My copy arrived last Thursday and i've been devouring it since! I took it into the bath yesterday (hence why i didn't want the ebook!) - perfect :D
So far i appreciate the simple yet sufficient explanations, the helpful - but not excessive - recaps of specific and integral points. I also find the spacing of the technical and the philosophical nicely balanced, so if you feel you're beginning to slog through a chapter, the next is lighter and gives you time to digest.
I was primed to many of the topics from my own research, but the book really ties them together in a coherent narrative. And fills in a great many blanks That i am now able to convey the concepts to the few people who didn't ask me to stop speaking, i think is a testament to how well written the book is. Also, i found myself premeditating how specific issues would relate to others, only to find them explained a short while later which again demonstrates that the writing enables and inspires you to connect the dots yourself.
I thought the mock up of the book in the shop being taken from the shelf was the most eye catching and the hard copy lives up to expectations.
Of those not mentioned, i spotted:
1) Page iv line 3: Society collapse / 'societal collapse' ?
2)Page 143 3rd line from bottom: Ttherefore / Therefore