Dr Karla Turner lecture

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Finally, Laura,I appreciate your 2 answers here, and they are of the nature, very fine, of all the great material you are sharing...
François said:
but I am sorry, I do not like the way you have choosen to reply to me...

That's why it is important to read the forum guidelines. This is not just a discussion forum, though it is that, it is more of a social experiment a la Gurdjieff, which the forum guidelines explain in some detail.

However, your point is a valid one. I realize the French are more concerned with form than content and we do try to accommodate an international membership. I think we can create a standardized text to paste in to any message written by a noob where we are obliged to deactivate the link.
This is not correct to explain that the link to 'Karmapolis' website Karla Turner's page I proposed spontaneously in a previous message had to be de-activated promptly because the website is unknown and could be not trusted.

Why I affirm this?:

simply because this is the reference set in the fisrt and initial message of a C's forum topic on an important subject, called: 'Double Humanity and the Extraterrestrial Intrusion', and this topic was initiated by Galahad, Forum Administrator, you trust him,no doubt:


I think Galahad has proposed the translation of the Belgian 'Karmapolis' website pages ' and set long transcripts in English because he had estimated that it was valuable material.

No doubt that the link to 'Karmapolis' website page on Karla Turner I proposed is valuable also...

I know in a way that all which is French or written in French/Belgian language could be 'suspect', and I know that French people have not a good reputation in US, this is sadly well known: French people are arrogant,etc... But I am sorry to tell you that here there is a form of arrogance on the forum moderators side...Should any serious moderator maintain an updated list of all the websites trusted by the C's forum? yes

...the offense is there ... all which is valuable is not inevitably US labelled, and any message sent by a French person and in addition within a link to a French website is not inevitably 'suspect'... have an open mind please...
Francois, what you are doing now is called 'legalistic nitpicking' and it usually indicates that there is some sort of pathological thinking involved.

I would suggest that your offense is so strong that it is palpable.
François said:
This is not correct to explain that the link to 'Karmapolis' website Karla Turner's page I proposed spontaneously in a previous message had to be de-activated promptly because the website is unknown and could be not trusted.

Why I affirm this?:

simply because this is the reference set in the fisrt and initial message of a C's forum topic on an important subject, called: 'Double Humanity and the Extraterrestrial Intrusion', and this topic was initiated by Galahad, Forum Administrator, you trust him,no doubt:


I think Galahad has proposed the translation of the Belgian 'Karmapolis' website pages ' and set long transcripts in English because he had estimated that it was valuable material.

No doubt that the link to 'Karmapolis' website page on Karla Turner I proposed is valuable also...

I know in a way that all which is French or written in French/Belgian language could be 'suspect', and I know that French people have not a good reputation in US, this is sadly well known: French people are arrogant,etc... But I am sorry to tell you that here there is a form of arrogance on the forum moderators side...Should any serious moderator maintain an updated list of all the websites trusted by the C's forum? yes

...the offense is there ... all which is valuable is not inevitably US labelled, and any message sent by a French person and in addition within a link to a French website is not inevitably 'suspect'... have an open mind please...

That is not true! Why are you making such a big deal? Everyone can copy and paste a web direction. The reasons to the disable of your link have already been given to you.
I agree with anart! Chill please! I want palpable peace :)
What is factual, so normal :

1) Karmapolis is one of the website already known by the C's forum,
2) consequently you were wrong in deactivting the link,
3) as moderator you should maintain a kind of list of the websites trusted by the C's forum

Please do not see pathological "things" where there is nothing other that normal as said above...

