Failed Trump Assassination Attempt

I'm open to there being more than one shooter, but my main problem with the idea is this: if Crooks was a patsy, and there were professionals involved in order to make sure the assassination happened, then why didn't it? Did the pro sneeze at an inopportune moment or something?
I was out having a smoke after posting and I was thinking the same thing. How did it not go as planned if there were more shooters? How did they miss, etc?

And SS also allowed Trump to be exposed when he was pumping his fist and saying "fight" after they eventually got him on his feet supposedly after getting the word that the shooter, Crooks, had been taken out. But maybe by then it was too late to take him out and there would be too many questions, if there were other shooters, etc besides Crooks.
What would the line of sight be like from inside the building? Anyone tried to model that using Google Earth 3d? Same with the water tower - would shots from that direction match the ballistics of anyone who got shot?

Take a look at the video below, starting at minute 05:42. The guy that is filming is maybe 1 to 2 meters below Trumps head level on stage while being situated pretty much directly in the line of sight the bullet must have travelled that hit Trump, if it was fired from somewhere in the rooftop building. First you see him filming Trump on stage, then he turns around, and we clearly see the rooftop building with at least two windows directly facing Trump. From that footage alone, I'm almost 100% sure that there is a perfect line of sight at least from one and possibly several different parts of the rooftop building toward Trump. Starting at 07:30 you see more parts of the rooftop building at the same line of sight angle. I'm counting a total of at least 5 Window type openings that might have all been in line of sight. There is a not extended crane type thing in the way though that might have obstructed the line of sight from at least some windows:

Take a look at the following footage from that day/crime scene, starting at 1:12:

It is one thing to see the assassins roof from afar and via maps but if you see it like that from the location on the ground there is no way in hell I can believe that any even half decent security service wouldn't check and/or secure exactly that building that is very close and at the perfect position to shoot at the president! It is basically the most perfect, closest and deadly spot for a sniper to shoot at Trump. A five-year-old could tell you that, and yet, the security service failed completely.

To be 100% sure, we would need some footage at the head level of Trump in line of sight of the rooftop building.
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I'm open to there being more than one shooter, but my main problem with the idea is this: if Crooks was a patsy, and there were professionals involved in order to make sure the assassination happened, then why didn't it? Did the pro sneeze at an inopportune moment or something?

Baby Jesus saved him! :lol:

Seriously, the only reason that comes to mind is that they had to coordinate their shot with the patsy getting in position, so they were forced to shoot when Trump was still going back and forth berween his chart and teleprompter, which wasn't ideal, but doable. But then he turned his head within a fraction of a second, starting the movement after the shot was fired (according to a calculation I saw). I.e. Baby Jesus.

But I dunno. It just seems unlikely they would leave such a difficult shot to a kid with no real experience.
My God, thank God he survived. This surely will backfire on them.
I am sure that a lot of us think that there is something way off with this whole scenario of the shooter being able to get into this event. The feeling I got when I saw the footage was of JFK. From 2016, I had become much more aware of Mr T, other than a couple of times seeing him on that programme The Apprentice, I was not into politics at all up to that point, but the 2016 election run up, when those polls were being bandied about all over the internet, with HRC leading, that is where I got one of my knowings. I knew that those figures were just plain wrong but had not seen any news about the election campaign at that point, so this struck me as being off. I remember I was washing up and had been watching something and then this news item came up, talking about the most recent polls, with HRC way ahead of Mr T, that right there just struck me as just being plain wrong, that is what I was feeling strongly internally, I even called out to my son and said something like, "That is BS, Trump is actually leading and he is going to win by a landslide" I had such conviction of this, and when I get one of my feelings, it is usually spot on. I was still thinking though, where the hell did that come from. So as I was washing up, and what I now think is that with my hands in the water, it aids the connectivity to my clairsentience, my knowing was that he had a particular destiny to follow and it was very important globally and he would not be stopped. What was a bit chilling though, that on the back of that feeling, was also the undeniable feeling that if HRC got in, we would have WW3 and I got the feeling of humanity in prison camps! I shuddered when I felt this one as I knew that this other timeline was right there and they were doing everything in their power to bring their plans in. More recently, I also felt, that Mr T would have an attempt on his life, but that it would not come about. So I was a bit shocked when I saw the news. I had pondered this and felt strongly that there would be absolute chaos and rage that would erupt if Mr T would have been killed. Whilst the powers that were want chaos as their ethos describes (order through chaos) they want it on their terms, and so what the C's spoke of today, reminded me of exactly what I had felt, that it would be an uncontrollable outpouring of rage and throwing down the gauntlet. This scenario might have followed with a declaration of martial law!

