Failed Trump Assassination Attempt

What this video taken shortly after the shooting. Crooks' body still on the roof. Both the gable end window and 2nd last window (from right) on the front of the building are open.

These were taken after local law enforcement had already gotten on the roof and moved the rifle. We still don't know if either was open during the shooting. I've only found two pictures from that close so far, and both of them are blurry enough that it's impossible to tell one way or another.

1. Failed Trump Assassination Attempt (picture snapped by a guy right after the shooting)

2. There's a perfect shot of the window in this video. Too bad it's so low-quality!

I like Niall's idea of the door as a possible point of access for Crooks to reach the roof though.
Full tinfoil mode.

TDARM in the real shooter (undergrounder) and TDARM out. Time travel and keep repeating the cycle over and over until a bullet hits Trump's ear just right so that Trump is otherwise fine to continue campaigning.

Are there any reports of Crooks breathing fire or multiple Crooks, a la Oswald?
Was thinking that surely other snipers would have had to be communicating with Crooks / he would have to be communicating with them to be able to coordinate shots so there was not more than one gun firing at the same time? I wondered if he had an earpiece in and it was surreptitiously removed when they were 'checking his pulse' after he had his brains blown out. Otherwise someone was watching Crooks and keeping other sniper/s informed about what he was doing. Crooks can't seriously have thought he was the only shooter that they had 'specially chosen' to take out Trump.

I like Niall's idea of the door as a possible point of access for Crooks to reach the roof though.

Could also have been used to observe Crooks without revealing themselves and communicate exactly when he was in position.

No answer as to how many shells were on the roof - pretty easy question to answer, especially when you affirm you know the answer.
Whatcha got to hide, lady? Full of SH#T indeed, but so is the whole stinking system.
Full tinfoil mode.

TDARM in the real shooter (undergrounder) and TDARM out. Time travel and keep repeating the cycle over and over until a bullet hits Trump's ear just right so that Trump is otherwise fine to continue campaigning.

Are there any reports of Crooks breathing fire or multiple Crooks, a la Oswald?
LOL! This one gets my vote.
1. Failed Trump Assassination Attempt (picture snapped by a guy right after the shooting)

2. There's a perfect shot of the window in this video. Too bad it's so low-quality!

From #2, this is the best frame. It's less then low-quality when widows are being erased.


Interestingly, from the same video, from the same building just around the corner, there is a window open. Notice the shadow being cast on the wall. It's open wide.

Open Window- Far Side.jpg

From #1... it looks like window 4 is showing a lot of reflection...window 6 has the blinds pulled up...window 2 and window 5 open...maybe?

Widows Open (OS).jpg
@Niall beat me to it. His proposal is exactly what I thought of when I saw the window to the roof open.

Yes. There is a door on that side (the opposite side of the one in the photo).

Edit: I'm referring to the Building 6. The building with th open windows, there is a door at the upper back. You can see the walkway.

View attachment 98670
If we assume, some body fired from these open windows with silencers and so on, will there be trace of air shock of bullet path visible from outside as if it is coming from window?
If we assume, some body fired from these open windows with silencers and so on, will there be trace of air shock of bullet path visible from outside as if it is coming from window?
Do you mean visible, or audible? If the rounds are hypersonic, there will be an audible shockwave up to around 30 degrees either side of the bullet trajectory.
So we have a bunch of videos with a stationary (or mostly stationary) camera at a distance, where the shots all sound basically the same (examples one, two).

Then we have the two videos from nearby the building where the camera moves and the bullet sounds change as the camera moves. In this one, the move occurs between the two groupings - the first are lower in pitch, no clear echo, and the next are higher and have echoes. In this one the move occurs during the second and third shots, then moves slightly downward for the next 5. Shot number 2 sounds the same as shots 4-8. Shot 3, when the camera is angled at its highest, is a bit tinnier and higher in pitch than the ones surrounding it, when the camera is angled slightly lower. Only the 1st, 4th and 8th bullets have an audible echo.

