Eric Pepin - Higher Balance Institute - Discussion

Black Swan said:
So these are some things to keep in mind when consdering whether pursuing this further in court. Just my two cents, but I think it's better to put the time, energy, and money elsewhere.

Hi Black Swan, that's interesting, but perhaps you missed the point that Laura is discussing a completely different suit - not a counter suit of Pepin. Pepin is not Vinny Bridges/Jay Weidner/Stormbear Williams. It would be another situation completely.
Gimpy said:
GRiM said:
Laura said:
It would be helpful, though, if some of ya'll would read the judges order and offer some analyses. I'm not sure it's worth the time or money. We often think that Vinnie has actually done us more good than harm - it's great advertising, that's for sure!

Would it not be a open and shut case? All the evidence in form of emails and documents should be enough. I'm sure it would require some work, but might be worth it just to see how his mind sidesteps and denies reality :)

I don't know Grim. To proceed with a suit just because it would be potentially 'open and shut', or even 'to see how his mind side steps reality'....sounds too close to revenge, even though its NOT. Any pathological looks for ways to turn a 'loss' into a 'win', and my concern is that a suit, even one that is won in Laura's favor, will be turned against her as some sort of vindication or martyrdom-like spin.

Yes, that's a stretch and it sounds ridiculous, but I've seen pathological people spin far worse events.

Vinnie et al have nothing to energize their madness, I see no reason to give them any opening to do so.

Those are just my instincts and horse sense talking though.

Yeah I agree if it was only motivated by getting even/back. I might have been somewhat emotional when I wrote it and it reflected but however I look at it its more of a helpful dose of truth to a very old and re-hashed lie that they keep have made up. Maybe its 'time' to put a end to that chapter and move on?
Laura said:
So, despite the fact that their COINTELPRO-type activity proves (to many, at least), that we are doing a valuable work, that we must be on the right track, there are certainly many others - less critical thinkers - who are taken in by their crap.

This is always going to be the way. Going after these COINTELPRO types is a waste of money because they will always have gullible 'victims' who can chose to (or not) to take these people on. They have deep and evil pockets too. It will also mean 'playing in the dirt' and involves a great deal of danger to anyone who is not naturally 'dirty', like they are. I don't think you need to spend valuable time and money chasing people who are as filthy as these. You may not like what you find under every rock you look. Stay away, that would be my advice.
Redfox said: its in Laura's/sott's best interest to tip its hand (strategic enclosure), when they still 'think' they are untouchable?
I am not saying that Laura doesn't deserve to have the deformations pointed out as the lies that they are, that I am all for. No disrespect to Laura, but I feel a certain amount of protectiveness towards her (and I think most of the people here do to), so the idea of getting 'even' with the ones that have defamed her is very appealing on that level....and my reading equipment flags up the desire for this 'even' (so potentially I'm just reading my own situation and not the actually one?)......
I guess I'm trying to work out if there is a trap door or land mine under the rock?] Could Vinnie's 'buddies' theoretically have deep pockets and keep any law suit tied up until resources are spent (general law keeping Laura focused on A influences)?

Maybe I'm being to cautious about the potential positive/learning experience
Perhaps I'm also mixing the work too much into this, and identifying Laura as sott...

Do you guys feel that tiny little tug (smiling/glinty eyes) for 'getting even' with Vinny? If so are you guys able to do a better job of separating that tug from the idea of a potential law suit against him (and the potential good it could do)? Where does the tug for 'even' lead you? I'm sure I can see that tug in this thread, perhaps it is my projection?
I'm not sure my flu will let me express this any better.

My thoughts are in alignment with those of Redfox for a couple of reasons:

