Failed Trump Assassination Attempt


“Cops were inside, but not on the roof during the shooting, sources said.Crooks was able to scale the building unchallenged before firing off eight shots with an AR-style assault rifle, grazing Trump in the ear, killing one Trump supporter and wounding two others.” - NYP

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I’ve worked in buildings like this. If someone’s on the roof, it sounds like a thunder storm.
We have one woman reporting personally seeing a sniper on the water tower that was killed afterward, clearly indicating that he was one of the shooters:

A second woman reporting that she heard that there was a sniper on the water tower, while not having seen it herself:

Now we possibly have a third witnesses talking about a sniper and the water tower, possibly having seen it herself. While the reporter says "that is what we are hearing" when she talks about it. Although it sounds like she is saying "he was firing down toward the water tower", meaning (?), a sniper shot toward the water tower, while making a hand motion indicating someone shooting down. I'm not clear what she is saying, but it seems like she is saying that a sniper shot toward the water tower, probably toward the sniper that was set on Trump:

Guilty... INSIDE JOB!!??

I've heard some whoppers over the years, but this about takes the cake. GUILTY your honor!

Unbelievable. Secret Service director Kimberly Cheatle now admits that the USSS knew the building 125 yards from President Trump was a huge vulnerability, but didn’t station an agent there because it had a “sloped roof.”

“That building in particular has a sloped roof at its highest point. And so, you know, there's a safety factor that would be considered there that we wouldn't want to put somebody up on a sloped roof. And so, you know, the decision was made to secure the building, from inside.”

This is “safetyism” run amok at its absolute worst.

Cheatle shouldn’t be trusted with protecting the food court of a shopping mall, let alone the US president. She should resign or be fired IMMEDIATELY.

I'm going with the assumption that it is true that there was a sniper on the water tower who was taken out after his job. I think it is likely that that happened. So, my speculation goes as follows:

- Similar to the (presumably amateurish) patsy rooftop shooter, the sniper professional on the water tower was meant to be taken out right after the event as part of the plan, from the get-go. His job (decided by the master minds) was either to shoot after the hidden professional sniper made his first shot/-s, in case he missed, as a security guarantee that Trump really dies, and/or to have him there as a distraction and smoke screen from the hidden professional sniper located near the angle of the rooftop shooter, probably within the same building. That hidden sniper within the building (or near that angle) wasn't necessarily meant to be taken out after the event, but to escape unnoticed. The reason I think that the sniper on the water tower was meant to be taken out directly after the event from the get-go, is the location where he was positioned. While the water tower is certainly a very good spot to shoot at Trump, it is a very bad place to escape from unnoticed after the event. They must have known that. That isn't difficult to figure out.

- I think what we have now is the likelihood that there were at least two professional snipers at work and one patsy on the roof. The patsy and the water tower sniper were meant to be taken out right afterward, no matter the outcome. Which happened. Additionally, there might have been at least one additional professional sniper somewhere else, like in the woods, who might have escaped unnoticed too.
Oh, wow.. how deep can it go? TM Crooks the patsy could have been "hired/brainwashed" by the "real" snipers so they could try to escape elimination too, at least one or two of them. Those in the known didn't expect that, and thus the secret service guys had to delay more and more seconds.

Unrelated to that but adding it to the weirdness soup: Taylor Swift the social anti-Trump icon is from Pennsylvania :shock:

In the meanwhile Trump made a public appearance at RNC. The look in his face seems to says something about what a shock that was.
I don´t know if it was already posted, but Tucker is speaking live at the moment (I am sorry if it WAS posted already)
He talks about how peaceful Christians are but how much they are being persecuted today. Christians are peaceful until the government tells them to go kill somebody. So it is a bit of a blind spot Tucker and many people have about the 'goodness' of Christian people and people in general. We are not good, we are selfish - our evil comes partially from ignorance, sloth, fear, gullibility, and insouciance. However, they do persecute Christians at times when Christian conscience shows. I guess they want to eradicate any trace of remnant truth and courage.
A conservative neighbor friend of mine watches all the Trump rallies and told me that the MSM - including FOX - hardly ever cover the events. If they did, they usually sent their B and C Teams for clips. He used to have to watch Trump rallies and speeches on YouTube (who a few years ago would take the live streams down after they were done) or RSBN on Rumble. This one was covered extensively and the A Teams were present. Check out this tweet claiming a prominent photographer was there at the exact moment - probably hoping for a brain blow out shot of Trump. Pretty convenient that ALL of the big outfits were there.

