Éiriú-Eolas - Breathing Program

[quote author=nicklebleu] Is it more fruitful to do the meditation solo or with the audio ...? Or it doesn't matter either way?[/quote]

In the meditation audio and on the forum Laura has stated that the objective of the audio/visual is instructional. The goal is for everyone to be able to meditate eventually without it.
I think it is helpful to do it both ways. If we assume it to be possible that there are frequencies being transmitted, then listening is helpful for that reason. But, in terms of learning to discipline the mind, meditating on your own, mastering the flow yourself, is also good practice.

Of course, in any situation where you need a fast calm down, or relief from some kind of trauma, the audio can be very helpful. And frankly, from what I've read on this forum, and from what I get in my email, there are a lot of people that need this program and fast!
Laura said:
I think it is helpful to do it both ways. If we assume it to be possible that there are frequencies being transmitted, then listening is helpful for that reason. But, in terms of learning to discipline the mind, meditating on your own, mastering the flow yourself, is also good practice.

Of course, in any situation where you need a fast calm down, or relief from some kind of trauma, the audio can be very helpful. And frankly, from what I've read on this forum, and from what I get in my email, there are a lot of people that need this program and fast!

Yep, I'm definitely one of those folks. :halo:

Made it through the full meditation today! First time. The pain is diminishing the more fully my body can relax...the worst pain is still afterwords, though I don't know why. (Maybe just the mechanics of moving around after being so relaxed? I'm not sure, I only know that when I'm done its all good. :D )

I cannot fully express how grateful I am to you Laura, and all the Sott team, for this healing meditation. My soul, what there is of it, hasn't moved like this in a very long time.
Now I have mental and emotional problem .
It is end to my Long 7 years retention ship with my Women :( ..... and meditation with pray helped me to see what was wrong.Really Now I can SEE ,it is strange what I have Lost ( with past 1-2 years back ) and change my self in negative way ... but NOW I can see it and understand and helpful correct it.

IT was me .... and now I can see it and understand , learn it.... this lesson is hard.
Now I have a lots of emotion bad to myself.
And I'm feel very bad that I have hurt my women .. :(

But This program is helping me with my problem ( love 7 years. ... )
To see what is going on. better now than later.
Now I see what LOVE should be, and what my was In past 1-2 years.

Greeting .

hard moment in my life :(

With my leg now is better I can walk and doctor say that there is no need to make operation.
A few days ago after meditating I had a vivid dream which was showing me a toilet!

How much clearer can that message be? :jawdrop:

Lucas: Hang in there my friend.
During my meditation last night I experienced extreme tingling in the hands, to the point where it went beyond numbness to almost a feeling of movement on the surface. It's hard to explain. I also felt that on my lips and toes, but nowhere else. No zoning out for me lately, and I am usually not very tired afterward. After the meditation last night I was reading Wings of Illusion and boy, did I cover a lot more ground than normal! It's pretty dense and sometimes takes me 10 minutes to read 2 pages but last night I seemed to be a little bit smarter. ;)
Laura said:
And frankly, from what I've read on this forum, and from what I get in my email, there are a lot of people that need this program and fast!

Mountain Crown said:
I'm one of those people.

Gimpy said:
Yep, I'm definitely one of those folks.

Me too, most definitely :cry:

I do the program every evening and I’ve noticed a difference on Mondays and Thursdays. Yesterday (and last Thursday) I found I was much more distracted than usual, with almost uncontrollable yawning, itching, fidgeting and so on, which brought up a feeling of anger. I had to work hard to keep myself focussed on the exercises. My impression is that this is the predators’ mind/machine going into overdrive on those days because the threat to this part is amplified exponentially by all the other people doing the program. I could be completely wrong about that, but that is my take on it present.
mada85 said:
Yesterday (and last Thursday) I found I was much more distracted than usual, with almost uncontrollable yawning, itching, fidgeting and so on, which brought up a feeling of anger. I had to work hard to keep myself focussed on the exercises.

The same here too. All of that brings up the anger, and a part of me just wants to quit the exercise. IT can't WAIT for it to be done! That's when it's really fun to dig in and hold your ground.
You are not alone Lucas,
Lucas said:
And I'm feel very bad that I have hurt my women ..
I was recently feeling the same way about a few relationships I have had in the past. Bad Karma that needs cleansing. :(

