Failed Trump Assassination Attempt

How come it is always so difficult for official government organs and media to figure out what has happened in cases like this, when it is pretty obvious that almost any layperson can figure out key sequences of an event afar via the internet in a couple of minutes? We already have a body of evidence that paints a pretty clear picture. You don't have to be a rocket scientist. So here is my rough summary of what we have so far:

- Trump was speaking at a rally on July 13, 2024 in Butler, Pennsylvania at 5 p.m. ET (US/Eastern).

- Only a couple of minutes into his speech, gun shots are being heard (reports vary that this happened a couple of minutes to up to 10 minutes into the speech).

- First, 3 gun shots are heard then a pause and then a more rapid shooting of up to 6 shots can be heard.

- Trump appears to have been hit by the first shot, hitting his upper right ear just millimeters away from his skull.

- The direction from where the shots were fired can be triangulated pretty easily/closely given the evidence on Trumps head, where he stood and the reaction of the crowd.

- One video shows two Secret Service agents (I presume?) being positioned on a rooftop at the moment of the shooting. Both likely looking at the general direction from where the shots on Trump were fired. Both have what appears to be sniper type rifles. Both are looking through their rifles in that general direction from where the shots have been fired, before the shooting starts. The guy on the left has his rifle on a tripod, while the guy on the right is laying down with his rifle. The guy with the tripod looks through his scope, then looks up to see without the scope with his bare eyes into the general direction where the shooter is, then the shooting starts. The guy with the tripod startles up right after the first shot. From what we can see, it at first might appear unclear if that guy with the tripod fired the first shot toward the assassin or if then the assassin fired the first shot at Trump. But given that the first shot that is being heard hit Trump, we can rule out that the tripod guy (or the other guy besides him) fired the first audibly shot toward the assassin.

- A Video shows a report of an eyewitness who has seen the shooter climb up a white roof nearby (approximately 150 yards away from Trump) with a rifle. The eyewitness reports that he alerted officials, but they didn't seem to react at all. He also rightly reports that it is strange for the Secret Service to not have secured all roofs and/or the area before the rally. The witness also says that the assassin was shot dead in the head (shortly after the first shots, presumably).

- A video and several pictures of the rooftop with the dead assassin appear. Including a picture of his dead, bloody head.

- A video appears showing the assassin shortly before he is firing his first shot. Shortly after, he is being killed by a bullet (from the tripod guy and/or the guy next to him?). And a picture from the same video showing the assassin aiming with his gun, when he was still alive. Another video shows two persons screaming "he has got a gun!" and after that another person screaming, "he is on the roof, he has got a gun!" and then shots are being heard.

- The FBI identifies 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks as the assassin.

- A video appears where Crooks apparently says "you got the wrong guy"

- The picture of the dead assassin appears to show a pretty distinctive outline of his right outer ear, which doesn't seem to match the ear we see in the last point above. Unless, for example, the ear was damaged and/or changed after that video was published, maybe even by the bullets that killed him and/or when he was falling dead on the roof.

- An emergency room doctor reports a person having been shot in the head at the rally, probably fatally. He tried to patch him up himself. A picture probably shows the bloody bench where that person was shot. A video probably shows that person being dragged off the bench by police after being shot.

- Two pictures are making the rounds, apparently showing the assassin Matthew Crooks alive, while some unverified claims are being spread that one picture shows Crooks shortly before the assassination attempt, captured by a drone above him. Both pictures don't show his right ear.

- A picture of (what looks like) another guy can be seen on a random X post holding a gun. Identified as "Mark Violet". Likely a fake association, though. See next point.

- Early on rumors were being spread on social media, that a man named "Mark Violet" who allegedly belongs to Antifa was the assassin. That "Mark Violet" doesn't look like the other "Mark Violet" in the last point above at all and his is fat. He doesn't look how the assassin on the rooftop looks at all, either. Most likely, all the rumors about "Mark Violet" were a hoax from the beginning.
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Simplicus on Substack makes a number of good observations on how the US MSM is downplaying the assassination attempt, labeling it as a minor incident. Supposedly a document with instructions (by who?) was sent to the media not to make the incident look as anything serious, not to have quests to comment it etc. So, basically what the MSM is saying is that a bullet piercing your ear is nothing serious and definitely not an assassination attempt!
That is a good analysis from Simplicius and would recommend others to look at it too as it has many pictures of the event venue, screenshots of the media psyop to not call it an assassination attemp and also some videos.

