Failed Trump Assassination Attempt

It was dramatic but didn't look at all serious imo. If gun shots were fired why wasn't everyone running for cover or trying to get on the ground. Trump was defiant
I found it all a bit odd but we'll find out more as the night moves on.
I think the reason people didn't run is because of the nature of most Trump supporters is not to live in fear. There is a spiritual element to knowing the times we live in and what we are up against. They may not understand the multi-density aspect, but they get the selflessness and higher values part. It's as if they were staring down the evil.
At 0:49 you can hear the security members declare that "The shooter is down. The shooter is down."

A close-up from the above photo. My interpretation is that the the two lines on his face are bullet grazes. If this is the case, the longer line might also be the bullet that hit his ear since, from this angle, the path looks direct: starting at his upper lip, travelling across his cheek and slicing his ear. It could also be three separate shots. If this is what this is, you can't get much closer!

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Edit: Was this the 'something big in the middle of July' that was being foreseen by the psychics?
The remote viewers with Future Forecasting Group foresaw this as did a prophet named Brandon (most specifically Brandon, but also Kim Clement, Amanda Grace and others were close). The astrology has fixed star Algol (beheadings/assassinations) conjunct Mars (war) at Trump's Sidereal midheaven (Jeff Harman - Astrologer). Thanks for this analysis, I had assumed it was blood drippings on his face, but what you've shown here is plausible and, if true, I believe the turning of his head was at EXACTLY the last possible moment to get such graze marks.
And the flag being upside down-also symbolic


Not upside down - displayed correctly:

When displayed either horizontally or vertically against a wall, the union should be uppermost and to the flag's own right, that is, to the observer's left.

When suspended, the American flag should be displayed vertically with its folds falling freely, as if it were on a staff. The union, or blue and white stars, should be at the top and to the flag's right, which is the observer's left.


The U.S. flag code, which is not legally enforceable, specifically says that the flag is not to be inverted “except as a signal of dire distress in instance of extreme danger to life or property.”

The upside down flag on Jan. 6:


Flags were once more commonly seen at sea than on land. This is because most people know what country they are traversing, while the identity of a ship at sea would be harder to ascertain. Especially in times of war, it was important to be able to distinguish friend from foe, which could be either a foreign nation or a pirate ship. Nick Garren has argued that the practice of flying a flag upside down was used by ships that were in distress, and only much later became a symbol of political protest.

The notion of flying a flag upside down in protest appears to date back at least 50 years. In Spence v. Washington (1974), the Supreme Court upheld the right of a student to display a U.S. flag upside down from his dorm room with a black peace sign taped on it.

The practice of using an inverted sign as a protest has subsequently been used to express dissent from both the right and the left. As protestors stormed the Capitol Building on Jan. 6, 2021, some carried inverted flags in support of Trump who believed that his reelection loss was due to fraud at the polls. In 2022, Progressives used an inverted sign to protest the overturning of Roe v. Wade, a case that upheld a woman’s right to abortions. Later that year, supporters of Donald Trump used the flag to protest the FBI search of his Mar-a-Lago residence that was related to classified documents he had taken when he left office.

Dozens of upside-down American flags, known for symbolizing a "nation in distress," were spotted outside the Monrovia Public Library on Friday morning. KTLA's Jennifer McGraw reports on Friday, May 31, 2024.

In May 2024, pictures emerged of an inverted flag that had apparently been flown outside Justice Samuel Alito’s house on Jan. 17, 2021, not long after the Jan. 6 riot at the Capitol.


Critics, viewing this as a sign that he could not be impartial on cases involving the 2020 election results, demanded that he recuse himself from any related cases. Alito responded that his wife had posted the flag in protest of derogatory and vulgar signs in a neighbor’s yard and not in solidarity with Washington protestors.

Based on the below, I would say the first "wrong" example for displaying a flag shows the flag in a vertical position upside down:

One big question to ask here is of course, "cui bono?" Of course Trump surviving this attempt on his life has elevated him to almost Caesar-like status; but besides that, I can't help but notice that both Gaza and Ukraine are now suddenly back-page subjects. So I have to wonder if this might have been a hit ordered by Israel/Mossad that failed in its main goal, but still managed to get people focused away from where genocides are actively occurring. And Netanyahu himself is going to be in 'murika later this month. Softening the ground for his appearance, maybe?

