Earthquakes around the world

Keit said:
Well, then perhaps it is time to think about moving more inland, or to another city/region? Despite you living in an absolutely gorgeous and unique place, it may not be relatively safe anymore. Maybe you can think about applying to an institute or university, or find a job somewhere else? Just a thought.

Of course Keit, I couldn't agree more. I think of it occasionally and full of determination, but there's ONE condition (soluble, time is needed) that enchains my movements. And as soon I'll solve it the way will be opened in different directions. It's my order of this year :)

loreta said:
Glad that no one was hurt in the Russian earthquake.

I was listening a Chilean tv program from 3 weeks ago, not a very good program, but they said that if there is a big earthquake in Russia the risk of a Big One in the North of Chile can be expected. Is this possible?

The only way I can think of it right now is them understanding of TOTAL Pacific plate movement as Pierre said or it means plate's cyclic movements (i.e. west side hits then east side hits, like oscillation).

Leòmhann said:
I'm also relieved to hear you're okay! Please continue your good work in being alert, aware, and safe! Thank you for all your updates!! :hug:

As everyone else should, Leòmhann ;) Thank you!
s-kur said:
Keit said:
Well, then perhaps it is time to think about moving more inland, or to another city/region? Despite you living in an absolutely gorgeous and unique place, it may not be relatively safe anymore. Maybe you can think about applying to an institute or university, or find a job somewhere else? Just a thought.

Of course Keit, I couldn't agree more. I think of it occasionally and full of determination, but there's ONE condition (soluble, time is needed) that enchains my movements. And as soon I'll solve it the way will be opened in different directions. It's my order of this year :)

Sounds like a great idea, S-kur! :thup:

Wish you lots of luck in fulfilling your plan.
s-kur said:
Of course Keit, I couldn't agree more. I think of it occasionally and full of determination, but there's ONE condition (soluble, time is needed) that enchains my movements. And as soon I'll solve it the way will be opened in different directions. It's my order of this year :)

The only way I can think of it right now is them understanding of TOTAL Pacific plate movement as Pierre said or it means plate's cyclic movements (i.e. west side hits then east side hits, like oscillation).

Hi s-kur,

My wife and I just moved from a small island in the middle of the Pacific, we knew it was time because all the signs were pointing that way and with all the activity in the Ring of Fire. It wasn't easy making the move be we were determined and were able to accomplish our goal. The way things are looking it may have been in the nick of time! Wish you the best in your endeavor.
S-kur said:
The only way I can think of it right now is them understanding of TOTAL Pacific plate movement as Pierre said or it means plate's cyclic movements (i.e. west side hits then east side hits, like oscillation).

You bring up an interesting point which reminds me of this session excerpt that was recently reposted here:

session 12/2/97 said:
(Ark) Yes, that's the theory: the idea is that the continents move away because the Earth is expanding, and this is much faster than you know, than geologists
were thinking.
A: Continental "drift" is caused by the continual though variable, propelling of gases from the interior to the surface, mainly at points
of magnetic significance

Interestingly, there's quite a lot of methane out-gassing going on in California as shown by this map:


I thought methane out-gassing only happened in Porter Ranch (next to San Bernardo) but the problem is way more widespread:

[url= said:[/url]]
Our readings indicated an average of about one leak for every four miles we drove in Pasadena, one leak for every five miles we drove in Inglewood and one leak for every five miles we drove in Chino.

Those numerous leaks are explained by obsolete piping system. It seems dubious to me and doesn't really explain why so many leaks occurred in the same period of time. Maybe some ground movements helped severing some of those rusty pipes.

If out-gassing is indeed the cause of continental drift, the current leaks in California suggest not only a westward drift of the pacific plate but also a possible activation of the San Andrea fault.
With methane out-gassing in mind, I've been keeping track of developments on the Louisiana sinkhole. They have a page set up to monitor the outgassing. Is the location near a plate?

Also, was surprised to learn of under water methane clusters between North Carolina and Massachusetts.

Hundreds of Methane Plumes Erupting Along East Coast

August 24, 2014 - In an unexpected discovery, hundreds of gas plumes bubbling up from the seafloor were spotted during a sweeping survey of the U.S. Atlantic Coast.