Here is an example of the media reports taken from there:
For context as to the news trending just before this assassination attack took place, yesterday was one of the deadliest days in Gaza. Through the day and night, in several attacks, Israhellish forces killed over 100 people and injured hundreds more, many still missing, which gathered attention and condemnation worldwide. There were also more bombings in Damascus.
Sad indeed. Possibly Israel knowing of the planned assassination attempt and using the opportunity to strike hard while everyone's looking elsewhere.
The only real problem with this is the report. The .223 sounds like “Pop pop pop”

A .308 on the other hand has that huge kind of blast you hear echoing through a canyon in an old western: Bggshhooo.

If a large caliber long rifle had gone off in that situation, it would have been unmistakable. No way it got lost amidst a barrage of small caliber fire.
A silencer could well have been used and thus making it sound similar to a .223. As a hunter I have heard both with and without silencer and there is a noticeable difference.
It also depends on where the video is taken from. In one video it sounds like "pop pop pop" and in another it sounds louder. Has anyone seen the weapon used?
Seriously, people, if you were staging your own assassination, for sure the first thing you would say is: "Yeah, aim for the head! That has a potential to cause the least of damage!" :rolleyes:

I think the assassination was real and security failed to do their job, probably on purpose. When you look at the areal view, it is hard to miss that roof and one would think that it would be one of the first places they would have their snipers aiming at and controlling that area.

As for the "lone gunman" - something is fishy about him, I can´t put my finger on it. His whole story, even his picture, feels fake.

I saw initial reports from MSM - the downgrading of the event, the slur and spin - talk about being disgraceful and disgusting. "Trump fell", "Trump being escorted" and so on. 🤬
Similar vibe? Symbolism?

Note that the famous French painting is called "Liberty Leading the People", and was the inspiration behind the Statue of Liberty.

Edit: Just realized it's the 14th of July to boot! We can add that to the symbolism bucket I suppose.

In any event, this photo of Trump is iconic already.

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Given what we have so far, I think it is in the realm of possibilities that there was more than one shooter. Having said that, I think it is pretty clear that one shooter was indeed on the roof, and that he was likely the one who shot the first bullet that hit Trump. If that person was really Matthew Crooks is another question. It could be that Crook wasn't that guy on the roof. So far we have no real evidence that there was a second shooter. But we have evidence that points to an extreme violation and/or neglect of security protocols by the official Secret Service apparatus. So much so that we can say with quite a lot of certainty that this can't be a coincidence. I think it is in the realm of possibilities that there was a second shooter (maybe planted within the rally crowd?) who was supposed to shoot at Trump as well (as soon as the rooftop rifle guy was starting to shoot) to paint him as the lone gunman. And something went wrong and/or not as planned? That's pure speculation though because nobody reported someone else shooting. It is also possible that the guy that was shot dead in the rally and/or another of the guys that were injured there was the second gunman. So far I would vote against that though.
Hello Everyone,

News is spreading quickly that there has been an assassination attempt on former President Trump. The sniper barely missed him by half an inch, but caught his ear. He is fine, but heads seem like they're definitely going to roll in the secret service.

To be honest, the silver lining in all of this mess is that now, he is definitely going to take more precautions and the leftist media/deep state operatives, who have been tacitly calling for his assassination have been running scared and erasing their X Tweets. It's going to get interesting in the following weeks so keep your eyes open!

On a separate note, the C's have mentioned the wonders of having a prayer group and I would like to ask everyone who is inclined to pray for the well-being of Donald Trump and his family.

Onto the news-

Assassination attempt on Trump at Pennsylvania rally leaves 2 hurt, 2 dead, including shooter

This is a Podcast from a month ago from PBD Media talking about the probability of this happening.

Some Sessions regarding Trump and the reason that they're targeting him...

Session Date: March 9th 2024

Q: (L) And what's the deal with the numbers?

A: Sequence of program change.

Q: (L) What program change?

A: Your reality is about to undergo one such.

Q: (L) And what would the numbers do for us?

A: Sorry, that was information code unknown to you as yet.

Q: (L) Okay. So, you were parsing some kind of... something similar to a computer code?

A: Close.

Q: (Joe) Do these program changes of the type our reality is about to undergo happen fairly frequently? Have they happened in our lifetimes before?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Do they happen frequently?

A: No

Q: (Gaby) Was 9-11 one?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Was the assassination of John F. Kennedy one?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Well, neither of those events were positive from our perspective. So, it’s probably best to assume that this next one will be the same – i.e. not positive from our perspective?

