I had an urge to see what Drunvalo was up to today, the feeling that he had done something of importance that needed to be observed. My only previous exposure to this guy and FOL are some acquaintances who swallow it hook line and sinker. They tried to push some of the FOL books and videos on me last year (they've attended multiple Bob Frissel workshops and the whole kitnkaboodle), I briefly skimmed through the books and decided rather quickly I was not interested. Reminded me of a modern day version of the Urantia book in some ways, which I've also never really been able to bring myself to read as it also seems filled with nonsense of the more dangerous and powerful variety. I watched and listened to the video (can't remember the title) and it was just gibberish and stringed together nonsense for the most part, if memory serves. It did sound really pretty, and the trance inducing visuals, and hypnotic soundtrack, left this fake "good" feeling inside. But what was being spoken over all of it was so dangerously filled with half-truths and total nonsense, I walked out of the room and refused to return. I later tried to begin to explain why it did not resonate in any way with me, but I'm not sure how receptive they were to my replies. I had also read this thread some time ago, and that pretty much sums up what I know. I also got subscribed to some e-mail list like 10 years ago from a gifted psychic I knew well at the time, but it always ended up in my spam folder with the other 50 daily junk mails, and I've rarely read the newsletters, though occasionally there would be something interesting, following the links never really proved fruitful or informative. I never did unsubscribe though, which makes this a little more interesting.
So it was odd that I would have a "feeling" to see what he was up to today. His website showed nothing, so I checked facebook (my new found partial obsession lol).
Sure enough, just 4 hours earlier (and his wall/page is mostly empty), he released a link to his latest 84 minute video, "THE BIRTH OF A NEW HUMANITY" (caps are his). I remembered vaguely, in that spam folder portion of my mind, that he has been sending junk mail heavily promoting the upcoming release of the video all year. A quick search of his website showed me what I remembered reading:
www.drunvalo.net said:
The next announcement I have to make started a year ago when I dreamed of giving live broadcasts from right here in Sedona over the internet to the world. We experimented with this last year with the live broadcast from Hungary with THE MAYA OF ETERNAL TIME and the live Q&A afterwards. (You can see this on You Tube) It is so complicated to do, but at this point we are ready to give it another try. There will be another broadcast coming called THE BIRTH OF A NEW HUMANITY. We have tentatively set the date of April 22, 2010, Earth Day, which probably will be the date. We will be confirming this date within two weeks.
The broadcast is the secret information around the crystal consciousness grids that surround the Earth, their evolution out of Atlantis, their development globally by many cultures over the last 13,000 years, and the amazing science that has been discovered around the pyramids and temples worldwide that has even been presented to the United Nations.
Then there are the true stories of how one particular grid, often called THE UNITY CONSCONSCIOUSNESS GRID, and how it has finally come to birth since February 2008. The birth of this new living consciousness grid is for certain, I believe, the most important story since Atlantis, and yet hardly anyone on Earth is aware that it has happened or what it means for humanity.
One thing is clear; the outcome of this global consciousness transition is going to affect every single last person on this planet. If you know what has now become history, your heart can rest knowing that what is to follow in our lives is one of the greatest gifts that Source has given to mankind.
Well, the streaming video of this event was uploaded 2 weeks ago on May 25th, and guess who was so kind as to donate the bandwidth to host the video? Our good friends at GodlikeProductions of course.
I figured that many many people will end up watching this (already 29,000 in 2 weeks), and so wanted to add it to the CHANNEL WATCH type activities that go on here.
I've got it playing in the background, and from the start it is evident the same ole newagey lines are present, as he disclaims that everything he's about to teach us about the secret history of the world and how it relates to today is contained within your heart, and starts talking about how he justs wants to help you trigger your existing feeling and memory. Sounded more like he was interested in reactivating preprogramming or implants of a love and light nature to open everyone up to the next hour and a half of his story. "This is something you may not know" but "This is not something you are learning" "You KNOW what we talking about" "You have forgotten" "Allow changes to happen within yourself as you watch this film" or else "you will miss the secret, deeper aspect of what this is all about" and on and on.
He touches on Atlantean history and technology, moves on to energy structures, and explains that pyramids, stonehenge etc., all exist to create a brand new consciousness grid around the planet. The construction of which is essential and unquestionable, else nobody can evolve.
I've only skimmed around the rest for now, as I don't have the time/will to watch it in depth right now, but he seems convinced he is drawing on a lot of science and personal examples and tells some interesting stories about his version of ancient history, and what he thinks is going on today. Most of the first half focuses on the science, history and his interpretations. Most of the latter half seem to be random stories from his life.
Ultimately there are no calls to actions, or suggestions of what anyone can be doing and learning to actually help improve themselves. But, with such a large amount of history and ancient topics he talks about, and tries to make connections between, I thought I would post this here, in case anyone who has vastly studied such topics are interested in the latest "revelations" revealed by Melchizedek.
I personally am not well versed in the mathematics/geometry he references nor in the historical events/structures/beings mentioned, so there could be a thing or two potentially valueable to someone who is. But as a whole - I'd say watch out! and beware!
[edit - fixed quotes and formatting. Does anyone know how to preview messages in Google Chrome??]