EMF Exposure

LQB said:
...Hope that helps...

Well, I think so. I'm not sure. :)

It's sounds like the whole thing is already "done," more or less. The part I hadn't thought of was using an IF to sample. Long ago in another life, somewhere around 1985, I worked with a packaged A2D converter to sample a video feed and send it into a minicomputer's memory via DMA. I breadboarded the interface and it all worked well, considering how little I knew about what I was doing, and even better after I learned about DC restoration on the A2D input. But here we don't even care about DC. (Unfortunately, the minicomputer was too slow to process the entire feed in real time. That is not an issue today.)

So where can I buy one of these?
Megan said:
LQB said:
...Hope that helps...

Well, I think so. I'm not sure. :)

It's sounds like the whole thing is already "done," more or less. The part I hadn't thought of was using an IF to sample. Long ago in another life, somewhere around 1985, I worked with a packaged A2D converter to sample a video feed and send it into a minicomputer's memory via DMA. I breadboarded the interface and it all worked well, considering how little I knew about what I was doing, and even better after I learned about DC restoration on the A2D input. But here we don't even care about DC. (Unfortunately, the minicomputer was too slow to process the entire feed in real time. That is not an issue today.)

So where can I buy one of these?

Here's a good US PC spectrum analyzer: _http://www.signalhound.com/

Introducing the Signal Hound Family of Products
Budget-Friendly Solutions for RF Test and Measurement

Spectrum Analyzers and Measurement Receivers
USB-SA44B: 1 Hz to 4.4 GHz $919
USB-SA124A: 100 kHz to 12.4 GHz $1995

Features SA44B
RF Frequency Range: 1 Hz to 4.4 GHz
Low noise amplifier available above 500 KHz
Wide dynamic range: -151 dBm to +10 dBm
Resolution bandwidths (RBW) of 0.1 Hz to 250 KHz and 5 MHz
Includes a High Dynamic Range Measuring Receiver
0.25 dB relative accuracy
0 dBm to -125 dBm, 150 KHz to 1 GHz
0 dBm to -115 dBm, 1 GHz to 4.4 GHz
Adjustable digital audio filters
Accurate AM and FM measurements
No external power supply needed - draws power from USB
Powerful Digital Signal Processing happens on the PC
Software and Hardware included for one low price
Additional Third-Party Software Packages are available
TSCM software is available, and is being marketed
as "Kestrel TSCM Software" through _www.pdtg.ca
Write your own software with our free Application Programming Interface (API)
I/Q Data up to a 240 KHz bandwidth
Frequency Sweeps up to 140 MHz per second
Compatible with Windows operating systems
Windows XP or newer recommended
AM and FM Demodulation Measurements
USB 2.0 communications at 480 MBPS
Demodulates AM/FM/SSB/CW audio in real-time
Automation capability using our API
Measures 8 inches long
Weighs 10 ounces

-125 dBm is pretty good! The antennas are cheap and the conversion to microW/m2 is easy. If you install the S/W on a notebook/laptop, then the whole setup is portable.

The Aaronia is even better but costs about 3X due to high US duty/tariff.

Edit: disabled link
Re: Spectrum Analyser: Check out the Demos tab, it is
very interesting as to it's capabilities. Of course, one would
have to know and understand the SA's tools & technical
knowledge to successfully sleuth and capture the signals
of interest, no easy feat in itself, or so I think.
Here are a few more interesting paper summaries:

Oxidative damage to mtDNA:

Exposure to 1800 MHz radiofrequency radiation induces oxidative damage to mitochondrial DNA in primary cultured neurons. Brain Res. 2009 Oct 30.

Increasing evidence indicates that oxidative stress may be involved in the adverse effects of radiofrequency (RF) radiation on the brain. Because mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) defects are closely associated with various nervous system diseases and mtDNA is highly susceptible to oxidative stress, the purpose of this study was to determine whether radiofrequency radiation can cause oxidative damage to mtDNA. In this study, we exposed primary cultured cortical neurons to pulsed RF electromagnetic fields at a frequency of 1800 MHz modulated by 217 Hz at an average special absorption rate (SAR) of 2 W/kg. At 24 h after exposure, we found that RF radiation induced a significant increase in the levels of 8-hydroxyguanine (8-OHdG), a common biomarker of DNA oxidative damage, in the mitochondria of neurons. Consistent with this finding, the copy number of mtDNA and the levels of mitochondrial RNA (mtRNA) transcripts showed an obvious reduction after RF exposure. Each of these mtDNA disturbances could be reversed by pretreatment with melatonin, which is known to be an efficient in the brain. Together, these results suggested that 1800 MHz RF radiation could cause oxidative damage to mtDNA in primary cultured neurons. Oxidative damage to mtDNA may account for the neurotoxicity of RF radiation in the brain.