A: Close

Q: (Joe) And when they say, "is about to undergo", is that imminent or within the next year?

A: Months or so.

Q: (Joe) What are the chances of Trump being assassinated this year?

A: Possible made to look natural event.

Q: (Gaby) Like a heart attack.

A: Stroke.

Q: (Joe) Does the program change that they're talking about that's within X number of months relate to the releasing of a new virus?

A: Not yet.

Q: (Andromeda) So something else before that.

(Niall) Geopolitics. Ukraine.

(Joe) Is it related to geopolitics in Ukraine and Russia?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Should we give any credence to the European politicians' talk of Europe going to war with Russia?

A: Some, certainly. Hubris knows no bounds.

Q: (Niall) They really, really, really, really don't want Putin to win.

(L) And they really, really, really don't want Trump to win, and they're really, really, really getting desperate and the reason for their desperation seems to me that there is some big change approaching. Is that part of it?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) So the program change then is something other than the work or the machinations of the overt political elite in the West?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Is it 4D STS?

A: Yes
Session Date: April 27th 2024

Q: (Altair) Which events initiated the upcoming program change?

(L) What program change?

[Discussion of beginning of March 9, 2024 session - Session 9 March 2024]

(L) Okay, so this is just Altair's tricky way of trying to get more answers than they gave the last time. [laughter]

(Joe) He wants to know why it's happening now, I suppose.

(Altair) Which events initiated the upcoming program change? Is it because of Ukraine losing on the battlefield?

A: No.

Q: (L) Is it because of Trump?

A: Closer.

Q: (Niall) Something to do with American politics?

(L) So, does this program change have to do with American politics?

A: Warm.

Q: (L) Is it something that we're seeing at the present moment with these massive protests that are going on at the US universities, which is basically making Israel look really, really bad?

(Joe) Because of what they're doing in Palestine.

(L) So they've got some kind of something that's got to be done about this?

A: Very warm.

Q: (L) So, it has to do with Israel, possibly with Trump and the American political scene and the mass protest against the genocide and Palestine?

A: Yes

Q: (L) So, they're going to try to do something because...

(Joe) To distract from all that.

(L) To distract from all that, or to damp that down?

A: Yes
Session Date: January 14th 2023

Q: (JEEP) Is Biden being set up for ouster by the deep state?

A: Somewhat. The threat of extreme exposure and action by legislature necessitate preemptive damage control.
The facts that we have so far:
* Trump got shot at and narrowly avoided being killed.
* The security arrangement was so lax to the point of being complicit in the assassination.
* There was only one shooter, who was extremely amateur.

The first point shows that this was not organized by Trump or his team. The second point shows that this was not a lone gunman. Someone higher organized it. However, the final point indicated that someone higher is really not that high up. They could not even get a proper trained gunman to do the job.

Based on the above, it seems to me that it could be the Biden campaign, or someone at that level, who was desperate to prevent Trump from winning, but didn't have enough resources to make it work. It would not be one of the alphabet soup agencies, who would have been much more professional, and definitely not the program change from 4D that we have been expecting.
I agree with your analysis. This seems a bit sloppy, I don't think this is the work of intel agencies - they could off him in an accident or health incidient (As the C's suggested). Trump will now become even more popular. If he loses the election, or loses his life before the election, or the election is somehow cancelled, I think this will be the tipping point for Americans to start becoming more hostile towards the government.
I don't think it's a silencer. We hear explosions in the distance following the shots. I also noticed that Trump reacted before the shot was heard. At the speed the bullets are coming, the sound doesn't come until later. A clue that the shooter was quite far away.
Well, from the reports we have the distance from the shooter to Trump is about 130-150m. Sound travels at 343m/second, but an AR15 5.56 round moves at 1000m/second, so he could've reacted to the bullet whizzing by his head maybe half a second before the sound of the cartridge explosion reaching the cameras.
A few users seem to be derailing the discussion by throwing in wild theories and this is resulting in arguments between users which seems to be unproductive
While I agree that a failed assassination attempt is the most likely explanation, why would the consideration of other possibilities derail the discussion?

It was already pointed out that there are a few data points for this:
- The extremely unlikely hit in a small part of his ear
- The perfect photo that came out of this
- Trump's history of being involved in one genocide, condoning another, no longer even talking about "draining the swamp", etc.

The C's have already said years ago that the US is headed for destruction no matter what and that nobody can stop it.

So why do quite a few people here seem to be so invested in Trump winning this election? And how much of this is due to the deliberate "us vs them" programming in the US that seems designed to provoke a civil war?
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