We have another video from near the stage where the sounds of the bullets also change. The reports get tinnier as he moves his camera down toward the ground after the first shot, and then slightly fuller again as he raises it during the last few shots. First echo is very clear, 2nd and 3rd audible but fainter as the camera is angled downward
I hear a great difference in the sounds between the camera microphones near the stage, and those out around the grounds.
Trumps microphone is picking up the snap of the bullets and the following gunshot, and it's being amplified by the speakers. That's especially noticeable in the first and second examples and those shots all sound similar. In the third example the difference is marked between the first 3 and the following shots, and similar is the fourth example, although the difference is less marked. In the fourth example I can only hear 2 of the first 3 shots.
I remember listening to all the videos, and the shots(first 3, and the following shots) did sound different. These newer (to me) videos in part of your examples, I wonder if people are monkeying with the sound? unlikely.
Regarding the hyperdimensional aspect of the event: Like everyone else, I also thought of divine intervention, although I initially assumed it was one of those exceptional circumstances in which a 'positive' force intervened. However, now I'm inclined to think it was rather the STS side of the 'divine' for reasons we cannot know of the timeline being affected. Perhaps they were seeking to maintain some form of balance, because even they know that too much imbalance would mess up their STS plans. I see that some people have argued along those lines on this thread, and Niall mentioned on his radio show yesterday that it might have been similiar to UFOs deactivating nuclear silos in the past. At face value, we might assume nuclear deactivation is a 'good' deed for our own benefit. But it may just be that a nuclear war will upset things on their human farm. Or as the Cs have said, because nuclear detonations have undesireable effects on higher densities. Now if Trump had been killed, we might have had some noecon in the White House and could really be facing nuclear war in a year or two.

Apart from the UFO sighting over the murder attempt event, the other thing that makes me think of 'divine' STS intervention is that guy Brandon Biggs who predicted it some 3 months in advance with great accuracy - even mentioning the wound on the ear. There were other psychics / remote viewers / astrologers who did speak of an assasination attempt or something big around these dates, but those I think were genuine people with talent who happened to have a 'hit'. But Biggs is not really a psychic, but a pastor who regularly chats with 'The Lord'.

So I watched a couple of his videos to get a sense of 'The Lord's agenda or who 'He' might actually be. First, Biggs seems to be encouraged to pray a lot for Israel, and he predicts that at some point Israel will be attacked and the US will not go to its aid, which will be considered a 'great betrayal'. Therefore, in The Lord's opinion, it looks like Israel is very holy indeed, regardless of its crimes against humanity. Second, Briggs also predicts that WW3 will start because a great demon will be unleashed, which will either inspire or possess Vladimir Putin into attacking Poland with never used before barbaric weapons. So there's literally a demonization of Putin. My conclusion is that this is a case of what the Cs once said 4D STS could be 'starkly accurate' with predictions when it suited their plans.

Assuming Biggs source is 4D STS, then they told him 3 months in advance exactly what would happen to Trump, and that suggests that this was their plan all along. Or since they are time travelers, that they saw it happen like that and then went and told Biggs. Of course we cannot really know how those 4D things work or are planned and performed, but it sounds to me unlikely that 4D STS really meant to have Trump killed but somehow failed due to prayers or STO intervention. Either they planned it that way with an ear wounded and all the emotional effect on the masses that comes with it, or they intervened to prevent Trump's death. Their 3D counterparts of course is another matter - they obviously did mean to kill but couldn't.

In light of this, we may wonder what has changed (apart from possibly avoiding a catastrophic timeline). One thing is that Trump used to be a hero - now he's ascended to something more mytical or even with a religious quality, a sort of demi-god. I do find that a bit worrying because Trump has a number of qualities but also a number of flaws. For starters, his rhetoric is as Zionist as can be. I still have a bit of hope that in his mind he can see things more clearly and not act out Israel's agenda, but there's no guarantee that he won't
Thank you - you far more eloquently conveyed the point I was trying to make with my previous post - with much more clarity and realistic ideas.

If your idea regarding Biggs is on the money, I wonder if the 4D STS is planning to flip the script and try to use him... well undoubtedly they would try.. but let's hope he remains stubborn!
Max Igan did a video on the Trump shooting. It's kind of disappointing in a way because this thread already covered a lot of the material, and he gets a few things wrong. He does bring up some interesting points though, which I will highlight.

(BTW, Igan is completely against what is going on in Gaza, and his anger towards Israel does sometimes skew his analysis. I completely understand why myself but it does often compromise his supposedly even takes on events.)

Max Igan video:

Most relevant points/time markers (not a complete translation):

(I bolded the few parts I thought most interesting.)

