Éiriú-Eolas - Breathing Program

About technique... Is the breathing supposed to cause any type of rattling sensation in the thorax or nose? I'm finding it really challenging to find and keep the demonstrated proper technique.

Can more people describe the physcial feeling they get when doing the breathing??
he problem that I have come upon is, that it doesn't feel very relaxing. Or maybe relaxing is not the right word ... What I mean is, that stimulation of the vagal nerve should slow down your heartbeat, amongst other things. My heartbeat seems to go up, which for me is a sign of stimulation of the sympathetic system - just the opposite. I do however feel some kind of "relaxation" or mental acuity afterwards - but with a pounding heart ...

I have the same question, is it supposed to be relaxed? because I can´t as I need to be alert at the count, and using the diafragm, and while I am counting I can´t be concentrated in the meaning of the prayer. What I have thought is to get used to the rithm of the breath, doing it in automatic way for be able to concentrate in the prayer.

Can more people describe the physcial feeling they get when doing the breathing??

I have felt a bit of pain in the abdomen but I think is normal while your respiratory system is get accustomed
I think it is important to remember that everyone's physiology is a bit different, both from the point of view of how your body is put together and deeper more mysterious processes ("karma" , level of soul advancement, degree of ponerization, and so on). And, no single physiological experience I think is a clue to one's inner level of awareness.

Any technique should be understood as merely a techniquer (albeit perhaps extremely important in our training) and not something that needs be masteed with our subjective understanding of perfection.

In my opinion, a technique must become a living gesture of our being rather than followed with mechanical precision---EXCEPT that deviations from the mechanical prescription should, in this case, be cleared through the process of networking.

So, people have mentioned having a speeded up heart rate, pain in the abdomen, blurry vision and others. I suggest that any of these signals are signs that you should stop, give it a rest, and do it again a day or two later. So far, people have mentioned the mere physiological but soon there will be emotional and mood experiences. In all such cases, we need to be really kind to ourselves and not push. Just relax in the joy of discovering a new layer of intelligence and responsiveness. Back off the practice, if need be and just go with the prayer, for example.

Speaking for myself, I too experienced a quickened heart and, not a pain in the abodomen, but a kinda of pleasant bloatedness. I am rather near sighted and when I do the practice, my vision clears and becomes much sharper.

In another context, i underwent training at a week long retreat about a year and half ago that used very similar techniques and midway, huge emotional issues erupted. When that happens to you (and it will), just stay with the experience and feel its rawness without trying to justtify or rationalize it. You may even experience extreme doubt about what the hell you are doing--that too is part of being clear and honest with oneself in the midst of almost, through this kind of practice, creating a self-mirror.

OSIT---Frank J.
I just finished reading the book "The Big Book of Near-Death Experiences" by P.M.H. Atwater and in the very last chapter she mentions that the Hopi word for "family" is "to breathe together."

So, we are creating a family!
nicklebleu said:
The problem that I have come upon is, that it doesn't feel very relaxing. Or maybe relaxing is not the right word ... What I mean is, that stimulation of the vagal nerve should slow down your heartbeat, amongst other things. My heartbeat seems to go up, which for me is a sign of stimulation of the sympathetic system - just the opposite. I do however feel some kind of "relaxation" or mental acuity afterwards - but with a pounding heart ...
I have the same thing!!! For the past couple of days (since I started using the breathing technique) I have had a pounding heart and intense sweating. It's a bit scary actually. If it's related to the breathing it would be good to know, and if there's something one can do wrong to cause this.
foofighter said:
nicklebleu said:
The problem that I have come upon is, that it doesn't feel very relaxing. Or maybe relaxing is not the right word ... What I mean is, that stimulation of the vagal nerve should slow down your heartbeat, amongst other things. My heartbeat seems to go up, which for me is a sign of stimulation of the sympathetic system - just the opposite. I do however feel some kind of "relaxation" or mental acuity afterwards - but with a pounding heart ...
I have the same thing!!! For the past couple of days (since I started using the breathing technique) I have had a pounding heart and intense sweating. It's a bit scary actually. If it's related to the breathing it would be good to know, and if there's something one can do wrong to cause this.

When I first tried this a few days ago, I did not breathe correctly with the diaphragm. I mainly breathed with my chest or forced the abdomen muscle to move (instead of moving it with the breath). The result was shortness of breath, heart pounding similar to your symptoms. It disappeared after I learned to breathe correctly. So that could be the cause of your symptoms too. FWIW.
Interesting experience, I feel like I wasn't stressed at all after I was doing it! Thank you so much Laura for sharing this exercise with us, I'm also very grateful with Vulcan for that transcript, and Smallwood for the "count" transcript. :) I still need more practice until I could get used of the " breathing count", I felt pain in my chest at the beginning, but that could be due all the time that I must gather air during my breathing... I'll wait for the video. Once again, thanks for sharing!. :lol:
Podcast Transcript said:
From that entry page, you will be able to access the forum and on the forum there is a section called “Cassiopaen Experiment”.

I just wanted to remark that there is no link to the forum on cassiopaea.com or cassiopaea.org...
Ya'll don't need to be trying to use the prayer and combining all these things together... you are supposed to be JUST practicing exercising your diaphraghm and practicing pipe breathing. That's it right now. If you want to memorize the prayer and recite that as you go to sleep or whenever you like, as a separate thing, fine, but if you will just WAIT until the video and second audio are finished, all will be connected in the proper way.

