Elon Musk: Tech Genius! Green Warrior! Biz King! Good Oligarch?

For whatever it's worth, maybe some people want to dig deeper. A lot of suspicious, well hidden stuff in the background... the linked video in the article is not available anymore.

The Mysterious Illuminati Lineage Of Elon Musk | The Crazz Files

The original website where the article is from seems to be a SOTT-type place - an alternative news aggregator - with its own forum. The forum is pretty inactive. The news site does seem to have a mixture of interesting articles and stuff that’s a bit more out there. They seem to have the pursuit of truth and conspiracy theories at heart, but at a cursory glance, I just think they’re lacking some discernment about which threads they follow or what types of articles they publish.

As far as the article goes that you linked, the only verifiable claim in it is that Musk’s grandfather was a known technocrat. There’s nothing about the illuminati in the article itself.

The main thing about the article is that an unnamed woman wrote the author of the article a letter and made a load of unverifiable claims.

I’m not enamoured with Musk, but I don’t think he’s an evil puppet master in league with any secret societies or anything like that.

I think his business ventures have got him tied up with the deep state, but I doubt he’s happy about that.
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I think Elon is just an eccentric billionaire. He's good at reading the social temperature and playing to it. He's able to see beyond the media narrative to what really concerns the majority and he's able to play to that too. He is all about technology though and so not surprising he was all over the mRNA jabs. Anything that leverages technology or sounds like sci-fi he'll be all over - to him it represents "progress" and it's also how he makes money.

I wouldn't elevate him beyond what he is not - he is not a saviour, he is not your friend though that is not to say he thinks you are a useless eater. He is just playing to the times we live in, playing a role that fits his personality.
So Musk buys social media populated by bots with no revenue for 40 Billion = not genius.
I'd argue it's genius in that most of his "wealth" is in Tesla stock and Tesla in my opinion is severely over-inflated. At least this way he's spreading risk and has transferred part of that fake paper wealth to some real assets over at twitter. 🤷

At least that's how I see it.
The power to manipulate the masses via the media is alluring, and after witnessing the amount of influence social media possesses, it is this power that Musk is after. He also has a somewhat different agenda than his predecessors, and can use it as a platform to build his cult of personality; free advertising basically. I stand by what I said years ago that Musk's net worth is pretty much all in the amount of hype he can generate around his various schemes, and if he ever loses the hype and connections he basically collapses into obscurity and becomes largely indistinguishable from any other working schlub. Wealth does not automatically translate into political power, and this provides Musk an avenue to leverage his even if it costs him money in the short to medium term.
I don’t have a Twitter account, so I’ve not verified if this is a valid step in signing up for an account.

If true, it looks like Elon is making his opinion known, regarding followers of the “Transgender mutilation cult”.
If you’re not aware of Elon’s opinion of the Trans agenda, he had a very public falling out with one of his own sons, who chose to “become a girl” and as soon as he/she/whatever turned 18, took Elon to court to declare “Emancipation”.
The details are posted further back in this thread.

The power to manipulate the masses via the media is alluring, and after witnessing the amount of influence social media possesses, it is this power that Musk is after. He also has a somewhat different agenda than his predecessors, and can use it as a platform to build his cult of personality; free advertising basically. I stand by what I said years ago that Musk's net worth is pretty much all in the amount of hype he can generate around his various schemes, and if he ever loses the hype and connections he basically collapses into obscurity and becomes largely indistinguishable from any other working schlub. Wealth does not automatically translate into political power, and this provides Musk an avenue to leverage his even if it costs him money in the short to medium term.

It reminds me of this Cs session:

June 9, 2018
**Q:** (L) Well, is it accurate or correct to derive from this Jungian business some of the philosophical or psychological foundations of the current American liberal postmodern movement?

**A:** Indeed!

**Q:** (L) So some of Jung's ideas of the anima and animus and the hermaphroditic nature of the soul and so forth were foundational to the current liberal paradigm of sexual fluidity?

**A:** Yes. And notice well that this conflicts directly with objective reality.

**Q:** (L) Well, according to the postmodernists, there is no objective reality. They say that everything people think is completely culturally conditioned, and one truth is no more true than another truth or whatever.

**A:** That will backfire tragically. Think "Tower of Babel."

**Q:** (L) So, in other words, this whole postmodernist conception of there being no objective truth is similar to the attempt to build a Tower of Babel?

**A:** Yes.

**Q:** (Joe) The Tower of Babel was to be unable to speak the same language.
(Andromeda) It was to reach heaven.
(L) They were joining together to build this tower in order to reach heaven, and then God made them all speak different languages and scattered them all over. So the "unification of the masses" under the umbrella of Postmodernism has its own seeds of destruction of society contained within?