0:55 - Keep in mind with this shootings is what is really important about them is what comes after. Who benefits? Too much time spent arguing over what is real and what is fake. I suggest a lot of these events are created in that way so you can put forth an endless amount of theories and speculation and keep arguing about the details and fail to look at the bigger picture. It's also important to look at them on a completely blank slate. Whenever these things happen just put them on a blank slate and let the cards fall where they may. If you go in wanting this to be real you're gonna find all sorts of stuff that supports that belief and you can construct a theory that sounds quite plausible and it's the same if you go in wanting it to be fake. That's why you can't go in there with confirmation bias. You've got to simply look at the evidence and see what the evidence tells you.

2:38 - What the evidence clearly states is that there was some kind of government stand-down. This was definitely staged in some way. It was either staged and it was faked, or it was allowed to happen. Either way there was a stand-down and the SS and certain agencies were in on it without any question. Some of what they are calling security flaws or security failures are never really flaws or failures; they're planned to go this way.

3:25 - While this event has been happening Israel has been going hell for leather on Gaza while people haven't been looking. The first four days after the shooting Israel bombed 4 schools in Gaza and 2 refugee camps. ...snipers are taking pot shots at civilians walking down the street now... (gruesome shares) distractions while everyone is distracted with Trump's bleeding ear.

4:15 - There's a lot of theories that are coming out. (Spends several minutes talking about recoil from sniper rifle as first few shots go off; lets that go after looking at video and seeing there's not much logic too it. 08:35 that theory is not correct.)

08:50 - New theory coming out. Another angle of shots. (Wastes time with water tower shooter theory hitting two bystanders.)

16:10 - That whole idea of Trump turning his head, we've all seen the graphics and that's how they've been able to sell it. Whether it's true or not is yet to be determined.

16:35 - If this was staged and Trump KNEW it was staged there's no way he's gonna let someone just shoot a bullet past his ear. That's just out of the question. Either this was staged and it was an inside job by the "Deep State" and they knew what was going on and there were stand-down orders which would explain everything.

17:20 - (There were two sniper teams who didn't fire, video footage of second sniper team standing down, they didn't take the shot.) Both sniper teams had the guy in their sights and neither of them took the shot. And it was known that he was there. They knew 26 minutes in advance. They knew about the threat prior to Trump taking the stage.

18:10 - (Video showing Crooks lurking around)

18:35 - Shooter's father rang the SS because his son was missing and so was his rifle. (Video reporting it)

19:00 - (Video of half-hour before Trump shot.) Rangefinder; tactical snipers taking pictures of Crooks; shooting climbed on AC unit to reach roof of building; 5:51 pm state police notified SS there was a suspicious person on the premises. One minute later that was relayed to counter-sniper teams above Trump. At 6:00 Trump was allowed to go on stage and begin remarks. Ten minutes later snipers were told police were addressing an issue but it was too late. One minute after that shots rang out. Former SS agent Charles Marino says that if agents knew there was a threat that far in advance Trump should never have been allowed to address the crowd. Trump was permitted on stage because there was no indication the suspicious person had any weapon.

20:27 - Guys pointing out there was a guy on the roof with a gun. Video of guy with orange hair saying there was a guy on the roof and he's got a gun.

20:50 - Talks about Crooks and he put out a video that day where Crooks says he "hates republicans, I hate Trump, and guess what: you got the wrong guy."

21:19 - They say he made it before the shooting, who knows...

21:30 - Looks at dead shooter, resemblance to Maxwell Yearick; shows Yearick had large ear piercings and the dead shooter may have had piercings that matched. Yearick, 30 years old, threatened Trump in 2016.

22:50 - Looks at ear piercings on Yearick and dead shooter.

22:37 - Talk of a second shooter as well. (Video; two shooters, on both sides. Tower shooter again.) If they shot there was still a shooter out there, why was Trump allowed to raise his head for nine seconds and take his famous picture. None of it makes sense.

22:25 - Trump raising his fist in the air. We have seen that before (pictures of Lenin, Chinese Red Guard raising fists in air.)

24:48 - Mathew Yearick a member of Antifa. Hard to find info about him. He was on Twitter and he had information on his page giving geographic locations (using Google Earth) related to some lake in Alaska; Blackrock; and Epstein Island. Also some really weird posts on his page since 7/13 including a pedophilia code (if it's him actually posting).

28:30 - There's so much more to look at with this. The claim there was no blood on his ear and there was blood on his ear. It didn't get on his shirt because he was lying with his head down. That's why you got that shot of blood running down his cheeks. Another iconic shot.

