Earthquakes around the world

Magnitude 5.2 Earthquake Occurs in Afghanistan, Near Border With Tajikistan

A 5.2-magnitude earthquake occurred in north-eastern Afghanistan.

MOSCOW (Sputnik) — A 5.2-magnitude earthquake on Wednesday occurred in north-eastern Afghanistan near the border with Tajikistan, the United States Geological Survey (USGS) said.

Tremors were registered at 23:19 (UTC).

The epicenter was located about 12,4 miles north of the city of Farkhar and 135,4 miles south-east of the Tajik capital of Dushanbe at the depth of approximately 191,7 miles.

No information about the damage or casualties was immediately available.
Peru: Rise of Misti volcano, the most dangerous country
Christine said:
Peru: Rise of Misti volcano, the most dangerous country

Interesting that is the Peru. Can we related this and the activity of the volcano Colima in mexico with the great El nino ?
Christine said:
Peru: Rise of Misti volcano, the most dangerous country

Another article on Misti:

The iconic symbol of Arequipa, the Misti volcano in Peru is the latest volcano to show activity in January 2016

The iconic symbol of Arequipa, the Misti volcano, that gazes over the southern Peruvian city has long been considered ‘asleep.’
However, studies by the Southern Volcano Observatory (OVS, Spanish acronym), reveal that it is awake and emitting gases, informs Publimetro.

It is currently considered the greatest risk in the South American country, as thousands of habitants reside near its crater.
“The gases that Misti emits are magmatic.

This confirms that the volcano is active and is not sleeping, as many people think,” VS engineer, Luisa Macedo, told AFP over the phone from Arequipa, according to Publimetro.

The volcano is located only 17 kilometers from the city.

The engineer informed that four weeks ago a group of researchers from OVS took images of the Misti crater.
With their investigation were able to identify magmatic activity.

“The gases reach 500 meters and contain sulfuric acid, carbon and calcium,” said Macedo. He informed that the distance prevents the nearby communities being affected by the emissions. Another OVS specialist, Domingo Ramos, explained that although the volcano is active, it does not necessarily mean there is danger of a hazardous eruption.
Just right now there happened an EQ. 7 M. Kamchatka peninsual. It lasted for too long, not usual. Many people noticed it was quite strengh.


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s-kur said:
Just right now there happened an EQ. 7 M. Kamchatka peninsual. It lasted for too long, not usual. Many people noticed it was quite strengh.

Yes, it's all over Russian news. Hope you are ok, s-kur.
s-kur said:
Just right now there happened an EQ. 7 M. Kamchatka peninsual. It lasted for too long, not usual. Many people noticed it was quite strengh.

Kamchatka is very close to the North West boundary of the Pacific plate. So this quake may be related to the events witnessed on the US West coast (tsunami, 7.1 quake, sinkhole,...) and the volcanic eruptions in Central/South America. Indeed if the East part of the plate is moving so does the West part since the plate barely deforms in an elastic way.

If indeed the Pacific plate is becoming more active we can expect a lot of volcanic and seismic activity along the ring of fire (the belt along the boundaries of the Pacific plate)
Keit said:
s-kur said:
Just right now there happened an EQ. 7 M. Kamchatka peninsual. It lasted for too long, not usual. Many people noticed it was quite strengh.

Yes, it's all over Russian news. Hope you are ok, s-kur.

Yeah, Keit, everything is good, also there're no decays and injures beside one FAKE :D

Pierre said:
Kamchatka is very close to the North West boundary of the Pacific plate. So this quake may be related to the events witnessed on the US West coast (tsunami, 7.1 quake, sinkhole,...) and the volcanic eruptions in Central/South America. Indeed if the East part of the plate is moving so does the West part since the plate barely deforms in an elastic way.

If indeed the Pacific plate is becoming more active we can expect a lot of volcanic and seismic activity along the ring of fire (the belt along the boundaries of the Pacific plate)

And this is somehow bothers me because our sensible EQs became a bit rare, but more strengh events. Also in the region beside 5 active volcanoes on the peninsula, volcano Alaid (Atlasova island) also showed a moderate eruptions. Also there's an article on Russian Sott based on "Antistihiya"/Anti-squall center warnings that in 2016 Russian Sakhalin and Kamchatka regions are going to expirience strong earthquakes:

В особый список по рискам ЧС попала Камчатка. Предполагается, что в крае в этом году возрастет вероятность сильного (магнитудой 7,0) землетрясения, многолетнее среднее значение по этому показателю, как ожидается, будет превышено в 5−7 раз. По комплексу сейсмологических данных вероятность возникновения землетрясения с магнитудой 7,0 в районе юга Камчатки и Авачинского залива превышает многолетнее среднее значение в 8−11 раз.

