Failed Trump Assassination Attempt

At this time everyone is concerned about the SS lack of security and the trajectory of the bullet, that caused injury to Trump.

I remember the initial press conference, apologies, I do not have the video, i remember they did not have the identity of the shooter (that was unusual IMO, they usually have a profile laid out) to present to the public, it was stated they were performing Biometric analysis, to confirm the identity of the shooter. Suggest to me they had no clue as to the identity of the shooter.....And this is pure assumption, speculation and conjecture, was he a contract assassin, in the employ of those that hate Trump?

Here is a link, which, indicate a persons psychological and physical profile, all seem to me be an AI generated analysis of an individual, I was reminded of the many genetic tests, that can be mailed in from ancestry websites.

From wikki Biometrics - Wikipedia ...Not the best source, but given we are dealing in the realms of AI it could be an indicator of the process.

Biometric functionality​

Many different aspects of human physiology, chemistry or behavior can be used for biometric authentication. The selection of a particular biometric for use in a specific application involves a weighting of several factors. Jain et al. (1999)[4] identified seven such factors to be used when assessing the suitability of any trait for use in biometric authentication. Biometric authentication is based upon biometric recognition which is an advanced method of recognising biological and behavioural characteristics of an Individual.

We really have no clear evidence of who the shooter really is. It is being created as the story enfolds. All we know he was 20 year old with no clearly defined ideology. Strangely where are the parents in this mix. I don't recall any information regarding parents or family connections, usually used by the MSM to fill out the narrative.

Strikes me the US Nation, not only trump missed the bullit. Can one imagine the chaos that would have been created, with the live assination of Trump and thousands of Trump supporters watching not only at the rally but on TV 24/7 blasted to the public by the MSM.
I have this scenario in my mind and regarding what we already know, we can draw a parallel about Lady Diana and Trump. Some people can be seen as a powerful symbol and I remember that Diana's death was categorised to be an STO meaning. I do think this assassination of Trump is still in the sight of the PTB but it's also deeply related with some decisions made by 4D STS and STO. Indeed If you want to create resistance in people, you need to kill the symbol that Trump bring to american people right now, killing the last hope. If there was a divine intervention to save his life, then maybe it's to add even more energy around him and made the decision that the resistance will be much more intense to kill him right before the election (or during the first months of presidency) than killing him know. So if we think in an STO way, Trump could be sacrifice later, because now they just want to accumulate enough energy and once this energy will be released, the resistance that it will trigger will be more powerful and will bring the balance the Quorum discussed. It looks like a drama scenario but why not ?
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Classic Carlson - 10 minute interview:

Tucker Carlson: ‘Not Crazy’ to Think ’It Wasn’t Just a Lone Gunman’​

The Daily Signal caught up with Carlson behind the scenes of the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee Monday to ask about the implications of the assassination attempt on the election, and Trump’s selection of Sen. JD Vance, R-Ohio, for vice president.

Almost 2 hour vid of Tucker at event from above interview:

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Has anyone thought about the possibility that a real sniper was positioned in the same building where the rooftop shooter was on, positioned maybe slightly below him within the building? Maybe aiming through a window or small crack or hole? Maybe delivering at least the first shot that hit Trump (possibly the first three)? Would be sort of the perfect cover? And the more rapid shots we hear after the fist three slower shots and the pause got delivered by the rooftop gun man? Who was there as the patsy, deliberately being armed without a good gun and without a scope so that he would be guaranteed to not be the deciding factor?

I just saw this, seems plausible to be two shooters.

Thanks for finding that! Interestingly I saw the first interview with the woman before but the parts we can see above were cut out! I think we might have just found the smoking gun that can explain a number of anomalies.

So, my strong bet for now is:

- The rooftop shooter was the patsy from the get-go.

- At least one and possibly two real snipers or more were present. One of those snipers delivered the first shot that hit Trump (and possibly the first 3 shots) probably from the water tower and/or another location in the woods, or not too far away from the rooftop guy, possibly inside a building.

- the rooftop shooter delivered the faster shots after the first 3 shots and the pause.

- the rooftop shooter gets killed and possibly the water tower sniper. The water tower sniper part gets heavily censored

Edit: Spelling
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I also think, that there must be another shooter. Because you need to train very hard to be that calm, precise and ruthless too shoot on someone. Especially on a relative small target.

Normally every weapon and it's bullets have it's own fingerprint, even the same brand and so on. Though it would the job of a ballistic professional to discern the fired bullets/angles etc. But I‘m afraid, that such a report will not be released.

Anyway, good for Trump that he survived.
It is one thing to see the assassins roof from afar and via maps but if you see it like that from the location on the ground there is no way in hell I can believe that any even half decent security service wouldn't check and/or secure exactly that building that is very close and at the perfect position to shoot at the president! It is basically the most perfect, closest and deadly spot for a sniper to shoot at Trump. A five-year-old could tell you that, and yet, the security service failed completely.

