Failed Trump Assassination Attempt

Interesting that the phrase "Civil War" implies a war between two factions of the elite. I strongly suspect at this point that Biden's team has 'gone rogue' from the rest of the US PTB and we may see increasingly dramatic developments in that direction as they are disposed of and 'order is restored'.

Which suggests that the attempt was not 'sanctioned' by the full deep state apparatus, so we may see an exponential increase in propaganda reinforcing the narrative that Biden must be urgently persuaded to step down, or 'removed' if necessary.
I think you're on to something. People are saying if the PTB want Trump dead, then he would be dead. Well, I think they do want him dead but maybe they're bound by some rule and can't have him killed. At least not yet.

Perhaps this rogue element got impatient and blinded by wishful thinking thought they could take Trump out. Maybe there will be cosmic punitive consequences for this blunder, of which I'm sure the rogue element will take the brunt of. Or maybe this is just my own wishful thinking lol. Either way, it'll be interesting to see how this plays out.
An eyewitness told the BBC that he had informed the police and secret service that a suspicious man was on a roof with a gun. Apparently he was ignored. I can't get the video url so here is the audio and the transcription.

... listen to the rally. We couldn't see them, but we could hear them.
So we walked up, and probably five to seven minutes of Trump speaking, I'm estimating here,
I have no idea. But we noticed a guy crawling, bear crawling, up the roof of the building
beside us, 50 feet away from us.
So we're standing there, we're pointing at the guy
crawling up the roof. And he had a gun, right? He had a rifle. We could clearly see him with a
rifle. Absolutely. We're pointing at him. The police are down there running around on the ground.
We're like, "hey, man, there's a guy on the roof with a rifle." And the police were like, huh,
what? They didn't know what was going on.
We're like, "hey, right here on the roof,
we can see him from right here. We see him. He's crawling."

And next thing you know, I'm thinking to myself, I'm like, why is Trump still speaking?
Why have they not pulled him off the stage? I'm standing there pointing at him for, you know,
two or three minutes. Secret Service is looking at us from the top of the barn. I'm pointing at
that roof, just standing there like this. And next thing you know, five shots ring out.
So you're certain that the shots came from that guy on the roof?
A hundred percent. A hundred percent.
And he was up there for a couple of minutes?
He was up there.
You saw him up there for a couple of minutes?
Absolutely. At least three to four minutes.
And you were telling the police in the secret service?
We were telling the police. We were pointing at him for the Secret Service,
who were looking at us from the top of the barn. They were looking at us the whole time
when we were standing by that tree.
Could they see him?
Could they see him?
Probably not, because the roof, the way the slope went, he was behind where they could see.
But why is there not Secret Service on all of these roofs here? I mean, this is not a big place.
Did you see, I mean, obviously everyone, when the shooting started, everyone was
very panicked. Did you see what happened to him at all?
Oh yeah, they blew his head off.
Okay, sorry.
Secret Service blew his head off.
Okay, just be careful because we don't quite know who's watching,
but you're pretty sure they shot the guy?
Absolutely, 100 percent.
Okay. Yep.
You saw that happen?
And did you see them go up to him afterwards or?
They, yeah, they crawled up on the roof. They had their guns pointed at him,
make sure he was dead. He was dead. And that was it. It was over.


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You write: "it must be fake, because it's happening in the USA" and, as funny as it may be, it is true with some important clarifications. The first clarification is not "must be", but "maybe".
I agree. Your statement however:

Tell me, why should I think that all this is true, if everything that comes from the United States is a lie for the purpose of greater power?
Does not suggest a position based on "maybe", but rather "must be". I understand the urge to see the US as "all evil", but one thing that I always remember is that this Forum, the channellings, the Cassiopaean Work, was born of Laura - who is American. This is probably the only reason I consider some portion of the United States as redeemable, even if the nation itself will likely not survive in its current form.

Based on all this, why can't I assume that this whole incident was planned and carried out by Trump's entourage? Moreover, Trump himself can be both the initiator of this, and just a participant, and there is even the possibility of his participation, as we call it, "in the dark."
"Cui bono" is a reasonable argument, however it is circumstantial and does not absolve the position when the facts contradict it. It is one thing to say that Trump is manipulable by his character flaws and thus unlikely to affect the US geopolitical trajectory, and yet another to suggest he was an unwilling actor in a staged assassination attempt in order to place him firmly in power. The facts, the evidence, suggest that the assassination attempt was real.