Kamchatka got to the special list on risks of an emergency. It is supposed that the probability of strong earthquakes (magnitude 7,0) will increase in the region this year, long-term average value on this indicator, as expected, will be exceeded by 5−7 times. On a complex of seismological data the probability of emergence of an earthquake measuring 7,0 around the South of Kamchatka and Avacha Bay exceeds long-term average value by 8−11 times.


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s-kur said:
Keit said:
s-kur said:
Just right now there happened an EQ. 7 M. Kamchatka peninsual. It lasted for too long, not usual. Many people noticed it was quite strengh.

Yes, it's all over Russian news. Hope you are ok, s-kur.

Yeah, Keit, everything is good, also there're no decays and injures beside one FAKE :D

I've just watched it in the evening news: they say that there have already been registered at least 7 aftershocks. :scared:

Glad you are okay, S-kur. :hug2:
Siberia said:
I've just watched it in the evening news: they say that there have already been registered at least 7 aftershocks. :scared:

Glad you are okay, S-kur. :hug2:

Well, different data and different sources. Now TASS said about 10 ones and the highest was 4,8, though RIA said about two ones and 5,2 highest :lol: Will see how it goes further. Don't worry, I keep my emergency handbag near :) And recently there was seismic-reinforce-camaign, but my house made of wood and didn't fit with plan ;D
s-kur said:
Well, different data and different sources. Now TASS said about 10 ones and the highest was 4,8, though RIA said about two ones and 5,2 highest :lol: Will see how it goes further. Don't worry, I keep my emergency handbag near :) And recently there was seismic-reinforce-camaign, but my house made of wood and didn't fit with plan ;D

I'm glad to hear you are okay.

7 magnitude is quite potent! Did something happened to your house with this eartquake?
Gaby said:
7 magnitude is quite potent! Did something happened to your house with this eartquake?

I was not observed my house yet, though I'm sure here will be some reports on cracks and bevels at new buildings. It started with low shakings and I thought it was an outside heavy custom machinery movings. I stood and wait while it have been gathering momentum and has started to pendulate. I could go from the kitchen to the room and back observing if nothing went wrong and open the doors, so it was quite long approximately 30 seconds duration. Then people started to send messages on the subjects and how scary it was and so on, friend of mine said me they had been evacuated from the cinema even, where he couldn't understand why seats were vibrating so strongly :)

I'm happy that everything good too, but as I said, it bad signs for me, even because I'm living near the coast (~100 meters, tsunami possibility. Even we're livinig right in Avacha Bay, it is said that tsunami in 1952 in Severo-Kurilsk (my initial place) has flown over neighbourhood flat Shumshu island :huh:) and there is the only one line of retreat from my district. However I'm not afraid of building I'm living in will crush because practice says so and it's quite old in terms of ibuilding (at least here) quality.
s-kur said:
I'm happy that everything good too, but as I said, it bad signs for me, even because I'm living near the coast (~100 meters, tsunami possibility. Even we're livinig right in Avacha Bay, it is said that tsunami in 1952 in Severo-Kurilsk (my initial place) has flown over neighbourhood flat Shumshu island :huh:) and there is the only one line of retreat from my district. However I'm not afraid of building I'm living in will crush because practice says so and it's quite old in terms of ibuilding (at least here) quality.

Well, then perhaps it is time to think about moving more inland, or to another city/region? Despite you living in an absolutely gorgeous and unique place, it may not be relatively safe anymore. Maybe you can think about applying to an institute or university, or find a job somewhere else? Just a thought.
Glad that no one was hurt in the Russian earthquake.

I was listening a Chilean tv program from 3 weeks ago, not a very good program, but they said that if there is a big earthquake in Russia the risk of a Big One in the North of Chile can be expected. Is this possible?
Siberia said:
s-kur said:
Keit said:
s-kur said:
Just right now there happened an EQ. 7 M. Kamchatka peninsual. It lasted for too long, not usual. Many people noticed it was quite strengh.

Yes, it's all over Russian news. Hope you are ok, s-kur.

Yeah, Keit, everything is good, also there're no decays and injures beside one FAKE :D

I've just watched it in the evening news: they say that there have already been registered at least 7 aftershocks. :scared:

Glad you are okay, S-kur. :hug2:

I'm also relieved to hear you're okay! Please continue your good work in being alert, aware, and safe! Thank you for all your updates!! :hug:
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