Now, it would seem that a new more positive energy has been birthed from this scenario.....we shall just have to see!
I'm not convinced it's divine intervention, he might just be lucky.
The grazing of Trump's ear has honestly consternated many. It seems like the physical universe is getting more 'symbolic' seeming. Or so it seems. Or "so it goes" as Vonnegut would say. If you take the particle view it's more like luck, if you take 'the wave' view, it seems more symbolic. A Shrodenger's Cat brain/mind teaser for the right and the left.
I'm open to there being more than one shooter, but my main problem with the idea is this: if Crooks was a patsy, and there were professionals involved in order to make sure the assassination happened, then why didn't it? Did the pro sneeze at an inopportune moment or something?

Baby Jesus saved him! :lol:

That's basically my explanation for that!

But more seriously and broadly speaking, I think whoever did it, didn't really miss. I think the first shot was fired and hit Trump, possibly by a professional sniper near the rooftop shooter angle (possibly inside the building) and IT WAS pretty much a bullseye hit. BUT Trump turned his had just ever so slightly at the exact right moment, which caused the bullseye hit to miss just millimeters. Then the professional guy probably had to aim again and was possibly quite perplexed that he didn't hit, which didn't contribute well to the accuracy of his, presumably, second and third shot. After the third shot was delivered, Trump was already covered down. So everything after that point in time was probably a hard and/or risky shot for any professional sniper, not matter from where he (or they) might have shot from. In addition, as someone mentioned earlier, shooting much later than that might have been too risky for the plan (could make it obvious that more snipers were involved). But then again, Trumps head doesn't seem to move much at all for the first 2 shots while only slightly downward at the third shot, so, I have to agree that it is kinda strange that a professional sniper (or even several of them) would miss three such easy shots in a row (presumably easy for a professional sniper).
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This sounds possible, given that Trump's ethics have indicated that a redirection of funds to Ukraine will be eliminated if and when Trump and Vance are elected. Kolomoisky will always be a possible candidate behind past aggregations in the United States.

Ukrainian opposition leader sends letter to Trump saying Kiev had motive to kill him
"Physical elimination of political opponents and political corruption are links in a chain for those who are seeking to stay in power and are profiting from the war in Ukraine by means of selling weapons to Ukrainian neo-Nazis," Viktor Medvedchuk stressed

MOSCOW, July 16. /TASS/. Ukrainian opposition politician Viktor Medvedchuk has sent a letter to US presidential nominee Donald Trump, where he pointed to a potential Ukrainian link in the recent attempt on his life.

Medvedchuk, the former leader of the Opposition Platform For Life party, which is banned in Ukraine, who now leads the Other Ukraine movement, suggested that Trump’s repeated calls for peace in Ukraine made him a target. "This peace means the loss of power for the Zelensky’s Nazi regime and its American sponsors from the Biden administration," the letter, made available to TASS, says.

"This is why, esteemed Mr. Trump, you have become an enemy for Ukrainian neo-Nazi Zelensky. And this scoundrel will stop at nothing to keep you from winning the presidential race," Medvedchuk said in his letter. "I think that a Ukrainian link may appear in the assassination attempt case."

Medvedchuk recalled that a day prior to the attempt to kill Trump chief of Ukraine’s military intelligence Kirill Budanov said that the Ukrainian authorities had tried to stage an attempt on Russian President Vladimir Putin’s life and several days before that chief of the Ukrainian presidential office Andrey Yermak had warned that any Ukrainians who want to make peace with Russia would be eliminated.

"Physical elimination of political opponents and political corruption are links in a chain for those who are seeking to stay in power and are profiting from the war in Ukraine by means of selling weapons to Ukrainian neo-Nazis," he wrote in the letter. "NATO countries continue militarizing Ukraine through rendering armed and financial support for the group of plotters who are illegally holding power in Ukraine.

According to the report by the US Department of Defense Office of Inspector General, the United States has supplied more than $70 bln worth of weapons to Ukraine since 2022."

Risk of the conflict expansion

According to Medvedchuk, lavish weapons and ammunition supplies to Ukraine promote the conflict escalating and create serious risks of weapons spread after the conflict is over. Air defense systems, drones, guided ammunition that have been supplied to Kiev are freely circulating on the weapons black market and are used by radical and terrorist groups worldwide.

"The usurpation of power by Zelensky and his personal interest in continuing hostilities in Ukraine to stay in power may lead to a bigger escalation of the conflict, its territorial expansion and the involvement of third countries, may entail more casualties, new acts of aggression and new threats to the entire world," Medvedchuk warned. "This threat can be thwarted when support for Zelensky’s criminal regime is stopped."