Don't disagree. In the reverse angles from the elevated counter snippers, it is possible that they were looking further afield. However, they don't seem to have been looking (positioning rifles) more than 20 degrees right or left of center. One thing, and it is hard to tell, is that the further out one goes beyond where the shooter actually was (close roof), any potential assassin would need to gain sufficient elevation to maintain the same trajectory, or the shot angle starts to fall away. So, what was out there that would provide the same angle to Trump that was sufficiently elevated, something that would not have been covered by security, or was a considerable focus of opportunity that the counter snippers were looking at as a potential threat?

With the time-lapse video that was shown - the very time sequence and peoples reactions, one would think that that alone would generate much talk on radio coms (like saying 'someone is possibly on the roof') and the counter snippers would naturally focus on that area waiting for a signature, and cops would have gone to investigate. Of course, the convivence of a ready ladder and a man with a gun on a roof, is another matter.
Huh? So there were snipers inside the building thqt the shooter shot from? If so, the plot thickens...
But wait . . . there's more!

Shocking Report: Secret Service Resources Diverted From PA Trump Rally to Jill Biden, More Troubling Info

Crabtree said that Secret Service resources were diverted away from Trump's rally to Jill Biden's Pittsburgh event at the same time. She said this was done because of "agency protocol applying to Trump as a former president," according to two of her sources within the Secret Service community.

What the heck? So what they're saying is that because they were treating Trump just as a former president, not necessarily the current candidate with a lot of threats against him, Jill Biden was given priority over him.

That wasn't all. Additionally, Crabtree explained from another source in the Secret Service community there were problems because the team had a lot of replacements.

There were also many supplemental agents from different field offices who were not Trump's regular detail, providing security at the rally because Trump's regular detail has been overworked.

“Trump has a permanent detail, however it’s much smaller in the amount of bodies,” the source said. “His detail has been worked so hard with all the travel that they’re working 7 days a week with shift changes. so HQ sends in temp agents to supplement - not a good scenario. Mission Failure, IMHO.”

According to the report, there were only two counter-snipers.

"I’m told the only permanent agent from trump’s detail during the rally was SAIC (Special Agent In Charge) Kern, two sources within the Secret Service community told me. All others were temps," Crabtree reported. Pittsburgh "USSS Field Office had a Jill Biden visit and designated a lot of resources to her, the source said. Also - the advance work only occurred one-day beforehand bc of a lack of resources."

Where were the resources? The Pittsburgh USSS Field Office had a Jill Biden visit and designated a lot of resources to her. “That is f—-ing unbelievable to me,” the source remarked.
What an idea to hold an open-air rally! Weren't Trump and his security service warned of a possible danger? A closed space would have been better.

I was surprised by the calm reaction (obviously in shock) when a spectator was shot in the head. Almost oriental calm. It was still a dangerous situation for everyone. Let's just say it's strange. Unless the shock of the situation means that people are incapable of moving or reacting. It's a clue that the “shock” theory means that people don't react, that fear means that people become paralysed. Maybe. It would have been interesting to see the reaction of the crowd, there were so many people.
Don't disagree. In the reverse angles from the elevated counter snippers, it is possible that they were looking further afield. However, they don't seem to have been looking (positioning rifles) more than 20 degrees right or left of center. One thing, and it is hard to tell, is that the further out one goes beyond where the shooter actually was (close roof), any potential assassin would need to gain sufficient elevation to maintain the same trajectory, or the shot angle starts to fall away. So, what was out there that would provide the same angle to Trump that was sufficiently elevated, something that would not have been covered by security, or was a considerable focus of opportunity that the counter snippers were looking at as a potential threat?

With the time-lapse video that was shown - the very time sequence and peoples reactions, one would think that that alone would generate much talk on radio coms (like saying 'someone is possibly on the roof') and the counter snippers would naturally focus on that area waiting for a signature, and cops would have gone to investigate. Of course, the convivence of a ready ladder and a man with a gun on a roof, is another matter.


Oh, right, the water tower (although super obvious and an interesting triangulation).

But wait . . . there's more!

Another Secret Service source says approval for the Counter Sniper Team was only granted the day before the rally - and that is not enough time for a two-man team to do their survey. That’s nowhere near enough time - a site like that should have had at least three Secret Service counter-sniper teams at the very least.”

As expected:

Trump Changes Theme Of Republican Convention After Assassination Attempt
Former President Donald Trump has changed the theme of the Republican National Convention after a 20-year-old who donated to far-Left causes shot him on Saturday during an assassination attempt at a campaign event in Pennsylvania.

