Dr Karla Turner lecture

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iloveyoghurt said:
EGVG said:
Well, this is completely valid, everyone can get cancer, but remember that the doctor that saw her, even said that she had been visited by aliens, because her diagnose was so out of the ordinary. And the doctor had no clue of what her latest job was.

Hi EGVG, where did you hear this? I haven't come across this anywhere.

From an interview Barbara Bartholic gave, it's in Karla's memorial page I think. But I got the link from here, it's in this thread I suppose.
Apologies if this post is a bit tangential to the thread topic...

Hithere said:
The last year I've had a tendency for prolonged naps in the afternoons after work, where I sort of am awake but still can't wake up. I often get leg cramps during these "naps" and when I wake up for real I feel like I've been far away. On one of these occasions I slept for 6 hours straight until eleven in the evening without being deprived of sleep beforehand.
The sleep itself and the feeling of it it isn't a threatening experience, it happens independently of my mood, and POTS doesn't seem to influence it. Has anyone else experienced this "deep sleep" syndrome lately?

Hey Hithere,

Your post reminded me of something. First of all, I cannot comment on why this deep sleep may be happening but I find the time of the sleep (i.e. late afternoon/evening) interesting.

I grew up in Turkey (a Muslim country) and I have always been aware of a certain time of day that older people called 'The Time of Ashraf' or the 'Ashraf Hour'. This time is not definite but it takes place around late afternoon/evening and in Islamic belief is a time when day ends and night begins. It's almost as if a door opens in the skies and the 'angels of the day' depart through the door while the 'angels of the night' arrive, like a changing of the guard. People in Turkey deliberately avoid sleep during the Time of Ashraf precisely because of that feeling of having been far away that you also mention. The belief is that your soul becomes free during sleep and (if you sleep in the late afternoon) may follow the angels of the day through that 'door in the sky' and never come back. For this reason, sleep during this time tends to be extremely deep (no dreams, just a blank) and waking up from such a sleep brings with it an inexplicable feeling of having come back from afar.

Like any superstition, this does sound like nonsense but is probably rooted in some kind of fact, this one more than most. I remember that my parents (who were atheists and wouldn't give any credence to religious mumbo-jumbo) used to put me to sleep in the late afternoon and that feeling of being spaced-out, dislocated from myself and struggling to 'get back' from somewhere far away has stayed with me until this day as a feeling that now fills me with horror when I think about it.

Although this is of course an intensely personal memory and experience, similar experiences related to me by so many different people suggest to me that 'something' goes on during the transition from day to night and that sleeping during this time is not a good idea. My personal advice would be to avoid sleeping in the late afternoon/evening...

My two p (I'm in the UK :-)

Edit: added apology
Giray Khan the Brave said:
I grew up in Turkey (a Muslim country) and I have always been aware of a certain time of day that older people called 'The Time of Ashraf' or the 'Ashraf Hour'. This time is not definite but it takes place around late afternoon/evening and in Islamic belief is a time when day ends and night begins. It's almost as if a door opens in the skies and the 'angels of the day' depart through the door while the 'angels of the night' arrive, like a changing of the guard. People in Turkey deliberately avoid sleep during the Time of Ashraf precisely because of that feeling of having been far away that you also mention. The belief is that your soul becomes free during sleep and (if you sleep in the late afternoon) may follow the angels of the day through that 'door in the sky' and never come back. For this reason, sleep during this time tends to be extremely deep (no dreams, just a blank) and waking up from such a sleep brings with it an inexplicable feeling of having come back from afar.

Like any superstition, this does sound like nonsense but is probably rooted in some kind of fact, this one more than most. I remember that my parents (who were atheists and wouldn't give any credence to religious mumbo-jumbo) used to put me to sleep in the late afternoon and that feeling of being spaced-out, dislocated from myself and struggling to 'get back' from somewhere far away has stayed with me until this day as a feeling that now fills me with horror when I think about it.

Thank you for this Giray Khan the Brave; it seems similar to my experience. I've been trying to stay awake at his hour for the last weeks, and it feels more right to avoid sleeping in the afternoon, although I never have had any uncomfortable feelings in connection with these naps.
iloveyellow said:
How it actually works. is a mystery to me, as Dannybannany has asked: why cancer, why not a heartattach? You have made some suggestions here that offer perfectly sensical answers to this. I will add that, it is more energetically efficient probably to use the force within the person that is already geared a certain way.