You persistently, already in the second message, write about the lack of evidence. What evidence can I have? I am writing about the possibilities and they are obvious to me.
Such a possibility is obvious to me as well, but the facts contradict it, so I have discarded that possibility in favour of a more realistic one, and this possibility has some facts, some evidence, to support it. What's more, discussion of possibilities, when grounded in evidence, makes for more entertaining and informative discussion, or so I think.
For context as to the news trending just before this assassination attempt took place, yesterday was one of the deadliest days in Gaza. Through the day and night, in several attacks, Israhellish forces killed over 100 people and injured hundreds more, many still missing, which gathered attention and condemnation worldwide. There were also more bombings in Damascus.
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The facts that we have so far:
* Trump got shot at and narrowly avoided being killed.
* The security arrangement was so lax to the point of being complicit in the assassination.
* There was only one shooter, who was extremely amateur.

The first point shows that this was not organized by Trump or his team. The second point shows that this was not a lone gunman. Someone higher organized it. However, the final point indicated that someone higher is really not that high up. They could not even get a proper trained gunman to do the job.

Based on the above, it seems to me that it could be the Biden campaign, or someone at that level, who was desperate to prevent Trump from winning, but didn't have enough resources to make it work. It would not be one of the alphabet soup agencies, who would have been much more professional, and definitely not the program change from 4D that we have been expecting.
For context as to the news trending just before this assassination attack took place, yesterday was one of the deadliest days in Gaza. Through the day and night, in several attacks, Israhellish forces killed over 100 people and injured hundreds more, many still missing, which gathered attention and condemnation worldwide. There were also more bombings in Damascus.
Classic distraction.
I've read the full thread to this point. A few observations

  • There seemed to be a reluctance to refer to the event in the correct language early on - assassination attempt
  • A few users seem to be derailing the discussion by throwing in wild theories and this is resulting in arguments between users which seems to be unproductive

How more complicated can the event be surely. Some person tried to assassinate Donald Trump. 🤷

The only questions that remain is who were the true sponsors of the assassination attempt - unlikely to be ever conclusively answered.

I feel like a news story will need to happen to overpower this one. No doubt some other mass fatality or terrorism event.
Another witness also saw the gunman, went to tell the police, then went to another vantage point where the gunman could be seen, went back to the police to take them to the vantage point... and then the shots rang out. The video was captured on CBS.


- Just take me back. What were you doing before the shooting happened? And then what did you see in here?
-Um, I was just hanging and standing there like everybody else waiting for Trump and
we as Trump started, we, I noticed two officers that were looking for something or somebody.
I was so I was looking around myself and seeing a guy on top of one of the buildings
go in between one building to the next and
went and told the officer that he was up there and when I went back to my spot.
I heard that people could still see this the person from where they were standing
so I checked that out, and I went back to tell the officer that if he came over there he could see them. And
when I turned my back, is when the shots when the shots started and then it was, it took me a second or two to figure
out exactly what it was.
And then it was just getting out of there and
helping some other person out with her child and
we got out and that was the end of that. And I went and left and that was all.


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Simplicus on Substack makes a number of good observations on how the US MSM is downplaying the assassination attempt, labeling it as a minor incident. Supposedly a document with instructions (by who?) was sent to the media not to make the incident look as anything serious, not to have quests to comment it etc. So, basically what the MSM is saying is that a bullet piercing your ear is nothing serious and definitely not an assassination attempt!

Of course! it doesn't mean anything because it's about Trump, it's pure drama and he's alive. Since I don't leave half my brain on the microphone, it doesn't qualify for them of importance.

If I were a self-employed shouldn't we already be seeing the leaks about it? For less important things he was put on trial. Besides, Trump doesn't need that to increase his popularity and it would make it easier for psychopaths to get him out of the way.

In this video which is a close up, my impression is that the secret service engages first and then the shooter. He seems to have seen something and shoots and then the shooter shot right afterwards. But that's my very uneducated impression

Listening to Sott's special program, for me what doesn't make sense is that the shooter appeared walking calmly in a flashy camouflage suit in a crowded place, and they saw him take position. The security service seems to have been informed by some people and they were ignored. That's already suspicious, obviously.

On the other hand, was the shooter unskilled or would he be under the effects of something? because Trump was not a hardly mobile target to have failed. Anyway, "Not today," Trump said and was saved by a hair of the ear (laughs).