Trump landed in Milwaukee on Sunday evening ahead of the convention’s start on Monday as political tensions in the U.S. have increased in the wake of Saturday’s tragedy in which at least one Trump supporter was killed and two more were critically injured.

Trump, who sets the tone for the convention, told the Washington Examiner that he initially planned on hammering President Joe Biden throughout his speech.

“Honestly, it’s going to be a whole different speech now,” he said.

Trump said that his original plan was to maximize excitement among his most ardent supporters, but his speech will now reflect his belief that the assassination attempt has “changed the election campaign entirely,” the report said.
He said that his address would focus on unity and bringing the country together in light of what happened.

“It is a chance to bring the country together. I was given that chance,” he said. “This is a chance to bring the whole country, even the whole world, together. The speech will be a lot different, a lot different than it would’ve been two days ago.”

The Washington Post reported earlier on Sunday that someone close to the president said that Trump was almost “spiritual” about the assassination attempt.

“He thinks he was handed a gift from God. He can’t believe it,” said the person, who was granted anonymity to discuss sensitive conversations with the president.

The convention planners want speakers to “dial it down, not dial it up” after the assassination attempt, the person told the Post.
Q:(L) Is this something we're seeing right now with these massivedemonstrations going on in American universities, which basicallygive Israel a very bad image?
(Joe)Because of what they're doing in Palestine.
(L)So they have something to do about it?
A:Very warmly.
Q:(L) So it has to do with Israel, maybe with Trump and the Americanpolitical scene and the mass protests against genocide and Palestine?
Q:(L) So they're going to try to do something because...
(Joe)To divert attention from all that.
(L)To divert attention from it all, or to mitigate it?

Forme, I see Thomas Crooks as a scapegoat, there was a professional whoshot first, and did a good job of it, and it was also the soundsignal given to Crooks to shoot into the crowd (he wasn't chosen tokill Trump, not an amateur)and also to be able to compare the bulletswith the murder weapon, it has to be that for the investigators andto confirm that it was indeed him who shot
Aprofessional doesn't get noticed by the crowd, so Crooks had to getnoticed so that people only saw him and not the pro, and of course, aradical, as is often the case.
Peoplewill be busy speculating
Idon't think this is the time to kill Trump, that'll happen on anotheroccasion.
Justmy vision after reading and watching everything.

I was wrong, I didn't have a good vision about the pro, he missed his shot. I think, like some here, that Trump was protected.
Who's telling the truth?
Crabtree said that Secret Service resources were diverted away from Trump's rally to Jill Biden's Pittsburgh event at the same time.

Secret Service Claims Reports That Resources Were Diverted From Trump Rally To Protect Jill Biden Are Wrong
The U.S. Secret Service disputed reports on Sunday that said the agency diverted resources away from protecting former President Donald Trump at his campaign rally to protect first lady Jill Biden, who was also in Pennsylvania at the time.

RealClearPolitics White House & National Political Correspondent Susan Crabtree reported on social media that sources told her resources were diverted away from Trump to protect the first lady.

Anthony Guglielmi, Chief of Communications for the Secret Service, responded to Crabtree’s post, which garnered millions of views on X, by saying that it was false.
“Susan, this is very wrong,” he claimed. “We did not divert resources from FPOTUS Trump & protection models don’t work that way. As far as ‘field office teams’ these are the candidate nominee operations teams that are added during election years for the heavy travel tempo.”

Former Secret Service agent Dan Bongino told Fox News on Sunday night that his sources indicated to him that there were fewer Secret Service agents at the event than are normally present.

“I’m getting from a number of sources that people are feeding to me their information — obviously because they want to fix it, they’re concerned that I think you’re going to see a lot of whistleblowers — I’m hearing that were very few, I don’t want to give an exact number, but very few actual Secret Service [agents] at that site,” he said.

He added that some security personnel at Saturday’s rally were temporary officials from Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) who are not trained to carry out the same role as Secret Service agents.

“I’m also hearing that the counter sniper had a problem seeing over the elevation that’s why didn’t engage right away,” he said. “But that’s not the problem. The problem is, where the hell was the aerial visual support? Why was there no helicopter? Why was there no drone? Why was there no FLIR? Why was there no thermal? Forward looking infrared? How the hell is the crowd acting as the frickin counter surveillance?”

From the previously cited article, Guglielmi denied additional resources request was rebuffed:

If that were true, why wasn't the roof covered properly? Why wasn't the shooter picked up from an area that should have been a top priority to make sure was safe since it was a high vantage point? If they had everything, then we're talking about the Secret Service just completely missing or not reacting to obvious dangers, and that would raise even more questions.

Former Secret Service agent Dan Bongino called on Guglielmi to resign.
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