Failed Trump Assassination Attempt

I haven't seen this thread posted here yet (sorry if I missed it). The information provides some data for further digging. This Oversight Project seems to be a segment of or associated with the Heritage Foundation based on the web address. They claim to have used mobile advertising data to track device location and looked back 1 year. They have apparently geofenced Crooks home and work locations to gather the data and then followed the devices. I don't claim to understand how these data services work, but thought others here might find something to go on.
Iā€™m double posting, sorry, but I think this detail belongs here also:

From the Carlson interview with Posobiec I learned that on the same day as Trumpā€™s rally, Jill Biden had some kind of event in the same state/area. Jack said that for this reason the SS was spread out thin and thus less security resources were available for Trumpā€™s event. How convenientā€¦
Naomi Wolf mentioned this in a recent article on her Substack:
Wow, she could not take the heat!
The arrogance of this woman was STAGGERING. I hope she is now prosecuted for her negligence/complicity in the death of Cory and serious injury to others.

These hearings never get anywhere, they dont answer questions, they deflect, delay, obfuscate with the dexterity of gold medal winning typists. What really bothers me is the difference republicans face vs the democrats....if it wasnt so ridiculously obvious how incompetent this "woman" was...the democrats would have protected her.

As of right now Steve Bannon is in JAIL...Peter Navarro was recently released after 4 months in jail...just for being in contempt of congress. But there are many democrats in contempt of congress and they never even sniff a jail cell.

I still want this investigated by a serious and unbiased group of patriotic Americans who refuse to let this country become a Banana Republic.
Using this image previously posted by @Approaching Infinity, and amended by me, it seems to me that the shooter that took the shot(s) at Trump was in one of the windows shown by the white lines.

This would be almost directly under Crooks' position. The first three shots were likely from this shooter. The first missed Trump, so did the other two. Any of these three could have hit Kopenhaver and Dutch in the bleacher. Two seconds later Crooks fired off 5 wild shots, one of them hitting Compatore as he reacted to the first three shots.

One second later Crooks was taken out by the sniper team (the sixth shot), who were alerted to the fire location right below Crooks (as seen in the video) but immediately eyeballed Crooks, who had also by that time fired off his shots.

We're talking about 2-3 seconds between the last of the first three shots and the 5 shot sequence, and then one second between that five shot sequence and the shot that killed Crooks. A later shot may have been an extra shot to ensure he was dead or fired by the reported local gunman or police officer.
View attachment 98582

In this video below you can just about still see Crooks as the first of the first 3 shots are fired. He seems completely motionless, no recoil, as mentioned by @Cosmos previously. This lends credence to the idea that he did not shoot first.

In this video, it seems clear that the first three shots are muffled, i.e. coming from inside and in the front of the building from this vantage point. While the 2nd burst of 5 are much clearer and out in the open, i.e. from Crooks.

I've done a bit more cross-referencing and comparing angles also with my previous analysis of Trumps ear shot. Without going into any details, my analyses also strongly suggests that either of the two windows you marked above could have been where the real sniper was (or close to that angle somewhere). At this point, I don't think the shot that hit Trumps ear (and possibly the other two) could have come much further to the left or right (so, NOT the higher building that is left and behind Crooks building). Which means for me that either of the two videos above are also my prime suspicion for the location of the real sniper (or some kind of opening within that building near those windows). The only other place that seems possible for me is the one Niall mentioned, which is at about the same line of sight; The building in the background:

Another possibility: back-right of the farthest AGR building, which is also the tallest. Line-of-sight takes you right over Crooks' position, circled in red.

View attachment 98658
I noted during that congressional hearing that Cheater deflected a looot of question about what happened. Even when asked "Was mister Crooks acting alone?" she wouldn't provide an answer. One of the only few times she answered some question definitely was when Sen Greene asked: "Was there a conspiracy to kill president Trump?" her rapid answer was "Absolutely not."

I wonder how she can claim to know so little about what was going on, but at the same time state that she knows for sure there was no conspiracy going on. Didn't she have to wait for that FBI report for that information too? How would she know?
I realize that there's less than a second to work with on this but in that fraction of a second Crooks is in focus when the first gunshot can be heard and I'm not seeing any recoil of the gun, muzzle flash, smoke, or anything.

