Failed Trump Assassination Attempt

Do we know who took that footage? It is kinda strange that the water tower is filmed for so long and so steadily. Two options out of my head:

- The person filming was really filming on that day and at that time, for so long and so steady. If so, why?
- Whoever filmed it did it afterward and uploaded it and made people think it is from that day and time. A hoax.
I think that it's just a cropped version of a video filming the stage area. That's why it's so blurry (because it's magnified).
Take a look at the following footage from that day/crime scene, starting at 1:12:

It is one thing to see the assassins roof from afar and via maps but if you see it like that from the location on the ground there is no way in hell I can believe that any even half decent security service wouldn't check and/or secure exactly that building that is very close and at the perfect position to shoot at the president! It is basically the most perfect, closest and deadly spot for a sniper to shoot at Trump. A five-year-old could tell you that, and yet, the security service failed completely.

These two videos are filmed from Trump's injury side, but neither doesn't show the moment of the actual impact.

In the first video, the guy filming it says he stopped just before the shooting, because "he did not want to block the view of others behind him". In the second one, the filmer turns his phone around to take a "selfie", again just a few seconds before Trump was shot.

Has anyone come across an uninterrupted video showing Trump's right side?

(Although Trump's right hand was bloodied when he reflexed it against the damaged ear, there still seems to be people who are claiming that Trump wasn't shot at, it was staged, e.g. fake blood was used and/or his ear was "cut" when covered by the secret service agents, etc.)
Yeah, we still don't know if any of the people injured were in these stands. And who knows, maybe the hydraulics of the telehandler getting hit propelled some debris or shrapnel that hit the railing. Hard to say at this time.

I think, given the latest posts here, we need to reconsider what happened there on the railing and with that guy that stood next to it (see below):

The shot(s) that hit the right hand bleacher (to Trump's left) had to have come from somewhere else.

There are people stating pretty clearly that they saw and heard gunshots coming from the field to the right of the arena. Plausible also.

This is a screen shot from the lady's video @1:01. If you scrub the video, you can clearly see the bullet hits the railing behind the two guys, not the railing on the side. The shot did come from somewhere else.

View attachment 98394

I'm sure that the guy next to the railing (last quote above, let's call him "red cap guy") is the same guy that goes toward the police in the second quote above. To me, given the context (of people there talking about shots fired from behind the bleaches, the police surrounding somebody there, the red cap guy being the one close to the puff and reacting to it, the way red cap guy goes to the police and is it told to go away by the police) it seems to me that red cap guy wants to confront and/or see who shot at him, and/or who shot at the president and/or others. There is also the possibility that red cap guy went to the police to see a wounded innocent victim though. But I go for the former explanation being the more plausible one.

In the video below, starting at 3:55, you can see red cap guy clearly zoomed out and in on many occasions. At 6:20 we see a close up of red cap guy where we can also see what is on his shirt:

Take a look at the following footage from that day/crime scene, starting at 1:12:

It is one thing to see the assassins roof from afar and via maps but if you see it like that from the location on the ground there is no way in hell I can believe that any even half decent security service wouldn't check and/or secure exactly that building that is very close and at the perfect position to shoot at the president! It is basically the most perfect, closest and deadly spot for a sniper to shoot at Trump. A five-year-old could tell you that, and yet, the security service failed completely.
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Really hard to tell whether this is a person or a shadow.

@Joe Hard to see, and could just be a digital artifact. I took 2 screenshots:

View attachment 98398
View attachment 98399

For comparison, here's the sniper drone Israel uses in Gaza, as per the Telegraph:

View attachment 98400

Nothing definitive, still just another theory...

Looks like the star painted on it:

View attachment 98401
Google maps

I think Joe is talking about the vent on top of the water tower and what "happens" on the right side of it, which is hard to make out. Could be just pixelation, a shadow or someone or something hiding behind or close to it. But we still don't know the source of the video and when it was taken, unless I missed it. Without that, it could be anything recorded at any point in time.
These two videos are filmed from Trump's injury side, but neither doesn't show the moment of the actual impact.

In the first video, the guy filming it says he stopped just before the shooting, because "he did not want to block the view of others behind him". In the second one, the filmer turns his phone around to take a "selfie", again just a few seconds before Trump was shot.

Has anyone come across an uninterrupted video showing Trump's right side?

