Failed Trump Assassination Attempt

At the same time, I am not asserting anything, I am only guessing and I have reasons for this.
Your reasons don't seem based in evidence. You're saying that Trump's wound was 'self'-inflicted, yet there is evidence that multiple bullets were fired at close proximity to Trump, some hitting and even killing an innocent bystander. This evidence supports disproving that Trump was not the target. If Trump was the target, then he could not have known about the possibility of inflicting such a wound upon himself, except perhaps by opportunism, which would require he had this hypothetical 'wounding device' you speak of on hand for quick access, which becomes considerably improbable.

Your logical thinking appears to have collapsed with regard to this situation, which I find somewhat interesting given your astute take on the Ukraine-Russia situation in general. Why should you think this way about this situation, which is a US domestic political situation that has nothing to do with Russia, thus suggesting even greater emotional distance from the subject in your case?
It may seem that way to you however I can assure you that I have been following the PTB and SOTT for 20 years. I think I have a decent understanding of what has occurred as well as an understanding of the forces driving these events.
An amazing statement. You hit me right on the spot. I can't write to you anymore, except for the previous offer to lean out of the frame.

Потрясающее заявление. Вы сразили меня просто наповал. Я больше не могу вам ничего написать, кроме прежнего предложения высунуться за рамки.
In the video clip at .25 speed, Trump doesn't even flinch at the time he was supposedly hit. The sound of the bullet and the startle of the graze should have caused a sympathetic response of some kind. He should have jerked his head away from the bullet at least. All he does is move his hand to his ear and then proceed to duck down. Also, notice his hand in the video...there is NO blood on it as he pulls it away from his ear. There can be a slight delay in an injury before blood will appear, but not as long as it took for him to move his hand to his ear, hold it for a second, and then withdraw it. Ears bleed a LOT too. I don't know, but this is highly suspicious as being planned. I also think it's strange that they would allow him to pose for the cameras. He should have been huddled around so that he was not visible at all for the duration of him exiting the area. Just a couple of thoughts on it.
Not necessarily. Bullets are so fast, and everything is happening so fast that usually person's reactions seems to come late. The pain comes late. For example, person without the bulletproof vest, shot in the chest with modern 5,56 mm bullets, wil continue to run for good 10 meters before falling down. Older ammo is slower and bigger and tend to dissipate more energy on the impact, and to stop the person faster, but stil not immediately.

BTW, didn't the Cs said that the PTB will try to assassinate Trump? If I'm remembering it correctly . . .
Wow, this happened fast, off the back of what C’s said in the recent session. We will come to know more about this event as more evidence comes forward but one thing I am hoping that should occur is the 70% population who voted for Trump last time should galvanise to not allow a repeat of the same. This is a very open message of threat being sent to the real Americans by the PTB, only difference that Trump has survived it whereas JFK couldn’t. Lets see what comes off this.
The "antifa guy" was just some random photo that twitter users posted with no justification. There's no reason to believe he had anything to do with it.

Or that's the way it looks because it's what happened. The shooter was slammed faster than Oswald because when he raised himself over the edge of the roof to make the shots he became visible to the snipers who were within the security perimeter. (If there's any "circus" it will be why security outside the perimeter was so lax.)

It looks like he flinches to me.

If you watch the clip with audio you can hear all the SS communications. They huddle over him until they hear confirmation that the "shooter is down." They ask for confirmation one or two times before discussing raising Trump up to bring him off the stage. Trump is the one who insists on waiting and addressing the crowd. Meanwhile you can tell the SS are trying to push him out.

See what I wrote above. We don't know enough. It's perfectly plausible that the counter-snipers didn't spot him until the shots were already fired, at which point he would have been plainly visible.

We don't know that's what happened.

They were already looking in that general direction. From the footage of the counter-sniper, it looks as if he registers something (whether the sight of the sniper, or the sniper shooting) before re-aiming. Presumably the shot that killed the shooter came immediately after this.

That's the big question.

But who is "they"? The SS within the security perimeter? The local law enforcement contracted to run external security? The SS coordinating external security?

Someone who has shot AR-15s with a scope should chime in here. Is it plausible to keep your aim solid when firing off 8+ rounds at a fairly rapid pace?
And if anyone is curious, the rally was held at Butler Farm Show Inc, PA. I checked Google maps satellite view and there was no better rooftop around to secure than that one. So my thought was I dunno who they are exactly, but whoever didn’t secure that building, those are the peeps I figure could also allow the shooter to do his deed. In my mind I’m thinking of those jets scrambled 45 mins late on 9/11. It’s entirely possible it’s not an inside job, just trying to mention stuff I find peculiar while it’s fresh!

