Explosion at fertilizer plant near Waco, Texas - Meteorite or comet fragment?

Re: Explosion hits fertilizer plant north of Waco, Texas

derekbaxter24 said:
This was without a doubt a tomahawk cruise missile that impacted the plant. I put most everything I know into my blog. There is no scientific or logical explanation of how AN could have caused this explosion. The media cover up is easily uncovered by comparing the sources. To save time, I only want the most intelligent people in the forums to challenge my information. If you can't define the terms you use or answer questions, please do not pretend like you are intelligent enough to challenge comments.

Cool, it looks like I'm out of 'your challenge.' :)
Re: Explosion hits fertilizer plant north of Waco, Texas

derekbaxter24 said:
To save time, I only want the most intelligent people in the forums to challenge my information. If you can't define the terms you use or answer questions, please do not pretend like you are intelligent enough to challenge comments.

Sounds like a horse trader... :rotfl:
Re: Explosion hits fertilizer plant north of Waco, Texas

derekbaxter24 said:
This was without a doubt a tomahawk cruise missile that impacted the plant. I put most everything I know into my blog. There is no scientific or logical explanation of how AN could have caused this explosion. The media cover up is easily uncovered by comparing the sources. To save time, I only want the most intelligent people in the forums to challenge my information. If you can't define the terms you use or answer questions, please do not pretend like you are intelligent enough to challenge comments.

You're rather demanding and arrogant in your assertion that you know with certainty what happened. This is not the way to invite critical discussion about the research you have done - it is rather off-putting. A more productive approach would be to say you've carried out research, assigned a probability to it been valid because of x,y and z and invite feedback. But to categorically state you know the truth and insist on only the most intelligent respond within imposed limits is absurd and not in the spirit of this forum which is dedicated to objectivity. I suggest you re-read the forum guidelines.

Edit: Welcome to the forum :) If you're sincere about wanting to participate please introduce yourself on the newbies board: https://cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php/board,39.0.html
Re: Explosion hits fertilizer plant north of Waco, Texas

Hi derekbaxter24, and welcome to the forum.

your blog said:
derekbaxter24 • 9 days ago

I welcome any challenge to the information I have posted.

Why impose different norms around here? Would you care to explain?
Re: Explosion hits fertilizer plant north of Waco, Texas

We don't do challenges. Go back to your sandbox.
Re: Explosion hits fertilizer plant north of Waco, Texas

Moreover, his readership (if any) didn't either. In the nine days past his latest entry on his own blog which I quoted, not a single comment was posted over there.

So it very much looks like a provocative intrusion to get at least some feed back (with the emphasis on 'feed', I presume).

This would have to be called trolling, I think. ;)
Re: Explosion hits fertilizer plant north of Waco, Texas

Another biased forum, imagine that.
Why pretend like you care about information on the explosion when you have too much bias to view information?
If you knew anything about being objective, my information would count instead of how I introduced it. I can't be perfect at everything.
Re: Explosion hits fertilizer plant north of Waco, Texas

derekbaxter24 said:
Another biased forum, imagine that.
Why pretend like you care about information on the explosion when you have too much bias to view information?
If you knew anything about being objective, my information would count instead of how I introduced it. I can't be perfect at everything.

I'm sorry, but I'm just too stupid to understand what you mean.

Do you understand however that the way you presented your very first post, turn anyone with any intellectual level instantly against you or your material?

And in your second post here, you try to give a guilt trip and sarcasm.

This is not 'a typical forum.' Go read the rules and try again if you wish.
Re: Explosion hits fertilizer plant north of Waco, Texas

Dawn said:
derekbaxter24 said:
Another biased forum, imagine that.
Why pretend like you care about information on the explosion when you have too much bias to view information?
If you knew anything about being objective, my information would count instead of how I introduced it. I can't be perfect at everything.

I'm sorry, but I'm just too stupid to understand what you mean.