The muzzle flash and smoke could've been obscured by the angle of the roof as the end of the gun barrel cannot be seen. At the same time, his gun might be more square to his chest than in the pocket of his shoulder which would cut back on recoil. Also, I don't know what modifications were on the gun that might reduce recoil. The video also wasn't the best quality because it was a zoomed in phone.

In other words, I'm not convinced I can trust what I think I'm seeing.

However, I think it's still worth noting I don't see any movement at all from Crooks or his shoulder at the time of the first gunshot.
I was curious about this so I found a video of a guy lying prone and firing an AR-15. I took the 1 second from the Butler clip, repeated it 3 times in slow motion, and overlaid the three shots taken by this guy. I reduced the size of the overlaid video to better match the size of Crooks, but even then you can see how much higher-resolution that video is. (To better approximate the amount of compression on the figure of Crooks, manually change the resolution in YouTube to 360p.)

Main points:

1) The AR-15 has very little recoil, even in high-def. (For a hilarious video in response to a hysterical journalist, see this vid.) And very little smoke/muzzle flash (the puff you see in the initial video is dirt.)

2) The Crooks video is zoomed in and highly compressed. You can't make out any distinct features that are greater than probably 1 inch. Due to the nature of video compression, such a small movement as produced by the AR-15's minimal recoil probably wouldn't even register. (Cool video on video compression and how it basically interpolates frames to account for motion, and can ignore tiny changes as a result, in addition to all kinds of other information. I don't know enough about it, but it seems to me that if a blurry figure makes a tiny change for a frame or two, the compression would just "smooth" that out and show what appears to be a static figure.)

We've seen the opposite problem with video compression a couple days ago. In that one, what looked like a fast and violent movement of perhaps a purse (as if it got shot) turned out, in higher definition, to be a woman moving her arm. In reality, she had moved her elbow back, and then jerked it forward when she heard the shot. In the compressed video, it looks like her arm snaps backward.

Basically, there isn't enough visual information in this video to say for sure one way or the other whether there was any recoil. If there was recoil, we probably wouldn't be able to see it, and the video would look the same as if there was no recoil. We need more video!
I was curious about this so I found a video of a guy lying prone and firing an AR-15. I took the 1 second from the Butler clip, repeated it 3 times in slow motion, and overlaid the three shots taken by this guy. I reduced the size of the overlaid video to better match the size of Crooks, but even then you can see how much higher-resolution that video is. (To better approximate the amount of compression on the figure of Crooks, manually change the resolution in YouTube to 360p.)

Main points:

1) The AR-15 has very little recoil, even in high-def. (For a hilarious video in response to a hysterical journalist, see this vid.) And very little smoke/muzzle flash (the puff you see in the initial video is dirt.)

2) The Crooks video is zoomed in and highly compressed. You can't make out any distinct features that are greater than probably 1 inch. Due to the nature of video compression, such a small movement as produced by the AR-15's minimal recoil probably wouldn't even register. (Cool video on video compression and how it basically interpolates frames to account for motion, and can ignore tiny changes as a result, in addition to all kinds of other information. I don't know enough about it, but it seems to me that if a blurry figure makes a tiny change for a frame or two, the compression would just "smooth" that out and show what appears to be a static figure.)

We've seen the opposite problem with video compression a couple days ago. In that one, what looked like a fast and violent movement of perhaps a purse (as if it got shot) turned out, in higher definition, to be a woman moving her arm. In reality, she had moved her elbow back, and then jerked it forward when she heard the shot. In the compressed video, it looks like her arm snaps backward.

Basically, there isn't enough visual information in this video to say for sure one way or the other whether there was any recoil. If there was recoil, we probably wouldn't be able to see it, and the video would look the same as if there was no recoil. We need more video!

Yeah, was afraid this was the case. Great work and good finds!

Anybody got a high-res video of Crooks lying around? šŸ˜…
The arrogance of this woman was STAGGERING. I hope she is now prosecuted for her negligence/complicity in the death of Cory and serious injury to others.

No chance. She's running interference for the FBI, who are running the show, as usual, and ran the assassination attempt, as usual. She's get a major kickback for her 'service' to them when the dust settles.
And once again it becomes very clear that congress has no oversight and power over CIA/FBI and Co. They do what they want with impunity. That state of affairs couldnā€™t be more pathetic.
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