Failed Trump Assassination Attempt

Lizzies could be pulling a Billy Meier number on him, feeding him accurate foreknowledge.. to twist for later. As you said, the synchronicity here is on insane overdrive: fans holding multiple signs on camera saying "you are fired" ([on!]).. The earlier 'bloody white and black horses news' gottathink pointed out matching the words of the prophet.

Earth is turning into a Hyperdimensional Theater Show, it feels. As if like now after the Quorum meeting there is "All hands on deck" for powerful celestial action-parties - Names of God - making changes in our world real-time showing up as crazy overwhelming synchronicities: Just merely witnessing the complexity of those universal symbols surfacing is tiring and emotionally straining / mentally exhausting. For me at least.
Wondering if the plan has changed after the Quorum meeting. The C's said Trump won't be president but maybe that has changed and is now in the cards to cause further chaos for the American people (civil war anyone). Just a thought.
There ought to be police body cam footage right? That should answer a lot of questions.

Also, I’m wondering at what point did the SS guys next to Trump realize there was something weird going on. We have reports of cops having encounters, the possibility of the sniper knowing about it, and of course people filming and screaming for 2 minutes. Did no one communicate to the guys in close proximity to Trump that they’re investigating someone weird? I’d think they could just get Trump off the stage or down temporarily which would then nullify any ability to shoot him, then they have all the time in the world to deal with it, and then bring Trump back. So either they didn’t know it was a real threat, or they failed to communicate, or worse, they communicated to “command” and someone whose job it was to route the communication didn’t do it.

Finally, I can’t imagine the PTB will just shrug and say “gg well played” and move on. They are now like a wild animal against a wall. Angry and desperate. What’s going to be their next move? If they can’t give Trump a stroke (The C’s did say that was on the table) probably a national or global crisis that suspends the election. Presidents don’t get switched during wartime, so maybe a major war? Then again, given their own focus on Biden’s disintegration, which they can’t undo, we might just see a first ever incumbent being switched out during wartime because who the hell would trust him in a serious crisis?

My guess is somehow cancel the election. Whether the will be another miscalculation and backfire on them is another question.
Finally, I can’t imagine the PTB will just shrug and say “gg well played” and move on. They are now like a wild animal against a wall. Angry and desperate. What’s going to be their next move? If they can’t give Trump a stroke (The C’s did say that was on the table) probably a national or global crisis that suspends the election. Presidents don’t get switched during wartime, so maybe a major war? Then again, given their own focus on Biden’s disintegration, which they can’t undo, we might just see a first ever incumbent being switched out during wartime because who the hell would trust him in a serious crisis?

My guess is somehow cancel the election. Whether the will be another miscalculation and backfire on them is another question.
Yeah, I'm thinking along similar lines. I'm not convinced it's divine intervention, he might just be lucky. If I was in the PTB's shoes, I would heart attack him once things settle down a bit. Barring that, send a more professional CIA hitman. If the objective is to eliminate Trump at all costs, there comes a point in time where you just do whatever it takes, everything else be dammed. If he survives all of that, then I would come around to the idea of him having some higher order protection. At that point, I think they unleash some kind of worldwide calamity which makes the country essentially ungovernable. It becomes sort of a pyrrhic victory for both sides, with the PTB getting the last laugh as far as Trump is concerned, but at the expense of things getting so far out of hand that they lose it all.
Re the leak about Trump's choice of VP? Someone has already written it up on Wikipedia as if it is already fact. OK most probably wishful thinking. But he has cited VANCE
However, havving read the entire bio/info I well incredibly gob smacked. Apart from the obvious Israeli vs Palestine backing of Israel, practically everything else he stands for could nearly come out of Putin/Russia's aims! Family come first and to hell with all this libtard BS. Plus an ideal God respecting partner for the new God- inspired Trump. He has recently converted to Catholism. Plus great diverse knowledge background/experience to be a good, reliable and practical support for Trump - and most of our hopes too!

I do like Carlson but this Vance seems a great choice and good contender if what we read about him is actually factual.