1. I think any publicity generated by such a course of action will take away from the main for this website which, I believe, is to wake up as many people who have the potential wake up.
2. There is a difference between exposing the phoenomenon of ponerology to being personally emeshedin a ponorized situation. The danger is that one can get sucked into a maelstrom of emotions and events that are not anticipated, and, as a result, lose a lot of energy, and perhaps even credibility.
3. Psychopaths are often very well connected. Didn't the Cs in some of the transcripts refuse to provide
information, or warn you not to release information because it would be very dangerous to do so?
Wouldn't the danger be even greater now?
4. When I first came to this site, I was amazed at quality and quality of Laura's articles. I literally could not
stop reading them. They changed something inside of me, and as a result, I returned to working on
myself. Articles about lawsuits and apologies frankly would not have had the same effect on me. There's
already enough of that. In the face of the whole world going to hell right before our eyes, what is one more lawsuit, or a few apologies on a website> I have never read any material like Laura's. She has not only insight, but scope and is able to make so many leaps and tie so many ideas together that onecan not help but be intrigued and want to explore the situation further. There is so much now that need to be said. Everyone on the forum is amazing, but Laura is the heart, the inspiration, the one who holds it all together. Wherever her focus is, that is where the forum will go.

Black swan said:
well she has really been hounded by these people all over the internet and she's wondering if it's worth making a point in court to shut them up
Ex: nope take the win publicize the fee amount awarded as the lesson

The Cs once said something to the effect that money is the means through which value is expressed in this culture.
No amount of apologies will lend the same credibiltiy as money will. In my opinion, Laura will seem noble and rise above the dirt is she takes the money and begins her work again. Perhaps her health will improve as well.

In answer to Redfox's question "Do you guys feel that tiny little tug (smiling/glinty eyes) for 'getting even' with Vinny? If so are you guys able to do a better job of separating that tug from the idea of a potential law suit against him (and the potential good it could do)? Where does the tug for 'even' lead you?"

I, for one do feel that tiny little tug. I've lived it. I publlicly exposed my two psychopaths, and almost lost my own soul in the process as I found myself turning into them because to get even with them, I had to think like them. I learned a lot from that process, but I almost lost myself. The only thing that saved me was that I knew when to pull out and move on to a venue where I could spend my energies doing what I do best.
webglider said:
I think any publicity generated by such a course of action will take away from the main focus of this website which, I believe, is to wake up as many people who have the potential wake up.

I see your point, but these kinds of things can be used to wake people up too, I think. I mean, what was it the judge said about how a defense could be whether something was true or not? My guess would be, the judge would have read the sealed court documents from Pepin's statutory rape case and came to the conclusion that Pepin was guilty as hell in terms of his actions but couldn't be found guilty in the court. That sort of thing would tend to lean a judge pretty heavily toward granting the anti-SLAPP motion.

He looks at this sleazeball who is manipulating kids into sex--just the thought of him makes me want to throw up--and is suing someone for talking about it. A review of the transcripts of the case shows the judge that he almost assuredly WAS manipulating children into sex and now knows without a doubt that Pepin is only suing because he doesn't want the truth of his sickening behavior out in public.

If nothing else, a few people involved in the case and, hopefully, a few of Pepin's followers or wannabe followers got a look behind veil of slime that slug hides behind.
Meanwhile, a reader sent me this awhile ago:

Someone posted this on Godlike production :

"Glad to see that you are still lurking around Laura. Good to have you back."

Your trials are just beginning baby.

Why did Vincent Bridges sit on the board of the Perseus Foundation and why did neither he
nor Laura has see fit to tell anyone this?

What are they hiding?

Are they actually working together behind the scenes?

Maybe Vincent and Laura are on the same side and they are using this "fight" as a cover for
something else?

They both have deep links to intelligence agencies. Laura is tied to DARPA through Ark and
we know that Darpa is behind brain implants and satellite downloads into these same
brain implants.

Vincent is directly tied to Michael Aquino, Andrija Puharich and the British Intelligence
occult circles like the OTO.

Either way the fact that he sat on that board of Laura and Ark's fraudulent non profit
corporation shows that their early collaboration was much cozier and deeper than anyone
thought and deeper than either of them have been telling us.

That would also explain why Vincent doesn't sue Laura and why Laura doesn't sue Vincent.

There is much more to this story."

Well, let's look at this:

On 9 Jan 2009 at 9:21, ****** wrote:

> Someone posted this on Godlike production :
> "Glad to see that you are still lurking around Laura. Good to have you back."

LOL!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: That first one gives the person away completely! :clap: What a fantasy!

Truth is, the only time I ever know what is going on in that cesspool is if someone forwards a particularly funny bit to me. This one really is funny because the opening statement is so astonishingly egotistical! :wow:

Another bit of info: I'm working on a book; my only "extra" activities are detoxing, interacting with QFS and this forum and enjoying my family. :halo:

But, since this one was sent to me for entertainment value, let me take the opportunity to tell Vinnie (who actually DOES read everything *I* write because he is always quoting me out of context all over the web!) - don't kid yourself!