29:20 - Shot showing bullet flying past Trump's head (chemtrail? LOL).

29:45 - The guy who took that shot of the bullet - Doug Mills - took iconic shot of President Bush Jr. on 9/11 reading "My Pet Goat" to kids. Shows insider knowledge.

30:00 - Why was there so much media there? Since when is there a lot of media at a Trump rally? They've been trying to bury Trump rallies and hide all this stuff from the public for years. Why are they suddenly all there? The BBC was even there. Canada, Australia Sky News, all these news people were there at this particular Trump rally when they never cover them, and there happened to be a guy there with a high-speed camera to catch that bullet.

30:30 - Damage an AR-15 bullet can do. (Picture of AR-15 bullet graze). (Pictures of Trump - his hair is perfect!) Did he really get a bullet in the head, or did they just shoot the guy on the roof and some people fired a few shots on bystanders to make it look like that's what happened...or, was it a real assassination attempt? It's difficult to determine. You can't go in there thinking one side's right and one side's wrong. You've just really got to look at the info and see where it leads you.

31:44 - Another interesting discrepancy is the guy on the roof that they shot. Why is the gun so far away? A lot of really weird stuff going on.

32:05 - Again looking at that shot of what it would have been if he hadn't turned his head, there's no way you're going to stage that and let someone take that shot at you.

32:28 - You come back to the original question: obviously this was staged. Obviously it was set up and it was allowed to happen. The question is, was Trump in on it or not? Were shots fired from that roof where the shooter was allegedly at or was there someone else on the water tower taking shots at civilians or was there another shooter in another spot, a third spot? I'd suggest there wasn't because (water tower stuff again) ...and we know the SS knew the shooter (Crooks) was there for quite a long time and they didn't act on it. What's going on there?

33:24 - Obviously this was a set-up. The question is, was Trump in on it or not? Did a bullet really fly past his head? Or did he just know to grab his ear and fall at the right time because that was the plan? Who benefits from this?

33:42 - There is a "bond slave" ritual that happens put on by the men with small hats of course whereby a bond slave will pierce the ear using an awl, and who knows, maybe they did. Maybe Trump just knew to grab his ear as soon as he heard the first shot, to be turning his head as he did it...maybe it was all planned. He's an actor - or, like I said, it was a real event and he just turned his head at the right time and the bullet just happened to clip his ear. But like I said his hair is perfect! So you gotta wonder about that. Maybe he knew to be ten minutes into his talk he starts pointing at the thing and he starts talking and we know that as soon as he starts talking and pointing at the chart we're gonna take a shot. As soon as you hear that first shot you grab your ear and drop to the ground. The SS guys will drop around you and they will perform the bondslave ritual and it will only take about 20 seconds (as long as he was down). Perhaps that's what really happened. I mean, this is a real ritual that they go through - someone who willingly chooses life-long servitude often to pay off a debt due to economic necessity.

(Bond Slave Ritual:

Why Did Bondslaves Have Their Ear Pierced? )

35:12 - Trump is heavily indebted to people like Sheldon Adelson. He's so tied up with the jews it's unbelievable. His daughter's married to one...and when you look at all this stuff you've gotta think: who benefits?

35:30 - Debunked by Reuters: Mathew Yearick isn't the shooter. We must believe it!

36:15 - Who benefits: within three hours T-shirts were printed and flying off the rack. It's been a huge boon for Trump's campaign. US classified documents case dropped. JD Vance is veep candidate (another Zionist). DeSantis and Haley endorsed Trump - "healed" the republicans. It may have been an Iranian attempt on Trump. JD Vance is invested with Peter Thiel of Palantir fame. Thiel connected with Larry Fink, head of Blackrock; named as "Secretary for the Treasury" if Trump gets elected. Trump is surrounding himself with Zionists.

38:10 - Who benefits? It's a given now that Trump is going to be elected. There's a lot of propaganda coming along with it.

38:30 - Getting back to the shooter again, there's a woman - there's a building the shooter was in that was being used by SS and the police, and there was a shooter on the roof and they couldn't get up and get this guy. But there was someone else as well, the possibility there was two shooters.