So as we, and Carlson, may seem to have the same inkling - it looks as though we may have more of a level playing field if they can only team up with the Global South! (Yeah, maybe too far fetched, but who knows?) ;-)
I don't really put too much concern about all of the logistics of the shooting, was it staged, who done it, was there intentional security lapses, was there other shooters, was the guy on the roof a patsy who was shot so has no chance to speak (usual tactic). In my view the event was 4D STS to serve their purpose. Personally I will just wait and see what the outcome will bring on next. Just got to keep our eyes open.
The Secret Service Advance Team purposefully failed just like they positioned JFK into the Dealey Plaza kill zone in 1963. Line of sight positions are supposed to be defended with agents during a rally. Compartmentalized agents on stage took action however Trump was slow walked and displayed as an easy target on the stage for some time, rather than immediately shoved into the protective vehicle. The keystone cop surround Trump technique used by the Secret Service agents to hold the target on stage in full view of the shooter is another purposefully slow and stupid tactic; it is likely a second shooter was expected and the second shooter got cold feet.
What I trained when it comes to VIP protection in hostile zones is one element is covering if the threat direction is known or it is seen, and the second is escorting VIP running to the cover or the car and speeding off depending on situation so this tactic they have is really stupid by being stationary, it is always hard to hit moving targets, basics.
Has anyone thought about the possibility that a real sniper was positioned in the same building where the rooftop shooter was on, positioned maybe slightly below him within the building? Maybe aiming through a window or small crack or hole? Maybe delivering at least the first shot that hit Trump (possibly the first three)? Would be sort of the perfect cover? And the more rapid shots we hear after the fist three slower shots and the pause got delivered by the rooftop gun man? Who was there as the patsy, deliberately being armed without a good gun and without a scope so that he would be guaranteed to not be the deciding factor?

I think it is totally possible and whether or not he is a professional, in my opinion it matters little because what they do require is that it be a bait that once everything goes wrong or well, it is also silenced.

This morning on a news channel it was reported that apparently different types of ammunition have already been found, but that will depend on whether the "ghost shooter" managed to shoot or not.

Where the shooter "bait" was located was very discovered and clumsy in the way he did it in front of everyone as if that was properly his intention, to attract attention. It almost makes me think that he was given a guarantee that nothing would happen to him once the work was finished. What has been said about his way of being, it seems as if he has been waiting to do what he did for a long time.

In my opinion, he went up as if he expected to come down and get on with his life.

There was an interesting window of time, but that other shot and possibly the accurate one, never occurred.

All these are stirring photos.

Like this?

I might have missed the explanation, but what happened to the claim that one's eardrum should burst if a very high velocity bullet passed by?

If this is indeed so and did not happen to Trump from a supposedly off the shelf .223 round fired from an AR-15, then is this evidence of perhaps a subsonic round fired from another shooter?
It shouldn't. The bullet is very small object and it travels faster than the speed of sound. All you can hear in such situation is: "zzzzz", buzzing.

Theoretically, it can damage the ear drum, but you must be very very close to the opening of the gun's barrel. I had the situation when 9 mm parabellum (bigger among pistol calibers) gun shot directly at me, in the height of my head, some meter in front of me. I felt the heat, the mortar (bullet struck in a wall behind me, some 15 cm from my left ear), and I was deaf for about half an hour, but with no damage on my hearing.

More serious damage to the hearing is from explosions, where "blast", pressure from shock wave is much bigger and serious.
I pretty much agree: What we just saw was likely the hand of "god" or whatever you want to call it. Incredible. History in the making, and we are in the middle of it. So grateful and humbled to be alive and be able to watch the show like that.
If the plan is not to gain him even more popularity, almost make him president again, and then "finish" the job. Make him martyr, state martial law in the US, and have a real "shock & awe" with that.
Jesse Watters Primetime on now revealing more troubling details - may be able to grab video later.

Regarding TUCKER taking 3 days to respond:

Who else is scrambling to come up with a response? With plan B? With a way to spin it going forward?
I saw this noted on my laptop news (that was part of an update that I didn't want and is now a permanent feature of the taskbar) - yesterday I think:


MSNBC Yanks Trump-Hating “Morning Joe” Off the Air Following Trump Assassination Attempt

Far-left MSNBC yanked its signature morning news program off the air following the attempt on Trump’s life by a Democrat donor on Saturday.