Do you understand however that the way you presented your very first post, turn anyone with any intellectual level instantly against you or your material?

And in your second post here, you try to give a guilt trip and sarcasm.

This is not 'a typical forum.' Go read the rules and try again if you wish.

I apologize, it was pretty rude. I'm not exactly excited and happy to claim I saw a missile shot into a burning fertilizer plant. But there aren't many other people speaking up claiming they have seen it. From experience, I receive biased skepticism to say the least before what I wrote is analyzed. Much like the one poster noting how few page views I had while not bothering to read 5 minutes of what I wrote. I figured I would get right to the point instead of answering questions from posters that want to bait and challenge my character.
Re: Explosion hits fertilizer plant north of Waco, Texas

derekbaxter24 said:
Dawn said:
derekbaxter24 said:
Another biased forum, imagine that.
Why pretend like you care about information on the explosion when you have too much bias to view information?
If you knew anything about being objective, my information would count instead of how I introduced it. I can't be perfect at everything.

I'm sorry, but I'm just too stupid to understand what you mean.

Do you understand however that the way you presented your very first post, turn anyone with any intellectual level instantly against you or your material?

And in your second post here, you try to give a guilt trip and sarcasm.

This is not 'a typical forum.' Go read the rules and try again if you wish.

I apologize, it was pretty rude. I'm not exactly excited and happy to claim I saw a missile shot into a burning fertilizer plant. But there aren't many other people speaking up claiming they have seen it. From experience, I receive biased skepticism to say the least before what I wrote is analyzed. Much like the one poster noting how few page views I had while not bothering to read 5 minutes of what I wrote. I figured I would get right to the point instead of answering questions from posters that want to bait and challenge my character.

However character is what most of us base opinions on first. Not intellect, not self importance. Character. It is fine on other forums to dedicate your time into theories.. However to me it seems a 'post and run' type of situation.

You have not yet introduced yourself. You have not read anything from this website I can tell these things by the way you type.

If you have a valid point...introduce yourself first, then share with the forum stuff about your theories, do not however demand we visit your stuff.

It is interesting you have a blog, why not share it with the group After your introduction?
Re: Explosion hits fertilizer plant north of Waco, Texas

I've had a look and read the text. A number of individuals have drawn the same conclusions based on some of the youtube videos. It's a good collection of the data, timeline, plus additional after-the-event info. Just not sure I'm convinced that it was a missile. However, the points about Monsanto do add another dimension/motive.
Re: Explosion hits fertilizer plant north of Waco, Texas

Well, everyone and his dog is suing or being sued by Monsanto. Also, the last public filing in that particular suit was in 2010.

How an unwanted takeover of relatively small fry would motivate Monsanto to conspire with the Pentagon to fire a tomahawk cruise missile at a fertilizer plant three years later on the 20th anniversary of Waco stretches the imagination.

Monsanto already runs all aspects of US Government food policy, so why do something so risky?
Re: Explosion hits fertilizer plant north of Waco, Texas

Dawn said:
derekbaxter24 said:
Dawn said:
derekbaxter24 said:
Another biased forum, imagine that.
Why pretend like you care about information on the explosion when you have too much bias to view information?
If you knew anything about being objective, my information would count instead of how I introduced it. I can't be perfect at everything.

I'm sorry, but I'm just too stupid to understand what you mean.

Do you understand however that the way you presented your very first post, turn anyone with any intellectual level instantly against you or your material?

And in your second post here, you try to give a guilt trip and sarcasm.

This is not 'a typical forum.' Go read the rules and try again if you wish.

I apologize, it was pretty rude. I'm not exactly excited and happy to claim I saw a missile shot into a burning fertilizer plant. But there aren't many other people speaking up claiming they have seen it. From experience, I receive biased skepticism to say the least before what I wrote is analyzed. Much like the one poster noting how few page views I had while not bothering to read 5 minutes of what I wrote. I figured I would get right to the point instead of answering questions from posters that want to bait and challenge my character.

