she's going to be okay to be president with dementia?

A: No. Part of reason to bring her down.

Q: (L) Well, she spent so much money on the campaign and cover-ups, and if she gets brought down now she won't have any friends left. She'll just slide into poverty or something. Nobody will be wanting to buy her influence anymore because she won’t have any and that was their main cash cow: influence peddling.

(Joe) Someone wants to bring her down after she becomes president?

A: Before!

Q: (Joe) Well, they better hurry up! Three weeks to go.

(Pierre) Well, they just need a big scandal.

(L) All they need to do is get enough people upset, and Trump will get the presidency.

(Joe) The media is totally anti-Trump right now.

(L) Doesn't matter. The people hate Trump less than Hillary.

(Joe) That's what we don't know. Right now, what are the odds that Trump will actually win?

A: Good.

Q: (Pierre) All the non-rigged polls seem to give Trump as the leader. So they don't have to do anything if they don't want Clinton to win.

(L) I would imagine that Trump, if he were to get it, he's in for his own set of surprises...

A: Yes

And that's pretty much all I can find that is relevant at all.
voyageur said:
Was thinking that in terms of the rest of the world, not only from what is there to see (good and bad), for a a good half century or more America, its ideals, its power and control perhaps follows being linked with people across the globe on an information/psychic way - even a Karmic way or magnetic way, and as things accelerate and as people being so interconnected and linked to the accelerations, tectonic shifts follow; windows open. Maybe there will be this calm for awhile and maybe not, however, people would be well advised that one man may change little and may ultimately cause the PTB to light a fuse out of sequence, to get the timing all wrong - exposure.

If Ukraine's reaction is anything like other countries (some favorable), leaders are on edge as the system that protected them (gave them their corrupt mechanisms) are now in question (arms, trade deals - all of it) and they will be looking to solve the questions one way or another.

See here how the 'miscalculation' is affecting people like these in Kiev. This will be true of Israel, Egypt, China et all. These people do not now know where they stand at the moment all because of an election gone sideways and one man. Interesting dynamics going on.

Bolded elements above are really interesting. And it is FURIOUSLY INTERESTING to see how everybody is just acting nuts!!! Was it planned or not? Was it the "Big Miscalculation"? I guess if a whole lot of exposing of the "Man Behind the Curtain" is the outcome, we can say it was the latter.
A couple of people recently have declared that Trump is a pedophile. Can ya'll do some research on that and find the FACTS?
Don't see any real facts yet, just many articles (a lot) from the usual sources that discuss "ties" to Jeffrey Epstein. This seems to have been a constant going back to the beginning of his campaign. There is even a hash tag @PedophileTrump. Much surrounds the alleged relationship with pseudonym Tiffany Doe.
bjorn said:
Oh common, anyone who supported Trump before he got the Republican nominee has some serious thinking to do. The guy isn't always that inspirational. Especially at the start of his campaign.

I likes how he speaks out against the Establishment.

I don't like it when he incites violence, or read a poem about vicious snakes that are a metaphor for immigrants.

I also don't like how he favors Israel. Or calls Iran the number 1 terror state in the World.

Or how one of his add campaign compared Syrian refugees to poisonous skitless.

Trump also showed to have the ability to rouse much of the anger that has been building within Americans, especially the right-wing authoritarian followers.

Etc etc,

All of this doesn't mean that he is a Evil. But it surely where all signs you don't simply ignore.

If you bet on such a horse. It doesn't mean you got it all figured out. It means your gamble turned out right.

So what is it, is he either a saint or a devil? Whatever he is, Trump surely isn't perfect. But if he is capable of doing some good.

Than I take it.

- Let's judge him by his deeds. As for now I am rooting for him.

All true and that's exactly what we were saying back then. But we looked at it from the wrong frame of mind. What I'm saying is look at American Culture. The most successful people in mainstream culture generally are A-holes who are also funny. They actually want the person who is rude and crass and has the balls to interrupt well-known politicians and tell them to be quiet. Moreover he knew what he was doing in whipping up the RWAs, and even said as much long before he ran.
Some of the scariest people I know are flocking "social justice warrior" types, looking eagerly for an excuse to rip people to shreds, (at least in an energetic sense).