38:50 - Video: (woman): "I was right there. I was standing feet from where the shooter was on the roof. And I am not even 100% sure if the man they are portraying to us right now is the actual shooter. I don't know if I should necessarily say that or if I have the brains to say that but I saw some gentleman pull up into the blocked off parking lot where there were only empty police cars that they had left to park and this person came up on a black motorcycle, it was a Harley, they were wearing very tight black washed skinny jeans with a yellow "don't tread on me" flag around their neck; they got off the motorcycle, I noticed them for a moment because I noticed the flag and it stuck in my brain, and so I noticed them and I turned back around to like where Trump was towards the fence to like listen and then I'm just kinda like you know like looking around taking in the area around me and then I turn like directly obviously all the way around me and he is gone and he is no longer there. And so I looked to my right up the fence line and I did not see him and he's wearing that large flag on his back so he would be easy to spot in the crowd and there's not very much farther that you could go from where I was looking and so then I looked back to where his bike was parked and I saw that the side door of the building was wide open. And I had walked right past that door like maybe half an hour before Trump pulled up, so I saw that that door was not open. And when I noticed that the door was not open I saw a police officer coming straight towards the door and then I saw a state trooper coming from my right running and I saw him draw his weapon and then more cops came running towards that general area around the building and then all of a sudden what I heard was five shots. I know what a gunshot sounds like and they were 100% gunshots."

41:04 - So that's interesting. She saw SS and police around that building just before the gun went off. And she's not sure that was the actual shooter. And his father rang wondering what happened to his son. Was he just sent up there as a patsy? And this whole video footage of him crawling on the roof, and he's obviously got a gun, I'm sure you've seen that as well...

41:33 - (Video of Crooks crawling on roof)

42:30 - So you know a lot of people saw this guy up there and none of it makes sense but was he really the shooter? How did they stage this? It's bizarre because it really does seem staged. Did Trump get shot? I don't know. We're just gonna have to wait to see whether there's any type of wound on his ear, what it actually looks like. AR-15's would produce a pretty hefty wound and his hair is perfect! (pics of what an AR-15 can do to a body) It was just his ear, but it seems to be very close.

43:20 - There is also speculation that they wanted to take him out, that it was a real hit, and the goal was to put Nicki Hailey (psychopath!) in office.

44:25 - It's strange that Trump has now sided with all these jews...interesting stuff. Who benefits? Israel.

45:06 - It's gone from the sublime to the ridiculous. Some of the stuff that they've been doing to show solidarity to Trump it's like COVID all over again (video of fans wearing fake ear bandages).

46:00 - Trump is the new savior. Trump was saved by the grace of God according to Donald Trump. But again, was it real or was it fake?

46:15 - Coincidentally with that show of solidarity where have we seen something like that before? (Southpark clip showing people with conjoined twins on head)

47:00 - Look what news reports are saying about Trump's bullet to the ear. (Video of Trump getting shot, blood visible on his right hand [no it's not in the video shown. What blood?].)

47:28 - Yeah that's kind of interesting isn't it? Then Trump got up at a presentation (the RNC convention) and spoke about what happened and he was reading from a teleprompter. Here while he's relaying what happened at Butler, he needs a teleprompter (while before he railed against them often) to explain what happened, even to remember what ear it was. (Video of Trump giving his recollection of events)

48:20 - Trump: "My hand was covered with blood." (Reprise several times) (video showing there was no blood on Trump's hand when he brought it down from his ear) Trump further saying how God saved him.

49:38 - Providence when I rose. Trump is the new messiah for the people folks. But again the question is, was it real or wasn't it? Interesting that he's reading off the teleprompter and interesting that he had no blood on his hand when he stood up, when he removed his hand from his ear, there was no blood on his hand. There's really a lot of questions with this. But ultimately it would appear that Trump has totally used this to his advantage and in the end, Israel wins. You've got such a heavily Zionist crew around him it's distracted everyone from the genocide of Gaza. What are Trump's plans for Gaza if he gets elected? Is he going to stop the war? Is he going to protect the Palestinian people?

50:45 - There was talk that he was annoyed with Netanyahu. How's he feel about it now? (Video of Trump talking about Gaza) "And the entire world I will tell you this: we want our hostages back. And they'd better be back before I assume office or you will be paying a very big price."