He wished Trump good health, firmness and victory in the upcoming presidential election in the United States. "I am sure you are ready to take resolute actions, condemn and punish the criminal regime in Kiev, impose personal sanctions on its most heinous and corrupt representatives. The sooner this happens, the sooner global political players will be able to begin talks on a new world order and the more human lives will be saved on our planet," he emphasized.

Attempt on Trump’s life

Former US President Donald Trump survived an assassination attempt at an election rally in Pennsylvania on July 13. A bullet grazed the ex-president’s ear but he is in stable condition. As a result of the shooting, one of his supporters was killed. The attacker, 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks, was killed by Secret Service agents. The motives of the perpetrator are still unknown.
Really good analysis by Cory Mills.

Included are some good drone shots of the location showing the buildings in relation to the podium. Here's a screenshot:

Screenshot 2024-07-16 at 1.20.00 PM.png

And this Daily Mail article has some good pics too:

Take a look at the video below, starting at minute 05:42. The guy that is filming is maybe 1 to 2 meters below Trumps head level on stage while being situated pretty much directly in the line of sight the bullet must have travelled that hit Trump, if it was fired from somewhere in the rooftop building. First you see him filming Trump on stage, then he turns around, and we clearly see the rooftop building with at least two windows directly facing Trump. From that footage alone, I'm almost 100% sure that there is a perfect line of sight at least from one and possibly several different parts of the rooftop building toward Trump. Starting at 07:30 you see more parts of the rooftop building at the same line of sight angle. I'm counting a total of at least 5 Window type openings that might have all been in line of sight. There is a not extended crane type thing in the way though that might have obstructed the line of sight from at least some windows:

To be 100% sure, we would need some footage at the head level of Trump in line of sight of the rooftop building.
Thanks for the video Cosmos!

Yes, there are a few windows there, not sure how easy they would be to open, never been in a barn like that so have no idea if they are just for light or proper working windows. They don't seem very big from the distance of the person videoing it, but I am sure that closer up they are huge.

The only roof that was not covered by the Police, was that one. I noted from listening to a few videos where ex SS were being interviewed and stated that in these events of outside of the actual permitter where the pubic are standing, that part is handled by the local Police......I think that was loud and clear to me as being just one area where they would find a few bad apples to be a part of this. Also certain members of his personal Security team seemed much shorter than him, leaving his head and chest exposed and then were seen fumbling whilst trying to put their gun back in their holster. These are just my personal observations and are not meant to berate or criticise any of those brave service men and women, but merely looking at how it felt to a person of logic and commons sense, that there is definitely abundant room for improvement. Mr T's role in our future, is pivotal and this cannot happen again. With my personal experience with rogue Police officers, however, to me it feels more like it is an inside job and the boy was indeed a patsy like the many other shooters in the past. I feel for his parents, whatever he may have done, his parents will now take the flack. I know well enough that all of us, have had incarnations where we have been on the negative side of things, and this boy's soul chose to do this. By all accounts, he was lonely, may even have had PTSD from the bullying (I know someone who had this from excessive bullying and it changed them fundamentally) and he probably lacked self confidence but this feeling of being needed to do this job, probably manipulated by clever actors.......what a mess. As a mother I am putting myself in the shoes of his parents and I can only imagine the range of feelings that they are going through.
Included are some good drone shots of the location showing the buildings in relation to the podium. Here's a screenshot:

Screenshot 2024-07-16 at 1.20.00 PM.png

Looking at that, it seems to me that the shot that hit Trump almost certainly couldn't have come from the water tower, but it could have come from the rooftop shooter and/or the hypothesized sniper in or near that same building or at the same line of sight of the rooftop shooter/sniper inside the building but from the opposite side somewhere.
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Looking at that, it seems to me that the shot that hit Trump almost certainly couldn't have come from the water tower, but it could have come from the rooftop shooter and/or the hypothesized sniper in or near that same building or at the same line of sight of the rooftop shooter/sniper inside the building from the opposite side.
Also, Cory Comperatore was in a direct line of sight between Trump and Crooks's position.

Another drone shot:
As for the spray she mentioned, it's visible in some of the videos. I too assumed it was some sort of protective/diversionary measure taken after shots were fired, but maybe it was hit by a bullet like she said? Dunno.

I didn't notice the "spray" she saw and you saw as well on some videos. In which video can we see that "spray" that could have been caused by a bullet? Might be interesting because we could figure out some angles where the bullet could have come from that caused that spray, depending on the time frame.
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