Failed Trump Assassination Attempt

Analysis of Trump's body language before the shooting suggests that he was relaxed and acting normally:

"This is normal. He is relaxed, we're not seeing any real stress coming through other than the norm. There is nothing that says 'today is gonna be the day'."

So unless he is a really good actor or was really sure that nothing would happen to him (except his ear), it looks like he really did not know anything about this in advance.
Well they say that it is good to keep an open mind, but not so open that your brains fall out.
And you do not see that as rude either, right?

It's pretty obvious that you side with the Trump haters hence your grasping at any straw you can. IMO.
If that seems "obvious" to you, then you really need to work on your perception. I am not siding with either Trump or his haters, I am only interested in the truth. And the truth is that Trump has already been involved in one genocide and condones another. He is of course still a somewhat better choice than whoever will oppose him in November, but the fate of the US seems to be sealed no matter who wins then.
And you do not see that as rude either, right?

If that seems "obvious" to you, then you really need to work on your perception. I am not siding with either Trump or his haters, I am only interested in the truth. And the truth is that Trump has already been involved in one genocide and condones another. He is of course still a somewhat better choice than whoever will oppose him in November, but the fate of the US seems to be sealed no matter who wins then.

You keep mentioning these two genocides and while I don't disagree with you, I do think it is important to recognize that no man is just and evil is unconscious. There are plenty of well meaning people on this planet who see through certain lies but not other lies and there are very few people who see through every lie and bit of programming they've been exposed to. There's no STO in our realm, only the possibility of becoming STO in fourth... Assuming one makes it there.
Well, we're still waiting for all the facts surrounding JFK's assassination, so the likelihood an accurate accounting of what happened with Trump yesterday will materialize in the next few hours isn't going to happen . . . if ever. That the SS did not adequately protect Trump seems apparent at this point and is that really surprising especially considering it's an agency under the Department of Homeland Security - the very department Trump was disparaging with his illegal immigrants chart when the bullets began to fly!

Now, was the shooter a Greenbaumed patsy, a TDS wokester radicalized by mainstream and social media, a Palestine supporter reacting to Trump's position on Israel/Gaza, or even a "justified" attack on the Operation Warp Speed enabler? I'm inclined to think it's an inside job based on the perceived SS failure to stop the shooting when several people saw the guy with a gun beforehand and couldn't get anyone to do anything. Plus the others that shouted "gun" right before the shooting started - why was the SS so inept when they are supposed to be highly trained protectors?

It'll be interesting to see how this all plays out. Will we be discussing our new President, Kamala Harris next week along with Trump's revamped speech to the RNC, or will some other crazy event occur like a UFO as per Clif High and his July 15th assessment:

I kinda thought our summer was plenty hot enough already . . . just how hot is it really going to get?!!
I dunno... it doesn't seem his "style" to orchestrate his own assassination attempt for political points. That's deep state type shenanigans that he's been openly at war with for nearly a decade now. Why would he start using their dirty little tricks now?

1- Trump's team staged this to gain popularity.
But, would they go as far as killing 2 people for this? I doubt it. Plus, the victims seem real, not staged, since there is this doctor's testimony that seems genuine.
Regarding the above, in discussing this with my wife the following came up:
If this was orchestrated by Trump, then the Deep State will move mountains to show this and paint him as an unscrupulous person willing to anything to win the race.

In this regard, I wonder if decisions have been taken; not with regard to Trump specifically, because I think if the Quorum wanted Trump dead he would have been 'heart attacked' as the C's pointed out, but rather that the decisions created a psychic 'surge' of energy for the entropic types on Biden's team, which then 'emboldened' them to try a ham-fisted method of assassination in the only way they have access to.
Or let it happen by a amateur "inspired" by the movie "Civil War"
Starting at 01:54 mark
Indeed, a .308 sniper rifle would have only required one shot from a trained sniper. The AR15 at that distance is
more like “unload the clip and hope you hit your target” scattershot fingers crossed. Not a professional looking job. More like a fanatic trying to make a statement.
Could it be that the AR15 shooter was a patsy shooting wildly and the real shooter with a .308 missed when Trump turned his head?
Regarding the above, in discussing this with my wife the following came up:
If this was orchestrated by Trump, then the Deep State will move mountains to show this and paint him as an unscrupulous person willing to anything to win the race.

Or let it happen by a amateur "inspired" by the movie "Civil War"
Starting at 01:54 mark
Inspired or as I like to say "triggered" 😉😅
I was watching the event live with my wife. I'd just happened to turn the Sky news channel on as Trump spoke.
My wife was like, wow this is so strange that there was no real panic from the crowd. Even more so now individuals were hit and killed in the crowd. There were no real screams of fear anywhere although or people jumping to the ground. I'll watch this again though as I didn't see what happened in front of Trump.
More or less immediately after the shots a photographer had run round to the side of the stage. He'd of got the shot with the fist pump which will be an iconic photo.
Then they moved Trump to the car to get him out. There were agents all in dark glasses and a particular female had some trouble getting the gun in her holster. I say this as my wife commented about it, they really didn't appear to be professional at all.
Lots of interesting information been posted since the incident took place. Nothing can be ruled out at the moment accept that it was an extremely ameuterish effort. Looks like Trump got very lucky as the shooter picked the wrong firearm! I think @aragorn mentioned that we need to see the layout of the place this will shed some light.
I'm not prepared to go as far as divine intervention just yet but think we can say with a degree of certainty that it's a pivitol event for America!
Simplicus on Substack makes a number of good observations on how the US MSM is downplaying the assassination attempt, labeling it as a minor incident. Supposedly a document with instructions (by who?) was sent to the media not to make the incident look as anything serious, not to have quests to comment it etc. So, basically what the MSM is saying is that a bullet piercing your ear is nothing serious and definitely not an assassination attempt!

Could it be that the AR15 shooter was a patsy shooting wildly and the real shooter with a .308 missed when Trump turned his head?
Not necessarily. 150 yards isn't a difficult shot with a cold barrel, but after that initial recoil and knowing you will be fired upon by SS, any subsequent shot will be exponentially difficult for someone who is untrained.
You keep mentioning these two genocides and while I don't disagree with you, I do think it is important to recognize that no man is just and evil is unconscious.
I kept mentioning Trump's role in the genocides because some people here seem to be in denial about it, thinking it is about "siding" with Trump or his haters. In other words, submitting to the programming of "us vs them" that may well lead to a civil war in the US.

There's no STO in our realm, only the possibility of becoming STO in fourth...
That's not exactly what the C's or Ra said about this. According to them, everyone in our realm is a mix of STS and STO to varying degrees and that achieving 51% STO is just as difficult as achieving 95% STS for the 4D graduation.
That's not exactly what the C's or Ra said about this. According to them, everyone in our realm is a mix of STS and STO to varying degrees and that achieving 51% STO is just as difficult as achieving 95% STS for the 4D graduation.
You're correct that the C's have mentioned the percentages required to become one or the other however the term "STO candidate" is thrown around often for 3rd density and the C's have also said that people who make it to fourth density will have something like 1000 years in a sort of learning phase before the individual or soul group makes their decision on which path they will take.

I really should learn how to search the transcripts effectively so I can quote them.

*Edit* I should tell you that I agree with your position that Trump is not the be all and end all saviour that some choose to blindly believe. I do think though that he may be the best we have at this point.
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