They've found a way to flock and feed out in the open, they've set their sights on the "Privileged Straight White Male' and their ilk, and like mindless animals head butting for a way past a barrier, there is this seeking around every logical reduction which would prevent them from engaging in the hunt. "We know that you personally aren't responsible for slavery, but when the right level of madness is achieved, that won't save you. It's your turn to suffer!"

I've pointed out, (when the social media public shaming machine has descended upon me in the past), these supposed peace-loving types were being the aggressors and that they were hypocrites. Amazingly, this line of reasoning worked, with the result being a grudging retreat. But over the following weeks, I began seeing laboriously spun responses and logical counter arguments being aired to answer indirectly my points. They don't want reason. They want to hurt people.

I think this might be due in part to energetic starvation; the cities in which many of these people live are huge negative energy batteries, sucking people dry. Many don't feed themselves properly in any respect, physically or otherwise, and so they are constantly starved for energy. They naturally begin looking around themselves, at other people, as sources of nutrition.

I think all of this is likely the human expression of the later stages of those Rat Utopia experiments; through energetic violence rather than physical. (Though I can see that shifting to some degree).

I wonder if the "Violent Dogmatists" hat might be worn by deluded liberals this time around rather than Brown Shirts? At least in some quarters.

-I certainly know that, other than police stopping me for bike-riding without a helmet, I've not felt threatened by anybody else in recent years. But self-righteous flocks of angry vegans scare me and openly bully people. Heaven help you if you use a pronoun incorrectly in a critical mix of company. -Or speak critically of diet or corporate medicine, for that matter- There is a "need to feed" lurking, waiting and wanting an opportunity to manifest.

If you put that force up against the ponerized police.., you get the perfect storm.

It seems to me that even without Trump opening his mouth at this point, even if he tries with genuine might to be a president loved by all, the human race could easily jump into the next phase of world-wide misery quite without his help. It seems humanity is determined to experience social unrest and violence one way or another.

I am reminded of a particular passage from A Tale of Two Cities which captured the feeling of revolutionary energy unleashed, having an inevitable environmental quality to it...

"Well, then," said Defarge, as if a thought were wrung out of his breast, "it IS a long time."

"It is a long time," repeated his wife; "and when is it not a long time? Vengeance and retribution require a long time; it is the rule."

"It does not take a long time to strike a man with Lightning," said Defarge.

"How long," demanded madame, composedly, "does it take to make and store the lightning? Tell me."

Defarge raised his head thoughtfully, as if there were something in that too.

"It does not take a long time," said madame, "for an earthquake to swallow a town. Eh well! Tell me how long it takes to prepare the earthquake?"

"A long time, I suppose," said Defarge.

"But when it is ready, it takes place, and grinds to pieces everything before it. In the meantime, it is always preparing, though it is not seen or heard. That is your consolation. Keep it."

~A Tale of Two Cities, Charles Dickens
JGeropoulas - Page 82 - Reply #1220 said:
One mainstream commentator noted that both Hillary and Bill were wearing purple at Hillary's concession speech Wednesday morning.

According to MSM (e.g.The New York Times, an early mission statement for the Congressional Union for Woman Suffrage ... purple "is the color of loyalty, constancy to purpose, unswerving steadfastness to a cause." Others suggested it was representative of the "red" and "blue" states coming together into a unified America.

On the other hand, here's the traditional significance of the color purple:

Purple is associated with royalty. It symbolizes power, nobility, luxury, and ambition. It conveys wealth and extravagance. Purple is the most powerful visible wavelength of electromagnetic energy. It’s just a few steps away from x-rays and gamma rays. Perhaps this explains why purple is associated with supernatural energy. The negative meanings of purple are decadence, conceit, and pomposity. Purple is also a color of mourning.

angelburst29 - Page 82 - Reply #1286 said:
One of Trump’s political advertisements, released just prior to Election Day, stated that George Soros, Federal Reserve chair Janet Yellen, and Goldman Sachs chief executive officer Lloyd Blankfein, are all part of «a global power structure that is responsible for the economic decisions that have robbed our working class, stripped our country of its wealth and put that money into the pockets of a handful of large corporations and political entities». President Trump should be on guard against those who his campaign called out in the ad and their colleagues. Soros’s son, Alexander Soros, called on Trump’s daughter, Ivanka, and her husband Jared Kushner, to publicly disavow Trump. Soros’s tactics not only seek to split apart nations but also families. Trump must be on guard against the current and future machinations of George Soros, including his Purple Revolution.

