Failed Trump Assassination Attempt

There's a stark contrast between the all the red white and blue flags and pomp, and love of freedom and promotion of the awesomeness of American democracy, and the reality of what just happened.

I wonder how many people at that conference are aware of the reality behind the facade?

A twighlight zone between worlds, for sure. Trump also seems changed, calmer and more serene. Must have shaken him quite a bit.
I wonder what effect the attempted assassination has had, and will have, on Trump the man rather than Trump the political phenomenon. Most seem to be going with the idea that it has galvanized him to root out corruption in high places and "drain the swamp", as it appears to have done for his supporters.

I'm not so sure.

Straight up assassination is one way to send a clear message to a person. But short of that, deaths threats work well to get the message across. While 'they' did not manage to kill Trump, he still, by default, received a clear and pernicious death threat.

A very close and violent brush with your own mortality, or a serious death threat, can have different effects on different people, but generally it tends to make a person take stock of their lives and reassess what is really valuable in life, like family etc. especially if they are in the later stages of life, as Trump is. It also, obviously, makes a person reconsider the path they were on that lead to the threatened or actual attempt on their life.

So maybe we should be expected a more muted, thoughtful Trump from now on, and in his potential 2nd term?

Or maybe he'll just be more Trumpy than ever. :wizard:
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A very close and violent brush with your own mortality, or a serious death threat, can have different effects on different people, but generally it tends to make a person take stock of their lives and reassess what is really valuable in life, like family etc. especially if they are in the later stages of life, as Trump is. It also, obviously, makes a person reconsider the path they were on that lead to the threatened or actual attempt on their life.
This was my read on the video. It felt to me like he was considering if all this was worth while. Maybe I was misreading his emotions, or maybe he's in pain, but that was my read.
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I wonder what effect the attempted assassination has had, and will have, on Trump the man rather than Trump the political phenomenon. Most seem to be going with the idea that it has galvanized him to root out corruption in high places and "drain the swamp", as it appears to have done for his supporters.

I'm not so sure.

Straight up assassination is one way to send a clear message to a person. But short of that, deaths threats work well to get the message across. While 'they' did not manage to kill Trump, he still, by default, received a clear and pernicious death threat.

A very close and violent brush with your own mortality, or a serious death threat, can have different effects on different people, but generally it tends to make a person take stock of their lives and reassess what is really valuable in life, like family etc. especially if they are in the later stages of life, as Trump is.

So maybe we should be expected a more muted, thoughtful Trump from now on, and in his potential 2nd term?

Or maybe he'll just be more Trumpy than ever. :wizard:
I'm betting on him becoming more Trumpy than ever.

At least the last 4 years of smearing, hating and the destructive campaign against Trump by the PTB and its minions that lead eventually to the assassination attempt a few days ago have changed Trump, the man, me thinks.

He's made of stern stuff otherwise he wouldn't persisted with his decision to participate again at the presidential elections considering all that it has been thrown at him all these years.

It will be interesting to observe him from now on.

“Cops were inside, but not on the roof during the shooting, sources said.Crooks was able to scale the building unchallenged before firing off eight shots with an AR-style assault rifle, grazing Trump in the ear, killing one Trump supporter and wounding two others.” - NYP

At this point it looks likely there was another shooter, possibly inside the building, and they did the old Kennedy routine: mind-controlled patsy, professional team actually shooting. Like, "let's do the Kennedy thing, but since there was all that jazz about the magic bullet, let's make sure we shoot from the same angle as the patsy"...
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