I have now read all three of Karla's books. I really admire her courage and her continous efforts in going public despite the threats against her. I find it sad though that she had to go... and wonder whether a strong enough network (like this here) could've saved her life in some way. In any case, she's dedicated her life to an important cause and I'm really grateful for her work. I hope she's well whereever 'she' is now.
Thanks Windmill knight for reminding us about the importance of transforming fear into anger when dealing with this phenomenon - it's so easy to be sucked into the mindset of the helpless paralyzed victim and forgetting that we do have means to resist.
Interestingly, I've digged up quite a few dreams which could be an indicator of abduction scenarios. One thing that's really been sinking in is, as venusian has mentioned, how there's a program for everyone, and I've at least found one major program in me that's been a big hook all my life. Stepping back from it and looking at it within the context of higher dimensional manipulation and seeing what this program has made me do and put up with in my life is really interesting from a research point of view, though outraging and horrible from an emotional point of view. Though I do remain open to never having been subjected to such and that this program could simply have been a result of the usual programming while growing up.
is a cure in a way (once the feelings associated with a topic have been processed to a certain degree) and it's relieving to see the effects of putting the puzzle pieces together with each new information and thereby moving beyond the personal.
When finishing Masquerade of Angels I was curious to find out about Ted Rice's further work. I just found a forum thread where people talked about what might have happened to him, as after Karla's death he simply vanished and he neither published a second volume of Masquerade of Angels, as announced, nor did he start a website. After a few postings Ted Rice appeared on the mentioned forum, I'll include his postings below fwiw, while I do wonder whether it's really him.
He appeared ca. 1,5 years after that forum thread was started.
Ted Rice said:
01-27-2011, 11:31 AM
Hello, my name is Ted Rice and I am the Ted Rice of Masquerade of Angels. Several people contacted me about this thread. If anyone has any questions for me I will try to answer. Sorry that it took so long for me to learn about this.
Ted Rice said:
01-27-2011, 04:42 PM
Atria, thank you for the kind welcome. I do not know how long I will be able to participate with this thread but I will go with you until I see that it is time to disappear again. (Until I feel threatened; hopefully that will not happen this time) Shortly after Masquerade of Angels was published Karla Turner received a threat but being the warrior that she was the threat was ignored. At this moment I can't recall the nature of her threat. It has been about 15 years ago, but I do remember that she felt certain that it was connected with our own government rather than the aliens. Also, I hope everyone who connects with us will keep in mind that I am now almost 70 years old and my mind doesn't recall information as quickly as it once did. Sometimes I am sharp as a tack and other times I am like an empty box, so bear with me and point out any mistakes as we communicate. Not long after Karla's threat I received my first one. I tried to be brave like Karla and continue forward but the second threat a month later silenced me. I was raising two grandchildren at the time and the phone caller gave me private information of these two children and what would be done to them if I continued public speaking and UFO research. I am in agreement with Karla. I think it came from within our government. I certainly have no proof of that but based on my inner feelings this was the origin. I discontinued all my endeavors relating to this subject matter; but I did continue my friendship with Karla and Barbara Bartholic. All 3of us felt strongly that the aliens really didn't care what we told or said about them because they are actually in control of everything anyway. But an interruption into the belief system of we the people could bring about a change that would alter the course of every human being on this planet. I can understand why our government would want our mouths shut tightly even if it meant our deaths in order to bring it about. Karla didn't listen; I did.
I do want to point out at this time that I will share information as long as I am not putting my life or my friends and families' lives in jeopardy. The information that I have does not come with any proof and I am not hear to debate with anyone about any issue or its validity. I am not a rocket scientist with Einstein's abilities. For those who need to debunk please go somewhere else; I do not have time for this rediclous waste of time. Fortunately, we live in a free society where you can believe whatever you want to and I certainly do not expect everyone to believe everything I come out with. They are my truths based on my life experiences with the aliens involvement. They are my interpretations. I will gladly listen to yours, too. Hopefully we can learn from each other.
I continue to have contacts. Have I been taken away through the walls and ceilings again? I don't recall; however I suspect that I have. The contacts I speak of came through dreams and telepathic messages. But there have been a few body scars along the way, but minor ones.
Do they continue to do procedures on me? I don't recall a prodedure being done on me in years but again I think they have. I would need regression
work for details. Barbara Bartholic felt that I am a hybred. I will reply about my feelings regarding the aliens at a later time. Remind me please. Oh, thank you for keeping the questions to one or two at a time. My plate is very full at the moment and answering some of the questions can be quite lengthy. I am looking forward to participating.
