Dr Karla Turner lecture

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I'm pretty sure her son's friend[James] in Taken thought he was in a position like that. Perhaps not literally. But its how he felt.
Thanks blindpsychic, I'll read through that one again. I do recall he seemed pretty resistant towards the regression sessions.

It also seems that he(James) is the one the c's had mentioned a while back.(?)

session 941009 said:
A:[...] We are trying to contact Karla Turner's son's
former roommate. But he is resisting. She does not realize
the extreme importance. Communicate this to her now
please Laura.
Sorry about the confusion. I could be wrong but as mentioned in other sessions it seems as though many persons who are/have been abducted create a window for various hyper-dimensional entities to enter due to their interaction with 4th-density STS.

The misunderstanding of the abductee that seems likely to occur is that the visitors are all STS, which apparently isn't the case. A fairly common 'throw out the baby with the bathwater' episode.

So it appears as though the 'mystery lady' might have been an STO/6th-density creation, quite likely there to warn, inform or generally help in some way. And based on what Karla wrote, the 'mystery lady' wasn't involved in abduction(6th-STO supposedly are not), just of a communication-type nature.

session 941106 said:
Q: (L) In the Karla Turner book, the son's roommate
encountered a female alien type, who was that?
A: One of us. But several individuals sharing form

It seems as though 'James' was needing and possibly asking for help in some way.
Just finished Turner's UFO Masquerade lecture on YouTube today, and one of the stories stood out in the 4th section of the video at about the 4 min mark. Made me jump up and pay attention.

Turner recounts an interaction she had over the phone with one of the abductee women she interviewed in her book Taken. The woman asked Karla what she thought about the claim from one of her humanoid abductors that their origin was "somewhere in the area of Casseopaea," and that immediately a human male voice (that had been ostentiably monitoring the conversation) zipped on the line saying "There's a lot of them out there and we know where they come from" and then immediately disappeared again.

Maybe I'm stretching, but this seemed like a good example of the psychopathic disinformation attempt that is designed to work two contradictory angles tailored to the game objective "of the moment," ultimately leading to befuddlement by the victim.

The 4D STS began making claims as "Cassiopaeans" during abduction experiences, etc, after this channel was opened up by Laura in 1994, just as they did (if I am remembering correctly) with Marciniak's Pleadians before that (who the C's claim are essentially one and the same, just representative of the movement of the wave, or at least represent STO thoughtform). This is the old feel good "we're here to help" routine. Then later the contradictory angle comes from a 3D STS representative in charge of monitoring and apparently intimidating over the phone that they know of all the 4D and higher STO out there and where they transmit/originate from offered as a threat to discourage absorbing or aligning with any STO frequency source. A sort of "resistance is futile" change in tactics.

I am sure I am drawing these connections because I just finished Wave 7 and am beginning to see the ways in which the Psychopath mindset seems to work: unapologetic and absolutely convicted lies in all directions based on the specifics of the social interaction at hand, each tactic executed with one goal "now" which is complete domination of the freedom of the individual being stalked. This also seemed like a utilization of the tactic Laura talks about in one of the final chapters in which a very effective torture technique is utilized to break the will of the subject: The torturer inflicts excrutiating pain, and then turns around and offers maternal coddling.

How cowardly! Trying to pawn themselves off as the good guys, then when they get afraid that the tactic may not work there is an immediate switch which coerces with threats.

The very promising upside: This also seems to me to be a bit of evidence that the STS manipulators are deeply afraid of the truth being transmitted through Cassiopaea.

Regardless of all this, this lecture (all of Dr. Turner's, really) is a must watch!


(I'm linking to part 4 of the video, because this is the section where the Cassiopaea remark is made)
I've read Into The Fringe and most of Taken by now.

As I wrote elsewhere,
Psalehesost said:
Several people in that thread have mentioned the books having quite an impact, and the same goes for me as I now read them (tearing up as I read some parts, and dealing with sudden thought loops triggered, and unexpected and interesting mental connections between things arising. and becoming less tense inside as all this is dealt with) - even though I have no memories at all of such "interference" or of any high strangeness, only a few ambiguous clues.