Barbara Bush once made a really strange comment about her "beautiful mind" - that she did not want to concern herself with the misery of others (which was reality) and instead preferred to live in lies and denial about the evils wrought by her spawn of Satan son.

Well, I DO concern myself with reality - with the misery of others and efforts to ameliorate it. What I do NOT concern myself with is reading lies and filth. Don't even watch movies that are full of lies and/or filth. That's the difference between my "beautiful mind" and Babs Bush's. I concern myself with Truth, she seeks only to live in a lie and denial.

That's the principle.

Believe it, Vinnie. :cool2:

> Your trials are just beginning baby.

Sounds like a threat to me; undoubtedly an empty one since Vinnie is about the most impotent creature I've ever encountered. That's why he attacks women and children. He's not a man, he's a caricature of a human being; a pathetic and pusillanimous hunchbacked, twisted little troll. Geeze, I'm beginning to be convinced NOT to sue him because he would think it gave him value. He really isn't worth suing! :thdown: :thdown:

> Why did Vincent Bridges sit on the board of the Perseus Foundation and why did neither he
> nor Laura has see fit to tell anyone this?

Actually, until he was outed as pathological by the Cs in the famous "Mirror Session", Vinnie was indeed a participant in Perseus Foundation. Nobody ever hid this fact from anyone. But, of course, he was not on the "official board" that was listed on the legal documents. So it is partly right and partly wrong. We had a whole list of potential board members and consultants. But it was so brief a period that probably the only person who would even remember it would be Vinnie. (More evidence that he is writing this nonsense.) He sure liked the idea of being "on the board" of something, and it was a serious blow to his ego when he was ejected from our group and his name was removed from the Perseus site. :shock:

> What are they hiding?

LOL! :lol: :lol: :lol: I really do think this is a Vinnie sockpuppet writing this crap. After all, only he would actually remember the couple of weeks he was listed on the Perseus website as a "consultant/board member" - since it was unofficial.

> Are they actually working together behind the scenes?

Vinnie would sure like people to think so since he has managed to make himself look totally stupid all over the net.

> Maybe Vincent and Laura are on the same side and they are using this "fight" as a cover for
> something else?

See above. He's just gotta appropriate me and my work somehow so he can slime me. If not one way, try another. :ninja:

> They both have deep links to intelligence agencies. Laura is tied to DARPA through Ark and
> we know that Darpa is behind brain implants and satellite downloads into these same
> brain implants.

Right. DARPA. Puhleeeeze! He forgot George Soros! And what about the "ex-cold-war-nuke scientist" bit? :lol: :lol: :lol:

> Vincent is directly tied to Michael Aquino, Andrija Puharich and the British Intelligence
> occult circles like the OTO.

Right. In Vinnie's dreams he's tied to Aquino, Puharich and OTO. He's a wannabe. A grifter, a proven liar. So, basically, he's trying to use this approach to give himself credibility even if it is in a left-handed way! He actually may think it is clever and not as transparent as it actually is. :cool2:

> Either way the fact that he sat on that board of Laura and Ark's fraudulent non profit
> corporation shows that their early collaboration was much cozier and deeper than anyone
> thought and deeper than either of them have been telling us.

"Fraudulent non-profit" - sorry, I've got the paperwork. :cool2:

Early collaboration was not cozy or deep. After two in-person meetings and 6 months of interaction on our research group (may have been a month or two more or less), he was booted! :D

> That would also explain why Vincent doesn't sue Laura and why Laura doesn't sue Vincent.
> There is much more to this story."

