monotonic said:
Shouldn't there be a written instruction for the program somewhere, in case electricity isn't available or the videos are unavailable to some people?
Also, I want to point out to everyone that the EE FAQ thread has been copied and converted to the CassWiki. There's lots of good information there so if you haven't seen it in a while I encourage you to take another look:
Hi monotonic and All,
I thought of a
solution in case one has no electricity. I also think that doing it after a while
helps concentration, staying in the process, that is to discipline the mind.
I can even remember Laura's voice.
That's what I do:
1. I count the 4 stages ( and press my thumb on my waist and I project number 1 in front my eyes
2 Then I press my second finger on my waist, imagine number 2 in my mind's eye and count again
3. I go through all the 12 repetitions using my fingers and vision. Then I move my hands to the armpits, and so on.
4. Warrior breathing is just counting, so it's easy
5. Round breath - i also use my vision and fingers to count to 10 and project no. 1 in my vision. Then I project number 2 and start breathing another round of 10 breaths, then I project number 3 in my mind's eye for the following 10 breaths.
6. Of, course, I know the prayer by hearth. I try
to live it, so I keep repeating it until words become alive inside me.
This way I have a tactile reminder and a visual counting system of the process.
It takes some time to get into this properly. Yes, is much easier, useful, and pleasant to be guided, but at some time we might go on without electricity.
Maybe somebody figured out something better.
Just my 2 cents