Between North Carolina's Cape Hatteras and Massachusetts' Georges Bank, 570 methane seeps cluster in about eight regions, according to sonar and video gathered by the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration ship Okeanos Explorer between 2011 and 2013. The vast majority of the seeps dot the continental slope break, where the seafloor topography swoops down toward the Atlantic Ocean basin.
angelburst29 said:
With methane out-gassing in mind, I've been keeping track of developments on the Louisiana sinkhole. They have a page set up to monitor the outgassing. Is the location near a plate?

Louisiana lays on a 'passive plate margin'. This term describes a 'passive' region where a continental and an oceanic plate meet. Those passive margins were initially created by a rift (thinning / sinking of the crust) and the formed depression was eventually filled with water/sediments.

So, the area was 'active' eons ago and now it's officially 'passive' but who knows how long it will remain 'passive' and what is happening under the sediments. There are many fault lines under Louisiana.

These fault lines have already generated several quakes. The largest recorded earthquake in Louisiana was a 4.4 magnitude (1964). In 1983, an earthquake was recorded in Sulphur at a 3.8magnitude.

According to some geologists Louisiana may be actually overdue for a significant (5.0+) earthquake.
Appreciate the additional information, Pierre and Thank You.

Some long time residents, still living in the area, surrounding the Louisiana sinkhole are concerned of a possible earthquake. Considering the conditions they're faced with, many still refuse to leave the area, hoping the Government will buy them out.
Sometimes, common sense is the last option to be considered.
Earthquake in Montenegro:
Magnitude 3.9 ML

Date 01.30.2016 time 21: 47: 56.2 UTC
Location 42.52 N; 18:46 E
Depth 2 km
Distances 67 km W of Podgorica, Montenegro / pop: 136.473 / local time: 22: 47: 56.2 30/01/2016
casper said:
Earthquake in Montenegro:
Magnitude 3.9 ML

Date 01.30.2016 time 21: 47: 56.2 UTC
Location 42.52 N; 18:46 E
Depth 2 km
Distances 67 km W of Podgorica, Montenegro / pop: 136.473 / local time: 22: 47: 56.2 30/01/2016

Very interesting since Dutchsinse was just talking how due to the Malta and Morrocco quakes recently he expects more in unusual areas, like Europe. He also said these M7's were common before the big Japan quake - and also noting the alignments mentioned (though not the sole factor) - interesting days ahead.
A 4.1 magnitude earthquake was recorded 15 miles east of Lincoln at 12:31 p.m. Saturday afternoon [30/1/2016], according to a preliminary report from the U.S. Geological Survey.

Saturday's quake was centered 28 miles northwest of Helena. While hundreds of earthquakes are recorded near Helena every year, an online search of USGS archives did not show any of equal or greater magnitude within 50 miles of Lincoln in at least a decade.

The USGS reports it is common for people to feel earthquakes with a magnitude of 4.0-4.9, which may wake people up, rattle windows, dishes and doors, and even overturn unstable objects. A sensation like a heavy truck striking a building is also common with quakes of this magnitude.

When a 3.4 magnitude quake struck 3 miles northwest of Clancy in December, nearby residents reported feeling their walls rattling and hearing what sounded like an explosion.

Nelson is located in Montana. It's 170 miles North West of Yellowstone.
Date: 31st Jan 2016 05:39 PM
Continent: South Pole
Country: Antarctica
Location: McMurdo Station,
Magnitude: 6.0
Depth: 10 km
Pierre said:
S-kur said:
The only way I can think of it right now is them understanding of TOTAL Pacific plate movement as Pierre said or it means plate's cyclic movements (i.e. west side hits then east side hits, like oscillation).

You bring up an interesting point which reminds me of this session excerpt that was recently reposted here:

session 12/2/97 said:
(Ark) Yes, that's the theory: the idea is that the continents move away because the Earth is expanding, and this is much faster than you know, than geologists
were thinking.
A: Continental "drift" is caused by the continual though variable, propelling of gases from the interior to the surface, mainly at points
of magnetic significance

Interestingly, there's quite a lot of methane out-gassing going on in California as shown by this map:


I thought methane out-gassing only happened in Porter Ranch (next to San Bernardo) but the problem is way more widespread: said:
Our readings indicated an average of about one leak for every four miles we drove in Pasadena, one leak for every five miles we drove in Inglewood and one leak for every five miles we drove in Chino.

