Explosion at fertilizer plant near Waco, Texas - Meteorite or comet fragment?

Re: Explosion hits fertilizer plant north of Waco, Texas

I haven't had the time to touch the reported mass casualty drills with claims of FEMA trucks in WT before and or during this explosion.
As far as missile evidence, there are sound comparisons, explosion comparisons, the missiles outline and trace into the plant. Besides seeing the missile on the original video, the most credible comparison I found of this explosion being an undeniable signature of a cruise missile is in the "Y" and "V" patterns created at impact.

This is a cruise missile after explosion.


This is the cruise missile at the WT plant after explosion. Both have a significant Y shape immediately after impact/explosion.
Re: Explosion hits fertilizer plant north of Waco, Texas

Sorry for the confusion of posting the same pic twice. I meant to post the WT missile picture after the other cruise missile.
Re: Explosion hits fertilizer plant north of Waco, Texas

Kniall said:
Well, everyone and his dog is suing or being sued by Monsanto. Also, the last public filing in that particular suit was in 2010.

How an unwanted takeover of relatively small fry would motivate Monsanto to conspire with the Pentagon to fire a tomahawk cruise missile at a fertilizer plant three years later on the 20th anniversary of Waco stretches the imagination.

Monsanto already runs all aspects of US Government food policy, so why do something so risky?

That is a good question. I am not sure or certain of motive. My best guess is that it is so unbelievable, they didn't think enough people would research enough to make a difference. From my observations, they were right. Even after both my wife and I saw the missile on the unedited videos, we still had a hard time believing our senses until we researched.
I believe the primary motive was to promote more regulation under the false flag of regulation. In case of collapse, the less weapon making materials we have, the less power we have to defend ourselves. I also believe this is about creating a monarchy "if not already done" with Monsanto. I believe they want absolute control over food including the fertilizer to grow it. The media was promoting and blaming this explosion on AN, almost immediately after this explosion happened without evidence.
While I believe our government is egotistical selfish elites, I think they took some precautions to promote their false flag with minimum casualties. I believe it was an intentional arson and missile strike in a low populated area while everyone was off of work.
Incidents like this one and likely many before are a risk of anarchy, especially when the missiles are shot in broad day light. I still do not understand why our government will risk anarchy to promote regulation, but go through so much trouble to hide their actions.
Re: Explosion hits fertilizer plant north of Waco, Texas

I think motive would be important. So far, I haven't seen one emerge that is clear. In fact, the incident seemed to have been downplayed with other stuff going on so if it was supposed to be even just a distraction, it wasn't utilized as such.

What does seem to be clear is that the explosion was more or less in the air above the ground to the left of the plant (based on the videos I've seen - don't know if that is NSEW or what).
Re: Explosion hits fertilizer plant north of Waco, Texas

Laura said:
I think motive would be important. So far, I haven't seen one emerge that is clear. In fact, the incident seemed to have bee downplayed with other stuff going on so if it was supposed to be even just a distraction, it wasn't utilized as such.

What does seem to be clear is that the explosion was more or less in the air above the ground to the left of the plant (based on the videos I've seen - don't know if that is NSEW or what).

I agree with you motive is important because motive drives actions. My main focus of research was to first prove or try to prove what still exists on video. I believe there are many more variables that I have limited sources to in showing motive.
Another interesting thing you will find in the media is that they attempt to completely edit out the left flash/missile that is seen in the videos. I would be surprised if you can find one media source or scientist in the mainstream media that will even acknowledge the left flash/missile. The only media scientist I have seen theorize on this was Michio Kaku. I believe this is for good reason. From what I have read on AN, no scientific explanations exist to explain this explosion happening through natural causes. Credible sources that I have read about AN claim that it is extremely hard if not impossible to detonate by fire or natural causes.
Re: Explosion hits fertilizer plant north of Waco, Texas

derekbaxter24 said:
Laura said:
I think motive would be important. So far, I haven't seen one emerge that is clear. In fact, the incident seemed to have bee downplayed with other stuff going on so if it was supposed to be even just a distraction, it wasn't utilized as such.

What does seem to be clear is that the explosion was more or less in the air above the ground to the left of the plant (based on the videos I've seen - don't know if that is NSEW or what).

I agree with you motive is important because motive drives actions. My main focus of research was to first prove or try to prove what still exists on video. I believe there are many more variables that I have limited sources to in showing motive.
Another interesting thing you will find in the media is that they attempt to completely edit out the left flash/missile that is seen in the videos. I would be surprised if you can find one media source or scientist in the mainstream media that will even acknowledge the left flash/missile. The only media scientist I have seen theorize on this was Michio Kaku. I believe this is for good reason. From what I have read on AN, no scientific explanations exist to explain this explosion happening through natural causes. Credible sources that I have read about AN claim that it is extremely hard if not impossible to detonate by fire or natural causes.

You might enjoy reading all three SOTT Focus articles about it:


As well as this entire thread...
Re: Explosion hits fertilizer plant north of Waco, Texas

Laura said:
I think motive would be important. So far, I haven't seen one emerge that is clear. In fact, the incident seemed to have been downplayed with other stuff going on so if it was supposed to be even just a distraction, it wasn't utilized as such.