Pineal Gland:

Characterization and Potential Role in Electromechano-Transduction
Baconnier Simon(1), Lang Sidney B. (2), De Seze Rene(3)
The pineal gland is a neuroendocrine transducer secreting melatonin, responsible for the physiological circadian rhythm
control. A new form of biomineralization has been studied in the human pineal gland. It consists of small crystals that
are less than 20 m in length. These crystals could be responsible for an electromechanical biological transduction
mechanism in the pineal gland due to their structure and piezoelectric properties.

Using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), we identified crystals
morphology and showed that they only contain calcium, carbon and oxygen elements. Furthermore, the selected-area
electron diffraction (SAED) and near-infrared Raman spectroscopy established that the crystals are calcite.
We will now focus on the physiological effect of microcrystals in pinealocyte cell culture under Radio-Frequency
Electromagnetic-Fields (RF-EMF).

Because of the fast development of mobile telecommunication, the interaction of Electromagnetic Fields
(EMF) with biological environment becomes a public health concern. Although the action of non-ionizing radiation on
biology is still unclear, several hypotheses of interaction have been suggested: hot spot phenomena, ADN/RF-EMF
interaction, EMF effect on cellular development (oncology) [1-3]. But no convincing study brings to the conclusion of
an effective risk of RF-EMF for health.

The pineal gland converts a neural signal into an endocrine output. The most important hormone it secretes is melatonin
the main role of which is to control the physiological circadian rhythm [4].

Two biomineralization forms can be observed in the pineal gland. Concretions so called “brain sand”, a polycrystalline
complex of few millimeters long, and microcrystals the length of which does not exceed 20 micrometers. While
concretions have been extensively studied [5-9] no study has been published on the microcrystals.
In this article the microcrystals were analyzed with different biophysical techniques. Their physicochemical properties
and particularly piezoelectricity would give them an active role in a potential mechanism of electromechanotransduction
in the pineal body. We are currently planning a study on the effects of Global System for Mobile (GSM)
waves on these microcrystals in cellular culture and their influence on the pineal body physiology.

EEG Coherence

Mobile phone emission modulates inter-hemispheric functional coupling of EEG alpha rhythms in elderly compared to young subjects. med./biol.

By: Vecchio F, Babiloni C, Ferreri F, Buffo P, Cibelli G, Curcio G, van Dijkman S, Melgari JM, Giambattistelli F, Rossini PM
Published in: Clin Neurophysiol 2010; 121 (2): 163 - 171 ( PubMed Entry , Journal web site )

Aim of study (according to author)

In a previous study (Vecchio et al. 2007) it has been reported that GSM electromagnetic fields of a mobile phone modulate inter-hemispheric synchronization (an important physiological feature of information transfer into the brain) of temporal and frontal resting EEG rhythms in normal young subjects.

In the present study, the authors tested the hypothesis that this effect can vary with physiological aging as a sign of changes in the functional organization of cortical neural synchronization.
Background/further details:
Eyes-closed resting EEG data were recorded in 16 healthy elderly subjects (60.75 ± 2.87 years) and 5 young subjects (30 ± 1.26 years) in the same two conditions of the previous study (GSM device was turned on (45 min) in one condition and was turned off (45 min) in the other condition). The aging effects were investigated comparing the inter-hemispheric EEG coherence in the elderly subjects vs. a young group formed by 15 young subjects (including 10 young subjects of the previous study).
Individual EEG rhythms of interest were delta waves (about 2-4 Hz), theta waves (about 4-6 Hz), alpha wave 1 (about 6-8 Hz), alpha wave 2 (about 8-10 Hz) and alpha wave 3 (about 10-12 Hz).

 effects on the neurological system: neural activity/EEG

General category: mobile communication system, mobile phone, digital mobile phone, GSM
Field characteristics Parameters
902.4 MHz
pulsed (PW)
exposure duration: continuous for 45 min power: 2 W peak value
power: 0.25 W average over time
SAR: 0.5 W/kg max value (brain)

Exposed system:
partial body exposure: head (left side)
Endpoint/Measurement parameters/Methodology
 effects on the neurological system: neural activity/EEG (estimation of functional connectivity; inter-hemispheric coherence analysis)
investigation on living organism
investigated organ system: brain/CNS

time of investigation: before and after exposure

Main outcome of study (according to author)

Compared with the young subjects, the elderly subjects showed a statistically significant increment of the inter-hemispheric coherence of frontal and temporal alpha wave rhythms (about 8-12 Hz) during the GSM condition. In conclusion, these data suggest that GSM electromagnetic fields of a mobile phone affect inter-hemispheric synchronization of the dominant (alpha wave) EEG rhythms as a function of the physiological aging. This study provides further evidence that physiological aging is related to changes in the functional organization of cortical neural synchronization.
I haven't replied because I am being overwhelmed with information coming in from the forum and other sources, in a variety of areas. I am thinking about how somebody might invest in equipment to do the various measurements, learn how to interpret the results, and then offer to make measurements for others in their face-to-face personal network. Accepting donations when offered, to help offset the cost.

