Failed Trump Assassination Attempt

Latest from Cullen. Fair point.
Yes and it points to more than one shooter. So if the shot on Trump came from the Water tower, then the shots which have been triangulated from 'Crooks' position to match with Trump, (though they don't according to Cullen's video above) and hit the hydraulics hoses behind him, were done to pin it on Crooks?

In this video the first shot sounds distinctly different from the other ones which follow which have more of tinny sound to them if you know what I mean. Starts at 0:45 of the video which Joe showed. Have a listen.

The shot(s) that hit the right hand bleacher (to Trump's left) had to have come from somewhere else.
Indeed. She makes a good point and also she was present in the crowd. She said the shots came from right AND left and the crowd was aware of more shooters.
I am not sure what to trust on this.

Let's look at this tweet. some how this shooter climbed to the top curvature of the tower and disappeared with in seconds

If I cut out water tower from the left picture, denoise it, what ever black hazy stuff looks , it is as if floating . Probably it is not human. May be some drone copter. drone copters makes NO audible noise? or is it some 4D stuff triangulating? If it is humans they can't disappear in few seconds.
trump water tower denoised.png
But this doesn't explain the viral horizontal bullet picture which MSM promoting, if shot came from the water tower. Probably that bullet MSM pictured came from patsy?

If I take the picture from this video. There is some bubble type structure CONSISTENTLY on water tower, but it is not there in the above tweet.
some say, There is human shaped dark shadow near the railing ( middle of tower sphere) as a possible shooter. Other sayd the shadow is always there.

To add to the confusion.

where does right most red line coming from. It is not coming from tower. Probably X poster extended the red line to sky.
In this video the first shot sounds distinctly different from the other ones which follow which have more of tinny sound to them if you know what I mean. Starts at 0:45 of the video which Joe showed. Have a listen.
Indeed. She makes a good point and also she was present in the crowd. She said the shots came from right AND left and the crowd was aware of more shooters.
Yeah, that's interesting.
Here's a possible firing line if it's coming from Trumps left (crowds right).
Red = official line of fire.
Blue = possible sniper/line of fire.
Screenshot 2024-07-18 140308.png
A significantly less worthless analysis from yesterday by "459 Crimes":

In replies, he clarifies that this analysis can't determine relative locations, just signatures, but that it does suggest three guns fired from three different locations. He presumes that shots 9 to 11 are from counter-snipers.

Having looked at this, I was thinking that shots 1-3 came from the "professional" sniper, shots 4-8 from the patsy as he became aware of them and tried his luck and shots 9-11 from counter-snipers. As noted earlier, the patsy was considered a "bad shot", hence him "spraying" in quick succession...
That the forest does not let them see the trees... if we take the possibility of the armed drone, it is not necessary that it be on the water tower, it could be in another location such as certain trees further to the right, even though Not so practical, a tree with adequate vision conditions helps a shooter position himself.

PS: I think several have already noticed it and it could be redundant with this, but people are suspicious of the situation and the authorities; In addition to seeing the ineptitude of security (this is partly good and is enhanced by the lack of censorship on Twitter), so it is no surprise that a lot of theories and data abound that seek to show the "conspiracy."
It would not be a lonely shooter if anybody knew something about any potential threat. Then it means it has some inside logistics.
How could anyone know about a potential threat if it was just an average intelligent, good shooter guy?

I don't think he would tell anyone before the shooting.
If SS knew about the threat, then they probably knew from intelligence info.

The main question is whether or not the Senators who descended on Cheatle received good info in the intelligence briefing.

Prouty's books make it clear that the CIA will often brief politicians and/or the public with disinfo to cover their tracks. The release of the Pentagon Papers was probably the biggest example of this, which allowed the CIA to cast itself as 'just an intel agency' and at the same time blamed the failures of Vietnam on the certain Pentagon officials and others.

So in this case, let's propose some faction of the 'fun and games' sector of US intelligence, some faction of this or that agency, briefed the Senators. It could be CIA, FBI, NSA, DoD, a mix, who knows. It will be impossible to know unless there is a patriotic whistleblower like Prouty or an info leak or hack somewhere.

So this intel faction provided those Senators with info about the attempted assassination during an intelligence briefing. The info itself could have laid out all the facts that we have seen here - no security personnel stationed on the roof where Crooks was eventually shot being the main item. Then it becomes easy to lay blame squarely on the shoulders of the SS for this oversight.

But there will also likely be disinfo included with the real info. Maybe the disinfo is the idea that the SS knew beforehand of a threat, but allowed Trump to take the stage anyways. That makes Cheatle and the SS look even worse, securing in the minds of the Senators that she is to blame. It's incompetence to a whole different level! It also indicates the potential for the SS being in on the job. It's an emotional time, and the intel faction knows that angry Senators and the American public needs a scapegoat.

What will be missing from the briefing is the real info about who likely organized the whole thing. The intel faction will likely say they don't know, an investigation is pending, etc. We'll see if this goes to a Congressional investigation like the Warren Commission or HSCA.

Anyways, in reporting only on SS incompetence and potential culpability, the first intel faction will likely be providing cover for whichever second faction really did organize it. This, of course, is assuming that is wasn't just the SS.