Another thought I had - if it turns out that there were insiders/corruption in the security detail, as more info comes out, people will lose faith in SS’s ability or willingness to protect Trump. This could result in all sorts of consequences in and of itself.
BTW, didn't the Cs said that the PTB will try to assassinate Trump? If I'm remembering it correctly . . .
Maybe it was one of those things where the Cs outted the stroke method so they fell back to the old fashioned lone gunmen.
Q: (Joe) What are the chances of Trump being assassinated this year?

A: Possible made to look natural event.

Q: (Gaby) Like a heart attack.

A: Stroke.
Someone almost killed Trump a few hours ago, and what comes to your mind is Trump faking it and calling me rude for giving that post a thumbs down.
What I see as rude is not only the "thumbs down" but that you did not clarify what you disagree with and why. Maybe you should also ask yourself why nobody else here uses the dislike button.

I already pointed out that Trump is complicit in initiating or condoning two genocides, the one in Gaza and the mRNA jabs. So why should I not question what else he is capable of?
Posting in the open forum is networking and the opposite of a psychopathic tactic of isolating so no one else hears.

Someone almost killed Trump a few hours ago, and what comes to your mind is Trump faking it and calling me rude for giving that post a thumbs down.
And I would say, it's far to early to think we really understand what happened here. As 9/11 proved, a lot of what we thought was true then eventually turned out to be evil lies. So I'm personally still on the fence with this, waiting for more data to come in before passing judgment.

I will caution this: what happened with Trump today was an extremely emotional event, regardless of its origins or intent. I will not contest that, it was truly evil what happened. But what and who planned this, and what was the intended result of it? Pay attention to objective reality these next few days, and do not rule out behind-the-scenes actors trying to use this event for their own evil ends - and that may very well include those within Trump's inner circles. I mean, that's what happened during 9/11, right?

All this is to say I'm still open-minded about what is going down, and I can see how an attack on a former president could be used to foment further evil (civil war, anyone?), even if Trump's camp had no idea what was about to occur. Interesting times, indeed.
Ryan what you say is aligned to what the Cs say and as the material is still dubious there could be other alternatives plus in the last session Cs gave no clue about any trace of attack on Trump.
If the Quorum is part of a hidden hand to shuffle the fate of all for the sake of universal balance how is it that according to the Quorum's higher sense things are out of balance? Or will it be that imbalance is constant as well as balance there is plenty of evidence..ej the state of the world and why it is not yet completely destroyed.

Hello Chetofloj, I notice this is your first post on the forum. You are invited to write an introduction in the Newbies forum as is customary to tell us a bit about yourself, how you found your way here and if you've read any of Laura's books.
What I see as rude is not only the "thumbs down" but that you did not clarify what you disagree with and why. Maybe you should also ask yourself why nobody else here uses the dislike button.

I already pointed out that Trump is complicit in initiating or condoning two genocides, the one in Gaza and the mRNA jabs. So why should I not question what else he is capable of?

Why does a thumbs down triggers you that much? Leave that alone. A thumbs down means someone doesn’t like or doesn’t completely agree with your comment, that’s it. Both of you can discuss this issue on another personal thread and pause with the noise on this one.
Someone who has shot AR-15s with a scope should chime in here. Is it plausible to keep your aim solid when firing off 8+ rounds at a fairly rapid pace?
I have fired a scoped AR15. Firing multiple rounds while fighting muzzle rise and staying on target is no easy feat. Keeping it on target for 8 rounds requires a pretty serious skill set. I find it doubtful that someone skilled enough to fire 8 rounds while staying on target would choose a .223 assault rifle for the job. A .308 long rifle would be more suitable. So basically the choice of an AR15 would be logical for a less skilled shooter precisely because you can shoot multiple rounds quickly. However if you’re good, you only need one shot with a.308.
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You guys that think Trump faked it, what do you say to this?
You're saying that Trump's wound was 'self'-inflicted, yet there is evidence that multiple bullets were fired at close proximity to Trump, some hitting and even killing an innocent bystander. This evidence supports disproving that Trump was not the target. If Trump was the target, then he could not have known about the possibility of inflicting such a wound upon himself, except perhaps by opportunism, which would require he had this hypothetical 'wounding device' you speak of on hand for quick access, which becomes considerably improbable.
Might have been someone else but I think it was Fletcher Prouty who wrote regarding high profile assassinations that the first thing that should be scrutinized is how security was compromised and by who. Making security services compromised and weakened is the first and most important thing the schemers would have to plan.

As a side note, it appears that some here are quickly jumping to all kinds of conclusions, sometimes fueled by emotions. Sure, this is a significant and shocking event but simultaneously a good exercise to try and stay calm and keep your thinking clear.
Well if the bullet grazed his ear, where did it go after that and where did the other five shots go? There were people jammed all around there and nobody else seems to have been hit.
good point. apparently one man in the stands as shot in the head and died instantly, and a woman was shot in the hand/arm. I would think the stands would be facing where Trump was speaking, Time to look at the photos and layout of the shooter position, the stands, Trump, and the location of shot people.
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