Sorry I think I am clean...
François, you are identifying with an internet link in the internet... Your ego has completely taken control of you. You must ask yourself why you should be offended by such an insignificant precaution. Everybody disactivates links here and there. You want to be right at all costs? It's up to you to imagine that. But someone who reads you will wonder why you are doing such a scandal from nothing. So, calm down, take a breath, and tomorrow you will see the ridiculous of the situation your ego put you in. Do not be embarrassed by it though, it happens to us all. Otherwise we wouldn't be here to begin with.
Allow me - as the owner of the forum/house you are visiting - to add: the forum moderators are all volunteers. Their main job is to maintain noise to signal at an acceptable ratio. They do not - and cannot - read every message nor take the time to write endless notes or lists. I don't either, though I try to keep up with the overall trend of active threads and help those who are having problems. In short, your demands for hospitality over and above what is available are not reasonable. I would suggest that you've never run a forum. Try it, you'll understand why we focus on some things and not on others.
François said:
What is factual, so normal :

1) Karmapolis is one of the website already known by the C's forum,
2) consequently you were wrong in deactivting the link,
3) as moderator you should maintain a kind of list of the websites trusted by the C's forum

Please do not see pathological "things" where there is nothing other that normal as said above...

Sorry I think I am clean...

Actually, let me explain this simply so that you can understand. It is not your decision whether any link on this forum is active or not. It is not your place to decide what moderators should or should not do. This is not your forum. The fact that this link may have been active at one time on this forum has no bearing on the fact that I deactivated this link today. You are a guest on this forum and it would be appreciated if you could conduct yourself according to the forum guidelines. Please re-read the forum guidelines before posting again. If your current rude behavior persists, your posting privileges will be removed.

As Gurdjieff said:

Gurdjieff said:
A decent man
will behave decently even if he thinks that he has been treated unjustly or
wrongly. But many people in such circumstances show a side of their nature
which otherwise they would never show. And at times it is a necessary means
for exposing a man's nature. So long as you are good to a man he is good to
you. But what will he be like if you scratch him a little?
François said:
What is factual, so normal :

1) Karmapolis is one of the website already known by the C's forum,
2) consequently you were wrong in deactivting the link,
3) as moderator you should maintain a kind of list of the websites trusted by the C's forum

Please do not see pathological "things" where there is nothing other that normal as said above...

Sorry I think I am clean...

Francois, please understand that there was nothing personal about deactivating the link; it was not an offense towards you nor the French or Belgian. This was already explained. This was basically a non-issue. So it is not us who are seeing things that are not there.
I am going to read guide lines before posting again.

I am going to focuse on Laura/c's material reading only instead of annoying you

Special thanks to mkrnhr,
for having taken time to comment : what you say is very reasonnable, and will let to me a good feeling before to be silencer:

quote, below, of your very good thinking:

"Everybody disactivates links here and there. You want to be right at all costs? It's up to you to imagine that. But someone who reads you will wonder why you are doing such a scandal from nothing. So, calm down, take a breath, and tomorrow you will see the ridiculous of the situation your ego put you in. Do not be embarrassed by it though, it happens to us all. Otherwise we wouldn't be here to begin with."
François said:

Secondly, the fact that - what you added in your comment - I have not yet documented my personal presentation (I am not sure to use the right words here...) has, here, no link with the current discussion, and is off (not to add here for any justification...), but I note this remembering however.

François said:
Hello Laura,

Probably not..., the English language is not my native language , and I probably less easily "navigate" in all the topics, and I could miss too the meaning of some acronyms or recommendations which are more familar to English/US people.
(as this is not certainly easy for you on a daily basis to converse in any place in France...)

Sorry François, but that's you who is off. Had you followed the forum mods' suggestions and introduced yourself as requested, you'd have been provided with all necessary links to important treads, forum guidelines included. So, as you can hopefully see, there IS a link between those two, and your following the forum customary rules would have spared a lot of energy and made things much easier to everyone involved, and especially to you.
François said:
I am going to read guide lines before posting again.

I am going to focuse on Laura/c's material reading only instead of annoying you

You are the only one annoyed here, François, and for no reason at all.

The reason people add links in the first place, is for others, to help others understand what they are referring to. Even if the link is deactivated, it is still there for others to copy-paste and again get an idea of what the poster is referring to. The link is still there for others to use if they choose to. That's all there is to this link-inserting-practice really.

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