Failed Trump Assassination Attempt

The shot(s) that hit the right hand bleacher (to Trump's left) had to have come from somewhere else.

This is a screen shot from the lady's video @1:01. If you scrub the video, you can clearly see the bullet hits the railing behind the two guys, not the railing on the side. The shot did come from somewhere else.

Bullet Hit Bleacher Rail.jpg
Really hard to tell whether this is a person or a shadow.

Do we know who took that footage? It is kinda strange that the water tower is filmed for so long and so steadily. Two options out of my head:

- The person filming was really filming on that day and at that time, for so long and so steady. If so, why?
- Whoever filmed it did it afterward and uploaded it and made people think it is from that day and time. A hoax.
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Videos are now being pulled by an outfit called Storyful Managed????? What the absolute fudge is going on? Clips of what transpired, taken by various spectators, are being taken down....they are controlling what they will allow us to see and what not.
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A thought to consider maybe:

It might be likely that whoever planned this knew that a lot of cameras/phones would capture what is happening, so, maybe they decided to it in a way that makes it hard to catch and/or reconstruct with videos?
Do we know who took that footage? It is kinda strange that the water tower is filmed for so long and so steadily. Two options out of my head:

- The person filming was really filming on that day and at that time, for so long and so steady. If so, why?
- Whoever filmed it did it afterward and uploaded it and made people think it is from that day and time. A hoax.
Looks like a zoomed in section of a larger video to me, probably a camera trained on Trump from an angle that captured the tower and someone edited it to just show the tower.
Video I haven't seen before here
But the video doesn't show Trump's head position during the first shots, but only shortly before.
In the 'bullet photo' he looks parallel to the podium, possibly because this red guy (and later the black buy, officer?) was running beneath the shooter roof, but I think that photo was the second shot.
The head position during the first shot it hard to tell. I would say tilted/turned on first 'click' and parallel during first 'pop'.
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