It's a vague idea right now, but I really do not like flying blind with EMF health measures. I'm sure the PTB love the situation, though. It's absolutely diabolical.
Megan said:
I haven't replied because I am being overwhelmed with information coming in from the forum and other sources, in a variety of areas. I am thinking about how somebody might invest in equipment to do the various measurements, learn how to interpret the results, and then offer to make measurements for others in their face-to-face personal network. Accepting donations when offered, to help offset the cost.

It's a vague idea right now, but I really do not like flying blind with EMF health measures. I'm sure the PTB love the situation, though. It's absolutely diabolical.

That's exactly what I'm doing - you hit the nail squarely on the head. I've gathered most of the equipment I need including RF meters, clamp current meters, gauss meters, PC oscilloscope, voltage transient data logger, etc - so I'll be able to offer that service in just the way you described. :)
I was able to go back to the area of the previously mentioned properties today (earlier than I thought) and took some pictures of the dishes (including smaller ones that I hadn't noticed before). I looked and could not find any other towers, etc. in the area. I hope you'll all be able to give a better opinion of what these dishes might be, including any possible dangers:


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I'm not an expert, but those look like the usually dishes to me. :) I see just one apparent local microwave link -- the small dish that it looks like you might have been standing almost in front of in the next to last photo. Does it point in the direction of transmission towers? Are they far away? (It might be pointing to a relay, but would probably still be pointing in the general direction of the tower.) Is it pointing in the direction of your property?
Megan said:
I'm not an expert, but those look like the usually dishes to me. :) I see just one apparent local microwave link -- the small dish that it looks like you might have been standing almost in front of in the next to last photo. Does it point in the direction of transmission towers? Are they far away? (It might be pointing to a relay, but would probably still be pointing in the general direction of the tower.) Is it pointing in the direction of your property?

Yeah, the big ones look to be geosynch links - no prob. The little one looks to be canted up slightly. If it were point-to-point, it should be on a higher tower. It may not be doing anything. I would knock on their door (or call), express some interest, and get them to give me a tour. I would like to know how they are disseminating whatever they are getting from geosynch - could be fiber optic. They could also tell you about any future plans.
LQB: The last photo... I could have sworn that
it looks like the Millennium Falcon or something
out of Star Wars... :lol: The building with "two
eyes" looks amazingly futuristic.
LQB said:
Yeah, the big ones look to be geosynch links - no prob. The little one looks to be canted up slightly. If it were point-to-point, it should be on a higher tower. It may not be doing anything. I would knock on their door (or call), express some interest, and get them to give me a tour. I would like to know how they are disseminating whatever they are getting from geosynch - could be fiber optic. They could also tell you about any future plans.

There seems to be a hill behind the small dish. Maybe there's one in front of it too, and it is pointing up at a relay on top of the hill?
dant said:
LQB: The last photo... I could have sworn that
it looks like the Millennium Falcon or something
out of Star Wars... :lol: The building with "two
eyes" looks amazingly futuristic.

It does :P Look at those funny "boxy" clerestory windows jutting out of the roof - pretty strange skylights. They look designed to look out as opposed to up. Like maybe an observation deck inside. Anyway, the funny look of the place is what suggested to me a tour. If its just a commercial operation, they should be pretty friendly.
monotonic said:
If the transmitters are between a hill and the house, will the RF make it through the hill dirt?

Any transmissions should be focused beams that would surely not be pointed at the ground. I didn't see any other type of antenna but dishes. But then I don't see so well.

I would still not want to be under the path of any of those beams in the event that something happened that changed the direction of a dish (high winds, or ???).
Megan said:
monotonic said:
If the transmitters are between a hill and the house, will the RF make it through the hill dirt?

Any transmissions should be focused beams that would surely not be pointed at the ground. I didn't see any other type of antenna but dishes. But then I don't see so well.

I would still not want to be under the path of any of those beams in the event that something happened that changed the direction of a dish (high winds, or ???).

If you could see the steel support structure and the positioners used, you'd be impressed. The only way to move those (when they don't want to) is to rip steel girders. If that happens then there are much bigger concerns, I'm sure!
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