"J.H. Nelson, "Planetary Position Effect on Short-Wave Signal Quality" (Electrical Engineering, May 1952)
The shortwave radio signals interference registered by the planets on the SunSaturn and Jupiters affect on sunspot activity. "When Jupiter and Saturn were spaced by 120 degrees, and solar activity was at a maximum, radio signals averaged of far higher quality for the year than... with Jupiter and Saturn at 180 degrees and a considerable decline in solar activity. In other words, the average quality curve of radio signals followed the cycle curve between Jupiter and Saturn rather than the sunspot curve ..." - J.H. Nelson, "Planetary Position Effect on Short-Wave Signal Quality" (Electrical Engineering, May 1952)"
Although... the article above speaks about the fact that apparently saturn cannot effect us... the one above speaks about how it can mess with the electromagnetic signals of, "shortwave radio signals".
If Saturn can effect radio signals, and radio signals can effect our bodies.. then....

"...Most people are unware of the Radio Frequency (RF) radiation they are exposed to. Radiation is usually associated with radium, weapons, medical treatments, nuclear power plants and smoke detectors. Before we discuss covert cell towers and other numerous radiating antennas being installed with impunity, we should review the RF spectrum. This will be helpful in understanding how the radio spectrum affects us. We will not discuss HAARP, which is in itself a unique area of the radio spectrum in the shortwave band...."
I think there are healthy radio frequencies, and not so healthy ones.
The planets put out their own frequencies.
I am by no means an expert in this field, but I do know that we have biomagnetic fields that are affected by various factors.
Michael Persinger a canadian neurologist will attest to that.
You just have to put the pieces together.
"Planetary Harmonics
The astrophysical parameters of a planet are, in part, that which create its astrological characteristic (psychophysiological resonance). An example chart of Earth's Harmonic Spectrum is presented below. Earth's astrophysical parameters are shown translated to their corresponding alpha brain wave frequencies, audio frequencies, and corresponding light (color) wavelengths.
The fundamental frequencies of a planet are derived from the planet's astrophysical parameters such as diameter, circumference, rotational velocity, orbital period, etc. These frequencies generally have very long wavelengths, thus they lie in the very low frequency (ELF) and ultra-low frequency (ULF) range. Planetary harmonics govern natural long-term biological growth patterns, monthly and yearly biological processes, and daily brain and psychophysiological function.
Like audible sound, brainwaves are measured in frequency, were as light is measured by its wavelength. The mid-audio octave is six octaves up from the alpha brain wave octave, and, as presented above, the visible octave of light (color) is 40 octaves up from the mid-audio octave."
A discordant angle generates a discordant frequency pattern.
Just as discordant sound generates an unhealthy reaction... such as that of plants in the book "The Secret Life of Plants."
"147.85 Saturn: separation, sorrow, death [??]; Frequency associated with orbit of Saturn (Note=D) (Color=Blue) (Tempo=69.3 * 138.6 BPM) (Effects=enhances concentration and the process of becoming conscious + shows very clearly karmic connections, brings structure and order - is considered to be a cosmic controller) [HC/Planetware]"
Saturn issues sounds that, "sound like speach".
"“Understanding the sounds of the stars is important for our understanding of the formation of the solar system and the Earth,” Kurtz said. Using asteroseismology “We can even monitor dangerous ‘active’ regions on the far side of the Sun.” These stormy zones can later send out blasts that create geomagnetic storms on Earth, leading to power failures and radio disruption."
"Eccentric gardeners who sing to their plants may not be altogether mad, says Joel Sternheimer, a French physicist and musician. Sternheimer writes melodies that allegedly help plants grow, and has recently applied for an international patent covering his method of music making. The tunes are not random melodies: he chooses each note to correspond to an amino acid in a protein, and the full tune corresponds to an entire protein. Sternheimer claims that when plants 'hear' the appropriate tune, they produce more of that protein. He also writes tunes that inhibit the synthesis of proteins.
