Failed Trump Assassination Attempt

Seriously, people, if you were staging your own assassination, for sure the first thing you would say is: "Yeah, aim for the head! That has a potential to cause the least of damage!" :rolleyes:
I realize this is not the main consensus in this discussion. But if 'they' are able to falsify a 9/11 event, I'm sure it is within the realm of possibilty to stage a assasssination, including a bloody ear. In this scenario I dont it was the work of a sniper.
While I agree that a failed assassination attempt is the most likely explanation, why would the consideration of other possibilities derail the discussion?

It was already pointed out that there are a few data points for this:
- The extremely unlikely hit in a small part of his ear
- The perfect photo that came out of this
- Trump's history of being involved in one genocide, condoning another, no longer even talking about "draining the swamp", etc.

The C's have already said years ago that the US is headed for destruction no matter what and that nobody can stop it.

So why do quite a few people here seem to be so invested in Trump winning this election? And how much of this is due to the deliberate "us vs them" programming in the US that seems designed to provoke a civil war?

I realize this is not the main consensus in this discussion. But if 'they' are able to falsify a 9/11 event, I'm sure it is within the realm of possibilty to stage a assasssination, including a bloody ear. In this scenario I dont it was the work of a sniper.

Well, the reason people here react a bit, let’s say, irritated, towards such “faked assassination“ claims is that those stories are silly considering the context and evidence at hand and therefore ideas like that tend to muddy the waters while people here generally prefer to know/seek/see what really happens. People tend to get irritated toward irrational ideas that run against common sense for a reason. And not infrequently, rightfully and justifiably so.
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Hello Everyone,

News is spreading quickly that there has been an assassination attempt on former President Trump. The sniper barely missed him by half an inch, but caught his ear. He is fine, but heads seem like they're definitely going to roll in the secret service.

To be honest, the silver lining in all of this mess is that now, he is definitely going to take more precautions and the leftist media/deep state operatives, who have been tacitly calling for his assassination have been running scared and erasing their X Tweets. It's going to get interesting in the following weeks so keep your eyes open!

On a separate note, the C's have mentioned the wonders of having a prayer group and I would like to ask everyone who is inclined to pray for the well-being of Donald Trump and his family.

@Ninas We've been discussing it since the moment it happened. I will move your post to the appropriate thread.
I realize this is not the main consensus in this discussion. But if 'they' are able to falsify a 9/11 event, I'm sure it is within the realm of possibilty to stage a assasssination, including a bloody ear. In this scenario I dont it was the work of a sniper.

They have a much more solid track record of actually assassinating people. So on probabilities alone....
The C's have already said years ago that the US is headed for destruction no matter what and that nobody can stop it.

What type of destruction? How much? Where? When? All these are variable and influenced by other events and "twists and turns".

So why do quite a few people here seem to be so invested in Trump winning this election?

Because it is VERY clear that the PTB (including those at the top level) are seriously invested in getting rid of him. So if it's all done and dusted ahead of time, if it's all a foregone conclusion, why would they bother to invest so much effort in targeting Trump?

And how much of this is due to the deliberate "us vs them" programming in the US that seems designed to provoke a civil war?

Maybe you missed it, but "us vs them" is not "programming". It is the REALITY of this reality, and arguably ALL of reality. The only question is how a person responds to that reality, which is based on their perspective and how much of the 'bigger picture' they have.
Given what we have so far, I think it is in the realm of possibilities that there was more than one shooter. Having said that, I think it is pretty clear that one shooter was indeed on the roof, and that he was likely the one who shot the first bullet that hit Trump. If that person was really Matthew Crooks is another question. It could be that Crook wasn't that guy on the roof. So far we have no real evidence that there was a second shooter. But we have evidence that points to an extreme violation and/or neglect of security protocols by the official Secret Service apparatus. So much so that we can say with quite a lot of certainty that this can't be a coincidence. I think it is in the realm of possibilities that there was a second shooter (maybe planted within the rally crowd?) who was supposed to shoot at Trump as well (as soon as the rooftop rifle guy was starting to shoot) to paint him as the lone gunman. And something went wrong and/or not as planned? That's pure speculation though because nobody reported someone else shooting. It is also possible that the guy that was shot dead in the rally and/or another of the guys that were injured there was the second gunman. So far I would vote against that though.
It should have been obvious since the 60 years since the Kennedys were assassinated that neither security nor the CIA nor the FBI nor the police should be trusted. Trump was probably the first person after the Kennedys to effectively get in the way of those in DeepState who had previously presented their candidates to the Americans, and Americans only voted for them. These were people so corrupt, submissive and controllable to dark forces that they agreed to receive the title of president, quickly understanding that they had no chance in the face of such an organized machine of control and power. Without your own trusted, dedicated, professional and incorruptible security people, it will be difficult for Trump to survive not only until the elections, but also the entire term. The PTB machinery is so huge and extensive, its finances, people and technical capabilities are so advanced that it will not be easy. People around the world are still stunned, controlled by the media, that they probably still do not understand what has actually been happening in the USA for decades.
Well, from the reports we have the distance from the shooter to Trump is about 130-150m. Sound travels at 343m/second, but an AR15 5.56 round moves at 1000m/second, so he could've reacted to the bullet whizzing by his head maybe half a second before the sound of the cartridge explosion reaching the cameras.
You forget that what is important is the distance between the camera man and the shooter as that is the distance to calculate. If the gunman had been 5 meters away from Trump and the cameraman 1000 meters away from the shooter, the result would have been that the shot would only have been heard 3 seconds after Trump reached up to his ear.
If I would be an investigator, I would pretty much ask the following questions and take the following actions right away:

- Who was assigning security and police personal to the immediate area around the assassins roof?

- What are the names of all the police and security forces near the roof at that point in time?

- I would interrogate all of those police/security people immediately, separately and ask them why they didn’t react when they were alerted of the gun man. If some of them say “I had orders to stand down“ I would ask them who gave that order. And then I would continue moving up the ladder to whom gave orders, step by step. Potentially ending up at the person/organization that gave the initial order.

- interrogate all secret service personnel and especially those two guys on the roof.

Is that a complicated thing to do? NO. NOT AT ALL.
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The facts that we have so far:
* Trump got shot at and narrowly avoided being killed.
* The security arrangement was so lax to the point of being complicit in the assassination.
* There was only one shooter, who was extremely amateur.

The first point shows that this was not organized by Trump or his team. The second point shows that this was not a lone gunman. Someone higher organized it. However, the final point indicated that someone higher is really not that high up. They could not even get a proper trained gunman to do the job.

They have a history of using "patsies" for the purpose of sowing discord among the population. They need the shooter to be some angry person from one side or other of the political spectrum. That said, they could have used another team to get the job done, as they have done in the past. Why didn't they in this case?

We should, however, leave open the possibility that this was actually a lone gunman. We cannot yet say that security was deliberately lax. There is evidence that the police snipers on the roof had their view of the shooter obscured by a tree. Why weren't the roofs of all buildings secured?

We can put that down to lax security, but remember, they have deliberately denied full security to both Trump other "non establishment" candidates. And Trump holds these rallies very regularly and most have, until now, been relatively small events in rural parts of the country like this one. There is always the likelihood that a false sense of security will install itself among the security team. As long as they have done the basics, they figure everything is ok.

Based on the above, it seems to me that it could be the Biden campaign, or someone at that level, who was desperate to prevent Trump from winning, but didn't have enough resources to make it work. It would not be one of the alphabet soup agencies, who would have been much more professional, and definitely not the program change from 4D that we have been expecting.

Could be.
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