After reading JGeropoulas' post, I immediately thought . . . USA Color Revolution is gonna be purple. Well good. At least it won't be pink because pink is my fave color.

Then I read angelburst29's post. Yep. The color Purple. How perfect. Especially when it represents both the Red & Blue of Republicans and Democrats . . . and the color of those who think they should be royalty (like the Clintons) . . . and the symbology of the color Purple mentioned in both your posts. These people don't miss a trick, do they?

Couldn't find the official color for celebration (that Hilary LOST) so I'm deciding to use PINK as my own color of celebration. Because it makes me smile and makes me happy.
voyageur said:
Very interesting post above, Laura; all of it.

Notice again that "wishful thinking", i.e. "big miscalculation", is related to the exposure of the "man behind the curtain".

Trump is a narcissist; narcissists sort of live on wishful thinking in many ways. He may be a good businessman - at least good at self-promotion - but he can't escape wishful thinking.

So, bottom line is: for good or ill, I think Trump is a catalyst, an accelerator of events and the relief I have been feeling is related to that more than anything else. Because, obviously, practically speaking, it's pretty much "Meet the new boss, same as the old boss".

Coming back to the "sign" of the death of Leonard Cohen and "hallelujah" ... well, as you noted, it was related to the destruction of Babylon.... and that was described in Revelation as cosmic.

Was thinking that in terms of the rest of the world, not only from what is there to see (good and bad), for a a good half century or more America, its ideals, its power and control perhaps follows being linked with people across the globe on an information/psychic way - even a Karmic way or magnetic way, and as things accelerate and as people being so interconnected and linked to the accelerations, tectonic shifts follow; windows open. Maybe there will be this calm for awhile and maybe not, however, people would be well advised that one man may change little and may ultimately cause the PTB to light a fuse out of sequence, to get the timing all wrong - exposure.

This was actually my first conclusion on the morning of the election. The strange feeling of relief in the face of an 'obviously' bad thing happening in the world was weird, but then it seemed obvious that the major big benefit from this was that now America is such an obvious freak show to the world, it can't help but precipitate it's own demise - much more rapidly than we would have seen under Clinton.

How does that mesh with his current very logical and hopeful stance on the likes of Syria, Russia etc? Well, the empire will not go down without a fight. They will strike back, and not in a very controlled and calculated manner. Time for the dirty nukes maybe. I saw a story the other day that Obama will stop supporting the terrorists and maybe start bombing them in Syria now. It looks very suspicious. There's no way they're backing out on their crazy plan so easily!
voyageur said:
“(Trump has) a strong personality with unpredictable policy…we must be careful.”
– Mikheil Saakashvili, former governor of Odesa Oblast

“It’s 5 a.m. in Kyiv, but I am scared to go to bed now. With Trump in office, Putin can easily turn Syria, Ukraine into his new Chechnyas.”
– Ukrainian journalist Myroslava Petsa.

“Life goes on. Everything will be fine.”
– former Ukrainian Economy Minister Aivaras Abromavicius

The art of instinctively creating chaos for the PtB through seemingly following commands.

Don't expect straightforward heroic acts from Trump, but rather indirect obstinate actions resulting in serious consequences for the establishment. He might reach his goals in roundabout ways, like announcing to the public of going against / sanctioning China, then actually achieving everything as agreed with Chinese leaders behind closed doors.

Trump with his recklessness - mentioned in the last Truth Perspective radio show - may instinctively mess up the plans of the establishment. Not really thinking through situations like the Kennedy's did, but reacting obstinately and in defiance he might seem to carry out his received commands, but in such a way that the PtB will scream "You messed up our plans!" and that will be excellent for Russia, Syria, the Middle-East and us the people.
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