Actually, we never sued because we simply didn't have the money and no atty would take on such a case where there was absolutely no prospect of getting anything out of it - Vinnie doesn't work, owns nothing, lives like a grifter. Heck, when he was selling books online from his non-existent publishing company (got the records on that, too!) he didn't even have a bank account - he sold them through Ray Flowers who collected payment. He even used Ray Flowers CC processing/banking set up to collect payment from our group members for his fraudulent conference (that we cancelled 6 weeks before it was to take place because we caught him lying to us!) I think more than a few of our group members have documentary evidence of that! :D

However, things are different now: We DO have the money to sue Vinnie if we decide that it's worth it. The above stupid "baiting" is actually inclining me to NOT sue. He seems way too anxious to bait me into it! :thdown:

There are very good reasons why Vinnie has never sued me - the same reasons that Pepin lost his suit - he didn't have a leg to stand on. Truth (and opinion based on what can be assumed to be truth such as a news article) is NOT defamatory.

It's probably a good time to point out that Pepin based his suit and position and legal attacks on Vinnie's rants and, as the judge ruled, didn't have a prima facie case! That was because the judge did his job and conducted an independent investigation to find out who was telling the truth and who wasn't. Maybe Pepin would be glad to see Vinnie get sued simply because he got sucked into filing this suit because he believed Vinnie's rants and lost a lot of money because of it! I know that Pepin must have paid as much as we did for legal expenses (or more) and now he has to pay OUR expenses on top of what he's already paid... I'd be pretty upset about that if I was Pepin. Vinnie really cost him a lot of money! (Not to mention the fact that Pepin is now also fighting two other suits filed against him by alleged victims of his sexual predation. One of the suits he is fighting also happens to include a motion to reverse the expungement of his criminal trial records. Now THAT would be a fine thing. As I mentioned, I did not request to read them, but I DID read portions of them that were included in some of our legal filings that were under seal. I can't tell you what they said, you'll just have to draw your own conclusions from the judge's decision.) :halo:

A suit against Weidner, Bridges, Williams, et al would be rather different. Just as Pepin has a criminal trial record that was reviewed by the judge in terms of determining whether or not Pepin had a prima facie case, so does Vinnie have a record of lying and fasification that is provable via documentary evidence. Not just his rants, as above, but documents. So, since one of the issues of defamation is TRUTH, he'd be screwed rather quickly. If we produced the evidence of all his lies - emails and documents (of which I have a pile) - we could easily show his history of lies and conning the public. Even his association with Dan Winter and that legal case could be introduced as evidence. :cool:

Heck, even what is written above is written from that position of "inside knowledge" or "assertion of fact" which was a point at issue in the claims Pepin made against us. In other words, it is written from an "authoritarian" (I have inside knowledge) stance which makes it clearly defamatory and NOT protected opinion! I think that producing that sort of thing might very well inspire a judge to subpoena the forum IP records and institute a search for the poster. :scared:

But, this is all in the realm of speculation - whether it is worth the time or effort or money - which, at this point, doesn't seem too likely. :)
Yeah I agree if it was only motivated by getting even/back. I might have been somewhat emotional when I wrote it and it reflected but however I look at it its more of a helpful dose of truth to a very old and re-hashed lie that they keep have made up. Maybe its 'time' to put a end to that chapter and move on?

I'm not sure what you mean by 'put a end to that chapter and move on". ? :-[

Sheesh, I'm slow this week!

Vinnie et al, they remind me a lot of those little robots from the Pixar flick Wall-e: No matter how excited they get, all they can do is compress trash and make piles of it. :D The structures built may change, but the content is still the same....garbage!

If the greater public can't tell the difference between his ranting and Laura's hard work and clear research, well, that's the whole Free Will thing isn't it? ;)
See what I mean?

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Someone posted this on Godlike production :

"Glad to see that you are still lurking around Laura. Good to have you back."

Your trials are just beginning baby.

Why did Vincent Bridges sit on the board of the Perseus Foundation and why did neither he
nor Laura has see fit to tell anyone this?

What are they hiding?

Are they actually working together behind the scenes?

Maybe Vincent and Laura are on the same side and they are using this "fight" as a cover for
something else?

They both have deep links to intelligence agencies. Laura is tied to DARPA through Ark and
we know that Darpa is behind brain implants and satellite downloads into these same
brain implants.

Vincent is directly tied to Michael Aquino, Andrija Puharich and the British Intelligence
occult circles like the OTO.

Either way the fact that he sat on that board of Laura and Ark's fraudulent non profit
corporation shows that their early collaboration was much cozier and deeper than anyone
thought and deeper than either of them have been telling us.

That would also explain why Vincent doesn't sue Laura and why Laura doesn't sue Vincent.