51:12 - And the crowd cheers him on. We're heading for a really crazy future, folks. I can't tell you this shooting is real I can't tell you that it wasn't real. There's always plausible deniability. It is plausible that it had taken five-ten seconds for blood to stream from Trump's ear. It is possible there was a sniper who just happened to miss him because he happened to turn his head at the right time. It's all quite possible...but is that what really happened. And beyond that we can speculate on all of this until the end of time. We have to wait and see what Trump's ear looks like at the end of all of this and what we've really got to look at is who benefits and where it's gonna go from here.

52:04 - Everything that has just happened has paved the way for a landslide victory for Trump. And just today Biden announced that he had quit as well. But look what's going on in Gaza. (Shows pics of what happened there the day Trump was shot)

52:27 - And another interesting thing as well it happened on July 13th three hours after the shooting: the annual "Cremation of Care" ceremony at Bohemian Grove. They cremate all care they have for the harm they do to the people of the world. Yeah it's been a very very interesting week. I can't positively confirm that this was real or fake either way. But what can be confirmed beyond any shadow of a doubt is that this was well set up in advance. Either they did try to shoot Trump because he wasn't doing what they say and they were gonna install someone like Hailey and Trump as a result has fully capitulated to Zionists or Trump was in on it and it was staged and it was possibly a bondage slave ceremony to bind him to them. Normally they'd use an awl and they had time to do that, they could have dropped him and pierced his ear with an awl and done the ceremony that way. It's not inconceivable that this could have happened.
Fascinating, if true, that Rep. Pat Fallon replicated the shooting with his AR-15, firing 8 rounds from ~130 yards, and 7 out of 8 of his bullets hit the target's head.

And that's assuming Crooks is a better marksman than him, and that only he fired all 8 rounds. For Crooks AND a pro to miss Trump so badly suggests the level of 'divine intervention' was 'dialed up' high!
Rep. Pat Fallon had a scope though. It seems Crookes did not, although we don't know that for sure, as far as I know, at this time. The images we have are too blurry.
Did Pat Fallon mimic the timing as well, or did he take his time making his shots?
Still, it's an interesting point, maybe any decent shooter could have made those shots at that distance, so how could they miss?
I hear a great difference in the sounds between the camera microphones near the stage, and those out around the grounds.
Trumps microphone is picking up the snap of the bullets and the following gunshot, and it's being amplified by the speakers. That's especially noticeable in the first and second examples and those shots all sound similar. In the third example the difference is marked between the first 3 and the following shots, and similar is the fourth example, although the difference is less marked. In the fourth example I can only hear 2 of the first 3 shots.
I remember listening to all the videos, and the shots(first 3, and the following shots) did sound different. These newer (to me) videos in part of your examples, I wonder if people are monkeying with the sound? unlikely.
I reached out to a professor of audio forensics to get some a handle on some general concepts. Summary of the main points:

1) All of the recordings so far are mp4s, which use a perceptual audio coding algorithm. This means that as much as 80 to 90% of the waveform information is missing - the algorithm retains only what it determines is enough to sound nearly identical to a human. So a lot of the fine detail is missing. This will cause a lot of uncertainty when it comes to those details. But when cracks and pops are audible, they can be helpful in estimating distance. (This will only produce a range, however, because many things affect velocity. Even the same caliber bullets produced by different manufacturers have different velocities.)

2) As you point out above, the broadcaster microphone picks up cracks (ultrasonic shockwaves) and pops (speed-of-sound sounds of bullets being fired), which then get sent out through the loudspeakers back into the microphone. So on some shots we will hear cracks, pops, echoes, and delayed loudspeaker replays. This will make it tough to hear all details sometimes (compounded by the previous point, I'd guess). The PA probably also has an automatic gain control/limiter, which causes a signal drop for 40-50ms after the "cracks."

3) On the timing between cracks and pops, this depends not only on the distance of the gun, but also on the trajectory of the bullet. The further away the trajectory from the microphone, the later the shockwave will reach it, making the gap between them shorter.

4) Bullets fired from inside a building would sound different than if the muzzle were sticking outside, or if the weapon itself was fully outside. The shockwaves would probably sound the same, but the muzzle blast would be different. This will vary based on the location of the microphone (e.g. louder if in front), as well as the surroundings, which will cause diffraction and reflections.

5) Shockwaves are inaudible at around 35 degrees from the path of the bullet. Outside of the shockwave cone, all you will hear is the muzzle blast and echoes.

6) All of these things can affect the sound of a bullet in a recording: "changing camera position, how the camera is being held, the line-of-site/obstacles between the source and recorder, and/or the possible changing orientation of the firearm."

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