Failed Trump Assassination Attempt

Change into what?
Change into a new timeline where Trump's surviving could better serve their (changed) agenda. If we define the "program" as the last 8 years of incessant harassing of Trump and trying to get rid of him by any means possible, then the Deep State's last desperate attempt to remove him physically can be qualified as a program change (by the Quorum).
That sure is a lot to think about and most likely why it has captured the attention of so many people and got so many people thinking too.

Probably true of some, but others will have just changed their narrative because those they perceive as authorities seem to have changed their tune and they haven't really thought about it at all.
Was Trump originally slated to die, either in this way or some other (e.g. heart attack)? And how might that achieve some level of balance?
That's a good question. The fact that he lived seems like divine intervention on the part of higher density STO for the purpose of Trump being a figurehead of resistance despite all of his shortcomings. I don't think that he will have the power, cunning or insight to change the plans of 3D/4D STS in terms of herding the population into finer controls but at least the common man will have the example of a leader with some backbone and willingness to fight for people.

Before the attempt on his life, I was so sure that the election would be rigged and Newsom was going to slide into the presidency. Now I feel that just maybe Trump will be elected somewhat fairly. I was struck by the video that has been posted on this thread several times about the Christian prophet/psychic stating that he saw Trump in office during a worldwide financial meltdown. That sounds very probable. April drop dead date in more ways than one?

But I do think if the people are "allowed" to elect Trump who is the figurehead of resistance to mass media and others of globalist ilk that will achieve some level of balance.
I do have a few questions that I hope some forensics experts will talk about:

1) what would shots coming from inside the building sound like compared to ones coming from outside (including the counter-sniper)?

Only making a guess, that if shots came from inside and unless under suppression (then with an open window), depending on where one was, it might sound either like muffled sound or a boombox. Anyone inside (obviously) or near a door/window, would immediatly know. Think people close to the building would also readably hear/feel - sense it. Firing inside (go to any indoor range with long arms), air is compressed against the structure with no where to go, and it sure is not quite. So, yet again, from the outside it might be either muffled or fairly loud from location (noticeable difference from an ordinary outside shot).
Here is a ballistic recreation of the two known weapons used with excellent descriptions, imo. In its way, this supports a second shooter theory. Wild slow motion eye candy! (16:42)

Also this is a cropped version of a photo that has been posted here already. I just wanted to show the two men who were hit. As well, the roofs in the (full) photo show nobody on them, as incomplete as they are.

Coperhaver, Dutch, Roofs.jpg

On a personal note, two days ago, the song Morning Has Broken foggily emerged from my memory. It was so weird. I had not sung or heard that song in 30/35 years, maybe. I don't know if haarp was turned on, or what, but for me to remember it now (or any time!) is really out of place. Strange timing. (Fyi, I didn't know that the music is actually from a Scottish folk song called Bunessan from the Isle of Mull.)
Now I know those calculations are mostly bunk because I'm guessing the height of the stage. But you can see why knowing heights exactly (or as close as possible) is needed to work out what angle the shot came from.
Without more data, it's a toss up as to whether it came from the roof or the window.

I needed to find all this if I hope to create an accurate 3D model, otherwise the model is useless and can show anything I want it too.

Perhaps by identifying one of those SS guys and so finding his height and so being able to deduce the height of their elbow?

Of course the contradiction here is that SS guy mean... secret. So informations about them should no be online but perhaps with other photos or videos in which they appear, their height can be deduced. Unfortunately, I guess it's not as easy to find.

The other point is, from this perspective, we don't know exactly at which distance they are from the stage.

height of the stage.jpg
Tying together Trump assassination attempt to Crowdstrike computer crash. Assassination evidence eliminated in computer crash.
IF threat agents conspired to kill a US president, and just a few days later another non imaginable security event occurs, since digital data represents a large part of the data generated in the world, don't you find it HIGHLY PLAUSIBLE that these two are related?
Opinion of Bob Moriarty.
From the sound of the rifle to me it appears the sniper was firing a .22 caliber rifle probably with .22 Long Rifle rounds. If you make a head shot, the person hit is going down, likely on a permanent basis. I carried a .22 caliber Colt Woodsman pistol in Vietnam as a survival weapon. I could hit someone at 50 meters in the head and kill them. So, someone basically familiar with a .22 rifle at 135 meters is pretty much point-blank range.
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