(Although Trump's right hand was bloodied when he reflexed it against the damaged ear, there still seems to be people who are claiming that Trump wasn't shot at, it was staged, e.g. fake blood was used and/or his ear was "cut" when covered by the secret service agents, etc.)

Yeah, the first thing in the first video was noticed before in the thread and in the second video something similar happens! I think right there we see something that leaves quite some room for speculation! For example: How likely is it for both guys to stop (for the first guy) and turn around (for the second guy) their cameras almost exactly before the shots happen? I think it is rather unlikely that one or both of those man "are in on the conspiracy, and that's why". But could what we see be another sign of some kind of tampering and/or projecting or influence from "higher forces" working at the scene?
I think Joe is talking about the vent on top of the water tower and what "happens" on the right side of it, which is hard to make out. Could be just pixelation, a shadow or someone or something hiding behind or close to it. But we still don't know the source of the video and when it was taken, unless I missed it. Without that, it could be anything recorded at any point in time.
This one?... Something is there at :14 and not :08 nor :18

Maybe part of the body is showing?

--a tiny speck to the right

Add: Cullen's replay



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I think Joe is talking about the vent on top of the water tower and what "happens" on the right side of it, which is hard to make out. Could be just pixelation, a shadow or someone or something hiding behind or close to it. But we still don't know the source of the video and when it was taken, unless I missed it. Without that, it could be anything recorded at any point in time.
Ahh, the original tweet said "center", not "top", but I see from their replies the meant the top. Looks like shadow to me, and a very awkward position from which to set up a sniper shot... (Can't find a good shot of the rear of the tower to see what the ladder access looks like.)
A thought to consider maybe:

It might be likely that whoever planned this knew that a lot of cameras/phones would capture what is happening, so, maybe they decided to it in a way that makes it hard to catch and/or reconstruct with videos?

Perhaps something to account for if we let it stretch a bit from the material evidence, I don't see why we shouldn't at least consider it:

17 february 1996

Q: (L) Can I ask my other questions? Some people on the net want me to ask about this HAARP thing... seems to be some sort of antennae thing...
A: Disguise for something else.
Q: (L) What is that something else?
A: Project to apply EM wave theories to the transference of perimeters.
Q: (L) What does that mean?
A: If utilised as designed, will allow for controlled invisibility and easy movement between density levels on surface of planet as well as subterranially.
I think Joe is talking about the vent on top of the water tower and what "happens" on the right side of it, which is hard to make out. Could be just pixelation, a shadow or someone or something hiding behind or close to it. But we still don't know the source of the video and when it was taken, unless I missed it. Without that, it could be anything recorded at any point in time.

We actually have the potential source:

The larger video is this one:
The tower appear starting at 6:42:15.

I can't see anything of note there.
I think, given the latest posts here, we need to reconsider what happened there on the railing and with that guy that stood next to it (see below):

I'm sure that the guy next to the railing (last quote above, let's call him "red cap guy") is the same guy that goes toward the police in the second quote above. To me, given the context (of people there talking about shots fired from behind the bleaches, the police surrounding somebody there, the red cap guy being the one close to the puff and reacting to it, the way red cap guy goes to the police and is it told to go away by the police) it seems to me that red cap guy wants to confront and/or see who shot at him, and/or who shot at the president and/or others. There is also the possibility that red cap guy went to the police to see a wounded innocent victim though. But I go for the former explanation being the more plausible one.

In the video below, starting at 3:55, you can see red cap guy clearly zoomed out and in on many occasions. At 6:20 we see a close up of red cap guy where we can also see what is on his shirt:

I think we might see a person shot not too far away of red cap guy starting here:

Notice how people are waving not far away from red cap guy, probably calling for help for someone who got shot.
For reference, here's video of an elderly man injured in the right stands:

It is unfortunate that I couldn't find any more or less straight overhead picture from the rally on that day, with or without the rooftop building in the shot. I think with such a picture we could narrow down angles because we now know the (pretty exact) location of the dead person, the two wounded people and Trump. If we could find such a picture from above the scene, I think we could solve the mystery. Or rather, proof or discount the official story and see from where each of the bullets that hit people could and could not have come from.
In connection to the last post above, if you think about it, the shot that hit Trumps ear could give us a very narrow possible angle range from which the bullet could have come from, and thus, a pretty precise location area of the shooter of that bullet. And I mean a very narrow and precise location.
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