Q: (Joe) That's really interesting because it kind of explains the whole debate over torture, and how they've been trying to get people to accept torture. And more and more facts coming out about the reality of the CIA having tortured and trying to twist that around to get people to accept that as something that is conscionable.
A: Acceptance of torture is the "mark of the beast."
Q: (DD) That's why there's the popularity of television shows like "24". (Joe) Conditioning people. (DD) It's wildly popular. (Joe) I mean, you get all these people who are faced with the real life torture of another human being, and they actually cheer it on. And if that's the same as participation, then these people are all being put on that downward spiral.
A: Remember the "lake of fire" in the Book of Revelation? Remember that those who live by the sword will die by the sword?
Q: (Keit) What's "lake of fire"? (Allen) In Revelation where all those who didn't accept Christ would be thrown in... (Joe) Hell, basically.
A: Soul smashing.
Q: (L) Creepy. (Allen) I'm thinking about all those people who don't necessarily think torture is okay, but they still... like they abhor torture but they're still kind of accepting it because it's necessary, or maybe they just try to not think about it at all. (Joe) Well, people who think it's necessary... (L) They're already lost. They've already bought it. I mean, the scientific evidence is that if you need information or whatever, if there's some justifiable reason, that is NOT the way to get it. The records of the inquisition which are extensive - I mean, tens of thousands of people were tortured and confessed to the most outrageous lies just to get it over with. Just get it over with and let me die! I'll tell you anything you want me to say! And they confessed to flying on broomsticks, to mating with devils, to dancing naked in the moonlight, to kissing each other's backsides... I mean, you name it, and they confessed to it just to get it to stop. And it was ALL horse-hockey! (Allen) And I'm sorry, even if scientific evidence doesn't show that, even if we said, "Oh yeah, torture actually works for getting information," you're still torturing human beings! It's still abhorrent. It's like, how can you do that?! (Keit) The thought I had is that pathology, what is done to children of narcissistic families, it's like torture. (L) It IS torture! (Keit) And what happens is kind of like it poisons them and basically allows them to accept the torture environment. Because they already experienced it, they were like touched by evil. (L) Torturing another human being to force them to say or do something that is against their principles is wrong no matter what your perspective. They are, each individual, entitled to their principles, to their ideas, to their politics whatever. And if you want to change that, or if you think that there is something about their point of view that is threatening to you, then the way to change that is by discourse, by education, by sharing information and data. NOT by trying to force them to go against what is rightfully theirs, at the soul level, by torture! To try to force somebody like that is basically a kind of soul killing of its own. Jesus even said in the New Testament that whoever is a stumbling block to the least of these, it would be better for him that he had never been born. And when he said, "never been born", that's almost like a way of saying his soul is going to be smashed. It's just really astonishing. (DD) What happens to a soul after it is smashed?
A: Primal matter. Start the cycle over. Millions or billions of years acquiring consciousness.