CNN revealed that “Morning Joe,” which is hosted by Trump Derangement syndrome-suffering (TDS) suffering lovebirds Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski, did not air Monday as details continue to roll in on one of the most horrifying and fateful days in American history.

Sources told the news outlet that Cesar Conde, the chairman of NBCUniversal News Group, made the decision in conjunction with Rashida Jones, the president of MSNBC, and Scarborough and Brzezinski.

MSNBC claimed in a statement to their rival network that the move was appropriate given “the complexity of the unfolding story” and at least one news feed was needed to cover the assassination attempt at all times.

When I first saw it, I chalked it up to how all the Biden ads were being pulled (just like when a plane crashes, airline ads are pulled). But after Joe's assessment on what may have likely been the plan, maybe this toxic team had to throw out their entire script for Monday's show that detailed the assassination of Donald Trump! Is that so hard to believe considering how hate-mongering they have been about Trump for years? And did all the networks cover the rally expecting it to be "explosive"?!
MSNBC says “Morning Joe” will resume regular broadcasting on Tuesday, but one should be skeptical because guests will not suddenly change their minds. No one should put a disgusting comment past Joe or Mika, either.

Joe and Mika, after all, have proven to be Biden’s most loyal enablers for years and have traded turns engaging in some of the most insane TDS meltdowns imaginable. One perfect example is when Scarborough back in November ridiculously claimed that Trump would execute his political opponents.

Yeah, I imagine these two are in a state of shock that Trump still lives.

Take a look at the following footage from that day/crime scene, starting at 1:12:
This is a very powerful video. Such a cross-section of Trump supporters literally sporting their patriotism and support for the only man that can rescue our country! These are the same as those who showed up for Jan. 6 and were ruthlessly attacked and sabotaged by all the bad deep state actors including the FBI. These are the real God-fearing Americans that want our great country taken back from the evil psychos doing everything they can to destroy the USA and them! Were bad DS actors planted in the crowd here as well? Who knows what their roles were had Trump been taken down?

I couldn't help but sob for the one casualty of this attack - a wonderful, heroic man, husband, and father who laid down his own body to protect his family. I saw the doctor featured in another vid that came to his aid with blood on his shirt and the same on others who tried to help. My heart broke for the family who has lost the one they love more than anything. Such a tragedy and could have been so much worst if the plan had succeeded.

although the hand reaching into Trumps trousers is a bit odd.
I think that's the SS guy who was holding Trump's MAGA hat.
I, for one, am forming the opinion that this is playing out exactly as the PTB (Quorum, etc.) want it to. The amount of divisiveness that is being displayed right now is almost unbelievable.

From the people who are stating that they wish the shooter had been a better shot to the people stating that he was saved by divine intervention the cultural divide is becoming stronger and much more defined by the minute.

The only thing we need now is some sort of national or global calamity that one would think would normally bring people together regardless of their political or social allegiances. From what I am seeing, it would be almost impossible for people to rally together at this point. Even in the face of a global threat.

My opinion is that, in the event of a national or global threat occurring right now, we would form ourselves into even tighter divisions. It would literally be brother against brother.

The other thought that is bothering me is if some sort of "divine messenger" were to appear at this time. Some sort of false prophet or false messiah that would appeal to the people's sense of a lack of strong, moralistic leadership. Possibly some sort of AI overlord. One who is guaranteed to not act out of emotion or self-interest.

The world right now seems like an overripe peach that is ready to be plucked by whoever has the longest fruit picker.

