Failed Trump Assassination Attempt

Have a look starting at 24:11. It takes place just as Trump is getting up. The camera then pans right around focuses on the Corey Comperatore situation. Now, it's not great at all but it does show extended video of the 'second window' and a section of the Building #6 rooftop. Unfortunately, the railing banner obscures the view of Crooks's position. I can't see any movement but maybe someone else can.

Since I was there, I decided to also jot down the times when the sounds of the shots are heard. I'm not sure if it'll be all that helpful but the last two times had a very different tone.

14:31 (different sound)
18:28 (different sound)

Maybe there's an entrance to the building on that far side where someone just had to pop downstairs let him in?

There's this one between the buildings. A closer shot can be seen here at 42:14.

The Door Between Buildings.jpg
The presence of a second sniper reminds me of the Jack Reacher movie, which is based on a novel I believe. In that, even the patsy who thought he was "the sniper" doing the shooting, wasn't aware that there was another professional sniper on the bridge, who did the actual killings. The controllers knew that the patsy was a lousy shot and will miss most of the targets. But again, this might be a very common playbook being used by the FBI/CIA, whoever is orchestrating this thing.

You can approach all of these planned assassinations with an assumption that there are patsies and there is an actual sniper/shooter who has been tasked to finish the job. If there was divine intervention, did anything happen to the actual sniper apart from Trump turning his head. Perhaps, the wind blew just a bit more or less to deflect the bullet enough. All possibilities are on the table.
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