It's also interesting in terms of understanding the depths of the STS dynamics involved. In Taken, there is example after example of people being deeply subsumed into the consciousness-eating STS hierarchy. Some tactics stand out, and I'll post my thoughts on the supposedly "positive" aspects of what the abductees have gone through.

Pretty much every abductee in the book, it seems, believes that there are some positive experiences among the abductions, some entities with benevolent intentions involved. But as the C's point out, no one needs such "help" evolving - it is always done for STS purposes. Looking at the whole of what happens to them, you can see that they are given some knowledge, awareness, and "abilities" - along with tons of deep-seated programming (going as far as DNA manipulation), false images and many other kinds of lies. The ways in which these things are combined shapes them into different tools usable for a variety of purposes, I think.

As a result of the selectively enhanced awareness in the abductees, there is also more to "eat" in them, more consciousness to subsume - I think they are "fattened up" this way.

Another result of giving some knowledge and awareness is that they believe some "good things" have happened, which makes them think there are "good" "aliens" involved with them, which then can make them give up their personal responsibility. Instead of fully focusing on resisting and helping themselves, they expect help from these "good" abductors - the very same beings who are doing everything for their own purposes, meaning that they, in effect, open up to and embrace further ongoing contact with 4D STS. And so it continues, with their full ongoing permission, without them knowing this.


I expect that as I keep reading and then watch Karla's talks, I'll see an increasingly critical perspective on the abductors' motivations in general unfold. At this point in the history of her work, she doesn't seem to have fully arrived there yet, at her end-point.
Hey Psalehesost my pipe smoking friend, hows it going :cool2:

I agree with your post for the most part, however I think we should remember what Ra said - some experiences can be STO (what Ra calls thought induced), and this may include physical examinations if it is subconsciously expected... see this post below in another thread (just above a post of yours). MAYBE this contact with STO is for wanderers only, but then it may also be for a STO potential individual when he/she needs a 'jump start'. Anyhow, I think Ra also clearly states somewhere that STO contacts are always the thought-form type, and never the physical-type (although without having a direct experience, I can't say exactly what this means - but I have some understanding).

Aragorn said:
A little late to this thread, but I want to thank PopHistorian for a great summary! I just finished reading Ra-Book 1, and was just pondering the subjects that you wrote of.

One passage that I found particularly interesting was where Ra talks about the physical examinations. Here's the quote:

Questioner: What about the physical examination syndrome? How does that relate to Wanderers and Confederation and Orion contacts?

Ra: I am Ra. The subconscious expectations of entities cause the nature and detail of thought-form experience offered by Confederation thought-form entities. Thus, if a Wanderer expects a physical examination, it will, perforce, be experienced with as little distortion towards alarm or discomfort as is allowable by the nature of the expectations of the subconscious distortions of the Wanderer.

Questioner: Well, are those who are taken on both Confederation and Orion craft then experiencing a seeming physical examination?

Ra: I am Ra. Your query indicates incorrect thinking. The Orion group uses the physical examination as a means of terrifying the individual and causing it to feel the feelings of an advanced second-density being such as a laboratory animal. The sexual experiences of some are a sub-type of this experience. The intent is to demonstrate the control of the Orion entities over the Terran inhabitant. The thought-form experiences are subjective and, for the most part, do not occur in this density.

Questioner: Then both Confederation and Orion contacts are being made and “Close Encounters” are of a dual nature as I understand it. They can either be of the Confederation or of the Orion type of contact. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. This is correct, although the preponderance of contacts is Orion-oriented.

I'm not sure if I understand the above correctly. Ra is saying that STO/Confederation can do sort of a physical examination if the entity subconsciously expects it? But aren't the STO guys supposed to be avoiding making direct contact? Maybe someone can explain this to me, the frequent usage of the word 'distortion' makes the Ra material sometimes difficult for me to understand.

ADDED: Ah, maybe this sentence (highlighted in blue): "The thought-form experiences are subjective and, for the most part, do not occur in this density." means that the STO 'physical examinations' are not that physical, they are something else...