He claims to be able, using simple physics, to translate into audible vibrations of music the quantum vibrations that occur at the molecular level as a protein is being assembled from its constituent amino acids. 'Each musical note is a multiple of original frequencies that occur when amino acids join the protein chain,' explains Sternheimer. ..."
"Long before the existence of the earth's magnetic field was known man had postulated "cosmic"
influences that affected all life. Visible astronomical events such as comets, the aurora, and the position
of the planets were associated with catastrophes such as plagues. Life was thought to be dominated by
unseen forces-generated in the stars. As knowledge of the magnetic and electric fields was acquired,
these similarly invisible forces began to be presented as the scientific basis for the older beliefs.
Mesmer, for example, in his use of magnetic fields, was actually trying to place the astrological
theories of Paracelsus (a truly great physician of the fifteenth century) on an acceptable scientific basis
by relating them to magnetism. Variations in the earth's magnetic field were believed to explain the
"obvious" influence of the moon on human life and behavior (lunatics, moon madness, etc.)"
" While changes in the natural
field do not produce the same kind of immediate, obvious biological effects as changes in the
atmospheric oxygen concentration, they do have profound effects upon the most basic functions of life"
"The relationship between electromagnetism and life has been a source of fascination and
controversy for more than 400 years. Today, interest in all facets of this relationship is at an
unprecedented pitch. The body's intrinsic electromagnetic phenomena have been rediscovered, and the
evidence suggests that, far from being unimportant by-products of biochemical activity as previously
believed, they play a vital role in diverse physiological processes. The earth has a natural
electromagnetic background, produced by the earth itself and by
cosmic sources, and the age-old
question as to whether this background can be detected by living organisms has now been answered in
the affirmative the earth's electromagnetic background is an important environmental factor for all
living things. Clinical uses of electromagnetic energy are increasing and promise to expand into
important areas in the near future"
" Planetary Orbits Affect Our Brain Frequencies "
"Earth's Magnetic Field: Is it a Global Brain?
Buryl Payne
Earth’s magnetic field is one of the most complex variables known. It varies with the Sun’s activity, the Sun’s rotation, the Moon’s rotation, the Earth’s rotation, and the positions of the planets.
The Sun is constantly emitting particles, and waves of all frequencies. When the particles hit Earth (mostly those particles called electrons and protons) they are deflected by the magnetic field of Earth. The positively charged protons go one way, and the negatively charged electrons go another. They swirl around the Earth, many of them temporarily staying in orbits, called the Van Allan belt. The solar wind particles disturb the Earth’s magnetic field and produce tiny irregularities in it.
The Earth is affected by the planets around the Sun and their positioning, which is also associated with the sunspot formation and changes in the solar wind. Sometimes when a planet is relatively near Earth, and the Moon lines up with it, there is also a magnetic disturbance (Payne, 2008). Even the thoughts and feelings of humans, when synchronized, also affect the solar activity and therefore the GM field, (Payne, 1986).
A typical GM pattern is shown in Figure 1. The rapid fluxuations on the afternoon 7/25 correspond to a rare alignment of Mercury, Venus, Saturn, and Jupiter....."
"Although the GM field and brain waves do not appear to be similar, except that they are complex electromagnetic waves, there must be some connection that has not been noticed yet. For centuries humans have noticed connections between human behavior and planetary positions. For thirty years, I have consistently noticed connections between geomagnetic activity and planetary positions, especially when the Earth was near these planets in its yearly orbit and the Moon was either conjunct or trine to them. Figure 3. shows the influence of planetary patterns on the geomagnetic field. When Saturn and Pluto were close to one another in 1982, the effect was greater, clearly showing in the data. The only exception was observed when two other planets briefly moved into exact opposition. It is clear that the Sun’s activity and the positions of the planets both affect the geomagnetic field. Laboratory studies have found that magnetic fields can affect brain waves as well as glandular activity, although precise correlation’s between brain wave patterns and the geomagnetic field have not yet been discovered, it seems a strong working hypothesis."