I find myself looking at her cancer from an alternate angle, that of how different things could have been if she had a network like this one and/or the diet and health information here.
The point is, I think that if she knew what we do and had applied it (gluten/dairy/sugar free, low carb high animal fat diet) she would more than likely not have got the cancer, or a heart attack etc.
She would also be less easy to distract mentally and emotionally.
If she had EE and had practised it, and had read the recommended psychology books and applied them to herself she would most likely not be distractable via mind/emotions.
The next step is vectors/attacks via individuals in that persons life.

In short, applying the correct knowledge to ones 3D life seems to block the routes through which these 4D STS attacks take place. Knowledge (when applied) protects.
It may sound so simple, until you see how much effort 4D STS puts into changing human history to create these gaps in every individual on the planet (through the promotion of unhealthy diets/thought/beliefs - through getting us to swallow lies).
Through these gaps they can then step in and 'cause problems' with the least amount of effort.

For tose who are interested by a French traduction (partial transcipt) of Kara Turner's Taken book, this is the link to 'Karmapolis' website (very interesting Belgian site, however currently less active...)
(refer to the pdf link at the page bottom) :


Could you tell me, please, why did you deactivate without explaining the link within my previous message?

- the link proposed is a honest one, and I am acting in a honest manner.
François said:

Could you tell me, please, why did you deactivate without explaining the link within my previous message?

- the link proposed is a honest one, and I am acting in a honest manner.

Because we deactivate all links to websites of which we know nothing. I know nothing about this website. We do not link to websites we know nothing about because leaving active links to them increases their google rankings and we take a very strong stand against increasing the google ratings of disinformation sites. Due to the large volume of posts on this forum, we do not have time to go through and check every single site linked, thus, any links to sites that are currently unknown are deactivated. In the future, if more is learned, then that status might change, but, for right now, the link is deactivated.
Ok fine, I understand the meaning.

But without wishing to hurt you, it seems to me more polite to share a short explanation before acting.

This is a gentlemen's forum, isn't ?

I was offensed, and this does not correspond to the image I perceive on Laura ans C's material.
François said:
Ok fine, I understand the meaning.

But without wishing to hurt you, it seems to me more polite to share a short explanation before acting.

This is a gentlemen's forum, isn't ?

I was offensed, and this does not correspond to the image I perceive on Laura ans C's material.

Are you sure you weren't offended, because it certainly seems as though you are? Why might that be?
François said:
Ok fine, I understand the meaning.

But without wishing to hurt you, it seems to me more polite to share a short explanation before acting.

This is a gentlemen's forum, isn't ?

I was offensed, and this does not correspond to the image I perceive on Laura ans C's material.

Francois, it is SOP on this forum, mentioned in many places.

Did you read the forum guidelines before you began posting?
François said:
Ok fine, I understand the meaning.

But without wishing to hurt you, it seems to me more polite to share a short explanation before acting.

This is a gentlemen's forum, isn't ?

I was offensed, and this does not correspond to the image I perceive on Laura ans C's material.

Sorry but I do not see anything to be offended when a link is deactivated !

However speaking of being polite, since you are quite new to this forum, it has been asked twice (#1 and #2) to make an intro and although you said that you were going to do it, we have not had the chance to read it so far.
Hello Laura,

Probably not..., the English language is not my native language , and I probably less easily "navigate" in all the topics, and I could miss too the meaning of some acronyms or recommendations which are more familar to English/US people.
(as this is not certainly easy for you on a daily basis to converse in any place in France...)

I just add briefly that what is surpring for me is 'Karmapolis' website is quite welll known and have good reputation shared by serious and honest people in France and Belgium.

François said:
I just add briefly that what is surpring for me is 'Karmapolis' website is quite welll known and have good reputation shared by serious and honest people in France and Belgium. [/i]

Most of the moderators of this forum are not French or Belgian and therefore are not familiar with it. As noted, if we are not familiar with a website, we deactivate the link. We do, however, leave the link in place so that any reader may easily copy/paste it into their browser and check it out for themselves.

What is offending and polite is not the fact to deactivate a link, this is to do it wihout explaining, (short explanation). This is my point of view, resulting of my education. But this is not so important in any way, just a fine 'attitude'...

Secondly, the fact that - what you added in your comment - I have not yet documented my personal presentation (I am not sure to use the right words here...) has, here, no link with the current discussion, and is off (not to add here for any justification...), but I note this remembering however.

the most important fo me:
I have looked at Laura's website for 10 years, and bought and read books writtent by Laura (Pilule Rouge), I appreciate greatly her approach and positions and very interested by all the material she is sharing,

but I am sorry, I do not like the way you have choosen to reply to me...
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