The Living Force
moksha said:Hey Psalehesost my pipe smoking friend, hows it going
(apart from that, as with a number of people on the forum lately, recently feeling up and down both physically and mentally)
It seems that in the case of wanderers, it could be a pre-arranged effort to "wake them up" to their mission when submerged into the mess of life here on Earth. As they are already "there", full-on STO contact would not infringe on their process of learning.moksha said:I agree with your post for the most part, however I think we should remember what Ra said - some experiences can be STO (what Ra calls thought induced), and this may include physical examinations if it is subconsciously expected... see this post below in another thread (just above a post of yours). MAYBE this contact with STO is for wanderers only, but then it may also be for a STO potential individual when he/she needs a 'jump start'.
In the case of people with STO potential, it would be trickier and depend a lot on context. I think it would not be up to STO beings to determine their needs, that they need a "jump start" or some other help, but they themselves would have to determine this at some level and ask for something appropriate. In short, STO forces couldn't, to my understanding, simply pop into their lives uninvited.
So, what is seen when looking at the context of the abductees in Turner's books? They may, or may not (it probably varies from case to case) have asked for and indeed had some genuinely positive experiences, but it also seems clear that they have had plenty of experiences that seem "positive" but are not when looking at the wider context.
I think the bulk of what is recounted can be seen to be manipulation that is part of shaping them into the tools they've either become or were in the process of becoming.
moksha said:I'm afraid the issue may never be fully resolved because of its hyperdimensional nature and the fact that even an abductee does not remember everything under hypnosis. Also, I think some where in 'Taken' Carla mentions that some of the experiences are the 'virtual reality' type, which means you cannot ever really say what you are seeing really happened in real life (in any density) or was your imagination induced by the STS forces.
There is much that can't be known; I however think that grasping at the essence of the phenomenon is quite possible. We cannot know all about individual cases, but we can learn what kind of things go on, the principles involved.
Memory blocks and screen memories seem to have a purpose of hiding the nature of STS procedures - as STO does not "program" people, I can't think of any STO purpose to such things if the sole point of STO contact is awakening and furthering learning, which is not helped by a memory block; so while many of the details can't be known, I think the presence of such things indicates STS interactions.
Karla also points out that those virtual experiences are experienced as very real to the abductees going through them, and so can deeply influence them; it doesn't seem to matter much for the abductee whether an abduction is virtual or not. The C's also describe soul abductions, which may or may not - or may in some but not all cases - be the same as the virtual reality abductions. (C's mention that there are six levels of abduction, Karla describes three)
From the reading of Karla's books (now read all three), I can point out one interaction that seems likely (but not certain) to be STO: Karla had an experience after praying for an explanation to be able to make sense of issues relating to the "alien agenda", where upon sleeping she found herself in a presentation led by unseen beings, who explain an agenda of the STS beings of manufacturing seeming threats to humanity so that they can then present themselves as saviors in the future in order to be accepted by humanity, then getting rid of us and replacing us with the new "model". Pretty much the same idea as the C's when they likewise say that we are the "new Neanderthals" to be replaced with a new model of human that can be controlled even better. Of those I've read about, that interaction seems the most likely to be STO, even though the information given to Karla skipped over the significance of some real upcoming threats.
Also, something that might be interesting to throw into the thread in discussing the programming of abductees:
Ra said:[...] entities among your peoples are taken on their craft and programmed for future use. There are two or three levels of programming. First, the level that will be discovered by those who do research. Second, a triggering program. Third, a second and most deep triggering program crystallizing the entity thereby rendering it lifeless and useful as a kind of beacon.
The grandma got a stroke rather than a cancer. As for Turner, apart from a connection seeming very much likely, I found this:dannybananny said:Did she mention any thoughts about what had caused her cancer?
Isn't it obvious? In her book Masquerade of angels that guy who was being abducted said that his grand mom also got cancer by them because she wanted to protect him and didn't want to cooperate with 4D STS.
2007 Interview with Barbara Bartholic said:Q: Rumor has it that Turner's death was alien related. What about you? What do you think?
A: Kandy called me as soon as she came back from the cancer specialist for an emergency visit. She had just awakened that morning with a spectacular symbol imprinted on her liver. It was larger than a fifty cent piece in size, and it was embossed in a meticulous way. The angles were perfect, and it was a perfectly embossed symbol.
When the doctor, a cancer specialist, examined her, he said, “You must have had a visitation by aliens, because there is no human doctor or medical facility that could ever initiate a situation like this. No medical technology could create that impression on a human body.” The blood had been excised from this area so perfectly. The doctor said that nothing we have in medical science could extract the blood and create these perfect angles. He knew nothing about her involvement with aliens. You don’t ever bring that up around doctors, so he had no prior knowledge of her alien connection.