More details to come, however, the official detail sniper seemed to be on target from the one vantage point. Moreover, you don't suddenly swing a gun (did not see it swing) like that on a tripod while looking through a scope to acquire a target, it is just not that fast - you would need to be on scope scanning, and he appeared to back away and then come back on target. Conversely, as Approaching Infinity pointed out, there is a parapet wall possibly that had hidden the shooter. That said, the timing of it all looks odd and needs more data and time.

Yeah, that makes it more likely that it wasn't then a 20-year-old guy who only played shooter video games.

That's what it looks like to me. The counter-sniper was scoping around and saw the guy right before the shooting started. He looked up from his scope to confirm what he was seeing (don't know if this is SOP or a mistake in such a situation) right as the first shots rang out. Probably these guys who shot the guy seconds later.

If he is seeing a man through the sight of the weapon that encompasses much more vision, closer, more detail, in addition it is a person dressed in camouflage who does not belong to his security agency, positioned in a place where there should be no agent and for that obviously have information that there should be NO one there and also pointing direction to Trump Who in their right mind is going to confirm looking out of the sight? Do you have a better view at more than 200 meters than looking through the crosshairs? why does he have a second sniper next to him then? It doesn't make sense to me either. The more professional, the less reliable, the less capable, it is tragicomic.

Another guy with an American rocker stereotype and an apparent mental imbalance. I've been watching this for years. Before they were all men with beards and turbans.


"My name is Thomas Matthew Crooks. I hate Republicans. I hate Trumpand guess what you got the wrong guy."

he FBI, earlier in the day, said that it was trying to identify thekilled assaulted through "biometric confirmation". “We’re looking at photographs right now, and we’retrying to run his DNA and get biometric confirmation,” said Kevin Rojek, FBI special agent in charge ofthe Pittsburgh office.The US Secret Service is now investigating how a gunman armed with an AR-style rifle was able to getclose enough to shoot and injure former President Donald Trump at a rally. The roof, where Crooks waslying, was less than 150 meters (yards) from where Trump was speaking, a distance from which a decentmarksman could reasonably hit a human-sized target.Videos doing rounds on social media platforms show the body of a man wearing gray camouflage lyingmotionless on the roof of a manufacturing plant just north of the Butler Farm Show grounds, whereTrump's rally was held.



  • Thomas.webp
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June 30

It's quite incredible, so their goal was to assassinate Donald Trump, imagine that.. their hope was that by this evening we would all be talking about a dead Donald Trump, and now that hasn't transpired.

The amount of popularity that this will garner for him makes it impossible to even think that he's not going to take the elections, the insult on everyone when and if they steal them or cancel them, will be so momentous that it could lead to an incredible amount of chaos and violence in the US.. which will only lead to more control and oppression, which brings me squarely to, the quorum meeting:

(Joe) What are they meeting to discuss or decide?

A: Future of Earth.

Q: (L) Is it a good thing they're meeting, or a bad thing?

A: Depends on perspective.

Q: (L) Okay. Is it a good thing from our perspective?

A: Probably not.

Q: (L) Does it mean that from our perspective they're going to effect, or make some nefarious plans in the direction of greater control of human beings?

A: Close.

Q: (L) Is it because there is too much resistance against the increasing control, or not enough?

A: Not enough for balance.

Q: (L) So, based on things you've said in the past, does that mean there needs to be more suffering so that more people wake up?

A: Close.

Q: (L) Well, swell!

(Joe) So the meeting that they're having, the decision that they're coming to will determine the future of Earth in a definitive way, or is it just another step?

A: Not as you suggest, no.

Q: (Gaby) It's more about the future of humanity...

(Joe) Or the future trajectory, or the next step in the...

A: There needs to be balance.

Q: (Joe) There needs to be balance, but they said there's not enough resistance from people, right?

I was thinking the same thing. Did Trump survive this assassination attempt has anything to do with the quorum?
After this, they blew a strong wind in the back of Trump, and they did him a big favor.
Will this create more resistance?

At the last rally, the media showed how Incapable Biden is for a presidential candidate and suddenly many Democrats started to call to replace Biden with another presidential candidate. Now this with Trump. I think it is all connected.
I have to get deeper in it. My first hinge: this is a staged event in favor of Trump. The perfect enscenated photo with Trump raising his fist while the upside-down American flag is waving in the background. Trump is supposed to be the next one in office, this event making him the savior of the US of A.

Ofcourse i've seen him doing quite some good in his first term, but seen some off-putting things at the end of his term too. The way this being roled out makes me very, very wary.
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