I think some intel faction did organize this at the behest of the PTB. Now, the factions are so compartmentalized that one faction could have organized it, while another faction has no clue about this activity. Thus, when reporting the Senators, they are telling the truth as they see it. The story becomes about SS incompetence, and maybe being in on the job, and the discussion of a US intel faction targeting the President is muted.

The Senators, already in emotional turmoil, seize on this SS story. They make a bee-line for Cheatle, confront her, and their confrontation with Cheatle would then go public, giving the population the idea of Cheatle's incompetence as the main factor in all this also. And also leading them to believe she was in on it, which is key. It is a suggestion, without evidence, which is enough to drive people in that direction. In a way, if Crooks is a patsy, then Cheatle is a patsy, too, but in the political sense.

Meanwhile, the SS story could have easily been instigated or caused by the intel faction - a second one - who organized this whole thing, with the goal being Cheatle taking the blame. The intel faction could have issued a stand-down order. Or they could have simply planted the info with the Senators that a threat was known, and no action was taken by the SS. They could have locked the security officers in the fenced enclosure. They could have made sure no local police were on Crooks' roof. They could have done any number of things. I think all it would take is a few people planted in the correct positions of the command hierarchy.

Basically, I think Cheatle was set up to be the scapegoat in the event that Trump was truly assassinated. 'SS incompetence/culpability' was the narrative we are all meant to SEE (and it is true based on most of the facts). But this detracts from the larger question - who was behind the assassination attempt in the first place?

Hope that makes sense. I could be wrong, but that's what the Prouty material has me thinking.
The main question is whether or not the Senators who descended on Cheatle received good info in the intelligence briefing.

Prouty's books make it clear that the CIA will often brief politicians and/or the public with disinfo to cover their tracks. The release of the Pentagon Papers was probably the biggest example of this, which allowed the CIA to cast itself as 'just an intel agency' and at the same time blamed the failures of Vietnam on the certain Pentagon officials and others.

So in this case, let's propose some faction of the 'fun and games' sector of US intelligence, some faction of this or that agency, briefed the Senators. It could be CIA, FBI, NSA, DoD, a mix, who knows. It will be impossible to know unless there is a patriotic whistleblower like Prouty or an info leak or hack somewhere.

So this intel faction provided those Senators with info about the attempted assassination during an intelligence briefing. The info itself could have laid out all the facts that we have seen here - no security personnel stationed on the roof where Crooks was eventually shot being the main item. Then it becomes easy to lay blame squarely on the shoulders of the SS for this oversight.

But there will also likely be disinfo included with the real info. Maybe the disinfo is the idea that the SS knew beforehand of a threat, but allowed Trump to take the stage anyways. That makes Cheatle and the SS look even worse, securing in the minds of the Senators that she is to blame. It's incompetence to a whole different level! It also indicates the potential for the SS being in on the job. It's an emotional time, and the intel faction knows that angry Senators and the American public needs a scapegoat.

What will be missing from the briefing is the real info about who likely organized the whole thing. The intel faction will likely say they don't know, an investigation is pending, etc. We'll see if this goes to a Congressional investigation like the Warren Commission or HSCA.

Anyways, in reporting only on SS incompetence and potential culpability, the first intel faction will likely be providing cover for whichever second faction really did organize it. This, of course, is assuming that is wasn't just the SS.

I think some intel faction did organize this at the behest of the PTB. Now, the factions are so compartmentalized that one faction could have organized it, while another faction has no clue about this activity. Thus, when reporting the Senators, they are telling the truth as they see it. The story becomes about SS incompetence, and maybe being in on the job, and the discussion of a US intel faction targeting the President is muted.

The Senators, already in emotional turmoil, seize on this SS story. They make a bee-line for Cheatle, confront her, and their confrontation with Cheatle would then go public, giving the population the idea of Cheatle's incompetence as the main factor in all this also. And also leading them to believe she was in on it, which is key. It is a suggestion, without evidence, which is enough to drive people in that direction. In a way, if Crooks is a patsy, then Cheatle is a patsy, too, but in the political sense.

Meanwhile, the SS story could have easily been instigated or caused by the intel faction - a second one - who organized this whole thing, with the goal being Cheatle taking the blame. The intel faction could have issued a stand-down order. Or they could have simply planted the info with the Senators that a threat was known, and no action was taken by the SS. They could have locked the security officers in the fenced enclosure. They could have made sure no local police were on Crooks' roof. They could have done any number of things. I think all it would take is a few people planted in the correct positions of the command hierarchy.

Basically, I think Cheatle was set up to be the scapegoat in the event that Trump was truly assassinated. 'SS incompetence/culpability' was the narrative we are all meant to SEE (and it is true based on most of the facts). But this detracts from the larger question - who was behind the assassination attempt in the first place?

Hope that makes sense. I could be wrong, but that's what the Prouty material has me thinking.

Surely makes sense and is likely.
I hope I'm alone in this struggle but I'm sure there's others here who can understand.

BTW sorry for the tone of my last post. It's probably something I should have posted in the Swamp. But I do wonder how many here who read that have experienced any of the same things with their own friends and family? And if anyone has some input that might help heal things, I'm open. I'm doing all I can for myself currently so that isn't so much of an issue, though it is hard in its own way. Thanks for listening, always appreciated. On with the assassination discussion.

You're definitely not alone, although maybe not all of us have a parent who is so focused on hating Trump. They'll all say nasty things about him, like the media tells them to, but most I think don't spend too much time on it. Only when the topic comes up.
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