(Sorry if this seems a little rambling or nonsensical but I felt that I had to share my thoughts)
This news is from yesterday and is partly about the accusations between the secret service and the police, according to two sources (one is a former agent who is surprised by the mistake of leaving that vulnerable point unguarded and who points out that ultimately it is the responsibility of the secret service to make the police do their part of the job) the secret services pointed out the roof from where the shooter fired as a vulnerable point before the rally, It is also mentioned, as has already been hinted, that at least some of the snipers were focused on doing counter-sniper work so their vision was elsewhere.
Rooftop where gunman shot at Trump was identified as a security vulnerability before rally: sources
Two sources told NBC News that the Secret Service flagged a building near the rally site as a security concern. Investigators will be scrutinizing how a gunman was allowed to scale it.
The rooftop where a gunman shot at former President Donald Trump during a campaign rally was identified by the Secret Service as a potential vulnerability in the days before the event, two sources familiar with the agency’s operations told NBC News.
The building, owned by a glass research company, is adjacent to the Butler Farm Show, an outdoor venue in Butler, Pennsylvania. The Secret Service was aware of the risks associated with it, the sources said.
“Someone should have been on the roof or securing the building so no one could get on the roof,” said one of the sources, a former senior Secret Service agent who was familiar with the planning.
Understanding how the gunman got onto the roof — despite those concerns — is a central question for investigators scrutinizing how a lone attacker managed to shoot at Trump during Saturday’s campaign event.
The Secret Service worked with local law enforcement to maintain event security, including sniper teams poised on rooftops to identify and eliminate threats, Secret Service spokesman Anthony Guglielmi said. But no officers were posted on the building used by the would-be assassin, outside the event’s security perimeter but only about 148 yards from the stage — within range of a semiautomatic rifle like the one the gunman was carrying.
The Secret Service had designated that rooftop as being under the jurisdiction of local law enforcement, a common practice in securing outdoor rallies, Guglielmi said. Butler County District Attorney Richard Goldinger said his office maintains an Emergency Services Unit team, which deployed four sniper teams and four “quick response teams” at the rally. But he said the Secret Service agents were in charge of security outside the venue.

“They had meetings in the week prior. The Secret Service ran the show. They were the ones who designated who did what,” Goldinger said. “In the command hierarchy, they were top, they were No. 1.”

Goldinger said the commander of the Emergency Services Unit told him it was not responsible for securing areas outside the venue. “To me, the whole thing is under the jurisdiction of the Secret Service. And they will delineate from there,” he said.

The former senior Secret Service agent also said that even if local law enforcement “did drop the ball,” it’s still the agency’s responsibility “to ensure that they are following through either beforehand or in the moment.”

“Just because it is outside of the perimeter, it doesn’t take it out of play for a vulnerability, and you’ve got to mitigate it in some fashion,” the source added.

In this other news it is as if they went out of their way to convey that Trump could be shot again given the conditions... I find it curious that part of the statements come from Republican personnel.

Secret Service says there are no plans to change security measures for RNCLaw enforcement officers reiterated their confidence in the security apparatus already in place despite the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump.

Secret Service and local law enforcement representatives said Sunday there are no plans to change the security measures for the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee this week.
Law enforcement officers reiterated their confidence in the security apparatus already in place, saying their security footprint will remain as planned despite Saturday’s attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump.

“We’re not anticipating any changes to our operational security plans for this event,” said the Secret Service’s RNC coordinator, Audrey Gibson-Cicchino. She declined to answer several questions about Saturday’s events in Pennsylvania, citing her RNC-specific jurisdiction.
Gibson-Cicchino emphasized that the security planning in Milwaukee has been underway for 18 months and has already been designated the highest level of security event.
Pressed about specific threats to this week’s gathering, Michael Hensle, the FBI’s special agent in charge in Milwaukee, said that there is “no known specific articulated threat to the RNC during or any specific individual attendee” but that there are higher levels of online “chatter” about the assassination attempt.
At a separate news briefing earlier Sunday, FBI Deputy Director Paul Abbate said the number of online threats of violence, which was already on the upswing, has risen since the attack.
Given the possibility of guns in the soft security perimeter around the Fiserv Forum arena, where the convention will take place — a consequence of Wisconsin’s open-carry laws — Police Chief Jeffrey Norman said the city is unable to restrict guns anywhere in Milwaukee under those state regulations.

“We as a city cannot legislate out of that,” Norman said of the state’s open-carry allowances, adding that from a “law enforcement aspect, we have to operate within those guidelines.”

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