What does seem to be clear is that the explosion was more or less in the air above the ground to the left of the plant (based on the videos I've seen - don't know if that is NSEW or what).

I have a possible lead on motive. There seems to be an element within the US government that is very concerned with popular uprising (see pushes for gun restriction, militerization of police force, and high levels of DHS scrutiny of patriot groups). The texas fertilizer plant was storing much larger quantities of fertizlizer than permitted by DHS without DHS oversight. This event can easily and quietly be used to crack down on all fertilizer producers and ensure DHS oversight compliance. This is important because fertilizer = IEDs in the event of an insurgency.

I personally think the second american civil war is unlikely but there seem to be plenty here on both sides who think differently.

BLUF - non-compliant fertilizer plant blows up and gives DHS the justification to control/oversee all other fertilizer plants thus decreasesing the chance of popular insurgent movement.
Re: Explosion hits fertilizer plant north of Waco, Texas

PerihelionX said:
Laura said:
I think motive would be important. So far, I haven't seen one emerge that is clear. In fact, the incident seemed to have been downplayed with other stuff going on so if it was supposed to be even just a distraction, it wasn't utilized as such.

What does seem to be clear is that the explosion was more or less in the air above the ground to the left of the plant (based on the videos I've seen - don't know if that is NSEW or what).

I have a possible lead on motive. There seems to be an element within the US government that is very concerned with popular uprising (see pushes for gun restriction, militerization of police force, and high levels of DHS scrutiny of patriot groups). The texas fertilizer plant was storing much larger quantities of fertizlizer than permitted by DHS without DHS oversight. This event can easily and quietly be used to crack down on all fertilizer producers and ensure DHS oversight compliance. This is important because fertilizer = IEDs in the event of an insurgency.

I personally think the second american civil war is unlikely but there seem to be plenty here on both sides who think differently.

BLUF - non-compliant fertilizer plant blows up and gives DHS the justification to control/oversee all other fertilizer plants thus decreasesing the chance of popular insurgent movement.

Ok, but why not then just revoke its trading license under some pretext or other? Or buy it out?

There are far less risky means available to all-powerful federal governments when it comes to shutting down businesses than launching cruise missiles at them and blasting nearby towns to smithereens. I guess it depends on your definition of doing things "easily and quietly" :)
Re: Explosion hits fertilizer plant north of Waco, Texas

I'm not sold on the cruise missile theory. No one on this board is trained in blast analysis. All we have are amatuers comparing explosion photos to explosion photos. If someone wanted this plant to blow up all they'd need is a well placed match. A cruise missile is very over the top.

That being said, it doesn't mean there wasn't foul play at work.
Re: Explosion hits fertilizer plant north of Waco, Texas

PerihelionX said:
I'm not sold on the cruise missile theory. No one on this board is trained in blast analysis. All we have are amatuers comparing explosion photos to explosion photos. If someone wanted this plant to blow up all they'd need is a well placed match. A cruise missile is very over the top.

That being said, it doesn't mean there wasn't foul play at work.

I would be lying if I claimed you didn't have a valid point. I am not sure how many ballistics experts would come forward and provide their insight. I don't know how many ballistics experts would first see the information, be objective enough to examine it, and publish their opinion online. Many ballistics experts could possibly have security clearances preventing them from commenting. Many could also be in fear of government retaliation if they were to comment. Even without ballistics experts, I think explosions are simple enough to prove themselves through logic and blast patterns. I will risk all of my information on those 2 pictures I posted earlier which show the "Y" pattern immediately after the explosion. I have searched anywhere from 50-100 other explosions in comparison including AN explosions. None of them came anywhere close to matching the blast pattern. There is a "V" pattern created from the initial "Y" pattern which shows smoke/debris rising the fastest/higher depending on the angle of impact. The missile came left to right, so you see the debris pattern rising fastest and the highest at the right with a V shape in the center. There is the sound of the missile coming in at least 3 seconds before the missile is seen from the left. The sound comparisons match some of the other cruise missiles I found on video. There is the missile plume which lights the frame before the missile enters on 3 different video recorders. There is also the trace of the missile seen leading into the plant which is a straight direct line. Logically if seeing a missile impact, you will see the debris blasted to the direct angle of impact. This is exactly what you see as I have pointed out in this video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nkuQ81dEYQg
I just noticed recently that the plant/2nd explosion looks like a gas explosion. I can't prove what was or wasn't in the plant, but I haven't seen one other AN explosion that looks like this.
I am reading every credible source I can find on terminal ballistics, I am positive there will be more evidence to confirm this being a missile impact. Even if I had a picture published of the missile before explosion, it could still be discredited. It could be claimed that all of my videos and pictures were photo-shopped. I could be discredited as an insane conspiracy theorist that just wants attention. Most to all evidence only goes as far as it's believed.