However character is what most of us base opinions on first. Not intellect, not self importance. Character. It is fine on other forums to dedicate your time into theories.. However to me it seems a 'post and run' type of situation.

You have not yet introduced yourself. You have not read anything from this website I can tell these things by the way you type.

If you have a valid point...introduce yourself first, then share with the forum stuff about your theories, do not however demand we visit your stuff.

It is interesting you have a blog, why not share it with the group After your introduction?

I agree with you, character is always judged before evidence.
It's not a post and run, I will try to answer or analyze any information I have posted. I have no material motive for what I wrote and I do not want a cult following for it.
My name is Derek. I don't demand or need anyone to visit my blog, my blog will not matter or change anything to the elites covering this up.
Re: Explosion hits fertilizer plant north of Waco, Texas

My only motive is to bring attention to this incident for the victims and families. I also do not much appreciate the government that I worked for shooting missiles into our own people claiming it was lack of regulations.
Re: Explosion hits fertilizer plant north of Waco, Texas

To anyone that wants to break this conspiracy open and doesn't want to check my blog. Please check and compare the news reports and videos of this explosion. You will find that not one natural explosion happens like a cruise missile explosion. With a missile edited out or not, you can't hide evidence of a cruise missile without erasing the entire explosion. You will "always" be able to tell an impacted explosion from a natural one. Any ballistics expert will certify this.
Please check the investigators excavating "already examined" dirt with heavy equipment since this explosion happened. I believe this is to get rid of the traces of DU or depleted uranium which is used and traceable from the cruise missile.
Please check sources on how AN or ammonium nitrate explodes. The media is associating the '47 Texas explosion with this one when there is no evidence that AN explodes without intentional detonation. Please read this file if you have time. http://arblast.osmre.gov/downloads/USBM/RI%206773%20Explosion%20Hazards%20Of%20Ammonium%20Nitrate%20Under%20Fire%20Exposure.pdf
Do not be fooled by manifested media reports, this research document claims that no one knows how the '47 explosion detonated while the media manifests reports leading readers to believe AN explodes when on fire.
Another coincidence is that the '47 blast ended on the same date of April 17th. Same estimated cost in damages $100 million +

I am not certain, but logically to me, two large explosions equal two deep craters. The media only reported one deep crater with mixed reports on the depth. Most reports claim one 10ft deep crater with no mention off floor or ground make up.
There are recent reports of the investigators not cooperating with one another in this incident, early reports claimed all the investigators were working as a team. I believe there has been feuding from the fed. investigators covering this up and the local investigators.
One recent news source completely made up a story of how the plant exploded. "As fire had engulfed the plant, ammonium nitrate fertilizer stored in wooden bins had heated up and become less stable. Falling debris had hit the chemical, by then sensitive to shock, and caused the first blast, said Assistant State Fire Marshal Kelly Kistner" http://www.dallasnews.com/news/west-explosion/headlines/20130516-monthlong-probe-of-west-blast-finds-3-potential-causes.ece
Please notice the wording in how this is a "factual claim" in comparison with the second story posted when claims uncertainty in how the explosion happened.
"The ammonium nitrate was held in a wooden bin near the seed room. Kelly Kistner, lead investigator for the fire marshal, said the conflagration raised the temperature of the ammonium nitrate, making it less stable and subjecting it to increased pressure. Then some type of "impact" triggered the explosion, he said." When comparing the wording with the article below, you clearly see the difference in the reports. http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/nation/la-na-texas-explosion-20130517,0,1521298.story

The media also lied about the reported time. The reported time of the initial fire by the West Texas mayor claims the first fire was at 6:30. All mainstream media sites report the fire starting around 7:30.
If you notice, there is not one official media video of this explosion. Every single video was recorded by residents. In my blog, you will see media helicopter coverage while the plant is burning, but the camera is turned away and footage stopped before the plant explodes. The coverage is then picked back up after the explosion.
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