Those numerous leaks are explained by obsolete piping system. It seems dubious to me and doesn't really explain why so many leaks occurred in the same period of time. Maybe some ground movements helped severing some of those rusty pipes.

If out-gassing is indeed the cause of continental drift, the current leaks in California suggest not only a westward drift of the pacific plate but also a possible activation of the San Andrea fault.

As suggested in the quoted message above the gas leaks around LA goes far beyond a rusty pipe leak: said:
A catastrophic disaster is now taking place outside of Los Angeles endangering hundreds of thousands of people. officials say they have "entirely lost control of the entire (gas) field" meaning explosive methane gas is now leaking from "many places." Workers at the scene of the Porter Ranch gas field in the Aliso Canyon say some of the leaks are so loud, the hissing sound can be heard 1/2 mile away.

If this continues, multiple massive explosions are very likely to take place once the methane comes into contact with the pilot light of a stove, or hot water heater. This could set off "rolling explosions a few hundred feet in the air, knocking down all the houses and buildings nearby as it goes!"...

‌So far, the early results show natural gas levels are elevate 2 to 67 times the background level found in the area. Local residents are complaining of nausea, headaches and nosebleeds. No one knows if there will be long term health effects from the volatile organic chemicals found in the gas.
A 6.0 quake was recorded today [31/1/15] near the Balleny Islands (South of New Zealand). The Balleny Islands are located on the South West boundary of the Pacific plate.

Source: USGS
Pierre said:
As suggested in the quoted message above the gas leaks around LA goes far beyond a rusty pipe leak: said:
A catastrophic disaster is now taking place outside of Los Angeles endangering hundreds of thousands of people. officials say they have "entirely lost control of the entire (gas) field" meaning explosive methane gas is now leaking from "many places." Workers at the scene of the Porter Ranch gas field in the Aliso Canyon say some of the leaks are so loud, the hissing sound can be heard 1/2 mile away.

If this continues, multiple massive explosions are very likely to take place once the methane comes into contact with the pilot light of a stove, or hot water heater. This could set off "rolling explosions a few hundred feet in the air, knocking down all the houses and buildings nearby as it goes!"...

‌So far, the early results show natural gas levels are elevate 2 to 67 times the background level found in the area. Local residents are complaining of nausea, headaches and nosebleeds. No one knows if there will be long term health effects from the volatile organic chemicals found in the gas.

Would this situation "of losing control of the entire gas field" qualify as a possible "hit by the C's - of a gradual destruction of California economy and mass exodus"?

Ukraine explosion; chemical or nuclear. Hawaii crash; aviation, possibly involving military. More California seismic activity after 1st of year: San Diego, San Bernardino, North Bakersfield, Barstow: all are fracture points. Hollister, Palo Alto, Imperial, Ukiah, Eureka, Point Mendocino, Monterrey, Offshore San Luis Obispo, Capistrano, Carmel: these are all stress points of fracture in sequence. "Time" is indefinite. Expect gradual destruction of California economy as people begin mass exodus. Also, Shasta erupts; Lassen activity. Ocean floor begins to subside. Leave channel open and pause: Queen Elizabeth serious illness; blood related. Princess Diana suicide attempt. Gas explosions this winter in NE United States, Texas and other. Supernova and unusual weather all over. Memphis feels tremors. Minneapolis banking scandal relates to mysterious Nordic covenant. Evangelical sexual tryst exposed. Gold is discovered in California after one of the quakes. UFOs dramatic increase and Gulf Breeze gets swarmed, becomes massive "Mecca". Laura sees much more UFO activity. Huge wave of UFO activity. All manner and origins. Just you wait, it will give you chills and that feeling in the pit of your stomach. Many aliens will appear and we will be visible too. Think of it as a convention. All must awaken to this. It is happening right now. The whole populace will play individual roles according to their individual frequencies. This is only the beginning. Just you wait "Henry Higgins," just you wait!}

L.A. Methane Leak/They may have “lost control of entire gas field”

Rep. Brad Sherman, U.S. House of Representatives, Jan 21, 2016 “This the largest natural gas leak in history. We were up there yesterday… what we heard was a loud sound of natural gas escaping that you could hear quite loudly from over half a mile away.”

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