Ted Rice said:
01-27-2011, 10:33 PM
To my knowledge there is no cure for abuctions or contacts. If I knew of a way I would have stopped it in my own life years ago. As far as the treats go, I hate to tell anyone this but if they have information from abductions, contacts or any source that might in some way interfere with the grand deception that is taking place on this planet their lives could be in danger.
Just recently my beloved Barbara Bartholic died. Although it was said that she died of a stroke, I know there was much more to it. Barbara knew it was coming. We discussed it more than once during the past year. She was in process of making a documentary on some of her work; reluctantly I had given her permission to use my regressions as part of it. There have been so many of the people involved in UFO Research that have died prematurely in my opinion. I think I am alive today because I remained silent these past 15 years. It is for this reason that I may have to leave this thread without notice. Let me apologize in advance should this happen.
It is a dangerous game to stay active in this research arena. I would recommend a total withdrawel from it. Speak very little about it and be careful to whom you do speak. Go to church frequently but don't become fanatical. Fanaticism of any sort attracts aliens like a magnet. And by the way, the aliens often program people to become fanatical. It creates a type of energy they can use. Get the books, papers, tapes and videos of this subject matter out of your home. This is not a total cure all but a number of people Barbara and I passed this on to tried it and it brought an improvement into their lives. It certainly made mine better. The nature of and frequency of my abuctions changed dramatically when I began this. It never went away completely mind you, but there was a big, big improvement. And after the aliens stopped their rude intrusion into my life, the other force that I think was the government was not following behind them to see what was done to me and what I might know that could be a threat to their big secret.
Don't become obsessed wiht UFOLOGY. Obsessions can be quite negative. and the Natural Law of Attraction will deliver the aliens right to your front door if you feed them with obsessive behavior.
And don't forget prayer, either. I know that some of you readers will frown at these suggestions and I can relate to that; but what you don't know is that within the rules and regulations of the alien confederacy lies the earthly programs of religion and within these programs are boundaries that cannot be crossed by the aliens in certain circumstances.
Again, this is not a guaranteed remedy; but it has helped a number of people. At this time it is all that I have to offer to those who are being threatened. The safety of your family, friends, pets and yourself are by far more important than Alien Research. Make a wise choice.
Ted Rice said:
01-28-2011, 02:32 PM
Altria, I am at risk any time I go public with information. This I learned the hard way years ago. Several acquaintances informed me about this thread. At first I refused to come on board for obvious reasons; but after the loss of my dearest friend in the whole world, Barbara Bartholic, I am angry enough at this time to spill a few beans even with the risk. Right now I am so angry with aliens and government for what they have done to so many of us that I would sign on to do public announcements if it would do any good for we humans. But the reality is that I probably will end up in hiding again to avoid persecution. So let us just move forward cautiously and see what happens. If the alarms start ringing I will do what I have to do at that time. Yes, I will elaborate on what I think and feel about the alien/human connection if you wish. But dear readers, be preapared for a not so pretty synopsis of this matter. How do I know what I know. I know what I know from a life time of abductions and being a hybrid product. Barbara and I uncovered so many contacts and abductions that we lost count as we continued our private work during these past 15 years.
I have been taken to Dulce, Area 51, and exposed to shocking events between humans and aliens. What I have seen happening to humans, especially to little children, is so devastating that it literally brought me to my knees in emotional agony. For these reasons I question whether it is for the best interest of the public to really know the truth. Am I doing a good thing here, Altria or could I be doing a great injustice with this information? Perhaps I should just tone it down a bit and sprinkle a little sugar on top. (LOL) I will be away for the next two days. Going to see my grandson.
That was his last post and another member wrote how she thinks they won't hear anything from him anymore. I think it must be extremely difficult to experience those threats and friends dying because of their involvement with this topic. However, while I think I do understand his choice I must say it's a pity that he succumbed to their threats and even advises to withdraw from the whole topic altogether, so all related disturbances will probably diminish. It's like he's given in to the global program of "Don't mess with us or we'll give you problems. Go back to sleep.".
Then again I do wonder whether it was really Ted writing there or whether it was someone else masquerading as him. His advise would be seen as a good sort of advise and "if he says we better withdraw from it, he knows what he's talking about and so we better take it to heart". Interesting too that he mentions the Law of Attraction. He seems to have bought into a whole bunch of programming considering that his advise is in essence saying that we shouldn't even study the topic and throw out all related books and tapes.