**A:** Right. Think of the strong fascist trend of the modern left.

**Q:** (L) Like the anti-smoking thing and trying to force vegetarianism, and "cultural diversity" and so forth. They have decided that they will arbitrate what people shall and shall not do under the guise of accepting all and anything that people might or might not do. It's utterly bizarre. I'm trying to get through this Detmer book I'm reading about it but it's difficult to imagine people coming up with things that are so retarded; I think it's safe to say they are schizoid psychopaths because the thinking style is so characteristic. And they miss the big flaw: If everything is culturally conditioned or if there is no objective truth, then what a leftist says is equally culturally conditioned and as subject to the same conditions that what they say is not true either...
(Andromeda) Right. It should be...
(Pierre) The similarity with the Tower of Babel is that those people got together to become gods. It's the same as what the left is doing because they deny nature and the objective nature of the universe. And then they create "their" truth, and what they say is the truth, so they replace god.
(L) So in other words, this whole left attempt to take over our world is sort of what 2nd Thessalonians referred to as man attempting to take the seat of god in the temple, so to speak?

**A:** Yes. The Beast.

**Q:** (L) Okay, well that's pretty interesting; there's a lot of beastliness in our world today. I was reminded when I was thinking about all of this postmodernism and this Jungian business about something that was said in a session back in 2002 or 2001 or whenever; it was about frequency resonance vibration. And then there were mentions in the transcripts about frequency resonance robots and frequency resonance pied pipers. Basically, then it was said that the plan was to get bodies to resonate in such a way that 4D STS could download directly - if only temporarily - into this reality. So, is that what is happening with a lot of these groups of leftists and postmodernists inspired by Jung and the postmodernist philosophers and sociologists?

**A:** Indeed. But do not get misled by labels because the right has similar tendencies.

With the advent of the RINOS, it may be better to look at it from an individual level. Trump originally was a democrat, but ran as a republican as he deemed it to be the best path for him to win. On the other hand we have Elon, who also leans right. With stories from TESLA employees saying that Musk is a harsh person to work with, and his over-handedness in his takeover and dealings with Twitter, this makes it seem like he's person who isn't very forgiving. A person of his mindset may be used as a tool to build a more technocratic totalitarian state.

Remember his interview with Joe Rogan a while back where they were talking about AI? He recounts sadly that there's no way to stop building it and his continued active efforts in the building of AI (see his Optimus) signals that he bent the knee. All would be reflected in his FRV as a potential pied piper. The danger may come from resonating with him in an unchecked way. Maybe this is one way that STS forces feed on everyone that they can get, be it right or left.

After Trump, now probably the most hated man by the Woke

View attachment 66926

It's also interesting that he wore this, as it features Baphomet with an upside-down cross in the middle. The costume is called "The Devil's Champion". Clear satanic references.
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I'd argue it's genius in that most of his "wealth" is in Tesla stock and Tesla in my opinion is severely over-inflated. At least this way he's spreading risk and has transferred part of that fake paper wealth to some real assets over at twitter. 🤷

At least that's how I see it.
It’s tough to put the correct attitudinal inflection in these text boxes. And if you over-explain, the comment loses its punchiness. Such is life. My comment was an attempt at a “both true/somewhat snarky/meant to be cynical wry comedy as much as anything”.

Every person grew up in a certain social milieu which includes certain attitudes embedded in the language and style. (Conversely, people tend not to take this into consideration, me included)

I grew up in a beach town in Southern California in the 60’s. As I think of it now, a large segment of SoCal youth culture had a backdrop of “this world is a joke”. There was a certain sneering cynicism that most people understood. (Part of that is natural to any teenager, I think). Our defense against the obvious hypocrisy of the day was : making over-the-top snide remarks in a left-handed manner with a U turn at the end. So, you didn’t just say “look, the emperor has no clothes”. No, you’d say, “dude, check out the rad tattoo on the emperor’s butt”. (And of course you never really meant the tattoo was actually rad) Sigh. Sometimes it’s a challenge for me to say things in a straight line. This style of communication became an art form, but I digress.

While I tend to think Musk is a tool, I do appreciate his own snarkiness that oozes out and I can totally relate. Like tooootallly.

Yes, he is selling overvalued Tesla stock to finance this deal. (And keep it and Twitter afloat) And thereby driving down the value of Tesla stock. Genius? Or just making the best of a bad situation? He is in a difficult position. It is quite possible he is at the Rubicon sinking in quicksand. We shall see. Why did he offer to buy Twitter in the first place when he is already spread so thin? Is Twitter really a more valuable asset than Tesla? I don’t think so. (They are both massively overvalued at this point) if he was trying to exchange overvalued Tesla stock for better assets I don’t think he’d be buying Twitter. How about a Lithium miner instead? Or a hundred other assets that could benefit Tesla or Starlink?

Furthermore he made this deal and managed to box himself in with severe legal financial consequences if he tried to weasel out. He had no kill switch on the deal. Didn’t he box himself into a corner. That’s our genius?

Or, Did a little MK Monarch whisper in his ear to buy Tweety Bird? If so, he, like Gates is not a genius but just another puppet. That’s my working hypothesis. I don’t see Musk as a legit, sincere player like Putin. I see Musk as a kind of clownish stooge, albeit a very amusing one, in the grand kabuki. Dorsey is the guy who absconded with the Twitter value, isn’t he? Is he no longer a part of this equation?

But it is a wonderful soap opera, isn’t it?!

I wonder what we are not supposed to be looking at while this saga goes on and on?
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