For those who already have some breath training and already do meditation, it's okay to add the prayer to your practice. For those of you who don't, just wait!!!!

Again, all you need to be doing right now is practicing using the diaphragm and the pipe breathing. If the count is too long or too short for you, adjust it to what is comfortable.
[quote author=Data]I just wanted to remark that there is no link to the forum on cassiopaea.com or cassiopaea.org...[/quote]

From either site, just click on "Site Intro" There is a link to the forum there.
nicklebleu said:
I have been exercising the type of breathing as described on Laura's tape for a few days now ...

The problem that I have come upon is, that it doesn't feel very relaxing. Or maybe relaxing is not the right word ... What I mean is, that stimulation of the vagal nerve should slow down your heartbeat, amongst other things. My heartbeat seems to go up, which for me is a sign of stimulation of the sympathetic system - just the opposite. I do however feel some kind of "relaxation" or mental acuity afterwards - but with a pounding heart ...

I just wanted to run this past you all and ask, if you have had similar experiences? Maybe my technique is wrong? Or maybe I just haven't exercised enough? I just don't want to get into a false technique form the outset - if I can avoid that ...

fwiw the first time I tried it, it was deeply relaxing. The second attempt it was the opposite (heart rate elevated and extra tension).
As far as I was able to figure out what was different, it is to do with breathing properly (with the diaphragm).

Once I figured that out, it was deeply relaxing again.

So far I've listened to the intro each time I've tried this (whilst laying on my back) as I find the intro in and of itself relaxing and it puts me into the right frame of mind it seems.
Secondly all the time the intro is running I'm trying to breath with my diaphragm. I'll place a book on my stomach (as suggested in the intro) to make sure.
When it comes to the full breathing count (after the intro has finished) I'll sit up and make sure I'm using the diaphragm.
I couldn't do it in a sitting position yesterday so attempted it laying down. Its easier to use the diaphragm laying down but harder to get a full breath I find.

One thing of note....if you find your shoulders/neck are Not relaxing, then you are breathing incorrectly (with your shoulders/neck) osit. Take time to work on the diaphragm and then try again :)
My apologies... I mentioned earlier that I am doing the prayer with the breathing as described in the transcript pretty much without a transitional period of doing the breathing with the counting first. This is because I know how to belly breathe already! Thus, adding the prayer was not at all difficult. I hope I did not encourage anyone to bite off more than they can chew. By following Laura's advice below, one will avoid unnecessary danger.

Laura said:
Ya'll don't need to be trying to use the prayer and combining all these things together... you are supposed to be JUST practicing exercising your diaphraghm and practicing pipe breathing. That's it right now. If you want to memorize the prayer and recite that as you go to sleep or whenever you like, as a separate thing, fine, but if you will just WAIT until the video and second audio are finished, all will be connected in the proper way.

For those who already have some breath training and already do meditation, it's okay to add the prayer to your practice. For those of you who don't, just wait!!!!

Again, all you need to be doing right now is practicing using the diaphragm and the pipe breathing. If the count is too long or too short for you, adjust it to what is comfortable.
Thanks Laura and the Sott Team, I appreciate all the time and effort you have made and am looking forward to the video. :thup:

The only problem I'm having with the breathing exercise is losing count :rolleyes: and clearing my throat.
RedFox said:
One thing of note....if you find your shoulders/neck are Not relaxing, then you are breathing incorrectly (with your shoulders/neck) osit. Take time to work on the diaphragm and then try again :)

indeed! i have been having problems with my neck and shoulders for years. i'm sure a lot of it has to do with diet and toxicity, as well as a number of injuries from sports and general tomfoolery, but since doing this breathing exercise for just a few days, a LOT of the tightness and pain has released from my shoulders and the back and sides of the neck.

it's quite a thing to realize i've been breathing backwards for most of my life... go figure... :O

I just wanted to add my impressions to the list.

First, back when I saw the June 20 session, I decided to start trying some sort of breathing exercise, just to get in the habit for when I got more instructions from Laura on her technique. My own technique was very simple composed of breathing in, holding and breathing out although without much of a pause between the exhale and next inhale. This seemed to produce a feeling of calm and at times a slight buzzing of the extremities which I took to be just increased oxygen levels to these part of my body. It was very relaxing to do prior to bedtime.

I didn't really feel any intense emotions immediately after this, but it seemed that the next days I had certain experiences that I would consider emotional releases. This would mostly happen upon listening to music. I would suddenly feel a sensation in my solar plexus, kind of a fluttering and suddenly it would rise to my neck and face. I don't know how to describe it, but it felt like a combination of extreme sadness, depression and rage! I was alone at the time and I had an incredible urge to cry and to I let the feeling flow through me and come out as naturally as possible. It was an amazing experience, although quite frightening at the same time. It seems to be happening more and more, although I'm somewhat worried this is going to happen during some socially inconvenient situation, but so far so good.

Since hearing the Eíriú-Eolas methods, I've dropped my previous methods for the ones recommended. Those being the belly breathing and pipe breathing. As expected the frequent emotional sensations have continued, although still in a delayed manner, usually sometime the next day while sitting alone somewhere while listening to music. It almost feels like I'm starting to relive my entire emotional life in reverse. Memories have been flooding back that I had long forgotten about or buried and forced me to confront what my real feelings were at the time.


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