Screen Shot 2024-07-16 at 8.30.35 AM.png
A leaked video of Kennedy talking to Trump might give us some clues how Trump coped with the event. He sounds like the usual Trump and not like giving up at all, although we should keep in mind that Trump probably uses a teflon/naive character in public that doesn't necessarily correspond to his real private persona (I'm pretty positive on that):

By the way, I find Kennedys explanation and apology for leaking the video rather strange. The whole thing doesn't shed a very good light on Kennedy IMO, not even mentioning his disgusting stands and statements on Gaza/Israel.
Despite everything, it's pretty remarkable to watch Trump arrive at the RNC. I mean, it's not often (if ever) you get to see, alive and well, a person who had just been slated for death by the most powerful forces on this planet.

There's a stark contrast between the all the red white and blue flags and pomp, and love of freedom and promotion of the awesomeness of American democracy, and the reality of what just happened.

I wonder how many people at that conference are aware of the reality behind the facade?

Also, notice the absence of any DEI hires among the security detail.

Also, notice in that front line with Trump there are only 5 other people, Trump's VP, the Republican speaker of the house, his wife, Byron Donalds - a Trump supporting congressman from Florida (who I assume was there for diversity reasons) - and....Tucker Carlson. Kind of sending a message. Even Trump's sons are in the 2nd row.

Wow so many people!

He looks younger, his face I mean, and he looks moved too.

But let's not forget... politicians are great actors. Some better than others.

I wish him well.

The bodyguards we see when he enters the stage really look like bodyguards, big, powerful, gorillas. That's what Trump needs, all the time. Not thin, fragile little kids like the ones he had during the rally.
At this point it looks likely there was another shooter, possibly inside the building, and they did the old Kennedy routine: mind-controlled patsy, professional team actually shooting. Like, "let's do the Kennedy thing, but since there was all that jazz about the magic bullet, let's make sure we shoot from the same angle as the patsy"...
What would the line of sight be like from inside the building? Anyone tried to model that using Google Earth 3d? Same with the water tower - would shots from that direction match the ballistics of anyone who got shot?
New footage, from a guy filming the two snipers on top of the building before the event saying "oh oh something's going on. Something is going on" apparently 2 Minutes before the shots:

So the guy sees how the snipers behave/react and strongly feels "oh oh something is going on" based on their behaviour. I would guess that they have seen with their binoculars at this point people around the roof building pointing out the roof shooter.
What would the line of sight be like from inside the building?

Just saw this on ZeroHedge - Snipers Were INSIDE Building Used By Trump Failed Assassin; Reported Him Using Range Finder, Took Pictures, And Command Did Nothing | ZeroHedge

I undid the bolding in the article and bolded the part below.

Three Beaver County police snipers were reportedly stationed inside the building used by the shooter in Saturday's assassination attempt on Donald Trump, a local law enforcement officer with 'direct knowledge' of the incident tells CBS News' Anna Schecter, and as first reported by the Beaver Countian.

It gets worse...

A sniper, stationed on the second floor providing overwatch, saw the shooter, Thomas Matthew Crooks, outside the building and looking up at the roof. He then walked away, returned, whipped out his phone, when one of the snipers took the first of two pictures of him.

Crooks then took out a rangefinder - at which point the sniper radioed to a command post. Crooks then disappeared again and came back a third time with a backpack. The snipers called in once again with information that he had a backpack and that he (Crooks) was walking toward the back of the building.

You can see a couple of photos of the building with second story windows in this article. Imo, it looks like the line of sight from the 2nd floor wouldn't be too far off from that of roof.

Now we possibly have a third witnesses talking about a sniper and the water tower, possibly having seen it herself. While the reporter says "that is what we are hearing" when she talks about it. Although it sounds like she is saying "he was firing down toward the water tower", meaning (?), a sniper shot toward the water tower, while making a hand motion indicating someone shooting down. I'm not clear what she is saying, but it seems like she is saying that a sniper shot toward the water tower, probably toward the sniper that was set on Trump:
She's definitely saying "toward the water tower," which was in the same general direction as Crooks. So my guess is she's referring to the counter-sniper who killed Crooks. As for the spray she mentioned, it's visible in some of the videos. I too assumed it was some sort of protective/diversionary measure taken after shots were fired, but maybe it was hit by a bullet like she said? Dunno.
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