Failed Trump Assassination Attempt

The plot really thickens . . .

Experts say three weapons fired at Trump rally
Audio forensics suggest that shots from at least three weapons were fired at ex-US President Donald Trump at a rally in Pennsylvania, CNN reports, citing experts.

According to Catalin Grigoras and Cole Whitecotton from the National Center for Media Forensics at the University of Colorado in Denver, "the first three shots were consistent with alleged weapon A, the next five were consistent with alleged weapon B, and the final 'acoustic impulse' was emitted by a possible weapon C," the media outlet notes.

Forensics expert Robert Maher, in turn, suggested that "the gunman was about 360 to 393 feet from the podium."

Webmaster addition: Some of those shots had to be the police and Secret Service shooting at the assassin. But it was just this kind of acoustic analysis that led the House Select Committee on Assassinations to conclude there were multiple shooters in Dealey Plaza when JFK was assassinated.​

Given the sequence of events and for coverup reasons I think it is most likely that the first shot that hit Trump (and possibly the second and third) came from a very similar angle as the rooftop guy was positioned, thus probably within the same building as the rooftop guy, or somewhere near to that angle. Further it is likely that the rooftop guy got a signal “shoot now!“- possibly through an ear piece or remote triggered voice in his head through beam technology- after the first shot (or more likely after the third and the pause). So the water tower guy and possibly another sniper somewhere else were ordered to shoot only after the first shooter shot. If the water tower guy and possibly another shot at all is not clear.
The water tower was the first building i considered as it not only appeared to be the tallest. But could also give a better visual with more gravity assisting the bullet. Yet possibly more wind. It is also outside the perimeter.
However, i also thought it would be the main place i woukd suspect if i was security. So was most probably covered by them as a priority.
There could be a small parapet at the top to hide behind.
The attention was certainly on the building Crookes was on though. Diversion tactics as others have mentioned?

The vital lesson here for Trump and the Republicans is that at no time should Vance and Trump ever be together. Either out in public or on planes.
It is obvious they will go for both of them now.
Because if Trump is killed, Vance could well be a strong clone of Trump as his replacement. And with time and Presidential experience even surpass Trump in his manifestos.
Also he has had excellent forces training which I dont think Trump had.
If I were Trump i would also be looking for a 3rd person to prime and groom into the position! Should they both be killed covertly then at least they would have a reserve candidate to run in their place in a re-election. Plus someone the public also already feel familiar with and feel they can trust as the obvious runner.

If they can claw back all the wasted funds that is being sent to Ukraine and elsewhere, as well as Nato there is much good they can put these to.
So long as it all doesnt go to Israel!
But also making Nato countries fund Nato a lot more themselves may also see a reduction in how important these countries suddenly consider NATO :-)
Another wise move would be to finally get on the same page with the majority of countries regarding the UN security Council and the IPCC. To bring back the true unity and reduce the sickening bias of the US and the West in the voting procedures.
Given the opportunities and somehow better controlling the opposition plans, this pursuit of Unity could swing the pendulum eventually.
But meanwhile we could well be facing ressurection, martial laws, further division and desperate activities. Together with the calamities set to befall everywhere.
On a very remote positive, this new timeline that I feel we are on now, could possibly have reducex the severity of the apocalypse for the USA. Greatly depending on WHAT they DO next!
Just my 2 kurus ;-)
If the rooftop guy had any more or less normal type of ear piece in his ear it is likely that the first person that came to the shooter on the roof got rid of that evidence. Although I think it is more likely that they wouldn’t have taken that risk of using such obvious ear pieces, but rather projected a voice into his head via beam technology. Or the rooftop guy just got the orders “shoot directly after you hear the first and/or second/third shot“.
So now we have a man sent by God, protected by God, who will unite the whole country, who will save humanity. He's not an ET, but he's the 'saviour' everyone's waiting for.

Of course, he was very lucky, and miracles do happen.
Incompetence too, and now that the masks are coming off, we can see just how deeply flawed the Empire is at every level.

Looking at Trump's bodyguards, I found them to be quite young, a bit like zombies, a little lost, not reliable. And not enough bodyguards around him. As for the woman, I found her too short. Especially to protect a big man like Trump.

We are seeing ineptitude in the face. It's not pretty. The real tragedy is also this gentleman who died from a bullet to the head, and also the danger for the people who were at the rally, the danger they ran, the shock they experienced, the fear.
No, all pretty unlikely ideas IMO. I see little reason to be conspiracy minded about "who Tucker is" and "what he really believes and does".
You know, Cosmos, you're probably right. I've thought about it and identified what bothers me about Tucker. At Fox he delivered very tightly written, focused, hard-hitting pieces. He no longer is using that persona. He is an excellent interviewer. But he seems to just talk off the top of his head at his speaking engagements and that hard-hitting focused edge is gone. He seems more just like a very intelligent motormouth I agree with talking at a back yard BBQ. But it seems like something is missing: the gravitas he projected at Fox. He now comes across to me, at times, as just more noise. I am hoping for a definitive 'take' that crystalizes and gives voice to what everyone is thinking as he used to do at Fox and I don't see him doing that. I was thinking the type and style of content he delivered at Fox was the real Tucker. He got fired for going too far over certain lines with that punchy style. But he seems to have mostly abandoned that and my reaction is disappointment because my expectations are too high given the ability and talent I know he has. Que sera..
Were all of them in radio contact with each other? Probably not. And that's the real lapse in security that Crooks (and his likely handlers) exploited.

Just catching up in this thread, so forgive me if this has already been addressed. I worked in ems for 10 years and for events like this there's always an ambulance on ground on standby just in case. Each agency obviously has there own radio channel, but there should be a designated interagency channel for when SHTF so everyone can be made aware to facilitate cooperation for any type of response. Spotting a potential shooter on a rooftop is definitely something that should've been reported on this interagency channel.
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