There is much more to this story."
[quote author=Gimpy]
If the greater public can't tell the difference between his ranting and Laura's hard work and clear research, well, that's the whole Free Will thing isn't it?  ;)

But it's not free will or choice if someone stumbles upon this and tries to piece together something based on lies and more lies stacked on top of one another. Especially is this person is unfamiliar with a whole host of psychological concepts. Choice based on lies is an illusion of choice or free will. Only choice based on truth is true choice or true free will. That's the dilemma with humanity, everything is based on lies.

The true and sincere seeker (who has been brainwashed, programmed and stupefied his/her entire life), must be given a fighting chance. And I think the responsibility resides with us to give such people a fighting chance until they have been deprogrammed and are able to think critically. Critical thinking is something that must be learned. The trap right upon entry for many seekers is too tricky to solve.
Laura said:
Sounds like a threat to me; undoubtedly an empty one since Vinnie is about the most impotent creature I've ever encountered. That's why he attacks women and children. He's not a man, he's a caricature of a human being; a pathetic and pusillanimous hunchbacked, twisted little troll.

:clap: :thup:

All the time and energy he has spent defaming you, he really is just shooting himself in the foot. It looks like you have a solid case. It would be glorious to see a public apology, the slanderous websites come down and VB (and co?) slink off to where ever people like him go. I say expose them all! I wonder who they will pull out from under the rug once he's exposed and is of no use. The control system has to have someone defame and slander the very best truth seeking people on the web :cool:

Can't have people learning the truth :rolleyes:
As far as filing suit against them goes, having already established a relationship with a trustworthy lawyer is a big plus. Unfortunately, you can't count on getting a judge that makes truth and justice a priority, can you? :cry: If it were my choice, I'd steer clear of the legal system unless I was prepared to pay the cost, both psychological and financial, of losing.
Hi RedFox

RedFox said:
First thought is your current position of little known/low resources (at least from my perspective) would change.
So does keeping this position suit your goals? I guess I'm thinking 4th way in some respects. To keep the strategic enclosure of staying in the background, would it help or hinder sott development as a whole?
I remember one of G's quotes being about a handful of the population being in possession of esoteric substance, it becoming diluted (inefective) and harmful if spread too thin. But I do not have enough understanding of the Work to know if the analogy fits sott current standing.

I think we have to define what exactly is "esoteric knowledge". Or maybe better, define what is not "esoteric knowledge". I mean, do most of the people on this forum actually have esoteric knowledge themselves (me included)? I doubt it, as it can only be gained by continued and strenuous inner work.

But look at sott. The amount of info and knowledge that is on sott is not known by the majority of the people on Earth, but I don't think that makes it esoteric; semantically, maybe, but not really. Everyone has a right to that info.

If the monsters who spend their lives trying to destroy Laura were forced to give statements saying it was all lies, and then sott became a lot more well known... well, I can't even imagine what the effect would be. :shock:
This has been an excellent discussion regarding what can be “seen.”

What about “unseen” forces?

Laura, the lawsuit in which you so admirably prevailed was initiated by Pepin and HBI. From where exactly is the source of the idea to take the initiative in litigation against Bridges and his gang?

What kind of opportunity would this provide, if any, for hindering your own progress?

But it's not free will or choice if someone stumbles upon this and tries to piece together something based on lies and more lies stacked on top of one another. Especially is this person is unfamiliar with a whole host of psychological concepts. Choice based on lies is an illusion of choice or free will. Only choice based on truth is true choice or true free will. That's the dilemma with humanity, everything is based on lies.

Yet it is exactly in this condition/situation that all of us begin, whether we know it, like it, or not. It is what it is.

The true and sincere seeker (who has been brainwashed, programmed and stupefied his/her entire life), must be given a fighting chance. And I think the responsibility resides with us to give such people a fighting chance until they have been deprogrammed and are able to think critically. Critical thinking is something that must be learned. The trap right upon entry for many seekers is too tricky to solve.

The key statement you made is this: "Critical thinking is something that must be learned." You can't do that for anyone, Erna.

And if the trap upon entry is too tricky to solve, how then, did I get here? How did you get here? ;)

Hard work. There's no substitute for it. Without it what we learn won't stick with us in the face of the Control System.
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