I'm afraid the issue may never be fully resolved because of its hyperdimensional nature and the fact that even an abductee does not remember everything under hypnosis. Also, I think some where in 'Taken' Carla mentions that some of the experiences are the 'virtual reality' type, which means you cannot ever really say what you are seeing really happened in real life (in any density) or was your imagination induced by the STS forces.
I've probably mentioned it somewhere here in the forum, or in The Wave, but "Karla" and I had a number of exchanges by snail mail and the final few via email. The reason was because after reading her book, we discussed her in a couple of sessions.

I wrote to her and explained that her conclusions were very similar to the things the Cs were telling us. I actually wrote to her because the Cs said they were trying to get a warning to her to be careful driving at night on lonely roads to lectures and meetings. Unfortunately, Karla had been so burned by her experiences/witnessing of any sort of psychic events that she had a rather knee-jerk reaction to the idea that the Cs were "channeled." Well, of course this was very early on and I wasn't able to explain anything to her in any systematic way because I really didn't understand it myself.

Anyway, she rejected the warning and it wasn't too long after that she wrote to me and told me about her cancer. At that point, she was quite a bit more accepting of the Cs information because their concern for her had proven to be well-founded. I received the last message from her about a week before she died.
Mr.Anderson said:
This brave woman ultimately paid with her life

very sad!

Agreed.... very sad.

I've watched her lectures many times. I've only read parts of her books although I'm working on it. I suppose her death is a stark reminder of just how important her research was, and is. It takes a certain strength to just to digest her research, never mind how much strength it must have taken for her to do such work!

In Laura's High Strangeness, in Chapter 11: Growing Awareness, she compares Carlos Castaneda's "flyers" with an encounter described by Karla. Leaping, heavy, black shadows. Upon reading this section of the book, I abruptly recalled a bizarre instance from my childhood, which I had until that moment forgotten all about, where a cousin and I encountered two humanoid-shaped black-as-night shadows on the road in broad daylight not far from my house. (Unfortunately, that cousin has since passed away, and I am unable to ask him if he remembers.)

Also, at the end of high school, during a normal hypnosis session to "reduce stress", I described a black shape moving back and forth through a field, and became so terrified and distraught that I screamed and cried and the hypnotist brought me out and sent me on my way, and she seemed just as shocked as me.

The C's say that the black shadows described by Karla Turner are blocked greys. Is the block put in place by the greys themselves, or by their victims' own minds? Or Perhaps a little of both? Has anyone else had a similar experience?
Thanks Laura. (Karla wasn't her real name?)

Aneke, as Karla and others have written, it seems that many of the details of abductions are indeed blocked from the persons conscious mind intentionally by the grays. Some, such as the case with Travis Walton were said to be life-threatening if the blocks were ever taken down.

Sounds like some pretty hefty programming on the part of the grays and company.

Also, anyone who has gone through a traumatic experience will subconsciously put some blocks/defensive walls around the event, protecting the conscious aspect. From what I understand anyway.

So both are quite possible depending on the person/experience.
Laura said:
I've probably mentioned it somewhere here in the forum, or in The Wave, but "Karla" and I had a number of exchanges by snail mail and the final few via email. The reason was because after reading her book, we discussed her in a couple of sessions.

I wrote to her and explained that her conclusions were very similar to the things the Cs were telling us. I actually wrote to her because the Cs said they were trying to get a warning to her to be careful driving at night on lonely roads to lectures and meetings. Unfortunately, Karla had been so burned by her experiences/witnessing of any sort of psychic events that she had a rather knee-jerk reaction to the idea that the Cs were "channeled." Well, of course this was very early on and I wasn't able to explain anything to her in any systematic way because I really didn't understand it myself.

Anyway, she rejected the warning and it wasn't too long after that she wrote to me and told me about her cancer. At that point, she was quite a bit more accepting of the Cs information because their concern for her had proven to be well-founded. I received the last message from her about a week before she died.

Did she mention any thoughts about what had caused her cancer?
Did she mention any thoughts about what had caused her cancer?

Isn't it obvious? In her book Masquerade of angels that guy who was being abducted said that his grand mom also got cancer by them because she wanted to protect him and didn't want to cooperate with 4D STS.
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