Heimdallr said:
During my meditation last night I experienced extreme tingling in the hands, to the point where it went beyond numbness to almost a feeling of movement on the surface. It's hard to explain. I also felt that on my lips and toes, but nowhere else. No zoning out for me lately, and I am usually not very tired afterward.
This just happened to me Sunday also. I'm thinking this is progress or at least I'm hoping! :D
nicklebleu said:
Listening to the audio while meditating has the benefit that I don't get distracted easily. I do tend to "zone out", but as described above, these episodes are very short and don't tend to disrupt the flow.
I too like listening to the audio tape. It helps to keep my mind focused. I have been trying different things to keep from zoning and so far doing the meditation in the morning seems to be working well for me. I get up an hour earlier than usual and do it then. No zoning so far. ;)
I have come to this thread very late, after not reading the forum for a while. I have been reading all the posts and am almost finished. I did the first breathing exercise the other night and had music on my playlist after it. At the end of the narrative I heard a click and the music started at a loud volume. I must say that I never heard music sound like that before! It sounded alive. I have listened to the meditation mp3 and have not tried it yet, however, while I listened to the prayer I felt maternally loved, like I haven't for a very long time and I started to cry. I plan to practice the meditation and breathing tonight for the first time (it took me 2 days to download). I have read the transcript of the video and plan to do my own warm up exercises. There is only one small problem- I have a terrible fear about it. Has anyone else felt this?
zombie said:
I have come to this thread very late, after not reading the forum for a while. I have been reading all the posts and am almost finished. I did the first breathing exercise the other night and had music on my playlist after it. At the end of the narrative I heard a click and the music started at a loud volume. I must say that I never heard music sound like that before! It sounded alive. I have listened to the meditation mp3 and have not tried it yet, however, while I listened to the prayer I felt maternally loved, like I haven't for a very long time and I started to cry. I plan to practice the meditation and breathing tonight for the first time (it took me 2 days to download). I have read the transcript of the video and plan to do my own warm up exercises. There is only one small problem- I have a terrible fear about it. Has anyone else felt this?

I have experienced a little fear. I was was not afraid to do the program in the beginning, but recently I have noticed a fear of experiencing the unknown or of attack/abduction now that I've noticed more results--usually when I meditate alone. I've decided that this fear is a perfect excuse to meditate more--on my own as well as doing the program Mondays and Thursdays--I especially like sunset before it gets too dark which might help if the dark heightens your sense of fear. The way I see it, I can sit still in fear and accept being food, or I can do something that I know will help, do it because it's scary and I know it shouldn't be. Also, doing it on the same days as the rest of the group may help you to feel safer. If you need to take it slow, maybe working with Laura's meditation audio for a while will help you work up to the full program. And be proud of yourself for each moment you work in spite of any fear, distractions, or lack of faith. Good luck! :)
zombie said:
I have come to this thread very late, after not reading the forum for a while. I have been reading all the posts and am almost finished. I did the first breathing exercise the other night and had music on my playlist after it. At the end of the narrative I heard a click and the music started at a loud volume. I must say that I never heard music sound like that before! It sounded alive. I have listened to the meditation mp3 and have not tried it yet, however, while I listened to the prayer I felt maternally loved, like I haven't for a very long time and I started to cry. I plan to practice the meditation and breathing tonight for the first time (it took me 2 days to download). I have read the transcript of the video and plan to do my own warm up exercises. There is only one small problem- I have a terrible fear about it. Has anyone else felt this?

mmmm... I think its probably "possesion"...
Heimdallr said:
mada85 said:
Yesterday (and last Thursday) I found I was much more distracted than usual, with almost uncontrollable yawning, itching, fidgeting and so on, which brought up a feeling of anger. I had to work hard to keep myself focussed on the exercises.

The same here too. All of that brings up the anger, and a part of me just wants to quit the exercise. IT can't WAIT for it to be done! That's when it's really fun to dig in and hold your ground.

That was pretty much me on Monday. After the beatha I've felt a strong muscular tension all over the body and I just can't hold a belly-up position. I think that I've just hit the 'junkyard zone' here :/

Surprisingly years ago I've started my quest for answers beginning with meditation, and it was like an essential need that both my body and mind craved for, that of meditating before going to sleep or just when I had some free time. Now after a loooong pause it's really difficult to stick to it again. More practice needed here!
Evolutionary1-Thank you for the encouragement!

IronFloyd said:
zombie said:
I have come to this thread very late, after not reading the forum for a while. I have been reading all the posts and am almost finished. I did the first breathing exercise the other night and had music on my playlist after it. At the end of the narrative I heard a click and the music started at a loud volume. I must say that I never heard music sound like that before! It sounded alive. I have listened to the meditation mp3 and have not tried it yet, however, while I listened to the prayer I felt maternally loved, like I haven't for a very long time and I started to cry. I plan to practice the meditation and breathing tonight for the first time (it took me 2 days to download). I have read the transcript of the video and plan to do my own warm up exercises. There is only one small problem- I have a terrible fear about it. Has anyone else felt this?

mmmm... I think its probably "possession"...
So, You think I am possessed? Well then, I guess I'll just have to do what "it's" afraid for me to do.

I followed the entire breathing program and meditation tonight, which was a little difficult and I'm not quite sure I'm breathing right. I did not have much reaction except a little tightness in my face and especially around the eyes. When the prayer started, I began to sob uncontrollably, however, this time I distinctly heard someone sobbing with me. I felt very much loved for the first time in many years and I released some long held bitterness. Thank you, Laura and all who created this recording.

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