This is to all reading. One thing I don't completely understand is that if my wife and I saw a video of someone, being murdered with a gun before the tape was destroyed, we would be considered as witnesses, providing we could submit objective evidence of what we witnessed. But when it is a tomahawk cruise missile, my wife and I are considered conspiracy theorist's by most, even before viewing what we have gathered. This question is not to degrade anyone, I am interested to hear everyone's opinion on why this is the case? Is the main reason because the media hasn't provided any witnesses who claimed seeing and hearing the missile before the explosion? If the media can be discredited in their reported "facts" regarding this explosion, what credibility would the media have in producing witnesses to the missile? Would the media also not be promoting anarchy if re-releasing the original video of this explosion? And last, what is the solution to a government that is killing civilians to promote agenda? If anarchy, we all lose what we have worked for. Do we just stay quiet and hope they don't kill us?
Re: Explosion hits fertilizer plant north of Waco, Texas

The bright flash before impact makes me lean toward the meteor theory instead of a missile. The only cruise missiles that I've heard about that might be exploding before impact that in my mind would cause such a flash are those that initially explode to spread smaller munitions in a wider area (min 1:17 at below link), but then the impact would seem to be different. Maybe no V or Y explosion in this case. When I was in the Navy and worked with tomahawk missiles there were the more exotic specialty missiles that were acknowledged to exist but not talked about other than that they existed (such as nuclear), so some kind of missile that no one has ever seen or is not officially acknowledged could exist. The typical tomahawk cruise missile hitting a target video that comes to mind is at around 1 min on this video with no pre-flash - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=19XXTArAGaM

With a meteor you don't have to content with motive - at least not a 3D human motive, but you do have to contend with the improbable coincidence of a meteor hitting a burning plant. With a meteor impact you might have the same V or Y type explosion, but can't really think of a way or example to can back this up. Just such a weird mystery! Have you read this thread and the provided links to articles?
Re: Explosion hits fertilizer plant north of Waco, Texas

Bear said:
The bright flash before impact makes me lean toward the meteor theory instead of a missile. The only cruise missiles that I've heard about that might be exploding before impact that in my mind would cause such a flash are those that initially explode to spread smaller munitions in a wider area (min 1:17 at below link), but then the impact would seem to be different. Maybe no V or Y explosion in this case. When I was in the Navy and worked with tomahawk missiles there were the more exotic specialty missiles that were acknowledged to exist but not talked about other than that they existed (such as nuclear), so some kind of missile that no one has ever seen or is not officially acknowledged could exist. The typical tomahawk cruise missile hitting a target video that comes to mind is at around 1 min on this video with no pre-flash - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=19XXTArAGaM

With a meteor you don't have to content with motive - at least not a 3D human motive, but you do have to contend with the improbable coincidence of a meteor hitting a burning plant. With a meteor impact you might have the same V or Y type explosion, but can't really think of a way or example to can back this up. Just such a weird mystery! Have you read this thread and the provided links to articles?

Hello, I know it was the missiles plume because I saw the missile, but I will value your opinion. I believe it was the missiles plume/exhaust interacting with the burning chemicals. The plume is also blurred to blur out the missile, so the plume appears larger and wider than it actually is. I think the missile clearly impacted from the video link I posted. The Immediate debris blast is at an exact angle of the impact. The video you posted is some of the ones I made my case with in my blog. While the videos are old and blurry, the blast patterns and angles can still be considered equal. I don't think knowing motive is relevant to showing this was a missile strike, in terms of proving the missile. I think a meteor would make the same type of impact angle, but it was a red tomahawk cruise missile I saw in the video.
Here is a cruise missile impact from the video you posted.


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Re: Explosion hits fertilizer plant north of Waco, Texas

Bear said:
The bright flash before impact makes me lean toward the meteor theory instead of a missile. The only cruise missiles that I've heard about that might be exploding before impact that in my mind would cause such a flash are those that initially explode to spread smaller munitions in a wider area (min 1:17 at below link), but then the impact would seem to be different. Maybe no V or Y explosion in this case. When I was in the Navy and worked with tomahawk missiles there were the more exotic specialty missiles that were acknowledged to exist but not talked about other than that they existed (such as nuclear), so some kind of missile that no one has ever seen or is not officially acknowledged could exist. The typical tomahawk cruise missile hitting a target video that comes to mind is at around 1 min on this video with no pre-flash - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=19XXTArAGaM

With a meteor you don't have to content with motive - at least not a 3D human motive, but you do have to contend with the improbable coincidence of a meteor hitting a burning plant. With a meteor impact you might have the same V or Y type explosion, but can't really think of a way or example to can back this up. Just such a weird mystery! Have you read this thread and the provided links to articles?

These pic clips are from the plant cruise missile.


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Re: Explosion hits fertilizer plant north of Waco, Texas

You might want to look into fireballs and meteorites and the recent Russian event, plus the older Tunguska event. There's a simulation of that on the web (have to look for it, sorry) that gives us some idea of what we might be dealing with here.

Nobody here is gonna call you a "conspiracy theorist" for asking these questions or making these proposals, we've just got a whole lot of other research under the belt that offers other possibilities that may actually be MORE "conspiratorial" than you think. The main issue to me is why was this whole thing sidelined so fast when it could so easily have been used propagandistically. It wasn't. The dog didn't bark.
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