It also hasn't passed my attention that Mr. Trump is fully on board with the Zionists and has multiple familial ties with them. But so do the other main candidates for president (including his choice for VP, BTW), so maybe he was too much of an "uncontrollable element" and he was targeted for removal by them? In any case I do think this was planned at a very high level and the "shooter" who was killed probably had a "helper", and there may very well have been a second shooter. I've seen some remarks that there was a water tower in the background that was even higher than the nearby roofs with unobstructed views of the stage, and it also wasn't monitored.

I guess I'm just venting, as those two active genocides are now taking place behind the scenes instead of front and center. And I don't see Trump or his VP candidate working to try to stop them.

Edit: Matt Bracken's take on the "shooter" (former Navy Seal):

Anybody else being bothered by the fact that Crooks is being described in similar fashion to the 19 hijackers from 911?

A loner, with rather poor aim who was kicked out of the shooting club he wanted to be a part of? Doesn't that remind anyone of the lousy pilots?
...In any case I do think this was planned at a very high level and the "shooter" who was killed probably had a "helper", and there may very well have been a second shooter. I've seen some remarks that there was a water tower in the background that was even higher than the nearby roofs with unobstructed views of the stage, and it also wasn't monitored.
I just saw this, seems plausible to be two shooters.


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Trump is going to appear at the RNC tonight - Fox News reports he is on his way.

Portents are featured regularly on Sott, and I'm wondering if I recently experienced such.

On July 3rd, while sitting in my family room late evening, I looked up to see a bat flying around! The room has a cathedral ceiling that goes up to a loft and the bat was swooping between the two areas. Now mind you, I haven't seen any bats outside at dusk for several years and yet, here was one inside my house scaring the blazes out of me! He finally went into our upstairs master bath that hubby quickly closed the doors and put a towel to block the space at the bottom. Thankfully, when he checked with broom in hand mid-morning the next day, no sign of the bat! We assume he got out the way he got in - through the bathroom ceiling vent which really seems impossible, but we couldn't see any other possibility.

The next disturbing incident happened July 11th. I was driving on a busy city thoroughfare that had a distinct curve before coming up to an intersection with a traffic light. Just as I was into the curve, I spotted an injured black bird in the middle of the lane unable to fly and calling in distress! All of the cars in the lane, including my own, went right over this poor bird! Can you imagine the multitude of cars zooming over this terrified bird?! It then occurred to me that the payment must be frying the poor thing as well - we've had a streak of 90+ temps for days! I didn't know what to do as any attempt to go back to rescue the bird would undoubtedly cause my car to be crashed or even my being killed. I didn't even have anything in the car to use to pick up a bird either. I proceeded home and thought about calling the non-emergency police line, but thought the bird could have been run over by then. I still feel guilt and pain thinking of that bird! What a horrible fate and I doubt anyone was able to rescue him although I hope that somehow someone did.

So, a black bat and a black bird - just random occurrences or true portents? And look what happened next that Saturday . . . :shock:
Trump has arrived at the RNC with a white rectangular bandage on his ear - being brought on to the song, God Bless the USA sung live by Lee Greenwood. The crowd is going wild and chanting USA! USA! USA!
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I think the mother is a social worker. The father's employment is a tick in the box on the side of MK Ultra/Greenbauming. At this point, I think he is a mind controlled patsy and the security was designed with gaps to allow this. Keeping an open mind to all possibilities.
I think the mother is a social worker. The father's employment is a tick in the box on the side of MK Ultra/Greenbauming
I think this is a really important thread to tug on. When I first heard about his father (Laura Loomer reporting last night) the first thing that came to mind; was his father and or mother practicing DBT on their son. My earlier comment when this went down and first impressions I received was that he seemed to look slightly 'down' but probably high intellect. That combination if true, could lead to the output that resulted in his 'justification' and 'drive' to do what he did.

Hopefully this exposes this whole evil layer that resides in the mental health professional class that are turning out more and more delusional kids into society whom are remote controlled by those that they are taught to trust.

I think it would be interesting speaking as a father myself whom has cracked up watching/sharing episodes of Demolition Ranch with my own sons, did the father buy him that shirt or did he with his own money? Just a curiosity I have.
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